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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. No, no problem. It's just that these rosters took a very long time to create and it probably wouldn't be worth the trouble to do it again. Tell you what, do you have the Mvp 06 mod? If so, look at the Fanatics roster. You will see a player named F. Player. That's short for Franchise player. Grab yourself a copy of Mvp Edit and edit that guy's name and put your name in and put your stats in and there you go. Goodbye Franchise player and hello BigRog. Now, I'm going to be very embarrassed if we actually have a member here named Franchise Player....Ok, I just looked it up. We don't have one. Kraw must have added him in.
  2. I "jump down your throat" as you say because you jump into things before you know what you are talking about. Let me use Olyrunner for example. She was put on the fanatics roster even though she modded a stadium. She made the Tacoma Rainiers stadium that you may or may not have played in yet. And yes, with KG's rosters he can be put on the Mod Squad team, but who would you take off it? Each modder already there is a deserving one.
  3. That's not a good idea. We had a hard enough time before getting this roster put together. We went through months and months of nothing being done about it and at one point Fuzz was going to do the rosters, but that fell through. Luckily, we had Krawhitham come in and set the rosters up. He has more important things to do now. And it doesn't matter if some of the people are not as active on the forums anymore. They earned their spot on the team. It would figure you would co sign pistonj92's post. Another spammer heard from. Another one crying about not being on either one of the rosters because you weren't on the site yet. I think DJ has an old copy of the rosters. You are on the Forum Fanatics my friend, and you are one of the starters. No, and for three very good reasons. 1. You have no idea how long it took us to come up with the rosters. The Forum Fanatics roster and Mod Squad rosters you see in Mvp 06 are a result of a thread I started back in November of 2005. It was my intention then to gauge everyone's interest in these rosters once again. You see, back in February of 2005, that was when we first decided to do it. Then it kind of died down and before you knew it, no one talked about it. But like I said, I got the ball rolling again in November 2005, and then Kraw finalized the rosters and he put them in Mvp 06. 2. Each person that was on the team had to give us their player makeup. You have no idea how hard it was trying to get the stats from 25 different people. I was in charge of getting the FF ones, and the way people dragged their feet sending us the required information is something I don't want to do again. 3. Finally, Kraw has stated he has no interest in doing an update, so that ends that. No Hory, its a good roster set. Not everyone was going to be on it. The newer guys here have to understand it. Kraw did a superb job of making this work after all the months when nothing was done about this.
  4. You don't have to stick to anything. In fact, do it any way that you prefer to. No big deal at all.
  5. Updated to 1-7 ...It's enjoyable watching the NFL playoffs when you don't care who wins or loses. I'm just going along for the ride. ...I am not going to cheer about Randy Johnson leaving the Yankees until it is 100% final. Let him have his extension in Arizona. Of course, this year he'll have an ERA of 2.35 and win 20 games because there is no pressure to win in Arizona. ...Nothing against you at all Bernie Williams, but get the hell out of here. ...Why is it that the Walmart stores are so dirty and the Target stores are so clean? ...Where I work, two people retired last week. I can't imagine how long it will be for me to be in that position. ...Took my wife out for her birthday to her favorite restaurant, an Italian steakhouse. It was nice. The trouble is, we sat near a kid that had to express herself by screaming all the time. This has been happening a lot to me lately when we've gone out. At times, deaf people don't have it so bad. ...What makes blu-ray DVD's so special? ...Thank God I got that Yankee DVD set of games that I can watch over this winter to hold me over until the spring training games. ...And, with Total Classics Phase 7 coming out very soon (as Fuzz says) it is going to be a very good first quarter of the year for Mvp Baseball. ...I was in Best Buy two days ago. EA has a sports bundle set that they are selling for $29.99 if anyone is interested. It has the sports games from 2006. Madden 06, NHL 06, Tiger Woods 06, Nascar Sim Racing and NBA Live 06. For that price, it isn't bad. Here is the link.
  6. It sure did fly by, didn't it? And to all our members that don't know what we are talking about, ask NYM Happy New Year, to all our members, both current and not here anymore.
  7. Hahahahah, I don't know! You don't have to if you don't want to, start a new tradition. :)
  8. Updated to 12-31 ...I hope everyone that had off from school this week really had a good week off. When I was in school, this week was always a fun time to have off. ...I think for the average Yankee fan a belated Christmas gift would be watching Randy Johnson being shipped out of town. I'm sick of bad back pitchers on the Yankees like Johnson and Kevin Brown, who most of the time got lit up by the opposition. ...Just watch, the Raiders are going to beat the Jets today. I just have a feeling. ...And if I'm wrong about this, I'll just go back in here and edit that last line out. :shrug: ...I defy anyone to tell me that Carrie Underwood is not hot. I could care less if she's a Country music singer. Nobody's perfect. ...No knee surgery for me in January. I had to push it back. I had some sick time all saved up for this but I used it up for something that came up in November. And I'll be honest with you, it's going to be tough to make it like this for another year. Oh well. ...The toughest part of the possibility of having Doug Mientkiewicz on the Yankees is learning how to spell that guy's name. The only reason why I have it correct right now is because I cut and pasted his name. :hmph: ...Has anyone checked out the new fielding cams by thasainted40? Trust me, give them a shot. They look great. The things you guys come up with to improve this game is amazing. ...I love my MusicMatch Jukebox. ...Note to NYM: It's the two year anniversary for you-know-what. Wow. ...Everyone please take care if you are going out and about tonight. Enjoy yourselves and come home in one piece. Let's have a great 2007.
  9. Updated to 12-24 ...Before I get started on my random thoughts of this week, I'd like to thank Time Magazine for making me Person of the Year. ...Hasn't this month just flown by? ...I know last week I said that I was tired of hearing Christmas songs, but now that it's Christmas Eve, those same songs sound better to me right now. ...I'll never understand people who start their Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. I don't even want to drive past a store today. ... Dogs are a weakness of mine.We have a little puppy, she's a little dachshund. That's not her pictured, I just got a picture of the breed to show you. But she's as innocent looking as that dog. But don't let that fool you. She can chew through a pair of shoes like no one's business and can give you a sad face when you catch her in the act. She knows darn well she has me wrapped around her paw. ...My God, have you seen the newest version of Classic Yankee Stadium by PaulW and SeanO? Stunning is the first word that comes to mind. Thank you both. ...I can't help but thinking of MarkB's comments in here that he made a few days ago. I usually have a lot of contact with Mark over the course of the week but this week I had none and after reading that I found out why. I also know that the person who did this is very lucky that he wasn't there. What's next for that guy? Taking an old person's groceries? ...I went to see Rocky Balboa yesterday evening and if anyone has not had a chance to see it, I won't spoil the movie for you. I'll just say that I enjoyed it very much and it was a hell of a movie. Good job Rock. ...The Yankees got hit with a 26 million dollar tax by Commando Selig. By next year when Randy "do nothing" Johnson being off the books and some others, maybe we won't have to pay that much. ...Have a great holiday everyone. You all deserve it and every one of you make this place as special as it is.
  10. Pretty powerful stuff Mark. I'm sorry this happened to her and those other two people. Of course, I hope they catch the S.O.B. and really make him pay.
  11. ....You all have no idea how happy I am to be back home. I spent a weekend down at the inlaws and I felt like I was Marty Mcfly going back in time to 1955. Where my wife's family comes from, no television cable has gone before. ...My back is killing me. I actually had to sleep on the floor Friday night because the bed was that uncomfortable. I got a rug burn on my elbow when I was trying to move around down there at night and I had the dog look at me like "what the hell are you doing here?" ...What did I miss here over the weekend? You guys got to know I would have rather been here reading anyone's posts instead of watching TV all day Saturday. It was watch TV or go and watch a three year old have his picture taken with Santa. Remote control anyone? ...I start work again tomorrow for the first time in over a month. I've been out all this time because I was not feeling well. It'll take me awhile to get back in the swing of my daily routine. ...If any of you are near the Syracuse, New York area, go by the lake and take a look at the "Lights at the Lake" Christmas lights display that they have there. It's well worth it. ...Reading DJ's random thoughts, I got to comment on his Walmart one where they are staying open 24 hours until December 24th. DJ, to answer your own question, if you have time this week, drive past Walmart at 3 or 4 in the morning. You'll be shocked at how many cars are there. ...Hmm, looking at the football scores now....Oakland lost again....moving on. ...If there is any Yankee news that happened from Friday afternoon until Sunday night, I haven't heard it yet. I just have been hearing about them maybe dealing with Pittsburgh for some slug and Melky is involved with the deal. No way, I say. ...Thank God this is the last full week we have to listen to Christmas songs. Yeah, I like them, but over and over? ...I'm glad I have the NFL Network.
  12. I've already changed the date on the random thoughts thread because I won't be here this Sunday until later on in the day. I got to go out of town to deliver Christmas presents to relatives. It's cheaper to do that instead of mailing every one of them. So, whomever wants to do this on Sunday, please go right ahead. It really is your thread after all.
  13. How did you mess it up? That wallpaper of A-Rod looks great.
  14. Krawhitham is a song by Aerosmith. It's an instrumental.
  15. Updated to 12-11 ...Now weren't those winter meetings interesting? If there is anything that you can take out of what went on last week is that there will never be a salary cap in baseball with all the overpaying that went on. ...But at the same time, Barry Zito is still without a home. You can blame Scott Boras for that. ...The Yankees are a stronger team right now by throwing Andy Pettitte out there every fifth day as opposed to Jaret Wright. ...And one thing the Yanks don't need is having the Roger Clemens circus around them next year. He can go back to Houston and pitch his half season and retire again for the fifth time. ...I hate that ESPN insider crap. ...The end of the NFL season is approaching, that means Saturday games to watch, which begin next week. I've always liked the Saturday games. ...I don't want anyone to get hurt but at the same time I want someone to knock Terrell Owen's block off. ...The Raiders may be a terrible team on the field, but their charity work in Oakland makes them winners to kids. Their Toys for Tots campaign and the work they do year round in Oakland is admirable. But I still want them to win on Sundays. :headache: ...This is a great forum, no doubt. But I'm sorry, some of the people here are only here to see how much they can get others upset. ...I wonder what one of my favorites from Saturday Night Live, Victoria Jackson, is doing these days? ...Fifteen days to Christmas, only 14 shopping days left. Thank God.
  16. Here's a little known fact that you may or may not know. At Hickam Field, the Air Force base at Pearl Harbor, the buildings that were shot at by the Japanese planes still have the bullet marks on them. They've never been repaired.
  17. I was fortunate enough to visit the Memorial four times during my stay in Hawaii. I went there each time in uniform and it was a very respectful and humbling experience. There is a short boat ride out to the Memorial and then when you get there, you can look over on the sides and see the ship as she lay to rest since that day. I recommend anyone if they have a chance to see this.
  18. Hard to believe sixty five years have passed since the attack on the naval and air bases in Oahu. Let's take a moment to honor the servicemen and women who perished that day. Picture of the attack in 1941 Here's the Arizona Memorial
  19. No. That man in the picture did not get arrested. This guy was the actor in the commercials. Crazy Eddie's stores went bankrupt.
  20. You know what that photo is from? In the Tri State area of New York, there was a business known as Crazy Eddie's. It was an electronics store. This guy pictured is the guy who did the commercials for this place. He'd do the commercials jumping up and down, waving his arms, just going nuts. And at the end of the commercial he'd say "Crazy Eddie, his prices are IN-SAAAANNNEEEE"
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