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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I think you are misunderstanding what this is. The subscription fee is for the payment for the server costs each month that this website has. 100% of the money goes to that and only that. Unfortunately this has come to pass here. Check out how many members we have here. As I write this there are 75,092 members and most of them contribute nothing to the running of the website. But, this is your opinion and that's how it is.
  2. That is what I like to call the dshibshm doctrine.
  3. I wouldn't even do that. Do what Jim825 does and that is announce nothing. When you give out a target release date for something and you do not release it on that date, you will hear about it from people in here. Jim announces nothing and says nothing about the mod he is working on and the way you find out about it is when you log on here and see it listed in the newest downloads. That's the best way to go.
  4. Thank you. That is what I am concerned about too, whether I will not listen to it enough. Maybe I'll just keep the radio off if there is no other options. I sure as hell could care less about that Limbaugh guy.
  5. Updated to 7-19 ...This is my favorite part of Sunday morning where I wake up early to let the dogs out and then after that I can sit back and take it easy while the wife is still asleep. I just love the quiet. ...Sure as hell won't get any this week because she's on vacation for the whole week. ...I've been looking at the advantages of XM radio. If anyone has it, let me know how you like it. ...I'll tell you why I'm looking at XM radio. Since I am home I'd like to have the radio on while I am doing things around the house just to listen to something and the only radio show that is on every day in the afternoons is the Rush Limbaugh show and there's no way I'm going to listen to that idiot. ...Yesterday was old timers day at Yankee Stadium. No one does that event as well as the Yankees. ...And I still can't wait for the day when Jorge Posada joins that roster. ...I'm hoping for a strong second half for the Yankees but at the same time I am not forgetting how they started out last year right after the All-Star break. They won eight in a row and then that was that. They slumped for the rest of the year and didn't make the playoffs. Partly it was due to lack of pitching and partly it was due to the laziness of Robinson Cano, who I still dislike to this day. ...Here's hoping that Toronto demands every top prospect the Yankees or Red Sox have for Roy Halladay. Even better, here's hoping they don't trade him. ...Wouldn't it be funny if Soriano got traded at the trade deadline this year? That would do nothing but help the Cubs. ...I just love my Five-O season six DVD set. I'm already done with disc one. :)
  6. OTBJoel, what would consist of testing this mod out for you? Let me know.
  7. I think I'm only going to serve tea on rare occasions now because the price of it went up. As for my PbP's of the Yankees, they'll be back once I can convince myself of watching them on TV again. Damn straight!! I mean WTF? That was true for every Front Page Sports Baseball game. Some things were impressive but at the same time it was hard to play because they did such a bad job. No and hell no. Not that I don't mind looking a some beautiful twenty-something blonde jumping up and down in a short skirt, but this does not belong in major league baseball. No room for it. Keep it in the NFL and in college.
  8. Updated to 7-12 ...No random update last week because one week ago today I was still down at my wife's hometown visiting the people that live there while at the same time anxiously awaiting to leave. ...If any of you guys want to experience what true boredom is like, visit Binghamton, New York once in your life. You won't be able to get out of there fast enough. ...When we got there, I thought we were going to have to stay longer because the serpentine belt in our car broke and we had to get a tow into Binghamton. Fortunately I have AAA Plus so I got free towing, but I still had to pay 85 dollars for a new belt. *&$**&(() ...And that is why this Sunday is so much better than the last one! ...Oh no! Is that the Angels team in the other dugout? We're going to lose! That's what it looks like to me when the Yankees are faced up against this team. ...I did not watch yesterday's game on FOX, but I read about it. You have to beat the Angels with good starting pitching and that is what the Yankees did not do both nights. Joba screwed up again and Pettitte has shown that he does not have it anymore. That's why the Yankees lost. ...If Brian Cashman offers Pettitte another contract for 2010, he should be fired immediately. ...The other night (Friday) I listened to part of the Yankee game on the radio in my backyard. I only listened to the first three innings, which was ok because the Yankees were winning. Then I went to bed because I was exhausted. If I'd had listened to the whole game outside (a 10-6 Yankee loss) the neighbors near me would have called the cops. ...If anyone wants to spend the All Star game here on this site like we did last year, you are all welcome. Last year we had a bunch of people in the chat room while the game was on and it was a lot of fun. ...Roy Halladay is a heckuva pitcher and the Blue Jays should only trade him if they have to. Sure, I'd love to see him in a Yankee uniform, but I don't want the Yankees to mortgage the farm system for him. We are finally building it back up to respectability to mess it up now. ...In case some of you were wondering about me, I've had some things to deal with outside of here that I had to take care of and partly because of what was going on I could not do my job properly here on this site, so I was temporarily removed from this position here. Now that everything is at a point where I can not go further with it, I can let you all know what was going on. I've been home since January and I've been trying to get back to work as quickly as possible but it has got to the point where I can't return now and now I will be forced to have a disability retirement. This is something I did not expect to happen to me, but it has and I have to deal with it.
  9. You can make your donation to the paypal account for this website.
  10. Updated to 6-28 ...Happy 35th birthday Derek Jeter, two days ago now. His present to the Yankees was not playing on that day, therefore avoiding grounding into another double play. ...Sure wish June would get done. Haven't watched a Yankee game since the second game of the Mets series at Yankee Stadium. ...With the recent flu bug that is going around on the Yankees, I kind of wish someone would sneeze on Chien-Ming Wang. ...The recent death of Michael Jackson and the media attention it has been receiving reminds me of when Elvis Presley died in 1977...almost. Just consider all the press this is getting and multiply it by ten for Elvis and then that should give you an idea how it was for the remainder of the year in '77. It was non-stop. ...My wife loves to watch NCIS and so do I, up to a point because I hate that DiNozzo guy. ...Wasn't around yesterday because I read two books, If I Never Get Back and the sequel to it, Two in the Field, both written by a man named Darryl Brock. It's a baseball/history book about a guy who gets sent back in time to 1869 and ends up playing for the original Cincinnati Red Stockings. I'll tell you no more about it just in case anyone's interested. ...Has anyone ever tried BS Player? I tried the free version some time ago and I liked it so much that I bought the Pro version, which is well worth it. ...Strange that we talked about this the other day in the shoutbox about why some people don't use Twitter or myspace or Facebook because someone asked me two days ago about joining Facebook to "keep up with me." We both live in the same city, so I told him that if he wants to do that he can send e-mail or pick up a phone. I won't bother with Facebook. ...This is going back a few years now, but does anyone remember a P2P file-sharing program released by Globalscape (the makers of CuteFTP) called CuteMX? I used to be on that a lot. Guess it just disappeared because it was during the time all that moaning and groaning was going on about downloading mp3's. ...I can promise you all that you will have a better time on the Fourth of July than I will because I will be out of town being bored out of my mind. That's right, another in-law trip.
  11. Mantracker? That guy wouldn't even need a horse to find me. I'd get five feet with my knees and then be caught.
  12. Just joined up about ten minutes ago. I'll be very happy to wait my 12-24 hour waiting period.
  13. Apocallypse, thanks for giving us the heads up on this great game and the mods you have for this. I bet you are going to get a lot more members on your site after the guys on here come over there to check out your site. Best of luck to you. I'll be joining too but I have to make sure I have NHL 2004 first. I got a question about the posting rights rule that you have there. I see that you have to wait 12-24 hours to post, and I don't see a problem with the reason for it at all. We have the same problem here with spammers. We have one jerk who comes in here every so often with the prescription pills and another one who has porn sites. Now here's my question. How is this really useful? Again, I see the reason. But if a spammer joins, why can't he lay low for those 12-24 hours and then as soon as he is able to post, then post his spam? Isn't this just delaying what the person behind this account is going to do? I am also going to let our site owner know about this because if this is effective, maybe we should do it here. Thank you again for letting everyone know of the advancements in NHL 04.
  14. Thank you, I just may look for it in the bargain bins at Gamestop or if I strike out, I'll check e-bay when I have an opportunity.
  15. Updated to 6-21 ...The funniest thing that I read about this week was when the Cubs got their Gatorade machine removed from their dugout. Doesn't it seem to you that they are really going to miss having this small luxury when July and August get here? ...Alfonso Soriano, after finding out the Gatorade machine was taken away, wanted to know if one can be put in left field so he could grab a drink at any time. ...The gutsy play of the year has to go to Toronto's Marco Scutaro. In a recent game against the Phillies, Scutaro was walked and then immediately stole second base as the base was not covered by the Phillie shortstop or second baseman because they were too busy shining their World Series rings. It was a good hustle play that I have never seen happen before and you can view that play right here. Just look for the video highlight called Scutaro's sneaky steal. ...I have not watched a Yankee game all week and I haven't missed a thing because honestly I can't stand looking at those guys anymore. ...Alex Rodriguez is not the only guy who needs to be benched for two or more games. Start with the captain and then move to the outfield. In fact the entire team needs a reality check. ...Once again, I have never seen a team that is supposed to be such a great hitting team constantly go through phases of not hitting at all. All it proves to me is that this is a sorry, overrated bunch of losers. ...Memo to Joba Chamberlain: Throw strikes you SOB. ...One thing I've noticed while I have been on this website is that I can put down, complain about, scream at, yell at and insult the Yankees all I want...and no one says boo. No one complains about it, no one gets mad at me, no one tells me I'm wrong. But God forbid let me say one thing that is not praiseworthy of the Boston Red Sox in here, I am going to hear it just like I had to when I had the nerve to complain about their own Kevin Youkilis being in first place in the All-Star voting. All of a sudden it's a different story. ...The President of the United States killed a fly this week during an interview and PETA actually got upset about it and made a big deal out of it. Can you believe it? Now a fly has rights too? PETA's going to go nuts this summer because people all across the country are going to be killing flies when they are having cookouts or on picnics or when they get in people's homes. In times like this I'd love to have one of the public officials tell these people to go shove it up their ass. ...My sure cure for making any bad day that I have a good one is watching an episode of Quantum Leap.
  16. I can confirm that too. If the ad for the toolbar was moved a little towards the left it would fix everything.
  17. Updated to 6-14 ...This partly has something to do with the three game fiasco the Yankees just finished in Boston, but I will not be watching any of their games probably for the rest of the month. It's getting to be just a little too much watching the true colors of this team reveal itself again. ...Part of their problem is holding on to guys that helped them win in the 90's.Andy Pettitte needs to be shown the door. And fast. Jorge Posada needs to do the same.Thanks both of you for all you did, but my calendar on the wall says 2009 and not 1999. ...I believe that Chien-Ming Wang deserves another start. But only one more. Then if he screws up, take him in the bullpen when no one is there and break his leg. ...And the next time a Yankee reliever comes in the game and walks the first batter I'm going to break something. ...Some people from Accu-Weather.com recently did a study in the new Yankee Stadium and came away with the finding that there is no jet stream in right field that is causing all those home runs. Of course there isn't. It's caused by all the bad pitching by the home team. ...I'm someone who was around when Thurman Munson was the captain of the team and I'm telling you right now that Jeter is a terrible captain. Munson would get in your face if anyone ran the bases like Nick Swisher did in Boston. Munson would tell A-Rod to get his God damn head in the game and start hitting and a Munson lead team would never have lost to the Red Sox eight straight games. NEVER. ...Did anyone read about the way the Indians are trying to combat the seagull problem at Jacobs Field? They're going to set off fireworks between innings to scare them away. The Indians are doing everything they can to get rid of them and the Red Sox are doing all they can to bring them to Boston the next time the Yankees visit. ...Favoritism 101: Brad Penny hits Alex Rodriguez in the back and receives no fine. AJ Burnett doesn't hit the batter and is fined six games. Guess which pitcher is the Red Sox player? ...Favoritism 101, Part II: The fine levied on Jonathan Paplebon for "slow play" (taking too long to make his first pitch when he comes into the game) was only for $1,000. That a way to stick it to him MLB! Paplebon probably walks around with thousand dollar bills in his wallet. What a way to get your point across. And that brings me to.. ...The average Red Sox game this year lasts three hours and three minutes which proves they are doing all they can to stall and bore the hell out you. ...Wrigleyville33 (who is probably one of the funniest guys on this site by the way) brought this to my attention the other day that the hi-res trick that you can do at CBS Sportsline is not working now. I was pretty worried about that until I remembered that for some reason they seem to do this every so often because this happened last year too. ...A big thanks to redsox (<--see how that team haunts me?) for making throwback uniforms. If they all look as good as the early 1970's Expos then this will be one of the hottest downloads of the summer. ...How screwed up is this? The 88 year old nutcase who shot a security guard at the Holocaust Museum will live to face charges while the guy he killed leaves behind a family. ...Anyone see Land of the Lost yet? How bad did Will Ferrell ham it up? ...Welcome back Burn Notice and In Plain Sight.I missed you. ...And Royal Pains looks like another good one on the USA Network. ...Well, the Penguins won the Stanley Cup. And I'm here to say who gives a *&%^? Like it actually made a blip on the radar. And the Los Angeles Lakers are a game away from winning the NBA championship. More exciting news. Hoo-boy. ...If anyone wants to see MVP baseball at it's best, follow any of the dynasties that are currently going on in here. Your best bets are JoeRudi (the king of dynasty presentations)and rookie_rick. ...June 14th is flag day for those interested.
  18. Yeah, I agree and this is exactly what sportsmanship is about. It was an impressive thing that the other team did for this girl. All I am saying is that the competitive part of me would have understood just as much if she had to be credited with that two run single that the umpires said she would have had if someone had pinch run for her.
  19. Nice story of good sportsmanship. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKUaLlK776s...ec-HM-fresh+div I confess I have mixed feelings about that video. I think it was one of the nicest things I ever saw and the sportsmanship displayed by that other team was unbelievable. But on the other hand, what they did helped them lose the game. A Priest beats someone up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X39hHGqGXAs Some nut beats up a pastor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-tu32HkWaw...feature=related
  20. Yes it has, many times. Search the forums.
  21. The title of this thread is Mvp Baseball 2005 for Dummies.
  22. Stop torturing us Mvp users with this wonderful work that you do on uniforms. I don't know if I can take it anymore. :(
  23. Total Classics Phase 10 Continued Play of the game for St. Louis as they tag out an unlucky Tiger runner as he tries to get back to third base. Birdie Tebbets flys out to deep right against Auker in the later innings. Here's a hidden player in Total Classics, thanks to Fuzzone. Hoot Evers is safe at first on this wild throw by Vern Stephens as the Browns are unable to turn the double play. Chet Laabs of the Browns is shown here as he doubles to drive home the eventual game winning run for the Browns. Hank Greenberg strikes out to end the game against George Caster of the Browns. This video here shows you what happened two batters before Greenberg came up to bat: This is as close as the Tigers got. Final score, St. Louis 4, Detroit 3. Another huge thanks to the Total Classics team of modders.
  24. Next is Total Classics Phase 10, which is the latest installment of the popular Total Classics series. You can download this mod on this site by clicking on this link. Among the differences between Phase 9 and Phase 10 is the addition of the 1933 New York Giants, over fifty updated portraits, seven updated stadiums and roster tweaks. The rest of the changes can be seen on the file description page of the link I provided. Today's game in Total Classics Phase 10 is between the 1942 Browns and the 1946 Tigers. A stolen base off of Hal Newhouser in the second inning. Browns first baseman George McQuinn drives home St. Louis' second run with a single. Elden Auker pitching for the Browns today. Auker went 14-13 in 1942. George Kell singles up the middle against Auker. Birdie Tebbetts sacrifices a runner over to second for Detroit.
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