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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 3-8 ...What a change this website has taken on since 2k9 for the PC was released five days ago. Despite the fact if you like or dislike the game, we've all had an opinion on it. ...A huge thanks must go out to Pirate for his two stadiums in 2k9 and for rolie who uploaded Dodger Stadium last night and for Snash13 for making the latest rosters for this game. Like I've been telling people in the shoutbox all this week, if it can be modded in this game, these guys can do it and it will look good. ...Sure as hell didn't take long for us Yankee fans to start worrying about this year's team, didn't it? ...Bad luck seems to go up to Alex Rodriguez occasionally and lets him know that he's never that far from him. ...If Alex Rodriguez has to miss ten weeks, have the surgery done NOW so he can get it out of the way. Don't drag it on. ...Listening to people in here blame steroids for the reason A-Rod has as cyst is laughable. If that's so, explain the reason why many other people get cysts and never touch or touched steroids at all? ...I was gone for most of the afternoon yesterday because I had to take my wife to a Psychic Fair. It was kind of interesting, but I'd have rather not been there. The first thing that hit me when I walked in that large room was the smell of incense. It was like a requirement for every table there to have one of those burning. ...I may not be that interested in the WBC, but it was sure nice to see the Netherlands beat the Dominican Republic. ...Just to let everyone know, there's going to be a WBC update in the MVP Caribe 08 mod and that should be coming out this week! ...MarkB? Get back here, please?
  2. Updated to 3-1 ...What a day! It's the first of March. Spring is officially around the corner and the calendar will verify that! And next month is opening day all around baseball. ...Tomorrow is the release of 2k9 for the PC. I've been reading good things and terrible things about this game. Keep in mind that all you are hearing about this game is from opinions of other people. There's nothing as fickle as public opinion. I'll find out how good or bad this is after I buy it and try it out because I'd rather trust myself instead of a fanboy's rants and reviews. ...I saw Gran Torino on Friday night and now I understand why everyone liked it so much. ...Want a great movie to rent? Go out and get Changling with Angelina Jolie. She plays the part of a mother who's son is kidnapped in Los Angeles in 1928 and the cops find the boy-the wrong one-and insist it is hers. A true story. ...R.I.P. to my original XBox. Born 2001, died, last night. ...Ok, really, when's Manny going to sign? I thought he would sign before spring training was going to start. This is beyond ridiculous now. ...Work is a funny thing. You may hate going to it, you may even loathe it. But when you can't go to it you see how much you really need it. ...A big welcome back to Carter, who just came back to the site a few days back. ...I just hope the Yankees do not trade Brett Gardner. ...Every time I read about these guys raving about the PS3 it makes me want one even more. I was at Gamestop the other day and I saw one on display. The graphics are unreal.
  3. Updated to 2-22 ...Don't look now but Spring training games start this week! And then of course we have next week when the World Who-Gives-A-SH** tournament starts. That's when we all hope that our players don't get hurt while this is going on. ...Other countries may look forward to this and I can understand why, because they don't have major league baseball there, but the risk of injury is there. The Yankees got lucky in 2006 in this thing and I just hope they do it again. ...I took a look at ESPN's home page right before I made this post and was shocked to see that no where on the front page Alex Rodriguez was mentioned. That could change when you go and check that page because they constantly update it and as soon as they find out that they don't have a picture or an article about him, they'll throw one up there in a hurry. ...One more thing about him: why are people (the media and the people in here) trying to analyze every single word the guy said? He admitted he did it. He's taking his lumps for this. But because people that have too much time on their hands want to play conspiracy theorists, this has to happen. ...I don't know how the hell this happened, but suddenly I developed a head cold and a sore throat that feels like I swallowed thumbtacks. ...Good luck to Ken Griffey Junior in Seattle. It will seem like old times. And as soon as he gets hurt again, it will really seem like old times. ...CC Sabathia's an Oakland Raider fan. I told you he was a good fit for the Yankees! ...Any movie Morgan Freeman is in, I'll watch. ...Why is Sarah Palin still in the news three months after the election? ...For anyone that watches Psych on the USA Network, wasn't Friday's show one of the best?
  4. Updated to 2-15 ...Thanks to all that started this thread today. I was out of town for the weekend and I just got home about 90 minutes ago. I went for a short visit to my wife's hometown. ...The best part about the entire weekend is when I get to say my goodbyes. ...Highway robbery is alive and well in the state I live in. Each time I drive on the New York State Thruway, the tolls are increased. ...Same for the rest stops on the Thruway. McDonalds conveniently does not have a dollar menu at the Thruway rest stops. ...I survived another Valentine's Day. ...This is going to be a great week no matter how you look at it. We're going to see the players at spring training. Finally, it's here. ...If you don't do anything today on this website, at least say Happy Birthday to Pirate. Every one of us has one or more (probably ALL) of his stadiums on your hard drive. Give him a happy birthday greeting, he deserves it. ...Someone on this website told me on Friday that they read that four players went up to the reporters and said that A-Rod's name was on that list of 104 names. Why would players do that to a fellow union member? ...With the reporters obsessed about this A-Rod stuff, this should give people like CC Sabathia, AJ Burnett and Mark Teixeira an easier time in their first Yankee spring camp. ...Spring Training reports begin on February 25th on the MLB Network. They're starting with the Red Sox. WHY?? Why does it have to be them? Here's a wild and crazy suggestion: how about if they start with the team that won the World Series? Don't you think the Phils deserve that?
  5. You made this request yesterday. Don't bump the threads. Thank you.
  6. Updated to 2-8 ...This is the week that the pitchers and catchers report. We've all been waiting for this. But now with the Alex Rodriguez mess, this is going to be back page news. ...I want 103 other names to have the same treatment as Rodriguez is getting. ...And if any of those 103 names are Red Sox players I want to see the high and mighty fans of that team rip apart those players just as bad as they have done to Alex Rodriguez yesterday on this website. Doubtful that will happen of course. Every one of you non Yankee fans that gave me &*%$ yesterday about this enjoyed that this happened to a Yankee player, even though he was on another team at the time. Trust me, if it comes out that one of your Red Sox or Cardinal players are named, you'll be hearing from me. ...I'm wondering if people are actually seeing the damage this news has brought? This test that was done in 2003 was supposed to be anonymous. Not even the players were supposed to know. The results of this test were sealed and put away. Until someone had to go to the media about it. When the current bargaining agreement runs out between the players and owners, don't you think this incident is going to create a greater rift, a greater mistrust between the two parties? ...As I said in the Yankee thread, all I am really concerned about this Alex Rodriguez news is how this is going to detract the Yankees when spring training starts. All I can see is the reporters bothering them about A-Rod and then about the Joe Torre book. I don't like it. I'm a fan of that team and I want them to be able to do their work down in Florida so they can have a good year. I'm more concerned about the season. ...Enough of that stuff. I've had more than my say. ...Hazel Mae serves no purpose on the MLB network except that she looks good. ...But Bob Costas does. Good hire by MLB. He knows his baseball. ...Please, please and PLEASE go to this website right here and check out this TV show. It's called My Big Redneck Wedding and I just happened to catch it on TV last week. It's one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. The commentary by Tom Arnold is hilarious. And there's a link on that page to watching the videos of the shows. There's nothing funnier than a redneck. ...For the first time in my life, I've been having a hard time sleeping. That's because I've been home the past few weeks waiting to go back to work. Not even the tried and true remedy of watching whatever is on the Christian Broadcasting Network has been able to put me to sleep. ...Today's the Pro Bowl. Yeah, I know. So what? :lol:
  7. I'll never forget watching Rickey Henderson go on ESPN in 1990 and cry on national TV because he wanted his contract re-negotiated. He was making three million dollars a year, and at that time that was a lot. You give me that salary today and I'll be just fine.
  8. Updated to 2-1 ...I don't care if today's the Super Bowl. It's February. The only sport that matters to me gets going this month. ...And Spring is next month. (I think.) ...This year's game will be hard to beat last year's. Especially at the end of it. I can still see Bill Belicheat stomping off the field after the Patriots blew it. ...Ok, I flipped a coin. I'll root for the Cardinals. ...And I'll spend the rest of the week watching the commercials ...Once Joe Torre's book is released on February 3rd, I don't think it is going to be such a big deal as it is being made out to be. ...The Moron of the Week award goes to Andy Pettitte, who turned down a 10 million dollar contract and signed a 5 million dollar contract. Maybe this year he'll actually contribute. ...I'm starting to run out of room as to where I can throw my snow that I shovel off of my driveway. Any one of you guys who live down south who like this stuff so much can come up here and take as much as you want. ...I'd love to have a new baseball game for the PC, but who in here has any faith in 2K sports? I'm more than satisfied with Mvp 08 and waiting for Mvp 09. ...Sometimes I think I'd be a whole lot better off if I wasn't such a perfectionist at everything. ....Then again it wouldn't be me. There's always a Catch-22. ...Do yourself a favor and Google Denise Milani. I never heard of her until a few days ago. And don't tell my wife. :unsure:
  9. This is a good one Link Hory, you lucky *&^*&&*. Link
  10. I remember people being upset with her because she kept on calling radio talk shows to defend her husband. She was very vocal about it and she made a lot of people wish she would just keep quiet.
  11. Updated to 1-25 ...When it was up to 42 degrees here on Friday (the 23rd) it was higher than the temperatures of the previous week combined. Now that's cold no matter how you look at it. ...Just one month ago it was Christmas day. And some people are still paying for it. ...Don't you hate it when you go to someplace like McDonalds for instance and the person in front of you acts like this is the first time they've been there? ...Saw "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" the other day. It was pretty good. Kevin James is always funny. ...I have no problem with Kurt Warner. In fact, I think it's a great story of how he came to the NFL ten years back after working in a supermarket. I just don't want his wife getting a lot of air time like she did the first time he went to the Super Bowl. Talk about annoying. ...Scott Boras is having a hard time selling Manny Ramirez. Can you blame him? He quit on the Red Sox last year and now he's trying to get teams to buy in that they need him. The sad thing is though someone will bite. ...Brett Favre announced his retirement the other day......from online poker. ...Come on Raiders, make Tom Cable the head coach and be on with it. ...I've lost a lot of respect for Andy Pettitte after he didn't sign that ten million dollar contract offer. He did nothing last year except give up a lot of runs. I understand that ten million dollars is not enough for the Pettitte family. They might have to resort to cutting coupons if he signed for that amount. ...Here's a little plug for Dylan Bradbury's calculator utilities that he has for the game. Try them out and you'll really like them. I believe there's about four different programs and each one of them can help you run a better dynasty.
  12. No, I'll bring them in on the joke just in case they read the topic of your thread close enough. It's ok.
  13. Hahahahaha! :lol: :lol: Now, when I get PM's sent to me asking where the 09 mod can be downloaded at, I have only myself to blame. Have fun man, and I hope you win all your games.
  14. You know what you should do is edit your topic on this thread and say you are playing this dynasty on the 09 mod. Hahahaha
  15. Oh, the inquiries that this is going to bring!! Your sense of detection serves you well. I just can't lock this thread! I can't do it. I'm enjoying reading about your dynasty. You're doing a great job. Tell you what...the next time you play the Yankees, bean A-Rod in the head.
  16. You're winning and Joe Rudi isn't??? I ought to lock this thread right now. :(
  17. In that case my friend, I don't mind being on the outside looking in.
  18. There is a place for hip-hop though. Get a few of those songs and use them to wake you up for work or school in the mornings. You're guaranteed not to hit the snooze button.
  19. Hold it, hold it!!!!!! Is there a difference between hip-hop and hip-pop or did superciuc just do a typo?
  20. Sure, just about anything from that time period. Early Def Leppard too.
  21. I listen to classic Rock, not classical music. Classic Rock like Van Halen, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses, Early AC DC, Judas Priest, etc. I do not listen to any of the new crap. I saw them years ago. Just wish I could have seen them when Bon Scott was there.
  22. Updated to 1-18 ...Anyone notice that I've spent a lot of time here the past few days? That's because I haven't been working. When the weather gets into the subzero temperatures, my knees do not like it and they let me know it. Let's just say it hasn't been a pleasant and fun few days and we'll leave it at that. ...But I did have to go out on Wednesday because I had to go and get dog food. So I took a trip down into YankeexDev territory and went to BJ's wholesale club in Webster. It was around 9 am and I got in and out. It was freezing. About five degrees outside and God knows what the wind chill was. But the oddest thing I saw was when I left that store. Some guy was wearing sandals. You know, the shoes that have the feet completely exposed? You wear them in the summer. And people criticize kids because of what they wear! ...My wife got a new iPod for her birthday (an iTouch one) and now I am the proud owner of her hand-me-down one. It's an 8 gig one that plays video and audio. I have to take off all the songs she had on it because there's no way I'm listening to country music and Elvis. ...Same goes for hip-hop. Sorry Mark. I did listen to one hip-hop song a few years back for you and just recently my headache went away. ...I am going to miss Circuit City. I always enjoyed going there and spending time just looking around. I love electronics. ...I wonder if the MLB Network is going to have a reality show? Everyone else seems to. ...Right now all I see from those people is that they repeat everything over and over again. It's like they are having a hard time filling 24 hours so they have to repeat the same 1991 Cubs-Pirates game. Put another one on. Have some variety. ...I see that one of my favorite punching bags received a huge 41 million dollar contract extension from a team that I don't care to mention right now. One thing I'll admit right now: he'll probably earn it unlike Robinson Cano, who stole money last year from the Yankees. ...If Roger Clemens ends up in jail he will be the one who put himself there. ...Oh yeah. The NFL Championship games. Like I care. I don't like anything from Philadelphia so I won't root for them. The Steelers I can't root for so there you have it. And if these two teams win today, so what? ...I am more interested on who is going to be the next Oakland coach. I'm hoping that Tom Cable comes back. ...The next movie I want to see is that Kevin James one, Mall Cop. Let me know if anyone here has seen it.
  23. Updated to 1-11 ...It is a helpless feeling to watch snow fall when you can't do a thing about it. ...The Cardinals are going to the NFC Championship game? That's a story in itself. ...Makes me have wild and crazy thoughts about the Raiders now. ...I'd like to wish shiftless and lazy Rocco Baldelli good luck in Boston but I just can't do it. ...The updates by Pirate and TheBigO on their respective stadiums are beautiful. Thank you to both of them. ...Tomorrow we find out if Jim Rice gets in the Hall of Fame. I vote no. But I have no vote, so it doesn't matter if he does or doesn't. ...Speaking of the Hall, I am in the planning stages of a trip there in the middle of July. The snow should be gone then. ...Please Money Ramirez, go back to the Dodgers. They actually want you. ...It's been on eleven days now. How do you all like the MLB Network? I've never heard of Trenni Kusnierek, but that doesn't stop me from watching her. And my first impression of Hazel Mae is not a good one. ...Welcome back Monk and Psych.
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