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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 7-29 ...What is it with these young female stars that have a truckload of money and no brains or common sense at all? Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. Now those are two pigs headed for the same meltdown. ...Sure I'm jealous. I am as poor as hell and they have it all and don't appreciate it. ...Prediction time here: If Barry Bonds breaks the home run record on the road, he is going to be cheered more than he is booed. ...But I won't be cheering for him. ...Can you believe it is time for training camps to start for the NFL teams already? I live ten minutes away from the Buffalo Bills training camp in Pittsford, New York but I have never been to one. Why? Well, who wants to see the Buffalo Bills? ...Yankee fans should unite in hope that these are the final days of Kyle Farnsworthless on the Yankees. Trade him for a small coke and a bag of peanuts. Just trade him. Rumor has it that the Tigers want him. God knows why. ...Goodbye Kei Igawa and take your 6.79 ERA with you. ...Can Joba Chamberlain be in the Yankee mix? I just hope he is not rushed. I like what I have been hearing about him. ...With Michael Vick's trial set for November, I am wondering if he will be able to play before then? ...Someone please take over the Random thoughts next week. I'll be out of town at the in-laws being randomly bored.
  2. Updated to 7-22 ...I don't like that trade the Yankees made last night at all with the Angels because I have the feeling that the guy the Yankees traded (Jeff Kennard) is going to be pretty good. ...Hey MarkB, this all would have been prevented if the Yankees had not acquired S.O.B. Randy Johnson and traded away Dioneer Navarro. What a backup he would be right now! ...Michael Vick must be pretty worried about his NFL career right now. GOOD. ...Does anyone feel any sympathy for the Champion Cardinals (44-50 record) this year? I sure as hell don't. ...Hey Yanks! I know you are playing well right now, but I am still not being drawn in yet. Keep it up though. ...Although I do like Shelley Duncan's enthusiasm for the game. Maybe it will be contagious in the Yankee locker room. ...A big thank you to Krawhitham for doing the updated Mod Squad and Forum Fanatics teams. Those teams are always fun to play with in the game. It is very much appreciated Kraw!! ...After reading Mark's random thoughts for last week, I have to give KCCitystar a big thank you also. I want to thank KC for not giving me any tips on who to listen to. What in hell is a Daft Punk? No wait, don't tell me. ...Doesn't that Akinori Iwamura guy from Tampa Bay have the exact same batting stance and swing as Ichiro does? ...Two more weeks and I have vacation. Not that I am trying to rush it or anything.
  3. Updated to 7-15 ...I think Gary Sheffield sounds more and more like an idiot each time he opens his mouth. ...Scott Bora$ wants A-Rod to have 30 million a year? For how long? Just for the next few years so he can re-negotiate again? ...I've really enjoyed watching the first installment of "The Bronx is Burning" because it brings back some happy memories of watching and listening to the Yankees back then. ...Anyone ever been to a flea market? That's where you go to see other people try to get rid of the crap that they have so you can buy it for yourself. I'll be going to one today. Oh well, at least it is not a mall. ...I got relatives in from out of town this weekend. God knows where I'm going to have to take them now. They come from a small town and they love shopping. And I can't stand going to any stores. ...Oh, stores like Comp-USA and EB games are excluded, but they never want to go there. ...Welcome back Monk and Psych on the USA Network. ...Got taken out to dinner last night for my birthday at an Italian steakhouse. They had a 24 ounce steak for an excellent price that everyone got except me. I had the lasagna because I can't eat that much meat. ...I've been thinking about KC's dilemma about going to Massachusets to visit some woman because he said he wanted some kind of protection against all the Red Sox fans he is going to encounter there. I figure carrying a baseball bat with him will keep the Sox fans at a distance. Sure as hell would work for me. ...Little known fact about myself: I have been in Fenway Park more than I have been to Yankee Stadium. I've been to Fenway three times and Yankee Stadium twice. Yes, there are good reasons for this miscarriage of justice.
  4. Updated to 7-8 ...After working over twelve hours overtime this week, I am completely and without question, beat. I'd much rather be here. ...No one does Old Timers Day like the New York Yankees. ...But I'll have to wait to next year to see it, because I was working. :cry: ...Finalizing a trip to Cooperstown this year. It will be sometime in the summer but the day is not set yet. I'll be sure to take photos of all the Yankee displays and mementos they have there. ...Complain about Roger Clemens all you want, but he has given the Yankees exactly what they have needed from him and that's good pitching. It's not his fault these bums suck playing together as a team. ...It's not just the Angels the Yankees can't beat. They can't beat anyone this year. Except themselves of course. ...I don't know why, but I've been playing a lot of computer bowling lately. I do that every once in awhile. I have to confess I am better on the computer lanes than I am in real life. ...Cheers to Kraw for creating his TiT program. I'm sure this will make things a lot easier for everyone installing mods. ...I don't know anyone who likes steamed clams more than I do. They can be expensive, but they're worth it. ...Aw hell, now I'm thinking of them. ...Relatives coming up next weekend. Got to think of a new place to hide.
  5. Updated to 7-1 ...Hey, it's July! July's always been my favorite month of the year because of summer, the All Star game and baseball. My birthday's in July also. When I was a kid, that day was an event for me. Now it's just another day. ...Common sense and lack of money prevented me from getting an iPhone the day it came out. ...Luckily I was working yesterday during the Yankees 7 - 0 loss to Oakland so I didn't get to see that "exciting" game. From all accounts of what I heard about it, it was as boring as hell. ...When Kyle Farnsworthless threw his glove at the dugout wall a few days ago it was the only perfect strike he's thrown all year. Save it for the game you son of a *&^%^. ...It took Scott Proctor a couple of tries to burn his uniform and baseball gear because when he tried to throw the matches on the stuff, he kept missing low and outside. ...Let's not beat around the subject any longer, this is a terrible Yankee team and a lot of people are going to be shown the door after this season. ...Want to try a cool summer drink that you can do yourself? Get a glass of your favorite iced tea and put two scoops of frozen Italian lemon ice in it. That's it! Enjoy. ...Don't laugh, but I watch the Food Network. Of course, Giada DeLaurentiis has a lot to do with it. ...My dogs got it better than I do. While I am outside working in the heat, they are home in central air sleeping all day. ...I can't get into card games. Solitaire, whatever is out there. I just can't play it and enjoy doing it.
  6. Updated to 6-24 ...I think it was a nice thing that the Mariners did for Griffey when he returned to Seattle. They didn't have to do a thing, but it made the fans and Griffey happy. ...This is the first full week of summer. There's nothing better than the summer season. Nothing in this world beats this time of year. ...I wonder who answers more technical support questions during the course of a week, AOL customer service or Krawhitham, answering questions on two websites? ...Hey!!! Look who's screwing up again! It's the Yankees. ...I met Jim Kaat on Thursday (June 21st) at a autograph signing. Waited in line over an hour just to shake his hand and say thank you. Nice guy. ...Saw Fantastic Four:Rise of the Silver Surfer yesterday afternoon. It's a definate "must-see" on your summer movie list. I won't give away any plot of the movie, let's just say there's a lot of action. ...I wonder why just about everyone is so sure A-Rod is going to opt out of his contract at the end of the year? He has not said a thing about it and I of course hope he does not. Just imagine how bad we'd be without him this year. ...I love watching reruns of The Beverly Hillbillies because that show cracks me up. ...Now that I have one, I wonder how I ever got along without my DVR recorder. ...All I need to do now is figure out how to use it myself without grabbing the wife and making her do it for me. :lol:
  7. Updated to 6-17 ...Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there! Enjoy your day, sit back and relax. You deserve it. ...I bet Elijah Dukes will be busy all day fielding phone calls wishing him a happy Father's day. ...Last month for Mother's Day the advertisers were pushing jewelry to get for your mom because "she deserves the very best" and this month they are pushing power tools or a brand new lawnmower on good old dad. Great, give him something that will make him do more work. ...Total Classics 1978 is another mod that you are going to get lost in. Jim825 did a great job capturing the look of how things were in that magical season twenty-nine years ago. ...Please tell me they are kidding when they are selling this!!! I never knew they played in any great games that they've actually won. ...Alfonso Soriano continues to prove that he's nothing but a lazy, selfish hot dog. ...This week LPGA golfers like Paula Creamer and Natalie Gulbis will be playing at a golf course very near where I live. ...I'll say it again and again. I hate interleague play. ...Has anyone tried that new Pepsi drink, the one they have that's a limited edition Summer one? It's supposed to have a mix of tropical flavors or something like that. ...Roger Clemens has done everything the Yankees have asked for since he came back, and they need all they can right now.
  8. Hey Sfgiants: Kyle Farnsworth is the answer for your team. Go get him. The Yankees will even give him the plane ticket out to California.
  9. Updated to 6-10 ...Look who's playing better baseball now!! Welcome to the 2007 season Yankees. It's about time. ...I'm glad Melky Cabrera has finally had a chance to play regular now. ...Let the complaining about Roger Clemens officially begin. ...I guess Barry Zito is finding out that he still isn't that good even though he's playing across the bay now. Although with a lot more money. ...Say, I wonder what Paris Hilton is doing right now? :lol: ...Speaking of going to jail, Kyle Farnsworth should go to one for impersonating a major league baseball player. ...I like the new blog and wallpaper sections that were introduced this week. ...Like most people here, I am very interested in what Kraw means by the new T.I.T. project he has up his sleeve. At least his picture has everyone's attention! If I had to make a guess, I bet T.I.T. means "total installation tool" or something like that. ...The artistic genius that is paulw released Classic Yankee Stadium version 5 yesterday. Everything this guy has ever done has been superb. Thank you once again for what you do Paul! ...Each day that goes by makes me hate the Red Sox and anything that has to do with them even more. I can't even watch the pregame show on NESN.
  10. Updated to 6-3 ...So, how about them Yankees?? :( ...The best Yankee games that I watch are the ones where Michael Kay is not around. ...That Clemens guy is a team player. He hasn't been on the active roster yet and he went and got himself hurt just to be one of the guys. ...The trouble with the Yankee-Red Sox games is that they are too damn long. Yesterday's crappy game ended close to 8 pm east coast time. ...Bobby Abreu gets paid 15 million dollars and is afraid of the outfield walls? Sounds like a bargain to me. :yernuts: ...And all the horse**** that A-Rod gets from the press, not one member of the press got on Abreu for the terrible play he made in the 7th yesterday that turned the entire game around. ...Watching Lebron James play basketball in these playoffs (from the short bit that I have been tuning in) is impressive. And he's only 22 years old. Wow. ...I'm kind of psyched. I am going to go see the Scranton Yankees today. I'll try to get some photos of the Yankees and various other important things, like girls in the stands. This will be my first live baseball game I will be going to since 2005. ...Who's winning in the NHL playoffs? Shows how much I watch and care. ...What is it with old people and garage sales? It's like there is a magnetic attraction that makes them go to every one of them.
  11. Updated to 5-27 (really 5-28) ...Just when I think things are really boring, I go out of town to the in-laws and I find I am wrong. ...Every single time I am on the New York State thruway I can be sure of two things: hardly seeing a Trooper when you really need one and always, and I mean always, seeing an ONTARIO license plate. ...Why is every barn in the world painted red? ...Every idiot who wants a job and is between the ages of 18 and 22 must work at the thruway roadside reststops just so they can annoy the motorists. ...Superman had Kryptonite that he couldn't handle. For me, it's annoying three year olds that repeat "Why?", "Why?", "Why?" thirty times in a row without stopping. I literally had to leave the house yesterday to avoid hearing this. For anyone that is currently living through this at home, I pity you. ...$3.12 a gallon for gas leaving home Saturday. I won't be doing any summer traveling because of this. ...One good thing about this weekend was that I got a free haircut for the summer. My sister-in-law is a stylist so she does my hair for free. ...I was at a house yesterday where they have the DirectTV pass for Nascar so you can follow a certain driver for the entire race. Was it interesting to see? Of course not!!! ...Now who didn't expect the Yankees to play dead for the Angels? They make me sick. ...And I don't care what player gets the boot after this sorry season is done. That team has no heart.
  12. You can search the web, and it gives the latest downloads and posts on Mvpmods. It also is a e-mail notifier and it has the local temperature.
  13. No, that made perfect sense to me. They finally showed a little life. Maybe it will start something.
  14. Updated to 5-20 ...What a "vacation." Let's just say it was unique and leave it at that. I just hope the next one in August is a lot better. ...One thing I always notice when I am on vacation is that there are a ton of people out and about that have nothing to do. That's their everyday life and I only get to share in it every once in awhile. Well yeah, I'm jealous. ...Uninspired. Listless. Lazy. Lackadaisical. No, I'm not talking about Alfonso Soriano this time. I'm talking about New York Yankees. That's exactly how they've been playing. :headache: ...I won't lie to anyone in saying I am not worried about how this season is going so far because I am. ...Tyler Clippard starts tonight for the Yankees, another rookie. I just hope he doesn't break a leg or a finger. That's just how this season has been going. ...I would like to thank DJeagles for his time as a Yankee fan and would hope that he would spend equal time soon being a Red Sox fan. ...This Mvpmods toolbar is a great addition to my Firefox browser. Give it a shot! ...The audio in Mvp Baseball has always been very important to me. Not counting the announcers of course, the two audio mods I use and recommend to get the most enjoyment out of this game is UncleMo's best dang mod and the Organ mod made by someone called The_Betz. If you use both of them in 07 you won't be sorry. ...I think I might give Virtua Tennis 3 for PC a shot when it comes out. ...Next week I will be out of town at this time so if someone can come in here and do this, I would appreciate it. All are welcome, of course. Have a great week.
  15. I beg of you to have a David Ortiz avatar as soon as possible.
  16. Updated to 5-13 ...The only team in baseball that can identify with what the Yankees have been going through this year with injuries are the Blue Jays, who've had enough injuries to last two baseball seasons so far. ...And yet Boston doesn't get hurt at all. Their time is coming. ...I survived my cortisone shot on Wednesday afternoon, Thank God. ...Heck yeah, my vacation is going good so far. I've done nothing but watch baseball and drink iced tea. ...Had a overload of Star Wars yesterday. The first five movies were shown on Cinemax yesterday and I watched most of them, taking time off to sleep. I still got to say my favorite was The Empire Strikes Back. ...I should explain that I'm someone that enjoys watching those movies, that's it. I'm not one of those people that collect everything about Star Wars. I don't have an official Star Wars coffee cup or an official Star Wars pillow. That's just nuts. ...Interleague play starts soon. I can't stand it. The Yankees got to play six games against the Mets and the Red Sox have to play no games against the Mets. ...Good for Scott Proctor not to appeal his four game suspension, just get it done. And the next time hit that hot dog Bentacourt right in the head. ...Why? Because I hate the Mariners. ...And, don't forget, Happy Mother's Day to all your mothers out there, whether they are with you or not.
  17. Updated to 5-6 ...It's within my grasp now. That's right, a vacation for me is coming up. I work the first three days this week and I got a week and a half off. I believe I am up to the task of doing nothing all day. ...After work on Wednesday I have to go for a cortisone shot in my right knee. I am not looking forward to that at all. I dislike needles for one, and that shot, at least for me, is painful. ...One guy I really feel bad for is Carl Pavano. I understand everyone's frustration with him, but being injured like this is the very last thing he wanted to have happen. And if it is Tommy John surgery, say goodbye to 2008. ...I'd like to see the Yankees go through an entire week of not getting hurt. Am I asking too much? ...Paris Hilton's going to jail for 45 days. Am I the only one that finds this funny? ...I saw this tornado video on youtube from two days ago in Oklahoma. It's a very clear video of the tornado itself. The only bad part about it is the commentary of the guy who is taking it. This is as close to a tornado as I want to be. ...Ping to JoeyMcM93, Tribetime and Thug4Life. Where have you guys been? ...Who's this Hunter Pence guy from Houston and why's he so special? I never heard of him. ...So Ichiro's a free agent?? Very interesting. ...Ok, who's seen Spiderman 3 yet? Any reviews for those of us who haven't seen it yet? Is it worth it?
  18. Updated to 4-29 ...Thank you Raiders for drafting Jamarcus Russell in yesterday's NFL draft. I hope this is a start that turns the fortunes of the team around. The last few years have been unwatchable. ...The collective sigh of relief you heard late yesterday afternoon came from the Yankee fans right after they saw their favorites finally win a game. ...It is amazing to see how so many Yankee fans (on this site and those you come in contact with away from here) who are quick to throw in the towel because of this bad streak of baseball that they are playing. ...Hey, at least this makes the people at ESPN happy. They are always a fair and truthful bunch over there. ...You know the main thing I hate about the Yankee-Red Sox games? It's how long the games are! Screw that with the 3 1/2 hour games. ...I went to see the new Nicholas Cage movie last night called Next. It was great and as an added attraction, Jessica Beil was in it. ...Spiderman 3 comes out this Friday (May 4) and that's going to be the first blockbuster of the movie season. Unless of course you consider Will Ferrell's latest clunker one. ...Good Lord, that's my version of hell. Watching a Will Ferrell movie followed up by Ben Stiller at his finest. :lala: ...I love my .mp3 player. I don't know if my wife does because I drown her out. :laff: ...Finally, this past week I did some reading on the new Madden game that is supposed to come out in the summer. Madden 08 has Vince Young on the cover. Well, I was reading some of the things that they have in there (new signature moves) and basically this game looks like 07. And 07 looked like 06. Oh well, EA's got nothing to worry about. People will buy this game for the name itself and not for what's in it.
  19. Updated to 4-22 ...These last two games at Fenway Park have been terrible and tonight doesn't look any better either. The Yankees are too beat up right now. ...And I think people are over reacting too much about Mariano Rivera. He goes through tough periods like this every so often, usually at the start of the season. ...Man, things have been good in Alfonso Soriano's world lately. He's been hurt so he couldn't play. That meant he didn't have to make any effort to do anything and he still got paid. ...Yes, I do hate that guy as much as you think I do. ...Try out the new song lyric thread located also in this left field forum area. Basically you give a song lyric and have the others guess the song. I've only been able to guess one song so far, so I'm not that good. ...This Virginia Tech incident is still on my mind. ...The weather around here was fantastic yesterday. Hardly anyone was in their house because it was so nice out. I really believe that the people who live in the Northeast part of this country (and believe me, this is a terrible area to live in) know how to enjoy good weather better than anyone around simply because we hardly get any of it. ...Maybe it's just me, but take a look at Manny Ramirez' hair the next chance you get. To me it looks terrible. ...Vacation countdown: three more weeks until the promised land. ...Don't forget to tune into the sig competition here and at EAmods. The artistic work from these guys who compete in it will amaze you.
  20. 11797 downloads

    Are you tired of having to start over when a roster update is release because the PLUS version has changed and is no longer compatible with the cyberfaces you have set in your dynasty? Not to mention downloading 300-400 MB with every roster release You want to look at the newest roster but at the same time you do not want to lose your season. Well if you stick with the 07 mod Ty has solved that problem for you you will have to ability to update your dynasty's cyberfaces all at once in a flash. This update will make it compatible with any changes that are made to the 07 models.big, and the download for an update will always be 40MB or alot less. (2-10MB most of the time) HERE IS HOW step #1 install the patch step #2 load your dynasty step #3 now go to the "extrasPlusmaker-dynasty&owner_modes" folder inside your MVP folder step #4 run "plusmaker-memory.exe" your dynasty is now compatible with the new models.big, this program will be updated with any and all 07 models.big updates. NEVER HAVE TO START OVER AGAIN step #5 save your dynasty or PLAY the game 2158 portraits updated 14 stadium updates 3 audio updates 2 rosters updated around 80 faces updates 162 uniforms updated schedule updated 07-maker updated datafile updated overlay updated and more
  21. You know something UncleMo? I won't send you a PM since I made this comment here in public, so I will put my response out here in public. Sometimes when you try to be funny, it turns out not to be the case. This is how it was here. I have no out and out purpose to "stir the pot" as you say, but it sure as heck looked like it on your end of things, and for that I am sorry. I can fully understand your surprise when you read it and the questions you brought forth because of it. For that, I am sorry. I am also sorry for this poor attempt at humor and for it being directed at you. What I will do is go and edit my post and take out that word for you. Enjoy your week man, and again I am sorry.
  22. My guess is that no one wants to stick their neck out and take chances. They just want to do what they can to get by.
  23. Updated to 4-15 ... What a difference a week makes. Last week I was bored out of my mind on Easter Sunday, away from home, no computer, no laptop, nothing at all. It's like I was transported back to 1979. Thank God I'm home. ...Yesterday's Yankee win over Oakland (or should I say earlier this morning) in 13 innings was a game that showed how good this bullpen can be. And if Darrell Rasner had some decent defense behind him, he would have won the game. Too bad I didn't see Giambi's homer, since I was fast asleep. ...Speaking of errors, Jeter now has five on the season. Go figure. ...Total Classics Phase 7 is out and it is just as good, if not better, then I was expecting. Grab that mod today and you will love it. ...Nice to see that Pacman Jones jackass being suspended for the 2007 season. ...What a way to start the season Alfonso Soriano, you crook. A .233 average, no homeruns and one RBI. Yeah, you are worth 136 million.. :w00t: ...Isn't it about time for Britney Spears to get back in the spotlight by doing something outrageous? Who knows what she'll come up with next? ...R.I.P Don Ho, a good man who made tourists welcome from all over the world to a place that I really miss. ...I am very worried about this storm that is supposed to be coming tonight or early tomorrow. I hope it misses us completely. If it has to storm, let it be in Boston. :loco: ...Welcome RaptorQuiz to the staff. I'm sure everyone here on the forums will wish you luck, with the exception of UncleMo. Don't worry man, you got it made. Mark and I get the blame for everything. :gack:
  24. Updated to 4-8 (really 4-9) ...Thank God I am home. I don't like driving long periods of time and for me that means more than twenty minutes. ...I'm walking like a mummy right now because I slept for two nights on a bed that should have been thrown out twenty years ago. ...I had to watch more of the PGA golf yesterday than the Yankee game. It's just another example of the bad weekend I had. ...There was more snow on the way down there then there was in December when we went for Christmas. ...What's Easter dinner without having leg of lamb? I found out yesterday. ...I'd rather be a Red Sox fan than live in my wife's hometown. Think about that for a second. ...I didn't complain about everything this weekend. I mean, we left on time today to come home. ...I was able to log on here for about five minutes yesterday. But then the computer was taken over because someone had to play some new music videos. ...Is TC 7 close to coming out yet? ...Ok, time for a nap. I am bushed.
  25. Updated to 4-1 ...It's here! Opening day (well really opening night) for Major League Baseball. Even though I won't be able to watch the Yankees live until Wednesday, I am going to be watching as much baseball as I can this week. :stickman: ...I am up in the air right now about buying the MLB Extra Innings package. The good thing about it is that I can see a lot of games but the reality of it is that I only tune into YES. ...Count me in for someone who is happy that Carl Pavano is pitching tomorrow for the Yanks. We need him because he does have a good right arm. ...Each year at this time I try to think of something nice to say about the Red Sox because of the start of another season. Right now I can't think of anything. ...Every once in awhile I play non-sports games. I just got this game from a website called Big Fish Games and this game is called Abra Academy. You have to go around looking for hidden objects in a picture. It's a good looking game as you can see by that screenshot. ...Today's April Fools Day, which immediately makes me think of Alfonso Soriano, the clown prince of laziness. ...If I have to beg you Mr. Fuzzone, I will. Please release Total Classics Phase 7. You and TeamFUZZ are the best. ...Forget it, I can't think of anything nice to say about the Red Sox. :wall: ...Oh, A-Rod? Knock the cover off the ball this year so you shut up those people who boo for no reason at all. ...Next week I may not be here for the Random Thoughts, so you guys just can handle it then without me. I might be going out of town for Easter, but it is not certain yet.
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