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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 3-25 ...One week from today baseball season starts!! Isn't that great? It will be the Mets at the Cardinals at 8:05 pm EST. Probably on ESPN. Whatever happened to the Reds kicking off the season with a day game in Cincinnati? ...Probably the best uniform in the National Hockey League has to be the one the Montreal Canadians wear. Of course, many of you here will debate this. ...The only good thing about the injury to Chien-Ming Wang, if you can call it a good thing, is this hamstring injury happened right now instead of during the pennant race. ...The guy that wrote this article made some good points about the increased urgency of the Yankees getting Roger Clemens. Personally, I hope the guy stays retired because I'm sick of looking at him. ...It has been four straight days since I have walked on snow. What a nice feeling. ...Mvp baseball is at its most enjoyable when you are playing it against someone on here online. ...I tried Tiger Woods 2007 but I still like the Links series. Also, I have CD's full of courses for that game from here so I am all set. ...I don't like it when people come up to me and say "try this, you'll like it" when I know I don't. ...I have a niece on Saturday who will be turning twelve years old. Where has the time gone? ...The conclusion of the NCAA tournament is going to make the rest of this week fly by.
  2. Updated to 3-18 ...From 60 degree weather on Tuesday to 20 degree weather today with almost a foot of snow. Yeah, that's the Northeast for you. Don't tell us who live here how much it sucks. (We already know.) ...For those of you who don't have the 1994 mod by Hory, take the time to download it and install it. You'll see how baseball was just thirteen years ago. It's a great mod. ...Good luck to Carter and Trues with that competition site that has gone up this week. Lot's of people joining! Get some games in and enjoy that new part of the site. ...No, I didn't join. ...Got to get a cortisone shot in my right knee in about a month. Not looking forward to that at all. ...I'm glad Gary Sheffield is not on the Yankees anymore. This guy never shuts up. ...College basketball to me is more fun to watch than the pro game. ...Do any of you guys think a major trade will happen with any team before opening day? ...The best times in your life are when you are in school. The problem is you don't realize it until that time has passed. ...Send a thanks to your favorite modder today. They are the reason why this site is here today.
  3. For anyone who's curious as to what this means, check out the hi-res thread and go a few pages back. Mav3rek tried to add some funny captions to his pictures and I had the nerve to say in so many words that I didn't think it was funny. Apparently that was too much for him to handle, so now I'm the number one bad guy on someone else's list around here. If you don't like how things are here log off and don't come back. I've had it with people like you who don't have the guts to say what you mean and like to *(&)&^* about me. Go over to EAmods and make a thread about how bad you were mistreated because I didn't think you were funny. Yeah, I sent you a PM about this, but my intent was for you to just cool it in that thread and not to make it go off topic. If that's too much for you, again, get out.
  4. Updated to 3-11 ...On Friday night I saw Wild Hogs, and to echo what DJEagles said, it was pretty funny. Well worth going to. And as an added bonus, the lovely Marisa Tomei is in that movie. ...During the previews I actually had to groan outloud because the totally unfunny Will Ferrell is coming out with yet another movie. This time he plays a figure skater. And like the last movie he made when he was a race car driver, I'll pass. ...This was one *(& fast week. I was on vacation. I loved it. I want more. ...Got Tiger Woods 2007 today. Looks pretty good. I am more used to playing Links, but I will give this a shot. ...It's nice to see that the Bernie Williams watch has gone off the New York writers minds. Move on. ...Can't say the same for Roger Clemens. He just "happened" to be at a Yankee spring game last week and the speculation started again. ...I have to thank you guys for adding to my photo collection in record numbers. ...The new stadiums made by Pirate, Paulw and SeanO recently are nothing short of a work of art. ...Contemplating a trip to Cooperstown in August. ...East coast residents, turn your clock ahead one hour today.
  5. Updated to 3-4 ...I'm finally on vacation this week. I'll be staying warm, icing my knee, playing Mvp, watching DVD's and doing a whole lot of nothing. ...Congrats again to Raptor and PistonJ92. Trivia questions coming up in a PM box near you soon. ...The only thing I look for in Yankee Spring Training game is not the wins or losses but just to be sure no one gets hurt. ...And I am still hoping someone shows Kyle Farnsworth the door. ...Carl Pavano's first start is today and I got a feeling he's going to be a nice surprise for us this year. ...I think the Philadelphia Eagles made a mistake by letting Jeff Garcia go. ...The NFL draft is next month and already it has crossed my mind on how the Raiders will screw that up. ...I just can't wait for the first time Alfonso Soriano loafs on the ball field this season and Lou Piniella gets in his face. ...Calling out to MarkbtheYankee. Where the heck have you been? ...I have to say it one more time because I love it so much, I'm on vacation. :balloons: :stickman: :stickman:
  6. Updated to 2-25 ...Now it's really starting to hit me! This week will be the first televised spring training game on Thursday, March 1st as the Yankees take on the Twins. It's at 1:00 pm on YES and the replay on at 7:00 pm. ...This will be a slow week for me because all I'll be doing is anticipating my vacation which will begin next week. I have a lot of activities planned next week for me and they all consist of doing nothing at all. I believe I can handle that. ...I'm really bored with this so called A-Rod and Jeter thing. So what they don't hang out as much as they did years ago? Do the writers realize that maybe one of the reasons now is that A-Rod is married now and has a kid? Before, both of them were single. Of course it is different now. ...Carl Pavano is one guy I am really pulling for this year. ...So Bernie Williams has decided to pout and stay home from spring training? I don't see the problem here. ...ValHaltren's hi-res photo thread on this site is the place to go to see some great photography. He along with a few others have been posting some pretty impressive pictures that I've been grabbing every day. Check it out right here if you get a chance, and get ready to right click and save. ...One day last week the temperature here got up to 41 degrees. That was the combined temperature of five days the week before. You know you got it bad when you are happy with forty degree temps. ...I got to get a cortisone shot in my knee soon and I am always afraid to do it because it hurts like hell. ...Only a few more days for the moderator contest for those interested. ...Finally, check out this photo from nearby Oswego, New York. I don't live there, thank God, but those poor people have been hit very bad by snow this year, as you can see by this photo. I never want to see snow like that in person, thank you.
  7. Updated to 2-18 ...Baseball's back! Just check all the new articles in your favorite team's newspapers and you'll see. The NY Daily News and Post have a ton of Yankee articles now. ...Randy Johnson kindly explained to everyone in an article that the New York writers were to blame for his struggles in New York over the past two years. It's nice to know it was them instead of all the home run balls he was giving up. ...I wonder if Britney Spears shaved her head because she was sick of all the lice in it? ...Whenever I buy a DVD movie I go by what kind of extras are included on the disc. It's not enough for just the movie to be on it. ...No one, besides Joe Torre of course, has more pressure on him this season than Lou Piniella. The Cubs spent 317 million during the off season and they won't settle for another 96 loss season. Sure, it'll be funny if it happens, but that's another story. ...Last week around these parts in the terrible Northeast area of the states we had a storm. Some areas got up to two feet of snow in one day. My area just missed it by a few inches. [sarcasm on] Boy, we really got lucky. [/sarcasm off] ...Fuzzone, please release Total Classics 7. ...Someone should start a pool to pick the day Ken Griffey Jr. gets hurt this year for the first time. ...I don't care it was just the NBA team for that city and not the baseball team, but I enjoyed watching the Boston Celtics lose 18 games in a row. ...Again, only for those who are interested, there are only ten more days to participate in the moderator contest.
  8. Updated to 2-11 ...Mvp Baseball 2007. Nothing more to say than that. Thank you one million times over to Krawhitham and his team of modders for this. ...All I need now is Total Classics Phase 7 and will compliment this mod perfectly. ...Very good Bernie Williams, don't accept that minor league contract from the Yankees. In fact, don't take anything and stay home. You are finally realizing what everyone else has known for awhile, and that is your time is done. ...Pitchers and catchers report this week. Man I feel good! And the first game is on March 1st against those *&%^& from Minnesota, and it will be on YES. ...Re-read "To Kill a Mockingbird" recently. One of my favorite books, and it was a pretty good movie too. ...A record 1,000 people watched the Pro Bowl yesterday. ...Does anyone realize that we got through all of last week without hearing one thing about what Roger Clemens is going to do in 2007? How did we survive? ...Anyone ever try smoked oysters? They look terrible but they aren't so bad. ...Reading a book about Ty Cobb recently was a real eye opener. For example, I didn't know that this multi-millionaire, towards the end of his life, had two homes. Both had no electricity or telephone service. What the hell? ...One final thought, this one to sports giant EA Sports. You people are a bunch of stupid *&$%*&. I would have loved to try out NCAA 2007, but you only made it for the PS2. Nice move, real nice.
  9. Thank you, great post. That should answer his question. But if not.... The reason why you were given this answer is because when Mvp 06 was going to be released last year, people would make posts demanding and complaining that the mod was not out yet. So, now this question is the quickest way to get banned from this site, all because people last year gave our modders not a moment's peace.
  10. Updated to 2-4 ...I know it is Super Bowl Sunday, but all I've been thinking about is Spring Training, which is now a little more than a week away. ...Ok, for tonight's game which is going to drag on with all the commercials, I am going for the Colts. Only because I work with a big Bears fan that has not shut up once since September about them. If they lose tonight, he won't say a word. ...I wonder how much the commercials this year are going to be for this game? ...Expresso is admittedly an acquired taste, but I love having it every chance I get. ...Where I live, the people that have no problem with all the snowfall we get are the ones that don't have to deal with it. ...I'm getting my taxes done on February 6th. Wish me luck. ...Four more weeks to go and I am going on vacation. You all have no idea how geared up for that I am. ...There is nothing worse than watching something on the Lifetime Network. ...Y4L tip of the week: if you can't sleep, turn on the 700 Club. Works every time. ...*&%$ OFF Roger Clemens.
  11. That's right, he does. And with the way you are posting, you will pass him up by opening day.
  12. I don't know. Send him about three or four private messages just to be sure.
  13. I'm going to tell everyone this once because we already had some airhead asking about the release of this mod in another thread. I don't want Kraw or anyone else bugged about when this is going to be coming out. No questions. No crying. No complaining that it is not out yet. When he decides to, it is going to be released. We had enough people driving him nuts last year with Mvp 06. So anyone that tries this this year won't be around here to see the release of this mod.
  14. Wow, that looks great. That should be a must-have download for our Spanish speaking friends here.
  15. HFLR, can you post some screenshots of your work?
  16. Updated to 1-28 ...I went to my very first basketball game in my life on Thursday. It was an ABA league game and I had complimentary courtside seats. If anyone has ever sat courtside, you'll know what I mean when I say the view there is impressive. ...I love the YES Network especially when they air Yankee Classics in the winter. ...Sometimes you got to tip your hat to even the people you hate. So, here's to you Scott Boras. You managed to get Jeff Weaver an 8 million dollar a year contract for winning only eight games last year with a combined ERA over 5.00. And that right there is what I hate about baseball. ...I can drink Orange Juice every single day of the year. My favorite kind? The "no pulp" one. ...Why is Texas Hold-Em called Texas Hold-Em? ...I never knew who Lane Kiffin was until I heard that he got hired as Oakland's head coach. Good luck, I hope you turn them around. ...It is time for the Yankees to respectively and swiftly cut the ties to Bernie Williams. ...Does anyone believe that Bill Parcells is really retired? ...Maria Sharapova forces me to watch tennis even when I don't want to. ...Old people should not drive in the winter, or at least not that much. They are an accident waiting to happen.
  17. Before you begin to kill this thread with an endless onslaught of questions, let me explain what this thread is about. It's a thread where anyone here can post their thoughts, their random thoughts, hence the name of the thread. So if one guy dislikes the NBA, the next guy posting may or may not agree with it. You just post whatever is on your mind. The reason why I posted that NBA comment today was I was looking through the channels last night to see what I wanted to watch and I saw an NBA game on. I don't know who was playing or what the score was, I just kept moving. That's why I made my comment. And if you like basketball more than baseball, why don't you go and find a NBA forum to hang out at?
  18. Updated to 1-21 ...I don't remember the last time I sat down and watched an NBA game and I have no plans in the near future of doing so. ...Since when is a Championship game on at night? All this time one of the games for the AFC and NFC championship would start at 1 pm and the other one at 4 pm. Now the game I really want to see isn't on until 6:30 tonight. ...Speaking of the championship games, the most pressure on anyone playing today is on Peyton Manning. This is his make or break game, once again. ...Sometimes I can't figure out people. No, strike that. Most of the time I can't. At the beginning of this month where I live, we had no snow fall and people were wondering where it was. Well, this week the snow showed up and we got plenty of it. Now the same people who were wondering where it was are now complaining that it is here. ...With all the good moves that the Yankees have made in the off season, I'm still worried about this team. You see, Kyle Farnsworth is still on the roster and that spells disaster. ...And does anyone else think that somehow Roger Clemens is going to make a return to New York? Yeah, I'd rather have him than Randy Johnson, but I don't like how he left in 2003. ...It was nice to see the Canadians take it to the Sabres last night. ...Look at this True type font I found last night. It's called Fenway Park JF, whatever the heck that means. If anyone wants it, it's theirs because I won't be using it. I've got principles. ...As fast as USC's Steve Sarkisian was a candidate for the Oakland job it seemed just as fast that he was not. I have no idea what is going on there. ...I hate January, it just drags on.
  19. After reading BigJay's post, I am once again glad I am not 14 anymore. Then again, in some ways, I miss it.
  20. Updated to 1-14 ...As exciting as the two playoff games were last night, the ones today should be even better. I'll be watching the Charger one, and ignoring the Bears game, with the hope that Chicago gets killed. ...I read a stat this week that really showed how bad Oakland was this year. The Chargers scored 176 FOURTH QUARTER points this year, the most in the NFL. For the entire year the Raiders scored 168 points. Ouch. ...One final cheer for the Chargers. They restricted ticket sales for today's game for residents only in Southern California, thus preventing rich New Englanders from coming in and buying tickets to root for the Patriots. Sure, they still can go to the game, but they'll have to get their tickets from a ticket reseller, and they'll sit in the nosebleed area. Stay home, you're not wanted. ...I like having bacon occasionally in the morning, but I hate it on anything else. ...Three cheers to good guy Jeff Nelson, who went out with class this week as a Yankee. ...And speaking of class, Barry Bonds has none if he really did what the papers say he did, blaming a teammate for him testing positive for amphetamines, and then retracting the statement. ...One month from today, Yankee pitchers and catchers report to Florida. Doesn't that sound good? ...Lately, I've been on an audio book kick. I've been listening to a lot of them. "The Godfather", "Treasure Island", "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn" are the ones I just finished. ...Someone set me straight on something here. Is it recommended to have a hi-def TV if you have a PS3 or a 360? You know, just to get the most out of it? I've been hearing yes and no answers about this and I figured I go to the experts in here. ...Ok, who's the wise guy that took Tribetime from this website? I haven't seen him in a long time.
  21. That's right. I just looked it up. Man was I wrong on that one.
  22. Did you know that there was talk about having an "all banned" team? But then smarter heads prevailed because we didn't want to give those guys any recognition.
  23. No, no problem. It's just that these rosters took a very long time to create and it probably wouldn't be worth the trouble to do it again. Tell you what, do you have the Mvp 06 mod? If so, look at the Fanatics roster. You will see a player named F. Player. That's short for Franchise player. Grab yourself a copy of Mvp Edit and edit that guy's name and put your name in and put your stats in and there you go. Goodbye Franchise player and hello BigRog. Now, I'm going to be very embarrassed if we actually have a member here named Franchise Player....Ok, I just looked it up. We don't have one. Kraw must have added him in.
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