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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 9-23 ...Don't misunderstand me now because I'm glad the Yankees won yesterday, but I hate games like the one that was played yesterday. ...Eric Gagne, you have nothing on Kyle Farnsworthless because Farnsworthless has been sucking like this his entire career. ...Isn't it nice that the Blue Jays are waiting until now to play their best? I guess the first 150 games of the season they were just getting warmed up. ...I am silently praying that these "Joba rules" are dismissed once the post season starts. That is of course we get in it. ...When you have Julio Lugo hitting game winning home runs for you, you know you are a damn lucky team. ...I hate those Giuseppe Franco commercials on the YES Network. ...My wife wants a Ipod Nano thing that shows videos for Christmas. And so it begins. ...I told her I don't need anything and to go pay bills. Of course she won't listen. ...I can't wait until January to take care of this knee problem. I haven't mowed my lawn all year because I can't. I have to pay some landscaping guy to do it. ...Now that the Falcons are 0 - 2, they must really be cursing Michael Vick.
  2. Look, I didn't mean anything insulting by that. I know that without you there's no Mvp 08.
  3. Updated to 9-16 ...I'm up early this morning. You can blame that on the Red Sox. I've had a splitting headache since the end of the game last night, which made this a very long night. ...So Jason Giambi is a first baseman? ...Of all my years of watching this great game, the 2007 Yankees are the most frustrating team that I've seen. The word "inconsistent" is used many times to describe teams, but that's exactly what this year's squad has been and I don't like it one bit. ...YankeexDev was in Fenway Park yesterday to see this game. I felt bad for him. Not for seeing the Yankees lose, but for being surrounded by that collection of drunks and parole violators that the press lovingly calls "Red Sox Nation." ...Yeah, I am still fuming about yesterday's game. I better stop now. I feel the headache comin' back. ...It's too early department: Yesterday morning my wife and I had to go to BJ's wholesale club (it's a place like Sam's club) to get some stuff. Well, we walked in and after a few steps inside she turns to me and says "do you hear that?" I stop and listen and I said "yeah I do, but it can't be. It's too early." Well, my ears were not playing tricks on me and yes, it was still too early, but that didn't take away the fact that BJ's was playing "Silent Night" over their speaker system. The next song was "Silver Bells." And the Christmas season has begun. ...So of course when we got home my wife started looking through catalogs to "help me out with some hints" as to what to get her this December. She goes above and beyond the call when she helps me out like that. ...Can anyone make a guess as to when Jamarcus Russell will have his first bit of action for Oakland? I am kind of guessing early October, but I could be way wrong with that guess. ...First we got Total Classics 1978, and now that we have an updated version, this mod is going to look and play even better. Check it out and give some positive feedback to Jim825, who did some fantastic work on this. Also, let Rolie know how much you like the 2007 version of Dodger stadium that he just did. This is one beautiful looking park that he just did and even a Giant fan would agree that the work he did on this was spectacular. Thank you for both contributions guys! ...NHL 2008 just came out by EA. I wonder if it is worth getting? ...Gamebase 08 :lol:
  5. Updated to 9-9 ...No way around it, the big deal today is the first Sunday of the NFL season. Here's hoping your team does well this year. As for Raider fans like myself, it can only be better. ...Don't get me wrong, I like the NFL as much as anyone else, it's just that I really can't get into it until after the World Series is done. Baseball's always been number one to me and always will be. ...It's been a pleasure watching the Seattle Mariners fall from the playoff race these past few weeks. ...A couple of things I am worried about concerning the Yankees this week is what's the condition of Jeter's knee and how is Mussina going to pitch in Toronto this week? That is, how bad are the Blue Jays going to murder him? ...If the Yankees can't stay focused for the rest of the season then they don't deserve to be there in the first place. And yes, that means beating Tampa Bay because that team sucks. ...Do you ever think you will need a new computer just for all the season mods that there are and are going to come out? ...The Australians have a funny sense of humor and if you ever get a chance, check it out yourself. Right now on CNN, and I hope I have this link correct for you right here, scroll down on the list of videos they have there and look for OSAMA PRANK. It is near the bottom of all those videos. I won't give it away, but these Australians crack me up. ...Al Leiter is one of the best Yankee announcers on YES that the network has ever had. I wish that guy would be there all the time. ...It is funny how we don't read about the so called Yankee fans wanting to trade Alex Rodriguez now, don't we? ...I enjoy watching movies by M. Night Shyamalan because his movies have a lot of suspense in them. He's the guy who directed The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, both with Bruce Willis, Signs and most recently Lady in the Water. This guy's one of the better directors in Hollywood.
  6. I would request you wear that until the World Series is over. PLEASE!!!
  7. Updated to 9-2 ...I'm not even in school anymore but September is still a depressing month for me. I guess old habits never die. Or maybe I am down in the dumps about another summer slipping by. ...Welcome to the major leagues Mr. Ian Kennedy. I hope you stay a long time. ...For the rest of the year we are going to hear about Clay Buchholz ad nauseum because of what he did last night. Cooperstown's going to make a special exemption to let him in next year. ...Josh Beckett seems to be a pretty brave guy yelling at people in the safety of his own dugout but at the same time he's a gutless pr*** on the mound. ...The buzz about a possible new baseball game for the PC is exciting. Sure, it would be an adjustment period to get used to a new game and to mod it, but I still think anything's possible. To free up server space we probably would have to remove all the Mvp 2004 files and all the old 2005 files for the new mods. But I am getting way ahead of myself here, aren't I? ...And it's another year of missing the New York State Fair! Man, I'm on a hot streak. I had to work yesterday while everyone got to go to the Fair over in Solvay, New York, which is near Syracuse. I don't mind at all since I really seem to have developed a fear of crowds. ...Gas around here is $2.95 per gallon for regular unleaded as of yesterday. And people wonder why I didn't take a vacation. I'll need to take out a loan just for the gas. .Whenever I see a picture of Bud Selig, the same thing pops into my mind every time. I've never seen such a confused looking person in all my life. And this guy's in charge of our favorite game. Make sense to you? ...If anyone reading this signed up for fantasy football this year on EAmods, I got one question. In last year's fantasy football that you guys had, who won it? I never followed it to be honest. ...I think I might be going to see that new Jodie Foster movie next month. What the hell's it called?
  8. Yeah, I got a comment. If I were a Met fan I would have this on my desktop ASAP. Wonderful job.
  9. No, not yet because I was busy last night. I was working this weekend. I am hoping to look at it on Monday.
  10. Three hours a night for homework in the summer? What the hell is that about? No way would I like to do that.
  11. You are lucky. That's another reason why Italy is a great country. That's what it always did for me. Heck, in my high school I had to have a summer reading list. Not every high school had to do this either.
  12. Man, you aren't going to have any random thoughts today. By 1pm, you'll be walking into random walls because you'll be so tired.
  13. Updated to 8-26 ...Tomorrow's the big day for Michael Vick. When this all first went down, I really expected him to get away with it because he's a rich athlete. ...Just watching the White Sox the last few days against Boston shows how much they've just gone through the motions this year. Sure, they got their World Championship in 2005, now they can go back to their losing ways for the next 90 years. ...One thing you can count on about the people who make the schedule for the American League is that they will make sure they screw the Yankees at the end of the season with the toughest schedule possible. And it wouldn't shock me at all that the people that do this are from New England. ...It's nice to see Johnny Damon playing like Johnny Damon again. ...I've been playing this game called Rocketbowl and no matter how hard I try, I can't get past the fourth course. Rocketbowl is a bowling game and the bowling balls have jet powered rockets on them. Not a bad game. ...So's this one. It's called Virtua Tennis 3. I play this every once in awhile when I am not playing Total Classics or Mvp 2007. It's a tennis game made by Sega. Here's two screenshots, a in-game shot of Maria Sharpova and a shot of her after she won her match. This is one hell of a game, and I'm not a huge tennis fan. ...Next week it is going to be crazy on this site when Boston visits the Yankees in New York. You all know how the Red Sox fans in here are. They just can't resist starting something. Oh well, keep it in your own thread and there won't be anything to say about it. ...It's your fault Jamarcus Russell. You haven't done squat in the NFL yet and you still want to be paid like a superstar. Screw you. ...I have a printer that I have not even hooked up yet. I was going to make room for it and install it over my vacation, but I was too sick to do it. Now I bet I won't do it until my next vacation. ...Last week I wrote in here about going to a wedding on a Sunday afternoon. A little update on that for you, if you don't mind. It sucked! I think that summed it up very well. When you got to wait two hours for the wedding photos to be taken, when dinner doesn't get there until 7:30, and when people are starting to file out the door ninety minutes after that, that's the entire story of the wedding I was at. When I was a kid, I wanted to be invited to weddings. Now, I am happy when I am not invited.
  14. Updated to 8-19 ...I want to start out this week's random thoughts by voicing a complaint about what I have to do today. I have to go to a wedding later on today. The damn thing starts around 4:30 pm with the reception immediately after. My question is who would want to schedule a wedding at that time when half the people going there got to go to work the next day? You know, like me? :headache: ...I don't care what his won-loss record states, Roger Clemens has been great so far for the Yankees. ...Does anyone else notice that the Angels roll over and play dead for the Red Sox? ...My birthday was a little over a month ago but it seems so much longer because this summer has gone by on warp speed. ...That Bronx is Burning mini-series on ESPN has been great. I haven't missed an episode so far. John Turturro, the guy who plays Billy Martin, seems to have that role nailed perfectly. From all I've read and seen, Martin was a difficult person. ...Now this Jamarcus Russell pain in the *(& is really get me upset. I just want him to sign a contract so he can help the Raiders. He's the only first round choice who has not signed yet. :evil: ...I know I heard Jerry Seinfeld make this joke, but for me it's true. I always seem to be behind someone who has their left turn signal on all the time. That's what happened yesterday. ...Who else loves Ginger Ale as much as I do? ...You know what store I think has gone really downhill over the past few years? Comp-USA. They used to have a huge area for computer software of every type imaginable. Games, applications, etc. Aisles and aisles of it. I used to love going there. Now, they only have a small section for everything and I don't even go there anymore. ...It's nice to see MarkbtheYankee back here after computer problems and being on holiday. Now he can resume his regular role in being blamed for half of everything that goes on in here. I have the other half already covered.
  15. Yeah, just ask DJEagles. He was at the game. Happy Birthday!
  16. Updated to 8-12 ...Well, this was a fast week of vacation. I was sick for half of it so I couldn't enjoy it anyways. Because of being sick it cost me any chance of going to Cooperstown. Just my luck I suppose. Next one: Halloween week. ...Next year Cooperstown, next year! Then I can go buy stuff I really don't need in the first place. (When I was there in 2003, someone was selling a lapel pin of Hideki Matsui. His head was on the body of Godzilla. And for a second I'm thinking to myself "this doesn't look too bad", but fortunately I did not buy it. I came to my senses.) ...At least I had the chance to play in the two newest parks that the Sean O stadium factory put out, and that's Houston's Colt Stadium and Seattle's Sick's Stadium. Try them out if you get an opportunity. ...You have no idea how much it makes me happy to see the Yankees giving their prospects a chance to play instead of watching them be traded all over the league. ...Speaking of the Yankees, they've been doing some pretty nice things lately, haven't they? ...I know the Padres claimed Igawa, and that's all well and good, but why the hell couldn't they get Farnsworth too? What a double play that would be. ...Word out of Toronto is that the Blue Jays management is ordering all fans to remain silent when John McDonald is at bat just so he won't be distracted. ...I went to a mall yesterday for the first time since last Christmas. Not bad, huh? I had a pretty good streak going as far as avoiding them. ...Anyone else here like seafood? I just love scallops and clams and stuff like that. Can't have it too much since it's kind of pricey. ...I saw this on the news yesterday. After 210 million years, they finally found it.
  17. No plans at all. The only thing I have been doing all day is laying in bed sick. Damn.
  18. We do not talk about modding the X-Box in here since it is illegal to do so. If you want to do it to your console then you do it, but without the help or support or advice from anyone here. And in the future all X-BOX questions go in the correct forum.
  19. Updated to 8-4 ...I hate traveling out of town to the in-laws place. Have you ever slept on a bed that had no support at all that your back hurt for hours after you woke up? That's what I am going through right now. ...The only fun part of being down there was getting the chance to see the new Adam Sandler movie "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry." Go see it if you have a chance, it's funny. ...Added bonus: Jessica Beil is in that movie. ...They had a big festival down there called a "Spiedie Festival" I found out that a Spiedie is marinated meat and this festival is just like any other kind you would go to. They got food and drinks and they sell stuff, etc, etc. The only thing different here is that they charge admission to this damn thing. Thanks but no thanks. I'll wait for the county fair. In fact, I won't even wait for that. ...Thumbs up to A-Rod and his 500th and thumbs down to Bonds on his 755th. ...I still don't get why the Yankees got rid of Scott Proctor and that they still have Kyle Farnsworth? And to be honest, isn't this the Yankees fault and no one else's? What the hell did the Yankees expect when they got Farnsworth? He sucked for everyone else, was he just going to turn it around when he got to New York? The hell with him. ...Paging Dr. Fuzz, where are you? ...I sure wish Jamarcus Russell would end his holdout with the Raiders. ...R.I.P. Thurman Munson 28 years ago last Thursday. It's still hard to believe. ...Wouldn't you know it? It's the start of my vacation and I'm sick as a dog. Son of a *(*&. Everyone have a great week.
  20. KC, every time you post in this random thoughts thread you just make it better. Thank you. Oh, and good luck with the new phone.
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