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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. How quickly you now understand me. Why would you download the images if you already own the game? I may be a lot of things but stupid I am not.
  2. What stir? You did nothing wrong. This is your mod. You make it as you see fit. I don't see this as an issue at all. If you are making a season mod then it should be understood that the player's stats are going to be based on what he did in that particular year, not for his entire career. I think my Dimaggio example from a few posts back explains it well enough. If some guy hit .340 for example in 1998 but in every other year he played he never hit above .280, you can't apply the stats from the other years into that one season mod. It's what the player did in the particular season that is important. That's why you are making a season mod and not a total career mod. That's a huge difference if you think about it.
  3. I kind of figured that based on the answers you were giving. It isn't my business what you download or what you do while you are on the internet but on this site it is. You can not get technical support here because you downloaded this game which is copyrighted material by EA Sports. If we help you out it can be interpreted by the EA company that we are looking the other way when this is done and that we don't care. EA then could make things very hard for us. Now that you've downloaded this game you have to figure everything out for yourself. And please, don't come back here in 48 hours and say you just bought the game because it isn't being sold in stores anymore and where this is being sold (ebay, Amazon) people are paying over fifty dollars for it. That is way over the original price that this game was sold for by EA in 2005. Here is the rule on the site for this: No warez or cracks or links to such content. Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it.
  4. That's odd. Do you have the disks or did you download the game? That might have something to do with it.
  5. Well, it's not for me to contact you about this since I'm not working on the 1998 mod but if you really believe that you have something to offer then that's fine. It is too bad though that you can't show anyone what you mean. Just reading your explanation of what you were trying to convey, I don't believe you are one of those people who come in here and just want, want, want. Just check this thread a few pages back and you'll see a perfect example of what I mean. I don't think you are that kind at all after listening to you. Even though your reasoning is sound, I don't think this is what they are after when a season mod is created. We have a lot of season mods out there as you can tell. Let me use the 1951 mod for an example. That mod is the only season mod that has Joe Dimaggio in it. Dimaggio for his career was a .325 hitter but in 1951, his last year in the majors, he hit .263 with 12 home runs and 71 RBI. Hardly a year you would be proud of if you were a Hall of Fame type player. Even though we all know that Dimaggio was so much more a better player than this, this is exactly what he did in 1951 and to have a season mod be accurate, those are the stats that Dimaggio has when you play that mod. And this is for this reason alone that when Shane Spencer is in the '98 mod, his stats will be better because his overall offensive stats in 1998 were better as compared to any other year he played.
  6. I could be wrong here, but if you plan on releasing this mod in a few months you could be overlooking a lot of things that go into it. You shouldn't even have a timetable for this. When it gets done and you are happy with it, that's when you release it. And that shouldn't matter if it is in six months or a year.
  7. Thank you VDhits, I appreciate it. It was fun for me to make this thread to show everyone, especially the newer users here, some of the season mods that we have here for them to try out. The modders that made these for everyone are simply the best.
  8. Why are you asking this in this thread? This has nothing to do with the 09 uniforms. Nothing at all. You have already ruined this thread by you coming in here and complaining to one of the modders about releasing stuff that you tell him to and now you got to bring this question in here? This thread is about showing off the different total conversion mods we have here, not for questions like yours. Get out of here with this nonsense. In fact, since it is a TiT question, go over to Eamods and annoy them with this.
  9. Wait until the Mvp 09 season mod is out. That will take care of everything.
  10. Updated to 4-26 ...I know it isn't morning, but I was out of town for the weekend and had no chance to update this thread this morning let alone be on the Internet. When I go out of town to the in-laws it's like going back in time. I won't go into much more detail than that about how much I hate it down there. ...If there were awards for such things as "Most Uncomfortable Beds", the beds at my in-laws house would win every single time. ...My little baby daschund had an upset stomach last night and got sick five times. I think it's because the little basta** five year old down there gave her something to eat when I wasn't looking. She's fine now because I got her home now with me, safe and happy where I can spoil her the right way. ...Maybe it was a good thing I wasn't able to get on a computer after the way the Friday and Saturday games ended up for the Yankees. I might have said something out of frustration that someone would have taken offense to and just like that, there would be another problem. ...The Yankees are right on time again with all the injuries that they have been getting, haven't they? ...Is it an unwritten rule that all Yankee-Red Sox games be over four hours? ...15 runs scored against them. 22 runs. Now 16 runs. When are these guys going to get mad and say enough is enough? ...Just today, ten minutes or so ago, I found out what happened to Brian Bruney. News coverage down in that horsebleep town isn't that good either. ...There was one good thing that came out of my weekend down there besides leaving to go home. I went to a Barnes and Noble bookstore and I found a book called Crazy 08: How a cast of cranks, rogues, boneheads and magnates created the greatest year in baseball history. It was on sale for $5.98 (original sale price $24.95) and so far it is a great read. A woman (no kidding) named Cait Murphy wrote this and she has done a remarkable job. ...It bears repeating because it's so true. It is my wish that that pig Hazel Mae is fired from MLB.com. She knows nothing about the game except what she is told to ask from the cue cards.
  11. You just don't listen do you? You just don't listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have to mod what you say to mod? Since when? If you want to make a request then you do that. Put it in the right area of the forum and ask for it only once. Request anything you want. If it is possible to make it, someone will. If not, then that's it. I am really at my wit's end with you. It's like you can't understand anything.
  12. Whatever year this is, I'll still download it. These guys have me hooked on Total Classics.
  13. No it isn't. We don't need the information in advance. It's people like you that make them announce nothing. Not only you, but you are part of it. How many times have you asked when the 09 mod is coming out? How many times do you bump threads on this site and over at Eamods with the same questions? How many times do you ask for the new Yankee Stadium to be made? That's why nothing is announced. That means they can work on this at their own pace and not be pestered with questions. Also, look at how many mods we already have. Go grab a season mod today and pass the time with that and before you know it, a new mod will be released.
  14. There is a very good reason why. If they tell you that they are working on a new season mod, some people will constantly ask them for updates and a release date. This way, with nothing announced, they can work on the mod and not have to be bothered with those questions. It works out great for them. :)
  15. And if anyone wants the Bloom mod, the download page is right here.
  16. Updated to 4-19 ...I still have not calmed down from yesterday's embarrassment at Yankee Stadium. ...Cleveland so far has scored 37 runs in three games. They love Yankee Stadium, and are especially fond of Chein-Ming Wang, who so far can't get anyone out. Unless you happen to be in the bullpen before the game. Then he'll strike you out. ...Good to see Josh Beckett getting what he deserved. ...Not a good week for baseball. Harry Kalas and Mark Fidrych passing away on the same day. Both beloved and respected for what they brought to this great game. Just seems like yesterday that Fidrych had his memorable '76 season. ...Jackie Robinson day in baseball was too far over the top. Not to say he shouldn't have been honored, but come the beginning of July when Larry Doby marks his 50th anniversary, not a damn thing's going to be said by Bud and his staff. ...I hate these ballplayers that point to the sky after they've done something. Vladimir Guerrero is famous for this. He'll point to the sky when he gets a walk. ...I've always wondered something about Hideki Matsui. When he does interviews he has a interpreter with him to answer the questions. But many times I have seen him in the outfield talking to one of his teammates and he doesn't have the interpreter there. How does he understand them but not the reporters? ...I can't stand it when you are at the point of complete exhaustion that you are not even able to sleep. ...I got a funny way of eating onion rings that my wife thinks is nuts. I eat the outside only and won't eat the onion. ...I may not like Ben Stiller, but I still can't wait for the sequel to Night at the Museum next month.
  17. Fantastic job. I love the option of taking a look at your finished schedule on a spreadsheet. All dynasty owners should grab this. It's another one of Dylan's must-have utilities for you!
  18. Updated to 4-12 ...Happy Easter everyone. Or, if you don't celebrate Easter, have a happy Sunday. ...We've been one week into the baseball season now and already it looks like it's going to be an interesting year. I am just happy that it's back. ...The good? Watching rookies like Atlanta's Jordan Schafer play and the Yankees Brett Gardner. Schafer has been impressive ever since he homered in his first at-bat last Sunday. ...The bad? The shocking news of Angel pitcher Nick Adenhart and the two other passengers in that car after the game against Oakland last week. From what I read, the Angels lost a great prospect but more importantly, a mother and father lost a son. ...The Yankees? Already I see a difference from last year. I like the centerfielder (Gardner) and new first baseman (Teixeira) and the additions to the pitching staff. Also, I'm glad Posada's back. Even Cano is looking good. ...One week into the season and Alfonso Soriano continues to hide behind one statistic and that's how many homeruns he hits for the Cubs. Sure, he's got three so far but if you watch this guy play the field, he's going to let in many more runs than he drives in. When I think of overrated rich ballplayers, I think of him. ...I don't know about you, but these new GEICO commercials with the two glass eyes on top of a wad of money really suck. GEICO never had great commercials to begin with, but these are a new low. ...I really miss a company called Access Software. Those were the people that originally made the Links golf game and the Tex Murphy adventure games (google Tex Murphy and you'll see that Access made five games featuring this character. They were good selling games over ten years ago.) Access was acquired by selfish Microsoft and that was the end of a very good company. ...It's been a few weeks now but I am still steamed about the DRM nonsense that Apple has on their downloads. If I didn't have to have iTunes on my system to use my iPod, I'd get rid of it. I use iTunes for nothing else. ...Season six of Hawaii Five-O is to be released on April 21. I'm sure that's interesting news to no one else but me in here. :lol:
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