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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Yeah, he's done very well in the past two games. That means we should just forget how he mailed it in and quit on the team in April, May, June and half of July.
  2. Updated to 7-20 ...This was a great vacation. Sure, it flew by, but it was a wonderful vacation. It gave me the chance to watch the entire All-Star game on Tuesday night. If I was working, I'd have never come close to the 15th inning. ...A lot of us here spent the final innings in the chat area talking about the game. The chat area's pretty fun and everyone is welcome to go there. But I should give you one warning if you do: at any given moment you can be Rickrolled. I've fallen for it a few times already. :? ...In a few hours, people are supposed to come over my house to put a shed up. They were supposed to be here on Wednesday and then Friday. Each time they canceled. We'll see if they show up now. ...Last week also brought back the returns of two of my favorite shows on the USA Network, Monk and Psych. And I'm also getting into watching Burn Notice and In Plain Sight. ...Went to see the movie Wanted last night. It was ok. It had too much violence though. All in all, I think people would enjoy it. ...Sure, Michelle Wie is hot, but she's an airhead too because she forgot to sign her scorecard. Which in golf is a major no-no. ...As for Brett Favre, *&%^ him. The guy retires a few months back and then changes his mind and he expects to automatically get his starting job back? Something tells me that the Packers noticed something wrong with Favre, something physically I mean, and that is what is actually stopping them from letting him come back. ...Mark Cuban put in a bid to buy the Cubs? That ought to be interesting. ...The way I see it, Richie Sexson can't do any worse in the Yankee lineup than Robinson Cano and Melky Cabrera have been all year. ...I'm not really worried too much about Sexson, it's the Matsui situation that is bothering me. I don't like this Barry Bonds talk.
  3. Thank you very much! I appreciate it.
  4. Updated to 7-13 ...Late today with this. I was out of town over the weekend because I was at my wife's hometown in Binghamton, New York. More on that as I go on. For anyone living there or living near there, I really and truly feel sorry for you. It is the worst place I've ever been to in my life. ...We went to a flea market today down in nearby Conklin, New York and as I looked around at those people there buying other people's garbage, one thing occurred to me over and over again and it was that all those people looked alike. Lot of sisters and brothers marrying each other I'd say. And I saw more ugly women with tattoos there then I care to see ever again. ...Random stuff for sale today that I saw: a broken hockey stick. A rusted and bent computer case. Scratched DVD's. Two rabbits. "One male and one female...at least I think they are," said the guy selling them. And other useful things that you need everyday, like 8 track tapes. ...All I spent was fifty cents. That was the price we had to pay to park. "Got a lot of good stuff today!," said the guy I gave the money to. When we were leaving I saw that same guy and I asked him what row was "all the good stuff" in? He just laughed. ...Gas was $4.09 there. Cheapest I saw was $4.05. I mentioned that in passing to my mother in law and some guy overheard me telling her that and I had to give him directions to where that Exxon station was. ...I did not hear about Bobby Murcer until this morning because for some reason they did not put it on the news down there. Maybe they figured it would cut in with the Nascar report. ...And before I go any further, R.I.P. Mr. Murcer. Thanks for being a Yankee. ...At least Bobby Murcer put up a fight to try and beat this cancer that eventually claimed him. The Yankees haven't been fighting all year. They're a 200 million dollar group of overpaid quitters. ...Enjoy the All-Star game this year Yankee fans. This gutless team won't be playing in October. And I want to be wrong. ...Vacation this week for me. I need it.
  5. I never go out that far and never will. For those people, they must think Webster is as big as New York City. :lol:
  6. Yeah, it would be quite a drive for you. It was a half hour drive for me to get there. I park at the plaza across the street from McDonalds and I walk over to the Carnival. Just curious, what's a 315er?
  7. Updated to 7-6 ...I went to this place last night with my wife to see Hancock with Will Smith (it was ok, I won't watch it again) and Don't mess with the Zohan with Adam Sandler, which was funny. Three screens, and each one was packed. We got lucky to find a spot in the second row. ...They also do flea markets on weekends, but I'm not into that. I don't feel like buying other people's junk and making it my junk. ...But even while I was sitting there, my mind was wandering at times while I was thinking of the sad state of the Yankees. ...What's this talk with A-Rod and Madonna? How did this get started? And why Madonna? I mean I could understand it if it were the 1985 Madonna but this is 2008. A-Rod should be saying "where's the elevator, I'm leaving." ...Will some kind soul please explain to me what this Caturday thread is supposed to mean? All I see are random pictures of cats. What's it supposed to mean? ...Just speculation, now that the Dodgers need infield help, but what do you think are the chances of them getting Wilson Betemit back from the Yankees to help out? Betemit sure is expendable on the Yankee roster. ...I just found out today that Scott Proctor is on the 15 day DL with right elbow tendinitis brought on by and acute case of Joe Torre. He's 1-0 this year with a 6.82 ERA. He's done and he's only thirty-one years old. ...I'd pay good money to see some athlete pop those two ESPN SOB's Jim Caple and Bill Simmons right in the nose. ...Maybe if all the Yankee fans pray together today at the same time, the Yankees can get seven hits today. ...I'm pulling for Brett Gardner to do well. We need some real speed in that lineup. We also need someone that gives a damn. ...Next week's random thoughts will be later than usual because I'll be out of town being randomly bored.
  8. Banned Levis commercial. (Funny) LINK Beer Makes Women Beautiful LINK
  9. Updated to 6-29 ...Nothing like having Italian Ice on a hot summer day. I had that yesterday and I was in heaven. ...We were (the wife and I) were going on vacation this summer down to her parents home and then a quick trip to the Hall of Fame because we didn't see everything the last time we were there, but after filling up the minivan two days ago for the outrageous price of $72 dollars, that plan was scrapped. ...By the way, we paid $4.17 a gallon for it. The worst place to get gas is at Mobil, who always charge more than anyone else. ...If you are a classic baseball fan like myself, this is the website to be at. And wiith updates to County Stadium and Forbes Field released this week, it just confirms it. Thank you very much for these stadiums Paulw, Sean O and HardcoreLegend. ...My only problem is that I don't have enough time in the day to devote to playing this game. ...I'll say it again and again, I don't like this interleague play. ...Sure the Yankees won yesterday by the score of 3 - 2, but the best thing about yesterday was when they sent Kei Igawa back to Scranton so he couldn't cause any damage. How much longer are they going to keep him? ...Phil Hughes may be the future for the Yankees, but he's still got a lot to prove. He has to show he can get through a year without getting hurt. ...Carl Pavano should be back before July turns into August. Say what you want about him, I still think he has a good arm and that's exactly what the Yankees need. ...Note to YankeexDev: Webster Fireman's carnival this year is from July 9 to July 12th. Good luck finding a place to park.
  10. I just read this. I wouldn't miss that Mad Dog guy at all. He's a loudmouth who knows everything about everything. You are not missing anything. Cancel this show for all I care.
  11. Updated to 6-22 ...Here's wishing everyone here a great summer vacation from school. Enjoy yourself and have fun. Make the most of your time off. You only get so many summers off to yourself so you got to make every one count. I did with mine and I sure wish I had just one more summer where all I had to do was play baseball, swim and stay up late. Have fun! ...Why do I have the feeling that what I just wrote won't be appreciated until some of you guys have full time jobs where your summers aren't yours anymore? ...I haven't upgraded to Firefox 3 yet. Is it worth it or should I just stay with version 2.0? ...I'm with the consensus who thinks the Willie Randolph firing could have been handled differently. Firing him is one thing. That's their choice. But it was how they did it that made the Mets look extremely bad. ...Now the Yankees have lost two in a row. So much for those overrated SOB's playing well. ...Life is not fair Department: You mean to tell me with all the injuries the Yankees have had this year, -Rodriguez, Posada, Wang, Hughes, Kennedy, Bruney- just to name a few, Kyle Farnsworth has gone injury-free and these guys haven't? ...Check out this video here on CNN about this smart little eight year old boy who can name all 750 players in major league baseball. This kid's got a love for the game at such an early age. I'm glad he's playing baseball instead of kicking a soccer ball around that most of the kids do around where I live now. ...By the way, I can't name all 750 players because I do my best not to mention anyone on the Red Sox. ...Has there ever been such bloated software as Norton's AntiVirus programs? ...For those of you jumping on the Tampa Bay bandwagon, something to keep in mind: That team has not hit a slump yet this year so it will be interesting to see how they play through it. ...While I'm at it, same for the Cubs.
  12. Updated to 6-15 ...Wow, the Yankees are now a season high three games over the .500 mark. Wonderful. Sure as hell took them long enough. ...I still like the Yankees future with their minor league talent waiting to come up to New York instead of their present. ...I nominate Robinson Cano for the Alfonso Soriano award in the American League this year. This award is given to the player who takes up the most time and space on a roster while contributing nothing. ...Speaking of the devil, the Cubs really should be going on a nice little run now that Soriano's sidelined for six weeks. ...It was nice to see Hideki Matsui rise to the occasion by hitting a grand slam on his birthday against the Athletics in Oakland the other night. That must have been pretty special for him. Just for laughs, I looked up Robinson Cano's birthday. It's October 22nd. So that means that the Yankees have to get deep into the post season this year just to see if this guy can copy what Matsui did. Cano can't get a hit in June. He sure as hell won't get one in October. ...I have not watched one second of the NBA Finals and I don't mind one bit. ...And if Boston manages to win this one too, just watch and see how many lifelong Celtics fans since October of 2007 come out of the woodwork around here. ...I liked the first three Indiana Jones movies combined better than the last one. ...The next movie I see will probably be the Hulk movie. I was thinking it is a good thing that I can't turn into the Hulk because if I could, a certain ballpark in Massachusetts would not be standing today. :shrug: :wink: ....From the "Just when you thought you read it all" Department: This woman is sentenced to five years in prison for branding her date's body with a piece of metal because the guy never called her again after he had sex with her. Nutcase. ...Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in here and to all your fathers and grandfathers, wherever they may be.
  13. Wonderful work May15 on the ARod wallpapers.
  14. Updated to 6-8 ...Well, that was a fast week. The wife comes home tonight (around 10:30 pm) and I got to go to the airport to pick her up. ...I didn't wash a dish all week. I had plastic knives, forks and spoons. I microwaved everything. The only time I used the sink was to get cold water for the dogs. I knew what I was doing. ...I've also made sure the house is very clean, but I left a few things around here and there to give her a reason to come home and point her finger and say "why didn't you do this?" By doing these intentional things, it gives them a sense of purpose when they arrive home and a feeling that "you just can't get along without them, even for a week." Even though this is the furthest from the truth, this needs to be done. This advice is given by me to everyone here. It is foolproof and failsafe. ...I think those "Real Men of Genius" beer commercials are funny. ...Horse racing to me is as exciting as Nascar or the NBA. ...Total Classics 9 has just been released this week. Along with the updates to TC '56 and '78, it's like hitting the trifecta. ...Speaking of Total Classics 9, beginning on this day random spot checking will be done by me to make sure that users have this mod downloaded and installed on their computers. Failure to do so will mean swift and severe punishment. :not: ...One thing about Total Classics 9 that I don't get (see how I'm linking it every chance I get?) is that I don't understand why the 1964 Kansas City Athletics (57-105, .352 winning percentage and finished 42 games out of first place) give me so much trouble. Every game I have played against them has not been easy. ...I give people like Hory (from New Zealand) and Mark (from Scotland) and others from other countries that are members of this board for knowing more about American politics than I do. Those guys know their stuff. All I know about politics is that I don't trust or believe a Democrat or Republican. ...Before I go on, let me give this salute to the New York Yankees: ...They make me sick. I haven't seen them play this bad since last year, when they were forced to make a late season run to make the playoffs just so they can lose once again in the first round. Chien Ming Wang needs a solid kick in the backside. Robinson Cano should be reminded that he got a huge pay raise and he should be playing like he got one instead of looking like a lazy good for nothing Soriano clone out there. This team can't put a winning streak together to save their lives. They haven't had one this year. Winning streaks are what other teams have, not this current Yankee team. One day the pitching is great and the hitting takes a day off. The next day, the reverse happens. All this adds up is a fourth place team at best.
  15. Updated to 6-1 ...I'm home alone this week while my wife is in Plano, Texas with her family visiting her sister who lives there. I didn't go for one very good reason. These trips out there consist of nothing but shopping and more shopping. I've been there twice with them in the past and that's more than enough for me. ...I was there in 2000 and again in 2005. I never saw three women get in as much shopping in one day as those three did. I had to go a few times "just to get out of the house and see the sights" but when I did, I just saw the sites of a mall. Thank you, not again. ...Finally, a big assist goes to my four little people, my dogs. Someone's got to stay home all alone and have fun and take care of them, wouldn't you agree? So, it's got to be me. I'll stay home, by myself to watch over them. Now, where's that number for Pizza Hut? ...Besides, with the updated releases of TC 1956 and TC 1978, I'll be really busy, right? :wink: ...I'd like to take the time out to thank Jim825 for these two updates and to also welcome him to the staff here once again. ...I'm getting excited about having Jorge Posada rejoin the Yankees very soon. With all the reports I have been reading, he's been throwing well and been having no pain. I think Jose Molina's done a great job, but Jorge is our starter. ...I don't care what his record is, but I can't stand watching a Chien-Ming Wang pitched game. ...I might have to buy that new Bobby Murcer book "Yankee for Life." What a nice name for a book title, don't you all think? ...To this day, I can't watch a Chico and the Man episode on TV without feeling a little bit sad. ...There's obviously some people in this country that have too much time on their hand if they have enough time to complain about the scarf that TV star Rachel Ray was wearing for a Dunkin Donuts commercial. Seems as if they didn't like black and white paisley scarf she had on. Sorry to say, but the same people who have too much time on their hands seem to have a lot of clout also, because they got the ad pulled. That's the big problem with this country. People like this who have nothing to do but complain about a scarf, have the influence to have the ad they don't like pulled off the air. Here's a photo of that ad:
  16. Updated to 5-25 ...Here we are entering our last full week of May and the New York Yankees have decided to start the 2008 season. ...Jason Giambi and Robinson Cano both got hits in the same game. The end of the world is near. ...This team isn't going to make a believer out of me until they go on a long stretch of playing ball like they are supposed to. I'm fed up with reading about how good of a team they have. I want to see it. ...I saw the new Indiana Jones movie on Friday night. I loved it. I won't be providing any plot spoilers for any of you because I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone. Since the first movie was released in 1981, I've been a big fan of Indy's. ...Not everyone liked the new Harrison Ford movie though. These guys didn't like it at all. Too bad! ...One preview I did see while at the theaters is there will be a new Mummy movie coming out on August 1st. Brendan Fraser and Jet Li will be in it. The movie website is right here. ...I'm sure all of you have seen King Kong but a few days ago I saw the version that is hardly shown on TV. The one made in 1933 is still shown a lot as well as the one from 2005 with Jack Black. But many don't know that there was also one from 1976 that featured Jessica Lange and Jeff Bridges. Instead of Kong climbing the Empire State Building in this version, he climbs the Twin Towers in New York. I have no idea why this is hardly shown on TV, but it's worth seeing. ...This summer the airlines found a new way to stick it to the consumers as they are going to be charging a fee for checked baggage. $15 for your first bag and $25 for your second bag. Never underestimate the ways the airlines can think of to screw you. ...Andruw Jones is really going to start helping the Dodgers now that he has been put on the disabled list. ...Those five gallon water bottles are much heavier than they look. :wtf:
  17. Yeah, but he's from the matrocks12 school of gimmee gimmee gimmee.
  18. Updated to 5-18 ...It was another day yesterday and another Yankee loss. And I still can't get used to them. ...I wish I knew why the injury bug gets this team at the beginning of the year each and every time. ...Before we know it, two months of the season will be done and they'll have dug themselves such a big hole, the season will be finished for them. ...This is worth repeating. I've said many times that this is not a good hitting team. And damn them for proving it. ...That vicodin pill I take when I get out of work for knee pain is the strongest pill I've ever taken. In less than an hour, I'm out for the night. ...I wonder if Joe Morgan ever reads that website about him and I also wonder what he thinks about it? Because those guys that run that over there do one hell of a job tearing apart everything he says as well as the other sportswriters they feature too. ...Makes me wonder if someone will start a "Fire Michael Kay" website. I'll contribute to that. ...I was crying this week when I filled up my car because the price of gas was $3.97 a gallon. God knows what it is now, and you can be assured that when July gets here it will be even more. I'm lucky I don't have any kids because I can barely afford to fill up, get groceries and pay the other bills with what I made. I think that anyone who has a child at this time and is getting by should get a huge round of applause. ...On TV the other day I heard the actress say this: "I'd like a flat, white, coffee." Does anyone know what in the hell she was talking about? How can coffee be flat? And if you want some really nice coffee, try the Dark Roast coffee with any of the flavored creamers that are sold. You'll love it. ...Finally, on the subject of coffee, I've officially ended my boycott of Dunkin Donuts. I had stopped going there months ago when I found out from Sean O that Dunkin Donuts was a Boston-based company. Yeah I know, a crazy reason. But when I was given free coupons for iced tea and coffee from there, all was forgiven. :coffee: :oops: ...I hope Lebron James has the game of his life today.
  19. I wish to God I can help you on this Joel because I think this is a worthwhile project. But I work overtime every day and I have very little time for really important things like this. Don't forget now, if you have Tony3 and Oldtime baseball you can use the audio from Lon Simmons too. He was pretty good in that game as I recall.
  20. Updated to 5-11 ...You can always tell when you are back in the swing at things at work because then you start thinking about when your next vacation is. ...By the way, cortisone shots in your knee hurt. ...If you take Vicotin, it will knock you out. I promise. ...I'm glad the Yankees got a lot of money to play with, because they are taking a 46 million dollar bath with Kei Igawa. I can't even have the game on the TV when he's playing. Michael Kay in the booth and Igawa on the mound??? Are you kidding? ...Whoever said that this year is a transition year for the Yankees was 100% right. And that if anyone says that Ian Kennedy and Phil Hughes are busts are just assuming things. ...The server move for this website is done and the access time is much improved for us all. And if you don't mind me giving a blatant plug for this site, any contribution to this site will be much appreciated by Trues. ...I wonder if gamebase was climbing the walls that day when no one could access the site during the move? He wasn't able to download anything for quite some time. ...That new Oldtime baseball Classic overlay makes Total Classics look even better. What a wonderful job by OTBjoel. ...Three cheers for Greg Maddux, who won his 350th game yesterday. He's one of baseball's good guys and one of the best pitchers I've even seen. ...Happy Mother's Day today for all the mothers out there.
  21. Updated to 5-4 ...When I was home and not working, I could watch the Yankees any time I wanted and they did lousy. Friday and Saturday I couldn't watch them and they win. Just my luck. ...While Phil Hughes hurting his rib cage is unfortunate, I still can't understand how he could not grasp that he had trouble seeing things from a distance all this time and that it was a problem. ...Makes me wonder though if Ian Kennedy has something wrong too. ...If the Yankees can stay close up until the All-Star break, then they have a chance. They can't rush A-Rod or Posada and Phil Hughes. If they can remain close, then it's possible they can overcome this. No other team gets as many injuries as this Yankee roster year after year. ...Let's see, Mindy McCready and John Daly's ex. That makes two. All Roger Clemens needs is to have seven more women come forward and he can field a starting nine. ...Honestly, I never heard of Mindy McCready until this story came out. I didn't know she was a country singer because I don't pay attention to country music at all because I hate it. But to look at her pictures now makes me wonder what the hell happened to her as compared to looking at pictures of her just ten years ago. She looks like she had most of her meals at the McDonald's drive through dollar menu. ...Correction. This right here is all I know about Country Music Stars. WOW. ...I'd love to know what Clemens' wife thinks of all this. She's not exactly hard on the eyes herself, which makes you wonder why Clemens did all this-and to be fair right now- if he did all this behind her back. ...Nice to know Microsoft gave up its bid to buy Yahoo recently. They would have ruined another part of the internet if they'd done that. ...Don't forget, next week is Mother's Day.
  22. I never knew he got in a fight with a fan. I'm sure they probably fined him for that. Sometimes I don't know what the the Yankees are thinking when they go out and get people like this.
  23. CC720, don't start confusing me with the facts now, ok? Ok, one more time why I dislike Soriano. And it has nothing to do with having that 40/40 season not in a Yankee uniform. In 2003, he almost had his 40/40 season in a Yankee uniform but came up short. He pressed too much and started swinging at bad pitches. Towards the end of that year, everyone was getting him out on sliders, low and away. Over and over and over. The Red Sox KILLED the guy in the playoffs with that pitch. In the World Series, the Marlins KILLED him with that pitch. The entire ballpark knew that pitch was coming except for Soriano. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. As for Farnsworth, I didn't know much about that guy until he came to the Yankees CC720. And now I know more than I want to know and I want him off the team ASAP. The only time I heard of Farnsworth before he came to New York was a video of a fight he was in while on the Cubs. I never followed his career before he joined the Yankees. I didn't know he was a hot head. I do know he is a cement head.
  24. Updated to 4-27 ...I should call this one Random thoughts on a Sunday evening. But I have been so busy today I couldn't do this. I'm glad some people did. That's ok, this is your thread anyways. All I do is change the date each week. ...Spent the weekend with the wife. Last night to a wedding reception for someone she works with. I didn't know a soul. I hate situations like that when I don't know anyone. ...I am kicking myself for not bringing my phone with me. It's got a camera in it. I could have taken this photo yesterday of this hot blonde in a short dress for you. Not that I was looking. I was thinking of you guys all the way. ...To top it off, most of the day we watched TIVO stuff that she records. Law and Order, NCIS, Criminal Minds, you name it. Sometimes you got to do what you have to do when you have to do it. ...Starting Thursday my time on this wonderful website is going to be cut dramatically. I won't be spending that much time on here because I'll be returning to work that day after my knee surgery so during the day hours I'll be busy working instead of having fun in here. ...A big middle finger salute to the State of New York, who, in their ultimate wisdom, have decided to raise the thruway toll prices 5% in July (just in time for the summer travel season) and another 5% in January. ...To say I am worried about the Yankees health-wise would be an understatement. ...And I don't care what anyone says, I think this Yankee team is a terrible hitting ballclub. ...What a difference a year makes. As of Friday, Joe Torre's Dodgers had a 9 - 13 record. That was the same record that the Yankees had last year after 22 games. The big difference is this year I don't care how Torre's team does. :shrug: ...Good luck Darren McFadden, the first round draft choice of my Oakland Raiders.
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