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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 1-4 ...Sorry there was no entries last week in this thread but I was kind of indisposed as I was in the hospital and had no access to a computer. ...I left the hospital happy to get out of there with a clean bill of health and two sore arms, courtesy of the IV team. ...There is nothing like the satisfaction of knowing the holidays are over and they are twelve months away again. ...My sympathies to the John Travolta family, who lost their son over the weekend. ...I think the Mark Teixeira press conference to introduce him to the press is going to be on Tuesday. I don't have to tell you how happy I am to have this guy on the team. It also meant that Giambi won't be back-and that's a plus too. ...I wonder why Derek Lowe, Manny Ramirez and Bobby Abreu have not been signed yet? ...Does anyone else get this network? It's called the G4 Network. It's on DirectTV and I've been watching it since I've been home. It's not bad. ...Don't look now but my Raiders won their last two games and are going to be going into the 2009 season looking better than they did at the beginning of this one. ...What a shame that Peyton Manning has to go home again after another loss in the playoffs. ...My early review of the MLB Network is that it's not that good but that's just based on what is on now. They keep on repeating the same stuff. I'm sure that once spring training starts next month that this network is really going to shine. ...I'm hoping everyone who reads this thread has a great new year.
  2. I don't think you can but this is a good idea. I don't really mind listening to Kuiper but this Krukow guy is the one that gets on my nerves with his dumb comments like Meat and Big Boy.
  3. Thank you for making me aware of these font changes. I overlooked them.
  4. Updated to 12-21 ....Thank God. It's almost over. The best thing about Christmas for me is when it finally gets here and is all done. ...One of my favorite things to do this time of year is to watch "A Christmas Carol" or any version of it that is played on TV. ...I finished my shopping on Thursday night before the storm hit and I was lucky to do that. I go to a mall out in nearby Victor, New York called Eastview and they have wall to wall cars and traffic there even in the summer. ...I hope everyone who is unlucky like me to live here in the eastern part of the country was able to dig themselves out of that storm we got on Friday. Here's a sad thought: It's not even officially winter yet on the calendar. This is just a sneak preview of it. :cry: ....Do I really have to say how much I envy you guys who don't live in this area? ...Playing MVP is really going to help me get through this winter, just like it did last year. Last winter was easier though because I was home with my knee surgery. ...Don't count me in as someone who's doing backflips because the Yankees got Sabathia and Burnett. I still see holes in that lineup. I don't trust the Yankee hitters and I hate the second baseman. ...One thing I'm wondering about something the Mets did. If they went out and signed a closer in Frankie Rodriguez, why did they have to go and trade for another one in JJ Putz? ...Manny, go back to the Dodgers, ok? ...Aww, the Cowboys lost yesterday. That sucks. I'm sure timay, wherever he is, has a few good excuses thought up already.
  5. Updated to 12-14 ...A big welcome back to MarkB, who's been gone since November 15th. I was worried because I thought his neighbors finally got so fed up of having to listen to that hip-hop music that they banded together and got rid of poor guy because of it. ...Ouch. That's what I said on the 11th when I got my latest cortisone shot in my knee. I can't stress more to you guys here to take care of your knees so you won't have these problems. End of lecture. ...It was a slow night here at Mvpmods last night. How slow? SeanO did not release a stadium. ...Every time I play in a new ballpark that one of the modders makes it is like playing a brand new game. I love this game. ...There's ten shopping days left until Christmas. Good. I just want this done. ...No matter how well you plan for this holiday you always end up forgetting to do something. Right now I'm ok, but I still got a lot of time to mess it up. :whistle: ...Forgive me if I hold back any praise for the signings of Sabathia and Burnett to the Yankees. Games have to be won on the field. The offense is still the same and that's inconsistent. I refuse to get excited about this team until I see results that show me that I should be. ...I still think Mark Teixeira is a key signing for them and he's the one I'd really want. ...I'm hoping the Detroit Lions don't go winless this year. ...Are Blu-Ray players worth it? Can anyone tell the difference?
  6. I remember hearing the announcement while watching Monday Night Football.
  7. Updated to 12-7 ...It's now sixty-seven years since the attack on Pearl Harbor and to me this is as much a day of reflection as September 11 is. I've been at the Memorial a few times myself when I lived out there and believe me it is quite a site to see. RIP. ...Yes I regret leaving Oahu. ...At least today is good for HFLR, since he's celebrating his birthday today. Happy Birthday Hector and I hope you have a wonderful day! Other major league players that were born on your birthday were Johnny Bench, Tino Martinez, Eric Chavez and Ryan Theriot, just to name a few. ...I hope there's not going to be any fuss about A-Rod wanting to play for the Dominican team in the World Baseball Classic. I'm not really concerned about this at all. First of all, who gives a *&%$ about the WBC? Secondly, it may be funny to watch all the Dominican fans get bent out of shape after they see A-Rod choke every time he's at bat and there's a runner on in scoring position because we know daaaaammmnnn well he's not going to do anything. ...Missing persons alert: MarkB's gone and can't be found. The best admin on this website hasn't been around lately. I blame the hip-hop music. ...The speculation about whether Sabathia will go to the Yankees or not is something you deal with during the off-season because there's not much news to begin with. But at least you can hope a decision is made soon. What I really want is someone (like Philadelphia) to scoop up AJ Burnett. They deserve some bad luck. ...I got to go Christmas shopping soon and I dread it. For someone who hates crowds, this is a tough thing to do. ...Hey, it could be worse, right? I could be working at a place like Walmart and I've have to deal with it every day. ...Cheers for DJEagles being home now and reunited with his family after being gone for some time working out of town. Good luck with your new baby! ...If I hear "The Twelve Days of Christmas" one more time I am going to break something.
  8. DiehardYankee26, this is someone else's dynasty. How about not trying to take it over?
  9. Updated to 11-30 ...Came back home last night from the Thanksgiving holiday that we spent out of town. There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed. ...Every time I complain about going to work I can say I could have it worse. I could be having time off and be down at my wife's hometown. I have never spent a fun and interesting day down there. ...My wife and her two sisters and their mother were looking through the ads on Thanksgiving day like they were battle plans. Not one thing was missed. ...I did not go near a store on Black Friday. ...What economic recession? We drove into the Waterloo Premium Outlet Mall (a place that has over 100 stores) on the way back home to pick up something and that place was full. I wanted to get out of there as quick as possible. ...The games that I watched (the Detroit and the Dallas game) were terrible. I did not watch the Cardinal one. The Detroit Lions ruin every Thanksgiving. ...A middle finger is extended to all the tractor trailer drivers on the New York state Thruway last night. Those selfish *&*()^& acted like they were the only ones out there. What a profession! If you are an as*****, you can drive a truck. ...On Wednesday when I left town I got gas for $2.15. When I got home it was down to $2.09. That's nice! ...Why did Plaxico Burress have a gun with him in a nightclub and why was he so stupid to shoot himself in the leg? You know darn well the Giants are going to get rid of him now. ...Best of luck to Lane Kiffin, the new head coach of the University of Tennessee.
  10. 101 downloads

    Here's an audio file of Phil Foster describing the Brooklyn baseball fan. Foster knew what he was talking about since he was born and raised in Brooklyn and had spent many afternoons in Ebbets Field watching his beloved Dodgers. You may remember Foster from the TV show "Laverne and Shirley" as he played Laverne's father. This audio file would be perfect for TC Phase 9 and the 1951 and 1956 season mods. It is in MP3 format.
  11. Updated to 11-23 ...I've never heard of anyone having a gluten free Thanksgiving Swingin Soriano, but I hope you enjoy it. Also, I hope the Cowboys lose too. I've been a Cowboy hater since way back. ...After all this time I have put Guns n Roses out of my mind. Seventeen years is way too long to go without releasing anything new. They'll never recapture the sound they had from the Appetite for Destruction that really made them what they are, or I should say were. ...I'm on vacation as I write this. I have not been on one since the middle of July and I feel great. I'll be gone at the end of the week because I'll be out of town for the holiday at my wife's hometown. I should have Internet access though so I'll be ok. ...I better have Internet access down there because the games on TV that day are going to suck. In case you don't know the NFL Thanksgiving schedule, here it is. Read it and yawn. Game one is Tennessee at Detroit. Tennessee will only win by 30 or 40 points. Next is Seattle at Dallas. Another two teams I don't give a *&^% about. And at 8:15 pm on the NFL Network it is Arizona at Philadelphia. At least the improving Cardinals may make this game worth tuning in. The sad part is that a lot of people don't have the NFL Network. I have it because I have DirectTV. It's not that bad. ...I noticed that Wikipedia has a goal of six million dollars for donations. Good luck with that. ...Snow came early this year around here as we got hit every day this week with the white stuff. You should see the people every year that apparently have forgotten how to drive in this weather. They're the ones who go off the side of the road or hit a stop sign and they don't know why. ...This also goes for people that try to shovel their driveway and fall down right on their knee that they recently had surgery on. I will not give you the name of the person that did this since I am sworn to secrecy. ...I love Jennifer Love Hewitt and her show Ghost Whisperer. ...It's nice to see that the Yankees appointed Hal Steinbrenner in charge of the team and it's also refreshing to see that they seem to be using their heads when it comes to the free agents this year. ...I was originally upset to find out that Dustin Pedroia was named MVP but after thinking about it I had a change of heart. It's not that I'm happy he won it. Hell no. I'm just hoping that Robinson Cano was paying attention to this because Cano is supposed to be a better hitter and fielder than Pedroia but he sure as hell doesn't act like it. He may be a better player than Pedroia but Pedroia plays the game a lot better than that lazy SOB and truth be told, I'd rather have Pedroia playing second base for the Yankees instead of that sack of crap that is out there right now. ...Time to go enjoy my vacation. Everyone have a great week and a wonderful holiday!!
  12. Yes, I heard about the stabbing but I don't know any of the details. Good luck in school. And try that place out if you get a chance. It's really nice.
  13. Updated to 11-16 ...Either I'm the only one that's got a random thought around here lately or else I'm the only one who hasn't been busy. :wink: ...Every time my wife watches the QVC channel I get nervous. ...Why are the Yankees overbidding on CC Sabathia? Why are they bidding at all? Stay in the National League. ...Honestly, I am not even sold on the other free agent pitchers the Yankees are drooling at (Derek Lowe and AJ Burnett.) ...Take care Darrell Rasner and enjoy Japan. At least for a time last season you did a good job (which was more than I can say for Robinson Cano) but towards the end you were terrible. ...I was in YankeexDev territory a few nights back when my wife wanted to go to the village of Webster because they have a Friendly's restaurant there. Webster's a fine place and I enjoy it every time I go there but I hate Friendly's because it is always wall to wall three year olds each time I walk in there. Also, it was a 20 minute wait to sit down. I'm not a big fan of ice cream in the first place so I have no problem avoiding this place. ...This next random thought is for YankeexDev too. Have you tried Five Guys burgers in Henrietta? It's not a bad place, decent prices and food but the only drawback is that it's located in Henrietta, which of course is the most highly congested areas in the city. I avoid Henrietta at all costs. ...Just to let you all know, every time I go out I don't go to some place to get something to eat. Why just this morning when I left the house before I started posting in this thread I went to go get the paper. ...It's freezing out today, I just let the dogs out and while I was out there I realized how much I miss not having baseball around. You never are aware how much you miss something until it's gone and not part of your every day life. ...Next week, on vacation. It has been a long time coming.
  14. A two year bump? That's got to be a record around here!!! Hahahahaha
  15. Updated to 11-9 ...I am sure I am speaking for many when I say that I am very happy this election stuff is all over with. Between the presidential and the local ones, I had enough. ...Ok, I read about fights every day, but when Monks fight, it's going to make the news. You just don't expect to hear about stuff like that. I think the real reason why they started to fight was that one of them sneaked in a hip-hop CD and started playing it, which caused the fight. ...Of course, I'll give hip-hop fans like MarkB equal time for a rebuttal. ...I am still at the stage of muting all the Christmas commercials I see on TV because I still think it's too early for this sh**. ...I got relatives here this weekend from out of town. I'm up early doing my random thoughts because everyone's still asleep. These people are night owls who go to bed very late. What's on my mind is that I am wondering if they are going to ask us to go down there for Thanksgiving in a few weeks. ...If I do, my laptop goes with me this time and I'm going to install a few season mods on it. I got to have something to do while they are out shopping on Black Friday. ...I was kind of disappointed to see Willie Randolph go to the Brewers as a bench coach because I was kind of hoping he'd come back to the Yankees for that same position. ...Although I understand they have other things on their mind. Given the choice of Texiera or Sabathia, I would take Mark Texiera. ...It's easy watching football these past few years when you are a Raider fan because you know your season ends in October. ...Pay no attention to that rumor of Kraw joining Obama's staff. Many people were worried about this because it could have meant the cancellation of Mvp 09.
  16. Updated to 11-2 ...I hope everyone had a good time on Halloween. Around where I live it was a pretty good day for the kids weather wise, so they were able to be outside and not freeze. We had the usual batch of kids, all dressed up as pirates and goblins, etc. You know, the usual stuff. But there was one kid who dressed up in a baseball uniform. A Red Sox one. My wife made me give him candy. ...Thank God that Tuesday is election day. All I get these days in the mail is political crap. ...Go to Tim Horton's on election day and get a free donut. I'd rather have an iced coffee, thank you. ...Look, I have no problem with the Phillies winning the World Series. They earned it. But during the victory celebration I think Chase Utley went a little too far. There's no reason to swear like that in public. Yeah, I know I hear that word every single day, but there had to be little kids in that crowd and they didn't need to hear it. ...Well, free agency is going to start soon and the only thing I can hope for is that the Yankees don't spend their money like idiots. ...I think the Dodgers have enough money to keep Manny wearing their uniform. At least I hope so. It would be hard to picture him in a Yankee uniform. I mean how could the Yankees forget how this guy behaved in Boston and why would they think he would behave here? They had to see what was happening in Boston. ...This is the most depressing part of the year for me. The World Series just got done, baseball's in the books for another season and a long terrible winter is ahead. That's why I'm down in the dumps today. ...The World Series drew record lows in ratings this year. Is anyone surprised? I bring this up only because in the post before this one, Swingin Soriano had some very good ideas about what baseball should do to fix this problem. I think they are pretty good and I also think because they are so good they'll be ignored. When you have games that start at 8:30 at night and have a ton of commercials thrown in, you are not going to get a lot of ratings. That's one reason why kids get interested in other sports because they can't watch an entire post season game. Hell, I can't even anymore. ...Is it too early to think about vacation? I got the Thanksgiving week off. I need it. ...One more depressing thought: Christmas is next month. Oh man, I am really not doing good. :)
  17. I'd love to listen to those Harwell CD's.
  18. Updated to 10-26 ...From what I've been reading, I have been missing a pretty good World Series so far. Problem is I just can't stay up that late to see any of it. ...And that's one of baseball's biggest problems. These games are on late at night. You got to blame FOX and Bud Selig equally for this. ...Not that I am complaining or anything, because I'm not, but has it been explained to people why the gas prices are dropping now? ...This is the last full week of having to listen to all this political crap on TV. And on the radio. And at work. But not here. Because I don't read those threads. ...Those "Mac vs PC" ads on TV are funny. ...Nothing makes me happier right now than reading articles like this that tell of CC Sabathia's firm desire to play in California. I just don't want the Yankees to overpay for someone like him. Remember now, when he was in Cleveland he wasn't lights out like he was in Milwaukee. ...Although I am concerned about where Money Ramirez will end up. :? ...AC/DC sold out to Walmart as they made an exclusive deal with them to only release their new CD to be sold only at their stores. Well, I won't be getting it because Walmart sucks and I never go in there. ...I'll be honest with you, if there is one guy at ESPN that I wish I could beat senseless it would be that whiny little SOB Bill Simmons. Then when I'm done with him I'd go looking for Jim Caple. ...This has been a fast month. I'm on vacation for the Thanksgiving week. Only a few more weeks now!
  19. That was a good album, it sold well. In fact I bet it was their best selling album. Had some great songs on it. But I always wondered if it was because it was the first one after Scott's death or was it because it was a good album?
  20. That does not shock me. I haven't liked anything they put out since the death of their first lead singer Bon Scott. This is going back to 1980. Then they are missing a good one. That guy is a great guitarist.
  21. Updated to 10-19 ...The first thing I got to do is apologize to MarkB for not being here yesterday to wish him a happy birthday. While Mark was obviously living it up yesterday, I was laid up in bed with a cold. I'd rather listen to Mark's hip hop stuff than have a cold. Happy birthday anyway Mark! ...Wait, I changed my mind on that. Give me another box of Kleenex and I'm good to go. ...I think the reason why I caught a cold was because I was working a lot of overtime. I don't have a vacation until the Thanksgiving week. ...I don't know about any of you, but I am tired of all this political talk. Thank God the elections are only a few weeks away. ...Did anyone read about that guy who ate a 20 pound burger in less than five hours? Please just click on that link and look at that hamburger. Never have I seen anything that big. ...Which makes me wonder, how long did he spend in the bathroom? ...I took a break from this for a second to let the dogs out. It's cold out and all I can think of is it is going to get worse in the coming months. ...Sometimes it is amazing to me that more arm injuries do not occur when they play baseball this late in the year with the temperatures dipping into the low 40's in late October. The season is just too long. ...Well, Oakland's playing Brett Favre and the Jets today at home. I just hope they can...oh forget it. It will probably be just like last week's game. ...Shoutout to HFLR: Hey my friend, send me some screen captures from the new Mvp Caribe. I can't wait for this mod!
  22. I don't want the Yankees to overpay for him. I still like the young players we got. Also, it was obvious that Sabathia did a lot better in the NL as compared to the AL. Let him stay there. I don't have to tell you that you are always welcome to jot down anything you want in here. The more the merrier. I love watching that show too. Here's an interesting thing about that show that many people don't know. The actors that played Sgt. Schultz, Colonel Klink, General Burkhalter and Major Hockstetter were all Jewish actors. And two cast members were actually in concentration camps (Robert Clary who played Lebeau and John Banner who played Schultz.)
  23. Updated to 10-12 ...So, how are the playoffs going? I've watched about seven pitches so far which is a lot more than I originally had planned to watch. ...I don't know what hair brained ideas the Yankees have for the off season but I am hoping that Sabathia stays in Milwaukee and Burnett stays in Toronto. ...Overheard yesterday while at work: two co-workers talking about the Buffalo Sabres first game victory to start the season. "You think they'll go to the Stanley Cup?" :| ...Last week I was watching Tommy Boy on FX because there was nothing else on. (I told you I wasn't watching baseball.) I've seen this movie before and each time I see it I still don't get why some people thought Chris Farley was funny. Because I really don't think he was. ...Of course, this is coming from someone who thinks Eddie Haskell is hilarious. ...If you don't agree with me you won't be banned. Heck no!! Instead you'll be sentenced to one hour in the Mvpmods chatroom with timay as he explains to you why the Mets didn't make the playoffs this year. ...Yeah, I read the shoutbox too. ...Thank God I got off tomorrow for Columbus Day. Like I give a damn what it's for. Just as long as I get the day off with pay is all that matters. ...There's nothing like having a Sunday breakfast knowing that you have nothing planned for the rest of the day. ...That is until your wife wakes up and makes plans. :(
  24. It's the best you'll ever do.
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