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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. 1946 Continued. After giving up three runs in the second inning, Athletics starter Phil Marchildon settled down and shut the Dodgers down the rest of the way. Barney McCoskey is having a hell of a game. Here he hits Philadelphia's third triple of the game off of Dodger starter Joe Hatten. The A's tie the score in the seventh via a sacrifice fly. The Dodgers got the call on this one even though first baseman Ed Stevens was off the bag. Dixie Walker, the "People's Cherce" for the Brooklyn fans. Down 5-3 in the 9th, Dixie Walker attempts to get things going with a single. That's it. The Dodgers are done in this game and the Athletics win 5-3.
  2. Next up here is the 1946 season mod which was created by Jim825. You can download 1946 season right here.If you are familiar with Jim's previous works with these season mods, you won't be disappointed at all with this mod. Once again it is a quick and easy install process that eliminates any problems anyone would come across with in installing these mods The choice of music again is fantastic, just as you would have heard had we been around during this season. The 1946 season is famous for the Red Sox winning their first pennant since 1918 and this was the Cardinals' fourth pennant in the 1940's and their last one until 1964. Video of Barney McCosky's 9th inning home run. Screenshots of the 1946 season mod. Welcome to Total Classics 1946 Ed Stevens of the Dodgers is out at the plate as he tries to score a run in the first inning. Pee Wee Reese makes a fantastic play at shortstop to throw out an Athletics runner. Elmer Valo of Philadelphia triples to right field. Valo had two triples in this game. Carl Furillo is robbed of a base hit by this sliding catch in the fifth inning. Brooklyn's Pete Reiser. What might have been. Barney McCoskey hits his first home run of the game to pull the Athletics to within one run of the Dodgers.
  3. Updated to 11-15 ...Doing a early entry this week in this thread because I can't lately seem to sleep through the night now. Right around 3 or 4 am is when I wake up and can't get back to sleep. All I need is another problem. ...I'm already sick of seeing the Christmas commercials. They have started at the beginning of the month and have been increasing every day on TV. &*#&* Walmart is the main culprit. ...Gas is getting near three dollars a gallon now. It's probably been that way in some areas for quite some time now. Just another way of getting squeezed during the holiday season. Personally, I can't wait until Christmas day when this is all over. ...How the hell did Harold Reynolds get a job on the MLB Network? The guy's got an annoying voice and it turns into a shrill whenever he gets excited about something. ...Anyone watch the Bud Selig interview with Bob Costas on that network? (How the hell could you have missed it? They only repeated that interview over and over.) Selig had a perpetual puzzled and confused look on his face while answering Costas' questions. And some of them he was just plain evasive. ...Does anyone think there is any stock in that 2012 prophecy? ...Maybe the Yanks don't make a big splash in the free agent market like they did last year, but next year I'd like to see them actively go after Joe Mauer. That I'd love to see because as anyone who knows me in here, I am no Jorge Posada fan. ...I wonder if this Aroldis Chapman is the real deal? A left handed pitcher who can throw 100 mph? Might be something to look into. ...Yankee haters can finally say that Derek Jeter is a bum. But sorry to rain on your parade here. This is just a movie. And I might have to go and see it even though Will Ferrell is going to be in it. ...And finally, a big thank you to Sal for creating the 1927 total conversion mod for MVP Baseball.
  4. Just an update here. I know I am behind here as I have not yet reviewed the 1946 season mod, the Best of the 80's and 90's and the 1927 season mod in this thread. As soon as I have the strength enough to sit down and play a game, I will. Having two surgeries in two months drains a lot of strength out of you, but I'm improving. I am hoping that one day next week I can devote some time to this thread. At least that is my goal.
  5. Mark, I would have got rid of that bug the second I saw it. Bugs and I have a shaky relationship. They stay in their own area and I stay in mine and never do I want the both us to meet.
  6. Updated to 11-8 ...Can it be? Has 2K sports released a game that a lot of these guys in here are actually enjoying? I've been reading some nice stuff about the new basketball game by 2K sports from some of the guys in the shoutbox. I'm glad that 2K finally released something that people are actually liking. My question is, will this continue on when baseball 2K10 is released? That's what I'm hoping for. ...The MLB Network, after virtually ignoring the Yankees since they went on the air this past January, have been playing Yankee World Series highlights practically non-stop. Thank you MLB for this. Of course, by next week you'll be back promoting the Red Sox, but I'll take what I can get. ...One thing that the MLB Network does right is those Studio 42 interviews by Bob Costas. Every one of them have been great. Like that Juan Marichal-Johnny Roseboro one when they went in detail about what happened and why when Marichal hit Roseboro over the head with a bat in a 1965 game. Turns out, both players became good friends. ...Two million people attended the Yankee victory parade? That's more people the Pirates get in attendance for the entire year. Sorry everyone, I just find this hilarious. ...With the exception of the World Series Highlights DVD, I'm not going to be buying any "Official" Yankee World Series souvenirs. $30 for that hat? Thanks, but no thanks. ...I would not want to be Brian Cashman right now. He's got a lot of tough decisions to make in the coming weeks about who stays and who goes and what free agents to go after. I think we may be surprised as to what will happen during these coming months. ...I've been lucky to see my Yankees win the World Series seven times in my life. I know that's very fortunate especially if I compare myself to fans of the Indians or Giants for example, teams that haven't won anything in a long time. I think about that sometimes and after thinking about it, I really don't care. If they win, they win. I'm just not going to root for them to do so. ...World Champion New York Yankees. To me, those five words go together perfectly. Nine long and frustrating years are finally over. ...It just occurred to me that I did not go out and vote this past Tuesday. Well, I couldn't. I can hardly get out of the house now because of what I went through. ...It's frustrating during this recovery time after surgery because you don't know if you are making progress or not. The healing is extremely slow, so slow that you sometimes think nothing is happening. Without these pain pills, I'd never make it. ...Anyone watching that new show on USA called "White Collar"? Not a bad show. Give it a shot. 10 pm on Friday nights.
  7. Updated to 11-1 ...My God, it's November already. And we are still playing baseball. Something's wrong with this. ...Can anyone stay up to the end of these games? I try my best but sometimes I can't. ...Once again these late starts are killing the game. They want kids to get interested in baseball, but when they tune in to the World Series at 9:30 pm or so, they are only in the second inning. Sorry, they got to go and get ready for bed for school tommorrow. ...For those wondering, I was gone again because I had to have a second surgery. Again, I won't bore you all with details, but it was a tough 17 days in the hospital. And I am determined never to go there again. ...Anyone ever here of a protein drink called Ensure ? I have to drink that to get protein in me and I have to have a high protein diet to help with the healing stages. So I got to have a lot of eggs, milk, cheese, meat, fish, etc. And I got to drink a lot. Here's the problem: I don't have an appetite right now and I have to force this stuff down me. Before this all happened, I had an appetite. Now when I need the appetite, it deserts me. ...Listen, if any of you know anything about these protein drinks, can you let me know what is the best one in your opinion? I don't know much about these. I just picked up the Ensure's because they were on sale. I have no idea if there are better options out there. ...I've become quite a TV watcher as I have said in some past posts in here since I've been home from the hospital. And I am at the point right now where I am bored out of my mind. Ever want to watch a movie on AMC for example? Forget it! They put so many commercials in between the movie that you can't even enjoy it. They can make a two hour movie a four hour one with no problem. ...No trick or treaters at my house yesterday. That's for two reasons. First, it was not that good of a night to be out due to the weather and secondly, we had our lights off. I'm too sick to deal with the doorbell being rung repeatedly. ...My condolences to that little girl in Florida whose body was found in a trash area. She's just a baby who did not deserve that. And my condolences to the person or persons who did this because that little girl's mother will kill them if given the chance. Let's hope that the killer(s) will be caught soon. ...Don't forget!!! Turn your clocks back today one hour.
  8. Updated to 10-4 ...Because of the playoffs starting this week, this month is going to fly by. We're going to be watching so much baseball that we won't know where the month has gone. ...And then when it's finally over, we'll miss it just like we do every year at this time. ...It's about time the Dodgers finally got around to winning their division. The season was almost done so they figured that they had nothing else to do. ...Who else thinks the AL Central will go down to a one game playoff? ...I've been spending a lot of time on Youtube the past few days ever since I found out that some guy was posting an old cartoon called Underdog. I really doubt if anyone here would remember this show. ...I think that the lady who does the Progressive insurance commercials is just as annoying as the Geico commercials. ...While I am obviously pulling for a very successful Yankee October, I still am hoping for Andy Pettitte to get the hell off the team and never return. ...How about winning the last game of the season just to recall what it feels like to win ? ...Tampa's deliberate beaning of Mark Teixeira won't be answered back by the Yankees until next year. ...Let's see if the Raiders can score more than three points today. Nothing changes with this team.
  9. Updated to 9-27 ...Already I can start to feel a chill in the air. Not good at all. ...Saw the replay of Ichiro being ejected yesterday. I really don't think he did anything that bad. ...The Cardinals won the NL Central last night and now you too can own official Division Champs merchandise from MLB.COM to celebrate the occasion. The cheapest thing is a $21.99 youth T-shirt while the one they are going to soak you most for is a Playoff Therma Base Classic Hood which can be yours for $54.99. They're always thinking of us. ...The upcoming four game series at Detroit with the Twins should be very interesting. Maybe the MLB Network will actually show a few of these games instead of replays of games that we have already seen. ...It's nice to see that even Joba Chamberlain can still pitch a good game. ...C.C. Sabathia has been all the Yankees hoped for, and the same goes for Mark Teixeira. We'd be lost without them. ...I got to admit, even Robinson Cano is knocking the hell out of the ball. ...But none of this matters if they can't play this way in October. ...Worst fans in the world, Part 9,872: A teacher in Baldwinsville, New York (a suburb of Syracuse) ordered one of his students to not wear his Yankee shirt. This teacher is a Red Sox fan so he didn't want to see the Yankee shirt. I hope this guy gets fired. ...The Cowboys new stadium looks impressive. They'll be on Monday Night so everyone can see it.
  10. Updated to 9-20 ...Not many random thoughts today because all that's still on my mind is my little Scottie who left me all too soon. ...I don't want to get all philosophical or anything like that here, but I'll never understand why a bad thing like that happened to an animal that never did one bit of harm to anyone. That dog had me wrapped around her little paw and I would have done anything for her. ...Usually I can recall exactly what I did during the course of a day but yesterday is a blank. ...At one point I decided to check out the Yankee game but I couldn't find it and then I remembered that they were out on the west coast. So I said F*** it and didn't bother. ...With any luck I'll get some sleep today because yesterday I went without it. ...Have a great week everyone.
  11. Updated to 9-13 (actually 9-16, but what's a couple of days between friends?) ...I'm back once again. If you notice the previous post in this thread that I made back on September 6th, that post is also the last one I made in here since that time. I went back into the hospital on the 6th and remained there until yesterday afternoon when I was released. That's a long time. ...I won't go into detail about everything since some of you wouldn't understand it, some of you aren't interested and some of you don't care, but to sum it up I had some complications due to the surgery and I am on antibiotics every day now, at least until they decide to stop it. ...I did come home yesterday and popped in here for a bit but I couldn't stay because I was so tired. You do not sleep in a hospital and I can vouch for that. You try to sleep when you are always getting your blood pressure checked, temperature taken, shot given to you, etc, etc. If you can, you got me beat. ...Listen, I'm hoping that none of you guys in here ever have to go to a hospital for anything but if you do I strongly recommend a private room. Because along with all the noise that the hospital staff causes, you got the guy in the same room as you making just as much. God forbid you get a roommate like I had. The guy complained about everything. He drove the nursing staff and myself crazy. ...After being admitted via the emergency room twice, I got to say that the people that work there are very special and they do a wonderful job. ...As soon as they tell you that you are not allowed to eat or drink anything, that's when you immediately crave a glass of water. ...Because I am a charter member of the Sniveling Cowards Association of Upstate New York, having an IV put into me hurt like hell. It even hurt when they told me they were going to put one in. ...Finally, I just have to say a prayer that I never have to go there again. Now, on to sports... ...Thank you Serena Williams for showing the entire world why I have hated you and your sister for years now. After threatening to kill a tennis official because a call didn't go her way, she's been spinning around her story and making excuses since this happened. I have no respect for you and I am glad you finally showed your true colors. ...Question for Yankee fans: Doesn't watching Robinson Cano play drive you nuts? I can not help but thinking this guy is a lazy S.O.B. Not in the Soriano class of course, but this guy is as close as you'd want to get. I may yell at Posada a lot, but Cano is the guy I hate the most. ...The only good thing about yesterday's loss to Toronto was that Sergio Mitre played himself off the playoff roster. Thank God for that. ...Isn't it funny that every series that the Yankees play with Toronto they never miss facing Roy Halladay? Of course, it's not the same when the Blue Jays face Boston. The Blue Jays are this year's team that lays down when they face the Red Sox and go all out when they face the Yankees. ...If the Raiders keep playing like they did on Monday, they'll surprise people this year. I was able to watch the entire game on Monday since I was still laid up in the hospital and I had nothing to do anyways. It was a very tough loss. ...$%&* Tom Brady. ...I'm watching Sportscenter the other day and I see that they just launched a new website called ESPN.Boston.com. I almost threw the remote at the TV but then I remembered the hospital owned it and not myself. How do you like this? ESPN finally comes out and admits to the entire world they they favor Boston and they give them their own private website that concentrates on Boston sports. BULL FU**ING SH**. The MLB Network grovels to that city. ESPN grovels to them. Tell me why? ...Oh yeah, and so do the schedule makers. How right is it that the Yankees have to open up the 2010 season in Boston and close the 2010 season in Boston? Why is it that they make the Yankees do this but don't even consider making Boston do this. It must be nice having the commissioner in your back pocket.
  12. Updated to 9-6 ...The recovery part after the surgery is really taking a toll on me. I've never been so tired in my life. I'm up for a few hours and then I start to feel exhausted, and that means it's time to sleep some more. I think with all the sleep that I have missed over the past six months, I'm probably all caught up by now. ...I have a pain pill called Hydrocodone (Vicotin) that I try not to take because you can get hooked on it. ...It's my hope that I never have to go through this again. Now I know what it means to be on the receiving end of a blindside tackle. ...I know a lot of you love college football, but for me it's going to be another season of ignoring it completely. ...The only football team I worry about is the Raiders and that's fine by me. ...I'll admit that I was very puzzled by the trade for Jerry Hairston, Jr but I'm not anymore. I'm impressed with the versatility that this guy brings to the Yankees. And he is a huge upgrade from last year's versatile guy Wilson Betemit, who excelled at nothing during his Yankee tenure. ...Derek Jeter is very close to breaking the all time hit record for a Yankee player. He should pass Lou Gehrig sometime this week. I just hope he realizes that Gehrig would have had a lot more hits had he not been struck ill in 1939. ...Nice to see good guy Jason Giambi hook up with the Rockies and be productive for them. ...Another example of the huge difference between the two leagues. Jose Contreras, the Cuban pitcher who couldn't get anyone out, gets traded to Colorado and in his first start goes 6 2/3 innings and gives up 8 hits for the win. I never understood with all the good stuff that guy has he is not a winner. ...Thank you Mark Kotsay.
  13. Updated to 8-30 ...I did not mean to let this go for a few weeks and not post anything in here, but I think I have a good excuse as to why. I've been in the hospital for a week and now I have been home for a week recovering. ...A hernia combined with a small bowel obstruction equals severe abdominal pain. It will make you (reluctantly) go to the emergency room and then be told hours later that you need surgery. Not what I was expecting. ...So, as a result, on the 18th I had surgery and had to spend the rest of that week in the hospital. ...It's true you don't get rest in a hospital but you can't blame the nurses. If you have a semi-private room, there's your biggest problem. The visitors for my different roommates while I was there talked and carried on like they were at a picnic. LOUD. ...The people that come in and take blood from you try to fool you when they say "this won't hurt a bit." Oh yes it does. Every time. ...But I do have to say right here that the people that work in a hospital are special. They do a great job and they really helped me a lot. I'm especially thinking about my time in the surgical ICU with those nurses there who helped me walk around the day after the surgery. ...I had to go five straight days without drinking, which was just as hard as the operation itself. ...The time where it is really slow in a hospital is the early morning hours. Many times you can't sleep and all you can do is listen to the sounds around you. ...Remember that Friday night game in Boston between the Yankees and Red Sox? The game the Yankees won 20-11? Well, I watched it until the game started to actually hurt me. Back when the Yankees were winning 15-5, the Red Sox were threatening. They had the bases loaded off of Pettitte and all I could think of was "grand slam and the game is going to be 15-9 and that's close enough for a comeback." I was moving around so much in bed then that I popped off my heart monitors and the nurses had to come in and put them back on. They wanted to know what was causing the problem and I told them it was Andy Pettitte. They asked me to change the channel so I could calm down. So, I did. I put it on USA and watched the latest episode of Monk and then everything was back to normal. ...I got released on the 22nd in the afternoon and I have been home ever since. Still can't be here on a regular basis as before because I'm always tired and I have a hard time moving around right now and getting up. I have this binder on me right now that really limits mobility. ...I had to catch up on a lot of pages when I first came back here. It's amazing what you miss. ...Now I will go back and lay down since it is still only 5:30 am and I need more rest. I can't sleep through the night yet.
  14. Please send me a PM right now Athletics4ever.
  15. Never heard of Fenton before and I don't even know where it is. But I didn't judge the entire city on the actions of two drunken pigs.
  16. Updated to 8-9 ...The movie Funny People is one of the top movies across the country right now and I'm amazed as to why that is. It wasn't that good of a movie and it really wasn't that funny at all. Not even my wife, who is a huge Adam Sandler fan, thought it was that great. ...Why the secrecy of who claimed Alex Rios? ...Yankee fans should be very happy about how this current series with you-know-who is going, but it's still just a series in early August and there are a lot of games to be played. ...Former Blue Jay Josh Towers didn't have a long stay with the Yankees yesterday. He took a taxi to the ballpark and he should have told the driver to wait. He's already gone. ...The Red Sox had their "Futures at Fenway" game at their ballpark yesterday. It's a game where one of their minor league affiliates play at Fenway Park for a day and there are reduced ticket prices to attend the game. The Red Sox have been doing this for a few years now and it is probably one of the best ideas in all of baseball. ...Did David Ortiz do steroids or not? What do I know and most importantly, what does it matter? All I care about with this guy is that the Yankees get him out. ...One thing you do have to realize about Ortiz is that he is going to have a lot of people on his side for this just because of the kind of person he is. He does not have a Barry Bonds personality, that is to say he's not a jerk. He doesn't have the attitude of Roger Clemens, who wasn't that well liked even before his steroid problems. Like him or hate him, this guy is well liked by his fanbase because of the kind of person he is off the field. ...Women and beer. Bad combination. Just ask these two female Cardinal fans. They had too much Budweiser and then they pushed an old Busch Stadium usher out of his wheelchair. Maybe the Cardinals should stop beer sales after the second inning from now on or just ban these two from the ballpark for the next 50 or 60 years. ...Went to my first baseball game of the year one week ago today. Saw the AAA team of the Philadelphia Phillies play, the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. Former Blue Jay Gustavo Chacin pitched for them and did pretty well. The Red Wings won it on the Iron Pigs bullpen in the bottom of the ninth. ...For some reason, the National Anthem sounds better in person when you are at a ballgame. And of course, the hot dogs taste better too. I'll vouch for that. Twice. :lol:
  17. Updated to 8-2 ...Man was this a tough week! Worrying about the trade deadline and wondering if the Yankees were going to pull off another blockbuster trade by acquiring someone they didn't really need while mortgaging their farm system again. Thank the Lord this didn't happen this year. ...But at the same time, why Jerry Hairston, Jr? Where the hell did that come from? ...And the Yankees are playing bad once again. At least I know where the hell that came from. This team is a bunch of pretenders. ...Hey DJ, it's past the trading deadline. Who's your team now? Don't pick the Yankees, they'll drive you nuts. ...How about those Pirates? Too bad for them the trade deadline didn't extend another day or so. Then they would have had time to trade the rest of their farm system. ...Yesterday, Andrew McCutchen of Pittsburgh hit three home runs in a 11-6 victory over Washington. Watch for this guy to be traded in the off season. ...Every GM in baseball was greedy during this trading period except of course when dealing with Theo Epstien of the Red Sox. Then they gave him what he wanted without a fight. ...Yeah Indians, I'm talking about you. ...Whatever happened to Ben Sheets? ...Still waiting for Matt Garza to be suspended for admitting he hit Mark Teixeira of the Yankees in a game last week. ...David Ortiz made news back in February saying that if a player gets caught doing steroids he should be banned for a year. Now, he should eat his own words and ask for an indefinite leave of absence. ...The smartest thing pitchers can do right now when facing Matt Holliday of St. Louis is to walk him. ...Thirty years today for Thurman Munson. :(
  18. Updated to 7-26 ...Amazing isn't it? Here it's the 26th of July already and once again the month of July flies by. ...Now I'm getting a bit worried. The trade deadline is getting closer and closer and the Yankees haven't done anything yet. I am always concerned that they are going to get rid of too much in a trade. ...One of these years the Pirates are not going to make any trades at the trade deadline and they'll shock baseball fans everywhere. ...Stay Halladay, stay! ...Last year the Yankees started out after the All-Star break with an eight game winning streak. This year, same thing. As a Yankee fan I am hoping this is where history stops repeating itself. ...To be honest, I had little faith in yesterday's game because Andy Pettitte was on the mound and this year he's been terrible at Yankee Stadium. In fact, he's just terrible. ...Hall of Fame Day today. And that's one place that I do not want to be. Thousands and thousands of people coming together in that one little village? No thanks. ...Took a boat ride yesterday on the Erie Canal, something I've never done before. It was very nice taking the ride and listening to the history of the Canal. The only thing I didn't like about the ride was three little bastard kids who kept running up and down the boat making noise and disrupting people. ...Anyone who has not seen Public Enemies yet with Johnny Depp. It's about the story of John Dillinger and his bank robbing ways in the 1930's. I won't spoil anything about it except to say that it was worth going to. ...Every public preview from the Sandbox Games crew so far has looked great and it increases the anticipation for this game.
  19. I understand what you mean. The song can be any song you wish to put in it. It's your choice. It also can be as long or short as you want. For example I have a six minute song in there and another one is only a couple of minutes. For the length of the song when you put it into LOCLOOK, take a look at the first post in this thread. I have a few songs that run a little over the allotted space and you can see how it looks as a finished product. But the bottom line is it still works.
  20. Yes it will. It will work for any conversion mod out there and the original 2005 game itself (a copy that I am guessing that you mean have no mods installed yet.) All this is is changing the songs and putting the ones in that you want and in the proper format for the game.
  21. Not a problem. Glad it worked out well for you.
  22. You must have done something wrong because LOCLOOK will open up the .LOC files in Mvp baseball. They are in your DATA directory. EDIT: Any questions with this, let me know in this thread. I will be back later on and I'll try to help. Or maybe before hand someone will jump in and show you.
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