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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Rare photo of UncleMo when he is not working on his audio mods.
  2. Updated to 12-3 ...Hard to believe we are in December now, isn't it? ...I wonder what Michael Vick will do today after the game to the fans if the Falcons lose again ? ...Don't you just love those Christmas commercials on TV from the jewelry stores that try to hawk their stuff "from $99.99 to $8,999"? And if you go and look at the stuff that they sell for $99.99 it is not even worth your time. ...People that work in the medical field do a fantastic job. ...Anyone ever read People magazine? All it seems to be is a mouthpiece for Britney Spears, and what a pig she turned out to be. ...That Ms. Dewey search engine site looked interesting for the first five minutes until she kept on talking. Then I ran back to Google. ...Winter meetings start tomorrow. This should be an interesting week. ...I still wish the Yankees would get Ted Lilly back. ...and then have them give away Kyle Farnsworth. ...Every year this video makes me laugh, I hope you like it too.
  3. Updated to 11-26 ...As long as it will take you all to read the latest contribution of random thoughts, that's how long I spent watching the three NFL games on TV Thanksgiving day. ...Speaking of that, I do hope everyone enjoyed their holiday because that's really all that it is about. ...I was at a Target store the other day and I was watching the PS3 on a hi def TV. I got to admit those graphics are the best I've ever seen on a console system. And I'm still not buying one. ...I don't know about you, but this just goes too far. I understand people buying memorabilia, but would you fork over money for dirt? If so, I'll go out to my backyard right now and mail you some of mine for the today only low price of $49.99 :sleepy: ...I'm one day late, but happy birthday to Bernie Kosar, one of my favorite NFL players. ...I'd rather have Ted Lilly and Gil Meche on the team instead of Barry Zito because I can't stand when the Yankees have to deal with that crook Scott Boras. ...I bet Alfonso Soriano spent Thanksgiving day at the food shelter because he heard that free turkey dinners were given out. ...Any of you guys out there go shopping on Black Friday? I'm just wondering because I didn't. ...I got a letter from my high school that I went to. I went to Catholic schools. The school I went to is having a fund drive and they are asking alumni to pitch in. The average cost for a year's tuition there is about $5,000. Outrageous. Who the hell's got that to spare? I pitched in by ripping up the letter and throwing it away. ...I can not wait for Total Classics Phase 7.
  4. If that's the case, the line forms to the left for all the banned people and ones who have a grudge against me. They'll all want to pull the plug on my machine. :wink:
  5. I will PM this to the man in charge and see if he can add this to the emoticons we already have.
  6. Updated to 11-19 ...And the PS3 fights of 2006 are under way. I've been reading about fistfights and cops being called to stores to break up customers before they kill each other over this. My God, we haven't seen this since X-box 360, and then before that with X-box, and before that with the PS2. At least people are consistent. ...Had to go to COMP-USA yesterday to look for something. I hardly go there because this store is located in a suburb of my town that I hate to go to. The biggest change I noticed about that store is the layout. Years ago they had aisles and aisles of software. They don't anymore. They do have some now, they just have them on a shelf in the back of the store. They really make you look for it. What they don't make you look for is the "Stereo Surround System" for the X-Box 360, which is on display right near where you come in. That can be yours for only $499. Even COMP-USA has turned their back on the PC user. ...In the I didn't know that department, which in my case is a very big department, I found out a pretty interesting tidbit about "A Christmas Carol." Do you know how before a movie starts they have those trivia things on the screen to pass time away before the show? Well they had one about this movie. It seems that since 1900, this story by Charles Dickens has been made into a movie over 30 times. Well, I thought it was interesting anyways. ...I am off this week from work for vacation. I was off last week because I was not feeling well. Tomorrow is a day I am not looking forward to because that's the day we get our Christmas shopping out of the way. Oh, the walking I am going to do tomorrow. ...That Ohio State and Michigan football game yesterday was everything it was built up to be. Over time that might prove to be one of college football's classic games of the decade. ...I think it is nice to read that the Yankees have an interest in bringing back Ted Lilly. I didn't want him to leave in 2002 because he was showing a lot of promise right before he got traded. I'd love to get him back instead of Andy Pettitte, who can stick his head in the Texas sand for all I care. ...It boggles the mind that a team like Boston can bid 51.1 million dollars just to talk to this Mataszuka guy and still with a straight face cry poverty to everyone. And what makes it worse, people in here and all over baseball fall for it. ...Going to go see Casino Royale over the Thanksgiving weekend. I've seen all the Bonds so I have to see this one. Early reviews say this is going to be another good one. ...I have a date for my knee surgery and it's January 9th. Never before has one person looked forward to going under the knife as I am. ...Enjoy this week if you have some time off, and I hope each one of you has a great Thanksgiving.
  7. No problem. I'm a Bubba fan too.
  8. Updated to 11-12 ....Hospitals are no place to be. Trust me. ....But this is not a bad weekend at all! The Yankees got rid of Gary Sheffield, thank God and are very close to getting rid of Jaret Wright. And I like what they are getting in return: pitching. ...It's starting to get colder out there now. People say "the most wonderful time of the year" is coming up for the Christmas season. Maybe so, but not weather wise. ...I am a little confused about why major league teams had to bid so much money just to be able to talk with that Japanese pitcher. I mean, if you want to be in the major leagues so bad, have open negotiations with the teams. I just don't get why the teams have to bid 20 million or more just to talk to this guy. ...One final note on the Yankees. I don't want them to get Roger Clemens back. Or Andy Pettitte. ...Now that the elections are said and done, the politicians can go back to doing nothing. ...I'm old enough to remember when the Raiders would lose two to three games a year instead of winning two to three games a year. You have no idea how depressing that is. ...One of the things I do in here daily is go to the Creative Discussions thread and see the newest sigs and artwork because I really appreciate the work that is done there. ...For the $600 asking price they want, how many people are going to get a PS3? ...Then again these damn things will sell out in one day and it'll just be another reason to ignore the PC gamer market.
  9. I've collected them all from two places on the Internet. Basically I concentrate on Yankee photos but I do branch out on other ones. I keep a photo album and I add to it all the time. My sources are here: The Yahoo web site for Yankee pictures. Note if you go there you will see an option on the right hand side that has a drop down menu that says "Other teams." You can view photos from every team that way. Of course, during the baseball season there are a lot more added to this daily. I also get them from CBS Sportsline. Check out this thread right here on how I do it. Again, you get more photos when the season is going on.
  10. DUnit: Here are some Bubba Crosby photos
  11. Even if they don't sign this guy the media and just about everyone in here will get on the Yankees for having money yet again.
  12. Updated to 11-5 ...Wow, this thread is over a year old now. Pretty good. I like how topics can branch off into anything in here and it's always fun to read. Maybe that's what it's called random thoughts? :mexican: ...I'm glad Halloween is over. I don't like watching horror movies at all. And in the next few days the elections will be done and all the windbag politicians will go back in the woodwork. ...Oh, I am not either a Democrat or a Republican. I don't give a *&* to listen to either one of them and their lies. I've never once had an interest in politics. ...Free agent filings should be due any day now. I forget the exact date. Note to self: check UncleMo's sig and I'll find out there. :grin: ...I hate Scott Boras. ...Gary Sheffield is one reason why the general public dislikes today's ballplayers. He's crying because the Yankees decided to pick up his 13 million dollar option. That means they are going to pay him that much. That guy's got a hard life for sure. ...Jeff Suppan?? What the hell? Just because he had a good post season I read articles how the Yankees and other teams are "looking at him" for pitching help next year. This guy's a Kansas City reject. Keep this idiot out of the Bronx. :headache: ...And I am glad Bernie Williams has filed for free agency. As soon as he leaves, close the door and change the locks. He's done. ...The rest of this year is going to fly, just watch. And then when January gets here, it will start to drag. Happens every year. ...Anyone have the NFL Network? I got it on Directv and it's pretty good. Sure they got some crap on it, but it's still not bad. ...Sorry if this is old news to some, but they are making a sequel to one of my favorite movies, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. The second movie, which is to be released next year some time is going to be called Harold and Kumar go to Amsterdam.
  13. Updated to 10-29 ...It drives me nuts when I can't find something that I just set down three seconds ago. I look around, move stuff, pick things up, and then you find it, like it was waiting for you all this time. ...I wonder how low the ratings were for this year's World Series? ...Now it's time for Joe Frontrunner to put away his White Sox hat next to his Red Sox hat and wear his Cardinal gear, because after all, he's a "lifelong" Cardinal fan. ...The day can't come soon enough that Gary Sheffield is traded by the Yankees. ...I just love the smell of a wood burning fireplace. ...Pittsburgh Steelers vs. the Oakland Raiders today. Years ago that really meant something. ...The toughest part about going to work each day is hearing that alarm clock go off. ...I like eggs Benedict for breakfast every once in awhile. If you've never tried them, give it a shot. The first time I ever had them was when I was in Texas six years ago. ...You see, now I'm thinking of them and I might go to my closest breakfast place to get some. ...This baseball season, heck, even this year, has just flown by. I just went back and looked at some of our threads at the beginning of April. Everyone was so happy that the season was under way. And just like that six months went by. ...I'm glad the MLB and players agreement is done. One less thing to worry about. ...Clocks back one hour here in the east today. Have a good week.
  14. Don't worry about it, everything's fine.
  15. No I'm not. I'm more concerned about keeping this thread on the subject of the Mvp 07 mod and not having it branch out into stupid arguements that have no purpose here.
  16. Enough of this joking before it gets out of control. All NYM has to do is work on his Shea mod, test it out and send it to Kraw for approval. Then he's all set. He'll get his proper due.
  17. Not true. Ideas are just being thrown around now, that's all.
  18. Hey, no problem on my end! Check this out
  19. Any idea is not a dumb idea. Remember that. And I'm not just referring to you Bama, anyone who reads this thread. Throw your ideas out and see which one of them sticks.
  20. Of course not. I just wanted to get this back on course. I just did what I was able to do, sticky this thing and now we have it in one thread so we can concentrate on what can be done instead of wasting time on things that don't matter anyway. Besides, how can I take over? Kraw's a genius. :stickman:
  21. Let's try this again, shall we? What I want to do in this thread is to have a central meeting point for anyone who wants to help out Krawhitham and his team of modders with the 2007 mod. Put in any idea you want for this mod in this thread. If you have something you want to contribute, post it in here. If you want to help out on the mod, let them know in here or via private message. I am starting this thread tonight because there was a misunderstanding with one of our members earlier today. Some people thought he jumped the gun and wanted to take over this proposed project, but it wasn't the case. He is just an enthusiastic user who wants to be involved in some way. Maybe his wording in his post was wrong, but his intentions to help out were not. Ok, that's out of the way. What is more important are these basic questions: Mvp 06 was great. How can it be improved upon? Can anything else be added? What wasn't added that time did not allow? What new mods or ideas can be incorporated into this? These are just some questions we will find out together. The only thing I know is that you men in here can make anything happen. Any help I can do you let me know. On to Mvp 07!
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