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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. ....You guys have no idea how happy I am to be back here with all of you instead of being out of town for the weekend like I was. ...I hate tractor trailer drivers. These a-holes don't care what the weather conditions are, they still fly past you at 70 mph. On the NYS thruway and on Route 81 south past Syracuse these jokers acted like it was the middle of July instead of a snowstorm. ...Lucky me got to sleep in his favorite bed down there, the real soft one with no support. Try to picture Frankenstein when he was walking, stiff and rigid. That's me right now. ...Right after I write this post I have to go check up on the news in the world of sports and the world in general. They have a paper down there where my wife's family lives, but it's only good for lining the birdcage. ...On the way home we drove through Elmira, New York. That's Mark Twain country. I waved as we went past. No one waved back. ...Every time I take route 390 home past Elmira, I see a sign for the historical Newton Battlefield State Park. Well I never knew what it was until just now when I looked it up. Seems as if in 1779 the Continental Army went there and beat up a bunch of Iroquois Indians who were pro-British. Anyways, now I know and so do you. ...I didn't do a G.D. thing yesterday except watch TV and sleep in a chair. There's no internet access there. They're lucky they have a telephone. I had to watch a stupid movie called "Tommy Boy" with the late Chris Farley. He is another guy that I don't think is funny at all. ...All I know is that I support Hank Steinbrenner's comment in the latest issue of ESPN the (horse****)Magazine "Red Sox Nation? What a bunch of [expletive] that is," he said in an interview with The New York Times' Play magazine. "That was a creation of the Red Sox and ESPN, which is filled with Red Sox fans. "Go anywhere in America and you won't see Red Sox hats and jackets, you'll see Yankee hats and jackets. This is a Yankee country. We're going to put the Yankees back on top and restore the universe to order." Brings a tear to my eye you guys, it really does. ...And seeing Kei Igawa still in a Yankee uniform brings a tear to my other eye. ...Want a good classic CD to listen to? Try The Who's Quadrophenia. Anything they did with Keith Moon it was great.
  2. If someone would like to take the reigns on this when Sunday morning gets here, I'd appreciate it. I'll be out of town from Friday night until Sunday afternoon. Thank you.
  3. Well, I've seen worse, but she just annoys me and that makes me not want to watch the stuff she's in. Nothing wrong with that. Blondes rule.
  4. She is a ugly as she is annoying. I had to be forced to watch "How to lose a guy in ten days" because my wife said it was a "wonderful" movie. It sucked. That's why I won't go and see "Fool's Gold" only because she is in it.
  5. Hell yeah. And don't be a stranger in this thread. I got a feeling if you put your random thoughts down here one morning it would be quite a read. :chin:
  6. The way it looks right now, it appears he's caught. McNamee is just as bad, but it seems Clemens lied more.
  7. Updated to 2-24 ...I'm getting psyched for spring. The Mets play a spring training game on Tuesday at noon and if it is on SNY, I'll tune in just to check out some baseball. ...I even watched NESN (The New England Screwball Network) yesterday when they televised part of the Red Sox spring training. Well, at least I watched about twenty minutes worth. Those announcers on that station are the most biased I've ever come across. ...The worst thing about baseball starting up again??? Having to listen to Michael Kay all over again. ...I sure as hell don't want to be in Roger Clemens' shoes now especially when that photograph linking him to that party has surfaced. Congressmen do not like being lied to Roger. ...Even money says if Randy Johnson plays this year he won't make it to June because of his bad back. ...And if the Mets don't win it this year, a lot of Mets fans on this board are going to have egg on their face. ...Anyone watching the Oscars tonight? Not me. ..."You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive." I read that once and it seems that almost every time I get behind the wheel this is true. ...I miss Fuzzone. And Olyrunner and Carter and Tribetime. Just to name a few. ...The Tokyo Dome. By Salva. Try this!! [/end of shameless plug] ...For all you Monk fans out there like me, the season ending two part episode was very good, wasn't it? That means there will be a seventh season. Also, Psych ended their season on a high note too.
  8. This may not be a youtube video but you might enjoy watching this anyways.
  9. Updated to 2-17 ...That Clemens Congressional hearing last week was interesting. I didn't get to watch all four hours of it but from what I watched, Clemens looks like he's done. I can still hear Waxman saying "It is not your time to argue with me" and all Clemens did was take it. What a way to end it. ...Now it makes me wonder, what's the next step? Is there another hearing? ...Of all the articles that covered this hearing, this one here is really the best. ESPN's Howard Bryant really wrote a gem. ...Joe Girardi says he has faith in Kyle Farnsworthless. Yikes. :nay: ...I still can not watch the movie Continental Divide even after all these years without getting depressed. ...I figure I got another few more weeks at home and then I got to go back to work. Trouble is, my knee is still sore from this surgery. :hmph: ...Robitussin may work pretty good for coughs and colds, but why the hell does it taste so bad? ...I had a nightmare last night that I lost the installations CD's to Mvp 05. That's why I woke up early today. And yes, I did take a quick glance to see if they were still there. ...It's 30 degrees outside right now. That makes it hard to think about anything to do with baseball. ...I've got the Sportsline photo site pretty much figured out right now since that's where I do most of my photo collecting. But for anyone who wants their own hi-res photos just be aware that any photo that starts out with the date on the caption and then the description will not be in hi-res. And that's too bad, because today there's a lot of photos of the Tigers in Spring Training, none of which are in hi-res. ...I don't know about you, but there hasn't been a good movie released since Christmas. ...Actress Kate Hudson is right up there on the annoying scale. ...The Paulie Walnuts commercials for Denny's crack me up.
  10. Updated to 2-10 ... We've finally made it, Spring training starts this week! Just reading that should make everyone feel good about this upcoming week. ...And I still got a smile on my face because of the Super Bowl. I don't know what I was most happiest about last Sunday, watching the Patriots lose or watching Belicheat look like a total idiot after the game. ...The Pro Bowl is today. Wake me when it's over. This game gets no ratings year after year. Even when I was in Hawaii no one there paid attention to it except for the occasional article in the paper about some player. Other than that, it was "oh well." ...I'm still home trying to get this knee healed so I can stay up later at night and I got to tell you the best stuff on TV is on after 11 pm. And I have no idea why. ...Been using the X-box also too. Haven't turned that on in months too. I've forgotten how much I enjoyed playing the All Star Baseball series by Acclaim and the NCAA 06 game by EA. Especially ASB, which I thought was underrated. ...I really found it humorous that Roger Clemens' wife is now being accused of injecting steroids. I expect that this week we will find out that Clemens' paperboy took them too. ...I've played about five or six games of Compmaniac's softball mod this week and I really enjoyed it. I sure wish he'd come back and finish it. He was really on to something. ...There is no better theme song for any TV show than the one for Hawaii Five-O. Period. ...For my own good I have to stop playing those search-and-find games from here on out. You know the ones I mean, where you got to find stuff in a picture and they are hidden in the photo? Those are the games. I get so involved that I turn the light off in the room, get close as I can to the screen and stare at it until I find every one of them. After awhile I get a headache because of this. But do I learn?? Noooo. ...In four days it will be Valentine's Day. That's the day you HAVE TO go out and buy that special girl in your life something because this is the day that Hallmark and the jewelry stores invented for you to spend more of your money because they decided they didn't get enough of it over Christmas. I hate this made up holiday.
  11. You make sense in what you are saying and believe me, I'm not arguing with you on this. I'm a baseball person first and always will be. But baseball is not blameless in having football overtake them. Football's never had their Super Bowl championship game canceled due to a strike and baseball has back in 1994. Plus with the black eye that is steroids, it turns off the casual fan.
  12. Updated to 2-3 ...Early update this week and it's all because I am awake now due to being stuffed up with a cold an sore throat. That and along with not being able to sleep that good with my knee after surgery does not allow me to sleep well these days. :shrug: ...If anyone gets a chance to watch it, that Caribbean series is something to see. ...Since there's no better way to spend the summer anyhow, what do you say we play the games first before we hand the New York Mets the World Series title for 2008? ...It was nice to see former Syracuse star Art Monk be elected to Football's Hall of Fame. That guy was one of the best receivers in the NFL in the 80's. Now, when will it be time for Cliff Branch? ...The New York Knicks are the Oakland Raiders of the NBA in that every time you think they can't get any worse they end up proving you wrong. ...Hey NYM buddy! They're selling Santana jerseys on the Mets website! Time to break open the piggy bank and get one, but it's going to cost you. The cheapest is $90. 8O ...The NHL Network really isn't that bad to watch. ...We had high winds around here the other day. You know, the kind that shake your house? Well, I was home and I was looking out the window watching stuff fly around and the next thing I see is some kid's summer plastic pool flung down the street by the wind. It must of had a successful escape since I did not see anyone come and chase it down. ...It seems that sometime this week I will be watching a movie called "Wargames" for the very first time. ...We all know what next week brings, right? Spring training starts! ...Go Giants.
  13. No he did not not Kraw. I have been here all morning and I have been watching what the heck has been going on. No posts were deleted. If there is a problem with KC downloading this beta version and testing them out and "post a ton of screenshots" in this thread, then let me know immediately. KC said nothing wrong and I have no idea why that guy made the post that he did. Again, I have been here all morning and I have viewed every post. If you really want to get after someone, get after SouthsideCubfan, who apparently can not understand what KC meant.
  14. Updated to 1-27 ...Well, my knee surgery went fine. Now I just have to let it heal. I can't be on for a long period of time because I have to have the leg extended, but that's ok. I'm just happy this is over. ...Operating rooms are intimidating and those health care people are way underpaid. Those people do a great job. ...I don't even want to bother counting how many surgeries I've had because I know it will be over ten. ...Why are the feds going after a retired player (Chuck Knoblauch) with this steroid investigation? That's one thing I don't get. ...R.I.P. Heath Ledger, you were a good actor and you were way too young. ...I like that Brian Cashman. He's not willing to give the Twins the key to farm system for Santana and he is sticking to his beliefs. It's my hope that he is listened to concerning this because every time I read about more Santana trade news I get worried. ...You know, just like a few years ago when we got rid of some good young players for the immortal Randy Johnson, who did nothing. ...I really think the Giants have the momentum and confidence to win next week. ...Because if they don't, those entitled horses*** Boston fans will be bragging around here yet again. ...Thank God for Directv. The President is giving a speech tomorrow night and I have no plans to watch it. ...Each week Psych gets better and better. It's one of the funniest shows on TV.
  15. Updated to 1-20 ....My God it's freezing out. Right now it's 10 degrees out there and I don't want to know what the wind chill is. And it's like this all over the east coast right now. I only have to go out once, and it is right after I get done here when I go and get coffee. ...Here's a nice extended middle finger at the New York State Thruway department for raising the tolls again and one more for talking about raising them again very soon. ...I went to Best Buy on Friday to get a DVD set and they didn't have it. Yeah, it is my fault I didn't check to see if they had it first because I drove 20 minutes out of my way, but how can you be out of the Quantum Leap series and yet have an overflow of others? ...At least when I was there I got a good look at the quality of Blu Ray DVD's. What a picture! ...I've had gift cards for Christmas for Best Buy (like I got this past Christmas) and in previous years at Circuit City. And every time I have a gift card for one store, it is the other store that has what I want. This time, Circuit City had some DVD sets I wanted. ...I know New England is favored in today's AFC Championship game but I can't root for a New England team in anything, so I got to go with the Chargers. And in the NFC, I think the Giants and Packers game will be very close, might be too tough to call. ...I don't know how any of you feel but I am already tired of this political coverage. Did it really matter that the networks had to interrupt the shows last night to tell us that John McCain won the South Carolina Primary? ...Here is hoping the Twins do not budge at all in their demands for the young players the Yankees have for Johan Santana. In fact, ask for more. Pile on the demands so the Yankees finally and once and for all tell you to go *&*^ yourself. I have as much respect for the state of Minnesota as I do Massachusetts. ...I won't be around much after Monday night on the website because on Tuesday morning I will be having my surgery on my right knee. It's arthroscopic surgery and I'll be an outpatient. I won't be able to walk around a few days after that so I won't be able to check mail or do anything like that, so I will see you all later on. ...Finally, I don't want to forget to mention my father-in-law, who died very unexpectedly on Monday the 14th at his home. He was a good man and I thank him for accepting me, a non-Nascar fan like myself, into his home. R.I.P. sir. ...Maybe this is why I was so touchy about you guys thinking it is no problem to crack jokes and make light of what a wake or a funeral is about. I just had the sad duty of going to one this past week and all you had to do is have seen the grief on some of those people's faces that were there and none of you would have considered telling jokes.
  16. Updated to 1-13 ....I got a house full of relatives in from out of town here for the weekend and we only have one bathroom in the house. That's when you find out who takes a long time in there. ...At least none of these houseguests like Boston because if they did they'd be in a hotel and not asleep in the bedrooms as they are right now. :wink: ...Nice to see Seattle get the boot from the playoffs. The Packers played great after they stopped fumbling the ball. ...It's hard to read about any baseball news right now because all that is talked about is the damn steroids. ...I got to go for my pre-admission appointment for my knee surgery on Tuesday, with my knee surgery set for January 22nd. ...I'm glad I've never smoked or purchased cigarettes in my life. I don't need the additional health problems that go with that and I don't have the money to buy the cigarettes either. ...Nice to see compmaniac make an appearance here last night. That means pretty soon we'll see 150 new threads for 150 new questions. ...I never miss reading the shoutblock in here because some of the comments on there are pretty good. ...I don't think I will go and see that Cloverfield movie until I read something in here about it from the Mvpmods movie reviewers. ...Which kind of gives me an idea for a thread. If someone wants to make one we can have a thread for new movies where we can post why we liked going to see it or why it was a complete waste of your money.
  17. Updated to 1-6 ...I always have that nice, calming feeling right around this time of year because the holidays are over and we have a year before this all gets going again. ...So, Clemens and Pettitte are being asked to speak before Congress? After thinking long and hard about this I have decided I could care less. ...Speaking of Clemens, is anyone going to watch him on 60 Minutes tonight? ...I love our new site layout and I want to thank Trues for all the hard work in getting this in place and working right. And I love that Spring Training countdown applet. ...Bye-bye Steelers, have a nice off season. ...I kind of miss having Dunkin Donuts coffee because SeanO ruined it for me by telling me that company was from Boston. I haven't been there since. ...Welcome back to Mvpmods timay. He's a modder also and some of his work can still be found in the download section here. ...Well, my Norton's AV is going to expire soon and I think I might go with AVG Professional or Kaspersky. I still got a few weeks to decide. ...What the hell is going on with Britney Spears now? You'd almost feel bad for her if she wasn't so damn stupid. She's not an entertainer anymore, she's weekly front page news on the National Enquirer. ...I am all for people working and making a living, but the only guy I don't want to see work is the snowplow guy. I agree. Those American team don't belong in that league and there is no reason for it. I think the Mexican League is just fine the way it is now.
  18. Updated to 12-30 ...Cover your ears because the most entitled and better-than-you-are fans in America have another thing to cheer about. New England must have sold their soul to Hades to have all this good fortune. The trouble is, there's always the bill to pay. That's what I want to witness. ...There should be no doubt after this as to how much I hate that part of the country. ...No matter what, we all have a much better chance of starting the New Year in a lot better position than Jim Leyritz will. ...Roger Clemens is planning on issuing his own report through his attorneys to detail his innocence in the steroid scandal that had his name associated with it. Clemens said he wants the report to be 410 pages long, or just one page longer than the Mitchell report. That'll show 'em. ...Again, I don't care what these players did. They did this to themselves. I just want spring training to get here! ...I saw National Treasure: Book of Secrets the other day and it was well worth it for anyone to go and see. I won't spoil it by saying what happened, but if you are a fan of these movies like I've become, you will be happy to find out that they left it open for a third installment. ...I love Total Classics version 8. Please download this! ...I got some gift certificates to Best Buy that are burning a hole in my pocket. I like going there all by myself so that I am not rushed. You can always find something good at Best Buy. ...There's also another store that's usually located in the malls called FYE. Has anyone ever heard of that one? That's a pretty good one for games, DVDs, music, etc. ...Everyone, take it easy tomorrow night. There's some good things planned for 2008 around the Mvp gaming community (like Mvp 08) that no one needs to miss out on. Stay safe and have fun.
  19. Updated to 12-23 ...Up early today. Got to wrap gifts while Mrs Y4L is still sleeping. I don't wrap that good, but that's ok. It's what's in the box that matters. I wonder if she'll let me use the Ipod I got her? ...This is my favorite part of the Christmas season by the way. When it's almost over. :w00t: ...I might go see National Treasure today. I've read no reviews about it and I don't want to know what happened. ...Yesterday was the first day of winter. So does this mean the previous three weeks were free preview weeks with all the terrible weather we've had around here? ...Want to make a Canadian cry? Tell them there's no snow predicted in the forecast. ...It's nice to check out the Yankees home page and not read about any trade talks but at the same time this steroid stuff is a bit too much. I don't even bother reading about it anymore. ...This is one busy off season here on this site. Soon, TC 8 is coming out. That's always a red letter day for me. And of course Kraw's got the 08 mod in works and now a group of ambitious modders are very close to changing the announcer audio in the game. This has always been a sore spot of the game for many people because the two announcers are not that good and if these gifted modders can pull this off, it will be a major addition to this great game. ...I know it's a longshot, but Go Dolphins! I am fed up with that rotten part of the country being on top of the sports world. And to make matters worse, now the Celtics are doing well. :soap: ...Needless to say my holiday spirit will never extend to the New England states. If I ran the country the first thing I'd do was throw them out of the union. ...Anyone that's got to drive to Christmas parties tomorrow night, stay safe and take care.
  20. Addendum to my original random thoughts for today: ...Looks like I won't be leaving the house after all. I just went outside to shovel a few paths in the front and back yards for the dogs and the snow is still coming. I couldn't tell from the inside, but this snow is a combination of hail and sleet, and it is still coming down. Looks like I am in for the day. ...Welcome back Friedman, hope you can hang around for a bit.
  21. Updated to 12-16 ...Wheew!! That's what I said this morning when I looked out the window. The forecast called for 8 to 12 inches but just by looking at what is out there now, we did not get a foot of snow last night. Thank you God. ...My niece was worried about the snow because tonight she is supposed to go to a Hannah Montana concert. Now she will be able to go. But it does bring up one question. Who the hell is Hannah Montana? ...If my snowplow guy gets here and the roads are halfway decent, I am going to go and see "I am Legend" today. And then next week the National Treasure Book of Secrets movie is on my list. ...I like Christmas songs probably as much as anyone, but the song I hate the most is "The Twelve Days of Christmas." I can not listen to this song in its entirety. ...My favorite? Adeste Fideles, hands down. (That's O Come all Ye Faithful sung in Latin. When I was in school we had to learn and sing it that way.) ...Well, the Mitchell report has come and gone and we lived through it. ...Is anyone here going to read all 409 pages of that thing? Mark me down as no. ...And I give Andy Pettitte credit, he admitted what he did. But this still does not phase me one bit. He did it to himself, he didn't hurt you or me. I just want him to have a good year next year for the Yankees, that's all I care about. ...Of course it did not go unnoticed by me that some Red Sox fans had to just point out how many Yankee names were on this list and at the same time ignoring all the Red Sox names on that very same list. Never underestimate a Boston fan's ability to sink to a new low. ...Come on Cleveland Browns. Knock the Bills out of playoff contention.
  22. Updated to 12-9 ....I don't like trade talks with any team in baseball because they always seem to demand the world when they deal with the Yankees. ... I hope this Santana stuff bites Minnesota in the *&* at the end and this guy ends up a free agent. ...I wonder how Barry Bonds is going to get away with no jail time? I just have a feeling he will. ...Good news! At least for me, that is. My knee surgery is scheduled for January 22nd. I am getting a "right knee arthroscopy, Possible Meniscectomy" done that day. All that means is that I won't be able to walk around after that for awhile. ...I am not really sure that trading Hideki Matsui is a good idea. He's productive, although he was like everyone else in the post season in that he left his bat in the dugout. ...Being forced to watch "White Christmas" and "Miracle on 34th Street" last night has not put me in a good mood today. Nothing against those movies, but I've seen them so many times. ... I like watching baseball games on DVD, but it is no substitute for watching a live one. ...Bill Simmons and Jim Caple over at ESPN are probably my two most hated writers. They're Boston guys and that means that they have to throw in some kind of Yankee insult in almost every article they write. ...Speaking of classless, here's looking at you New England. ...Happy Birthday (yesterday) to Jim Morrison of the Doors. These guys were way before my time, but they were the best during their time period.
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