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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 4-20 ...My first thought that has been on my mind recently is that I am going to be returning to work soon and I am still not sure I am 100%. I had my knee surgery back in January and I've been home ever since. I am hoping once I get going things will work out. ...Don't worry Miguel Tejada that you aged two years overnight. I'm still older than you. ...And I'll guarantee you that another guy that's been lying about his age is Alfonso Soriano. There's no way this guy was born in 1976. He had to shave at least three years off his age. Put it this way, if Soriano was born in 1976, I was born in 1990. :nay: ...It's never funny when an injury comes up for any player and we all can agree on that. But Soriano recently changed that belief right after this moron did his hop, skip and jump routine after he caught an easy fly ball last week. The guy's hitting .175 for the Cubs and can't catch a fly ball without being a showboat. That's 136 million dollars well spent. ...I'm no Kyle Farnsworth fan, but he is a victim of the Red Sox whining influence on Major League Baseball. The Red Sox must have been crying long and loud about that pitch almost hitting Ramirez, so the end result was that undeserved three game suspension he got. The next time Kyle, hit the piece of *&$#. ...Speaking of the Red Sox, rumor has it that they are filing a complaint to the Pope because he is performing a mass today at Yankee Stadium and he isn't doing one at Fenway Park. ...The only God New England has is the Beer God. ...Another frustrating April for the Yankees. They aren't doing anything right. Can't pitch, can't hit, can't put anything together. But that's normal. They'll dig themselves a huge hole and that's when they'll start playing better. Go figure. ...Mark's random thoughts were great this week. I knew you were not feeling well but I didn't know to what extent. It is much worse than this cold that I still haven't shaken yet. Get well man and get plenty of rest. ...Quick, someone go read Mark's random thoughts post and come back here and tell me what a lolcat is and who the hell is TQ? ...I've been reading about the RFK assassination that happened back in 1968. Some researchers are now saying there was a second gunman that was there. I don't understand why it took forty years for this to come out? ...R.I.P. Stanley Kamel, who played Dr. Kroger on the TV show Monk. :(
  2. Mark, the Al Pacino movie is called 88 minutes to live and it comes out on the 18th I believe.
  3. Present company excluded of course BigRog about the description of the Sox fans. Also I'd have to say Sean O and Borgi are excluded too. I don't want to give the wrong impression here. You know what fans I'm talking about here BigRog? The ones who want to go to a game, and really it doesn't matter if it is in Fenway or New York or Anaheim. But the ones who go there just to drink and fight and ruin it for everyone else. I don't care who they root for, they aren't there to see the game. I'm sure you've been to Fenway Park many more times then I have, but the times I was there I always saw fights there for no reason. I'm saying to myself, damn I just want to watch this game and now everyone has to stand up just to watch two people fight each other. She wasn't home and if there was swearing in that video I watched I had no clue because I couldn't understand a word except for that guy saying "YO" over and over.
  4. Updated to 4-13 ...Jonathan Paplebon's walk from the bullpen in the eighth inning of yesterday's game took so long for him to do that I was able to order a pizza and have it delivered before he got to the mound. ...Some of these games between the Yankees and Red Sox are long enough anyways without a rain delay that you can fly cross country and the game won't be over. ...When Robinson Cano is not hitting well, he looks as lazy and uninterested as Alfonso Soriano. ...The April weather around here sucks. I got a cold that I can't shake. It doesn't help that one day it's 60 degrees and the next day it drops to 30. ...Red Sox fans are amazing. Just when I think they can not be any more disruptive, disorderly, rowdy, unruly, troublesome, barbaric, bellicose, combative, contentious, destructive, disturbing, quarrelsome, rapacious, threatening, boisterous, disobedient, drunk, fractious, undisciplined, intemperate, lawless, noisy, uncontrollable, abhorrent, appalling, hateful, hideous, horrendous, horrible, loathsome, monstrous, obnoxious, odious and offensive fans around, they prove me wrong and top themselves. ...Try saying that three times fast. ...I have to confess that I don't understand what some of these guys in here are talking about when they say Rick Roll. Someone once provided a youtube link and all I saw was a music video. ...I'm always reluctant to click on these links because I remember once a few years back I was asking MarkbtheYankee about some rap song that I knew nothing about and he gave me a link to see the music video of it. I clicked on it, but I forgot I had my speaker volume up kind of high and when that song started playing by Mr. HiphopJazzyJazz what's his name, I nearly fell out of my chair. I don't ask Mark about music anymore. :phone: ...You know you are married when you are forced to watch a movie on the Lifetime channel. ...I've been anxious to see a movie lately but I just don't see any good ones out. Edit ...Correction: There's a new Al Pacino one coming out soon.
  5. Updated to 4-6 ...No matter how you look at it, this first week of having baseball back was a welcome sight. It didn't hurt having that Extra Innings free preview either. All is right again. ...I think it's amusing the Tigers are 0 - 5. ...Same for Soriano, who is 0 for 9 in 2008. Yeah I know, it's early but it's still funny. ...Last year the Yankees got out of the gate hitting the ball like crazy and not pitching. This year, the opposite. Now they can't hit but the pitching is good. I think it is better like this because it is easier for that team to straighten out hitting problems than pitching ones. ...I really like the way the bullpen is this year. Of course I am leaving out Farnsworthless and his partner in shame Latroy Hawkins. Those two are going to be neck-and-neck this year for most unpopular Yankee. ...Which brings me to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Or Rays. Or whatever they call themselves this week. Those hosers only play well against the Yankees and when they play against Boston, just watch how fast they go belly up. Happens every year. ...Trivia time. When was the last time a major league team changed their nickname prior to the Expos becoming the Nationals? ...Slowly but surely this knee of mine is improving from unbearable pain to just regular daily pain. At this point in time, I'll take it. ...Is there some obscure Canadian law that we don't know about that makes the Toronto Blue Jays change their uniforms every single year? ...The best looking new ones this year are the retro ones for Philadelphia and Cleveland. ...Trivia answer: In 1971, when the Senators left Washington to move to Arlington and they became the Rangers.
  6. How about a wallpaper of this classic photo? Notice how nothing seems to be going on but if you look really close, you'll see that nothing is going on. That is unless you enjoy watching people stand around. This superb photo collected five stars in a POTD last year. A wallpaper is requested by me with this picture in it. Please surround it with other references to laziness and put in a Lazy Boy recliner chair and a picture of a bum drinking out of a brown paper bag. That would fit in well with this photo. Thank you!
  7. Updated to 3-30 ...If you missed that Dodger-Red Sox game last night at the Los Angeles Coliseum, you missed a bit of history. Before this game I only saw films of how this place was and how bad it was for pitchers but to see it on TV like I saw last night it was unbelievable. Can you imagine if they still had to play in that place today and if Manny Ramirez played there? How many home runs would he have hit with that short left field wall? Over 100? 125? ...The first inning Andruw Jones hit a line shot off of Wakefield and it bounces off the left field wall. The Red Sox shortstop fielded the ball because it was closer to him than it was to Manny in left. I was thinking to myself I would have loved to see those right handed hitters take batting practice before the game, they'd have broken a few seats. ...Finally I thought of the people of Brooklyn and how they must have been feeling. For those of them still there that remember when their ballclub left all those years ago, this must have been a painful and sad reminder of what Walter O'Malley did to that borough fifty years ago. I'm sure those people weren't watching last night. ...Tonight we get to see the new Nationals ballpark for the first time on ESPN Sunday Night baseball. I can only watch it for a few innings. Doesn't matter to me if it's the first Sunday night game of the year, I can't go nine innings of listening to Miller and Morgan. ...Anyone catch the title of Bobby Murcer's new book that is coming out soon? It's called Yankee For Life: My 40-Year Journey in Pinstripes. He never got in contact with me to use that name. ...Kei Igawa is really going to help the Yankees chances this year by not being there. ...What a week for the Yankees. Matsui runs off and gets married and it makes front page news. And A-Rod gets accused by Jose Canseco of trying to steal his wife. If Canseco writes another book, he'll accuse A-Rod next of trying to steal his car. ...Yankees home opener is tomorrow at 1:05 pm. Man, that's going to suck for those who are going. It's going to be freezing. I've always said they should open up the season in both leagues with games played in the western or southern cities or cities with domes. ...Chien-Ming Wang gets the opening day nod for the Yankees. He should be ok tomorrow since it isn't a playoff game. ...Here's hoping for a great 2008 season! Finally we have our game back.
  8. Maybe, I don't have Windows Vista so I really wouldn't know. I'm sorry.
  9. Updated to 3-23 ...So, what I miss? I was out of town again at my wife's hometown and when that happens I miss what happens in the world and in here. I have a very hard time getting online down there and when I was on yesterday (for five minutes) it was on a laptop that seemed even slower than me trying to climb stairs. ...The Sunday paper down there is 101 pages. One page of news and one hundred pages of advertisement. And all for the bargain of $1.50 ...Roy Rogers Restaurants on the Thruway rest stops are highway robbers. $2.79 for a cheeseburger which looks like the same cheeseburger you'd get at McDonald's on the dollar menu. ...Gas was $3.47 at home and $3.33 down there. Big difference. ...Had the obligatory ham for Easter. I don't care for ham. That's why I have four dogs that help me out with the ham when no one's looking. ...Went over to the sister-in-law's house on Saturday. Big screen TV. Would have loved to watch College basketball or baseball. Both had to take a backseat to Lifetime Television. ...DirectTV had a free preview of their games this weekend. At least I had something to do to pass my time when I was there. ...Read two books amidst all the excitement there. Mr Monk and the Two Assistants and Storm Warning by Jack Higgins. I'm a fast reader. ...Anything happen with the Yankees? Didn't see any sense asking anyone down there because they seem to think Mickey Mantle is still on the team. ...It takes me three days back home to get things right and organized how I want them after I am gone for a weekend. I hate that 180 mile trip. ...Happy belated Easter!
  10. The way I do it is this: When I finish the game, I go to the main menu of MVP 05 and then I hit ALT+TAB to go to the desktop. I then run the box score extractor and it starts and I get the message that says it is "searching for the memory address." After that, I follow the prompts and finally it asks me what do I want to name this file? I give it a name and that file is place in a directory where the Box score extractor is. So try this out the next game you play. Play a game and name this file something that you will have no trouble finding, call it TESTBOXSCOREGAME or something. You'll see it there in the BSE thread.
  11. Seems to me that the seven that he has in now are pretty good. There's a good variety in it.
  12. These last few posts by DJ I can't tell if he's responding to posts here or playing Bingo. :shrug:
  13. Why timay? There's no need to bring anything like that up. This is his thread.
  14. If you know where it is, give the guy a link. It will save me from looking through my CD's.
  15. Now, I am not saying this program is not around anymore. I am sure that there are some people that have this lying around. Maybe someone will be able to help you.
  16. MvpEdit has never been and it never will be on this site. Rglass, the creator of this program, only wants it on his site. And the only version he has on his site is the one for 2005.
  17. Updated to 3-16 ...It was nice seeing Billy Crystal having that much fun a few days ago when he was the DH for the Yankees. When I was watching his at-bat I thought to myself "when I'm 59, I won't even be able to foul off a pitch, let alone hit one." Who am I kidding? I can't do it now. ...Selig being Selig department: Now Major League Baseball is not allowing Yankee instructor Reggie Jackson to wear his uniform anymore. These people have nothing else to do. ...I don't care if you like him or not, but I love the support Hank Steinbrenner is giving to Joe Girardi after the two incidents with Tampa recently. ...Check out the special Yankee hats that they will be wearing on Tuesday the 18th when they face Virginia Tech. Here's a maroon one and here's the blue one. They'll be autographed after the game and sold at an auction run by Virginia Tech. Don't worry, I am sure that before this week is done both of these styles will be available for sale on their homepage. ...I'm all for the promoting of baseball in any part of the world and it was nice to see that the Chinese people really took to the games between the Dodgers and Padres, but when Selig wants to possibly play a regular season game there, that could be too much. ...The IHOP sucks. Those people couldn't make a decent breakfast if their lives depended on it. I've always found it is best to go to a small diner for Sunday morning breakfast because they always do better than the Corporate ones like IHOP, Denny's and Perkins. ...I'll never understand the people that send out junk e-mails. Do they really expect people to believe what they are peddling? I got one the other day from a multi-millionaire who "has so much money he feels that he should share some with me." ...I like buying DVD sets of my favorite television shows. ...We are only a few weeks away from opening day. Even less if you count the opening series in Japan. I hope the Red Sox have a hard time making it through customs when they get there. ...Someone may want to again take this over next week since I got conned into going down to my wife's hometown for Easter. Oh well, it will work out for me in the end like it always will. That means I won't have to go there for a very long time after this latest imposition. ...You want an idea how exciting it is down there? Picture having a job where all you do is sit in a chair and you have to look at a wall watching the paint dry from it. You can't do anything else except for getting up to use the bathroom or get a drink. It's that boring down there.
  18. This thread is open for any member of the board who wants to come in and jot down whatever is on their mind. Anyone's welcome.
  19. Updated to 3-9 ...Since I've been home recovering from this knee surgery I can not sleep through the night for some reason, and tonight is no different. So, I'm here. ...Speaking of that, I got to go see the knee doctor on Thursday. I am in no way ready to go back. I can't even go outside and walk on that snow without it bothering me. ...This weather sucks, doesn't it? I think brutushayesosu, when he said this in the shoutbox yesterday, really summed it up: "Tuesday it was 60 degrees here. Friday and today....Old Man Winter spreads his cheeks and squats." ...I just love reading and talking about baseball and everything about it during spring training. About the new prospects, your team's chances, listening to experiences of you lucky few on here that live in Arizona or Florida that get a chance to see this, everything. Not even the weather can over shadow this. ...But you got to remember, the result of the games don't matter. That's misleading about the spring. Hey, even Kyle Farnsworthless is looking good right now, you know what I mean? ...Call them what you want, Devil Rays or Rays, they're still the same old a-holes to me. This just adds another reason why I can't stand that Tampa Bay team. All I can hope is that someone gives it to them for what they did to Yankee prospect Francisco Cervelli. ...You know what the best part of being on staff here is? When you get to deal with new users who get such a big kick out what is offered here. I had three different ones this week that I exchanged PM's with that are overwhelmed at what this site has and what you great modders have done with this game. I don't think there are enough thank-you's in the world that you guys can get for your work. ...Anyone try that Gatorade G2 yet? That stuff's good, especially the grape. And that Snapple Antioxidant water isn't bad either. ...I have a fear of eating or drinking anything past the expiration date. If orange juice in my refrigerator expired yesterday, I won't touch it. Same for any kind of food. ...I'm not a beer drinker. Let me say that right off. But when I was in 7-11 this week I saw this for sale. What the heck is up with beer with clam juice? They don't sound like they should go together. Maybe it's an acquired taste? If so, I'm not acquiring it. ...Daylight Savings Time starts today, so we got to turn our clocks one hour ahead. ...I hear the plows outside constantly as I write. Not good. I think I'll try to go back to bed and try not to think about it.
  20. Kraw please, if there's any questions on the runnings of this site bring up any comment in the Forum and Site Issues threadSITE ISSUES forum or send Trues a PM. I do recall when that happened a few years ago and the reaction it got. I do recall -and I know I'm right- that Trues asked for a five dollar donation from anyone at that time and in return they'd have lifetime access to all the downloads. And that's all I say about that because this thread isn't about this.
  21. I may be able to help you, if you don't mind. Check out these 1937 Dodger uniforms. They were made by someone else and they are in our download section. They are 2X. Now, I am not that comfortable yet using the Tit program ( I still have trouble ) and since these uniforms were made before the Tit program was written, I do not know how to put these into the game. I just want you to know that. I would back up my models.big and just in case portraits.big (I always have backups of these) before installation. Here's a picture of these uniforms:
  22. I was going to suggest making a throwback jersey for Toronto. Before the Blue Jays came in the league, they were a minor league city and their team name was the Toronto Maple Leafs. But I can't find any decent photos to show you. I did see photos of these uniforms and they weren't that bad.
  23. Oh yeah, I see what you mean. But Cashman's the GM, you mean Hank could be a good owner.
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