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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 10-22 ...I only watched three minutes of the opening game of the World Series last night because I was waiting for a movie to start on the Encore channel. Sour grapes Y4L??? You bet. ...It gets me nervous each time Boo Selig says that the labor-management talks are "amicable" because that usually means the opposite. ...I wonder why no one in here was gloating when the Mets lost the NLCS but when the Yankees lost, it was a cause for celebration? Double standards. ...I read this article last night on CNN and I still don't get it. Why wouldn't he want to leave? Unless maybe he gets free satellite and Internet service there. ...Anyone ever watch a show called "The Wild, Wild West"? I've been watching season one of it for the past week. I used to watch the reruns of it on TBS not to long ago. ...The late W.C. Fields once said "I never vote for anybody, I vote against them." Which is exactly how I'll approach this year's voting. ...Ted Lilly, please come back to New York. You never should have left in the first place. ...I got the Thanksgiving week off, but only you guys in here know this. No one in my family does as of yet. Because if they do, something will get planned or we'll have to go somewhere "since you are home anyways" at the last minute. ...Shopping carts hurt. Damn, they hurt. Especially when someone doesn't watch where they are going. And I've had this happen before! ...MTV sucks. I know it has been years since I watched it, but it is even worse then I imagined.
  2. Updated to 10-15 ...Well, I've been getting more sleep at night now that the Yankees are not playing baseball anymore. Isn't that nice?? :gack: :cry: ...I don't care how much people wanted the underdog Tigers to win, I still didn't like it. ...I didn't need some politician named Foley to remind me how much I dislike and distrust politics, all it did was confirm it for me once again. ...Hard to believe some areas of New York State got blasted with snow this past week. Like Buffalo for instance. Glad I don't live in that area. To borrow a phrase, Buffalo has two seasons: August and winter. ...Hey, Terrell Owens got into another arguement with a coach a few days ago. Who didn't see that coming? ...Everyone I talk to about the bargaining agreement expiring soon does not seem to be worried about it. But I sure am. I don't think this is going to be as cut and dry as people are hoping for. ...I hate people that use their car horn as doorbells. ...Hi-Def TV's and me are a marriage made in heaven. I just don't have one yet. :spin: ...I'd like to win the lottery just once and then I promise never to play it again. ...Finally saw Gridiron Gang last night. Not a bad movie at all.
  3. I know you didn't and I never thought you did. But some of these winners in here might think so. You know, the same ones who call us Nazis. Now I'll go even further: Hitler built up a depression era Germany. Gave them jobs and pride in the country. Then his thoughts of world domination and his hatred for other races and religions were his downfall. My source for this?? History books. Read them.
  4. Neither do I but it gives me a day off with pay so I'll take it.
  5. Updated to 10-8 ....As much as I try, all my random thoughts today seem to revolve around the Yankees and how they blew it yesterday in Detroit. ...Well, so much for the lineup that was "going to score 1,000 runs" crap! ...Yes, Detroit deserved it. But as Alex Rodriguez said, you get tired of giving the other team credit. ...As soon as the last out was made yesterday I immediately thought about what was going to be happening for the Yankees this off season. Because I really feel we are going to see some shakeups that are going to surprise a few people. ...And I don't know what this means for Joe Torre. ...I know he did not affect anything in this series, but I would really like to see Kyle Farnsworth off the team. I hate that guy. There's a reason why the Cubs, Braves and Tigers got rid of him and now I know why. ...Same for Randy Johnson. ...I also think it is time for Bernie Williams to hand in his bat and take his guitar and go home. ...I really feel bad for Derek Jeter. He was the only Yankee that played with any heart in these four games. ...One final thought about Jeter: I wonder what he really feels about this team of overpriced SOB's as compared to the Yankee champions he played on? ...Oh well, for me, it's on to 2007. God knows what that will bring.
  6. Updated to 10-1 ...Even though I am happy that the playoffs start Tuesday, it's still a little sad knowing the season ends today. For me it marks the official end of summer. ...And before we get into it, I'd like to give the people at FOX a :soap: :soap: for the next two weeks of their baseball coverage. Thank you for extending the games past midnight. Thank you for the endless commercials and FOX TV show plugins you are going to give us. Thanks for making me look at Jeanie Zelasko again on an every day basis. This is the worst network ever. ...I don't know why, but the phrase "East Jesus" has always made me laugh. This one guy I work with lives far from work and he needed a ride home and some other guy said he couldn't give him a ride home because he "lived all the way out in East Jesus." Don't ask me why, I just think it's funny. ....What the hell is it with crazy nuts, guns and high schools in the state of Colorado?? ...How do they determine the price of gas? I mean how is it one day $2.89 and 24 hours later it can be $2.83? Who sets this? ...People that insist on stopping ten feet past the stop sign at an intersection *&^$ me off. ...I have always liked browsing used bookstores. You never know what you can find there. My wife doesn't like me going there because I'm a speed reader. :roll: ...Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Randy Johnson has his back hurting right now? You never know what you get out of this guy when he gets on the mound. ...Am I worried about the playoffs?? Hell yeah. ...I have yet to watch a NFL game this year.
  7. Updated to 9-24 ...This is the last full week of the baseball season. It just flew by again, didn't it? ...How many people got the money to buy "Official Division winning gear" and then, if your team gets that far, "Official Division Series winning gear" and "Official LCS winning gear" and "Official World Series winning gear" that MLB is hawking? ...Nice arcade area we got here now at the site. But I'm avoiding that baseball game. What the hell? ...The Raiders will not lose this week. They have a bye week. Thank God. ...I wonder how long this Karma/Smite thing will last in here? ...Maybe we should make a poll about that? I've got a good one in mind but I better not do it. ...Now you see it, now you don't. That's what happened to MLBXpress. :razz: Trues decided to bring the best of that forum over here and now everyone can have their own team discussion area. That solves that issue that has come up every so often. ...Gary Sheffield has not looked bad at first base. He'll be playing every day this final week. ...I just love that 06 mod more and more each day. <------What the hell is that smilie for????
  8. Updated to 9-17 ....Hopefully with the Yankees winning a few more games, they can wrap up the division this week. I never assume anything anymore since the '78 season. ...It was sad to learn that Jim Kaat retired from broadcasting. I thought he was one of the best ones in the booth on YES. Al Leiter is good too. Also, it's been nice not listening to Michael Kay for awhile. I don't know where he's been. ...What the heck is the attraction to myspace? ...I have never been in any fantasy league for anything in my entire life. I've been asked many times, but I have no desire to do it. ...With the Mvp 06 mod out and TC6 coming out soon, I'm all set for the winter. And since I will be laid up for about a month sometime in January for my knee surgery, this will be great. ...One thing about the Mvp 06 mod, I played a few games with the modders and Forum Fanatics and I am going on record right now in front of the entire community to say I have it in for Trues. Every ball hit to him he catches! Either he dives for it, runs back 100 feet and pulls it in, starts a double play, etc, etc. And don't get me started when he's up to bat. Have him hit a ball in the gap and watch him coast into third base or get a single and steal second on the next pitch. Something's got to be done. I think I did get him out once. I should have got a screen capture of it. ...Isn't it amazing how David Ortiz has tried to spin his way out of what he said about Derek Jeter? ...I love it when someone you know is getting married and you find out you are not invited to the wedding. I'm serious here, no sarcasm intended. I hate going to weddings. ...It's nice to see gas prices around here go down a bit. I hope it is the same for you guys wherever you are.
  9. Updated to 9-10 ...This was one of the toughest weeks of work I've had in a long time. I've been so tired with all the overtime that I hardly had a chance to do other things, like be on here. But at least I have the next two days off. ...Saw a movie called "Barnyard" last night, a computer animated movie. It was good. Don't laugh. ...I wonder if there is any Yankee fan out there who is comfortable when they see Kyle Farnsworth come into a game? ...Don't know why, but I've been making a lot of audio CD's lately. ...Damn that Vida Guerra is hot. ...And so are the two girls on the YES Network's "Ultimate Road Trip." If any of you have the YES Network you will know exactly what I mean. ...I'm glad my wife doesn't read the Random Thoughts on a Sunday Morning thread. :wink: ...The first Raider game of the year is on Monday night and it starts at 10:00 pm east coast time!!!! Thank you NFL for being so fan friendly!! :evil: :evil: ...I see Christmas stuff up at the department stores. Great. ...Finally, another thank you goes out to the firefighters and everyone else that helped out on September 11, 2001. Tomorrow's already the fifth anniversary for this terrible event.
  10. Updated to 9-3 ...I don't care what generation you are from, the one thing in common we all have no matter how old we are is that the summer goes by too damn quick. It seemed as if it were the other day and it was the middle of June and you guys were getting out of school. Even now, being out of school as long as I have been, I still dislike the coming of Labor Day. ...Which makes me stop and thank the DirecTV people. There's so many channels now, I don't have to be forced to watch the Jerry Lewis telethon like I had to when I was a kid. ...Went to see Invincible yesterday with Mark Walberg. Not a bad movie. But there is one movie I am getting anxious to see that will be out around Christmas called Night at the Museum. I'll still see it even though it has that idiot Ben Stiller in it. ...Welcome back NFL. I bet some of you guys can't wait for it to start but I never really got into it until the World Series was over, and then the NFL season was in its eighth week. One thing is different this year: there are three games on Thanksgiving Day this time. The third game is a 8 pm game with Denver and Kansas City. Big deal. ...I would not want to be Carl Pavano when he reports to spring training next year. He has a lot to prove to his teammates. Sure he's had bad luck, but not reporting an accident? ...Unless our minor league team fails to make the playoffs I will not be able to see a ballgame this year. I don't mind, I don't care for the Twins AAA team anyways. ...Old news to some maybe, but I thought it was pretty funny that Tom Cruise got canned by Paramount Studios. He can shove his Scientology right up his *** ...I think the wildcard races, especially the National League, will go down to the last day. The best time of the year for baseball is coming up again. ...The Raiders for some odd reason signed Jeff George, a player who has not played since 2001. And yesterday they released him. Thank God. Why sign him in the first place? ...I like that Bobby Abreau. Why can't they all be patient like he is?
  11. P L E A S E R E A D Please do not make any sigs for new users that have recently joined the website, and I am talking about users that have just joined the site in the past few days. Anyone that has been on here for a while or that you know, please disregard this message. Why? Because we have this kid that has been joining and he's made at least eight accounts. The last one was Jose_Reyes. He was also luis87b. And Redsx_24, and kelly_apol, and etc, etc. All new sign ups. Please don't make them for the new people until they are checked out.
  12. Exactly what are you talking about? You are not making any sense.
  13. Updated to 8-27 ....Dark roast coffee on a Sunday morning with no one bothering you is a wonderful thing. ...I let my wife pick out the movie we went to see so she picked out World Trade Center. I didn't know if I wanted to see it because it brought back so many bad memories, but I got to say it was a very good movie. It's also hard to believe that soon it will be the fifth anniversary for this. ...Turned on the X-Box for the first time in four months two days ago. I played Mvp 06 NCAA baseball and some people liked it and some didn't. That always seems to go with the territory with an EA game, but I enjoy this game. I don't think I'll wait another four months to turn on the X-box anymore. ...Bargain bins at the game stores can be your friend. I just found two full games on one CD of Top Spin Tennis and NCAA Football 2005 there for $2.99. Yeah, they are a few years old, but if you never played them before it's ok and you also can't beat the price. ...Starting tomorrow for the rest of the year we are getting our lawn serviced from now on because I just can't do the lawn anymore. My knees won't let me. I have no advice for everyone in here except don't hurt your knees. I wish I could be more helpful. ...Did you know that there was a band from England during the 1970's called Babe Ruth?]Babe Ruth? I never knew this. You learn something every day on the Internet. ...F&&& the Angels and everything about them. ...I'm not getting Madden 2007. It's the same thing over and over but the only thing different is they add some new unneeded feature that just takes up more space on your hard drive. Madden 2k3 still isn't bad to play and you still can get updated rosters for it. ...I picked up some advice in another thread and went to this page here for my sports news. It's from Canada and it is a lot better then ESPN. More and more stuff each day seems to be an "insider" thing on ESPN and it got too much for me. So I tried this site and it gives me what I want, and that's just the sports news. Can a Canadian friend tell me what TSN means? ....This has been a very fast baseball season again. :(
  14. Updated to 8-20 ...I can't wait for that new Yankee Stadium to be built. From all that I have seen from those artist renditions, it is going to look great. 2009 isn't far off. ...I like how Bobby Abreau is patient at the plate. Never had a chance to watch him before when he was in Philadelphia and truth be told, I didn't care to because I don't pay attention to the Phils. ...Why is every magazine out there so concerned what Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are doing? Not to mention Tom Cruise. Next time you go in a grocery store or something, just see how many times you see them slapped on a magazine cover. ...Let's also not forget Britney Spears, who continues to be a role model for every girl in the United States that lives in a trailer park. ...And a child shall lead them: I upgraded my verizon phone this week and when I got it, I didn't know how to put the phone numbers in the new phone. Whatever I did, the information did not get saved in the phone. So I had to get my ten year old niece to put them in for me. "Here you go," she said, like it was as easy as turning on the TV. ...The USA Network has some of the best shows on TV today. Now I'm starting to tivo The Dead Zone with Anthony Michael Hall. ...Like many of you guys in here, I've been reading about the latest break in the case of that little girl's death, Jon Benet Ramsey that came out this week. Now it seems that this guy that they have may not have done it at all. Why would anyone want to admit to something like that? ...I don't like when people leave you messages on Yahoo IM to ask you to put them on your buddy list there and don't tell you who they are. I can't repeat here the response I give them because then I'd have to delete my own post. :wink: ...I would't mind if the Yankees got Barry Zito next year to replace Randy Johnson. And remember, Carl Pavano has yet to show the Yankees how good he is. He can help in 2007 too. ...Art Shell is exactly what this lazy Raider team needs. I remember watching him when he was a player and I loved him back then. ...I'd like to thank the Texas Rangers for using the Angels players as pitching targets during a game in Arlington this week. Good going!
  15. Updated to 8-13 ...Damn man is this summer flying by fast once again. It's my favorite time of year and the time from June to September are gone in a flash. On the other hand, January seems to last six months. ...I love how the YES network has the special features now for Directv users that show you a bonus cam, lineups, stats, scores and more. I'm hitting those buttons so much I'm missing part of the game. ...When's this *&$( with these terrorists going to stop? All this is going to do is make travel time even more of a pain. I hear now that people are required to have four hour waits. How the hell is that going to help? ...My wife got a new phone recently. A verizon Razor phone that has a thing on that gives out directions on how to get somewhere when you are driving. She'll still end up getting lost. ...Who else besides me loves French Onion soup? ...Thank you Kansas City Royals. Now go away. ...Here's an example of people I have to deal with, not on a daily basis, but occasionally. Yesterday I went to a corner store to buy a Pepsi before going to work. Well, when I got there all they had was Pepsi Lime, Pepsi Vanilla, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Jazz flavor (whatever that is) and Cherry Pepsi. "Where's the regular Pepsi?" I ask the kid at the counter. He told me he thought that flavor had not come out yet. :? ...I don't like that guy from the Angels, the one they call K-Rod because he likes to rub it in when he gets a save and he taunts the opposition. He'd be a perfect fit in Boston, where they breed people like that. ...What to play first.....Mvp 06 or Total Classics Phase 6? ...My new video card make my game look a lot better. Now I just need time to actually play a few games.
  16. Updated to 8-6 ...Either I am not destined to see a live game this year or what but everytime I have decided I'd go see a minor league game this year, the local team has always been out of town. Note to self: look at the schedule the next time. ...Once again the Yankees acted like they are afraid of a new pitcher that they have not seen as they gathered up all of one hit last night in a loss to the Orioles, who are going no place again. This time they lost to the immortal Adam Loewen. Get him in the Hall of Fame now. ...Got my computer back after it was worked on. Very happy with it. ...For those of us in the east, wasn't this week a tough one with the heat? Especially at the beginning of it when the heat index and humidity was over 100 degrees. It's always the humidity that gets you a lot more than the heat itself. ...Welcome Bobby Abreau, Cory Lidle and Craig Wilson. And thank you for staying right where you are Philip Hughes and Melky Cabrera. ...For the first time in a couple of years I am excited about the upcoming Raider season. Art Shell has been doing an outstanding job out there and I almost can't wait to see this team beginning next month. ...August is going to be a great month on this website. From what I have been reading, TC 6 and Mvp 06 should be out this month. And that's my problem. What do I play first??? I might just have to flip a coin or something. :? ...Thinking about that post above this, I think that everyone on here after these mods are released should PM one of those modders, be it Kraw or Totte or Hory or Fuzz or anyone on the TC team and send them a message of thanks. Especially the Mvp 06 team, a group of people that have been bugged about this mod since the very beginning. ...I got great news. I have to go to a wedding this weekend and I can't go!!! Isn't that wonderful? Seems as if I have to work (oh no!) and I won't be able to take off and attend it (son of a *(&*$) so that means I have to stay home ( :wink: :wink: :wink: ) Sometimes my friends when you work on Saturdays, it works out to your advantage. ...Anyone out there watch Cold Case?? That's one damn good show.
  17. Updated to 7-30 ...Going to get my computer upgraded this week. Tomorrow I got to bring it in and the processor is going to be a bit faster and I'll add some RAM. Maybe that will help me play games like Tiger Woods 2006. I'll still be able to be on here while the computer is getting dolled up since I got a laptop. ...Can't wait until 4 pm tomorrow when this trade deadline is over with. Here's hoping the Nationals hold onto Soriano with both hands and also the Yankees hold on to their good young players. Now's the time I get nervous. ...I can't stand having Canadian coins given to me when I get change. That's because they don't go into any vending machine, or newspaper box or anything else you got to insert coins into. I actually separate the Canadian coins when I want to get rid of them before I go into a store to buy the paper. So when I plunk down the fifty cents for the USA Today, the 7-11 guy gets my Canadian stash. Tell me I don't have things covered. ...Either we've been getting the heat and humidity in the 90's around here or we've been getting days with the damn rain that never lets up. I won't complain that much, it's better than winter. Thank God for central air. ...I've been so busy these past two weeks with work that I have not played one game of Mvp. In fact, I've played zero games in two weeks. I don't like it when work takes over your life like that. ...There's a family picnic that is going on today that I am not going to. I'm not spending another day outside then I have to. Besides, some relatives will be there that I don't have to see until the obligatory Christmas how-you-doing-how-you-been-nice-to-see-you handshake that happens every December. ...It's been so bad this week that I have not watched one Yankee game this week. For me, that's almost unthinkable. ...My wife went to see "You, Me and Dupree" with a friend of her's from work. I can't watch crap like that because that Owen Wilson is almost in the category of not being remotely funny just as that idiot Will Ferrell is. ...All e-mail spammers should rot in hell. Yeah, I'm talking about you people who send me mail telling me my mortgage "has been approved" when I didn't apply for anything. And that they've been "trying to contact me for days" about winning something. And why are they always trying to sell Rolex watches "real cheap"? ....Again everyone in here has to realize that using the complaint e-mail address does not mean writing to us telling us how to install Ultimate Rosters 7.1. That's not a complaint, that's an issue with yourself when you can't read Totte's simple and easy directions. ...Mvp the league, let's keep it going.
  18. My God. DJeagles, I just logged on right now and I read the news about your wife and the baby. I'm very sorry because I remember how excited you were when you told us the news. It's more important now for you to be there for her at this time. Your wife needs all the support she can get now.
  19. Updated to 7-23 ...Just got back from being out of town for the weekend. Had to go to the inlaws. Seeing them was fine, where they live isn't. ....It's my opinion that people that drive on the NY state Thruway are just playing a cat and mouse game with the state troopers. They want to see how fast they can go before they see one up ahead. I'm doing 65 mph and it's like I am crawling at times. ...It's rare I cheer for another team, but major props to the Blue Jay organization for getting rid of Shea Hillenbrand. Now that he's with the Giants he will look like a good guy because Bonds has him beat by plenty in the a-hole department. ...I have nothing but nice things to say about Melky Cabrera. I hope he he has a long career with the Yanks. ...Actual conversation that I heard at a thruway rest stop: I went to Baskin-Robbins to get a 20 ounce bottle of water. Now for those of you who don't know, Baskin-Robbins is an ice cream place and they have a lot of flavors to choose from. 31 I believe. Some old guy ahead of me is reading the sign about the flavors and then when it was his turn to order he told the girl "you got a lot of flavors but I bet you don't have chocolate." The girl did a wonderful job of not laughing, and so did I. ...Training camp opens soon. The Buffalo Bills train 10 minutes away from my house but I have not been there to watch them yet in all the years they've been there. I just don't care too. ...Anyone watch that new show on the USA Network called "Psych"? Not bad at all. ...Got lucky last week and played miniature golf and played a good round and I sunk a ball in at the end to win a free game. But by that time I was tired as all hell so I gave it to a kid.
  20. Updated to 7-16 ....Well this was too fast of a week. This vacation of mine flew by and at this moment I as down as anyone could be. It just seems I don't have time to do anything I want. It's going to take me a few days to get back in the swing of things. ....Went to some festival in a nearby town called Webster yesterday. We didn't even know it was going on because we got lucky to find it. These festival things still look the same as all the ones I went to when I was younger. Back then all the good looking girls would travel in tight, little groups and walk around. Today, they still travel in those same tight, little groups. The only thing different is all of them are talking on cell phones. Nothing changes really. ...Couldn't find my wallet for a few hours yesterday and was almost going to call to stop the credit card and then I got lucky and found it. You almost have that feeling of helplessness when you are looking for it, almost begging it to come out of its hiding place. ...Went on a dinner boat ride cruise last night on a boat called "The Harbor Belle." It was pretty good. The food was so-so, the weather was perfect but later on I got bored. I was wishing I had my laptop with me. Of course this thought was never expressed out loud to the wife at any time. ...Sometimes the waiting for this trade deadline to be over can get to be a little to much. I just hope the Yankees don't make a dumb trade, and I don't want to lose Cabrera or Hughes or both. And no, I don't want Abreau. Start winning some games Philly and keep your players. ...The Detroit Tigers are doing the right things as they lead the AL Central now. They are beating up on the bad teams (11-0 so far against the Royals) and holding their own against the better teams. This team seems to play better against these suck teams then the Yankees do. ...Still haven't seen a ball game yet, but at least I am planning a Hall of Fame trip in mid-October. ...I wonder if other Yankee fans might think I'm not a true fan because I refuse to boo Alex Rodriguez? ...I'm willing to give Sidney Ponson a chance to prove himself. As long as he wins of course. :wink: ...Next week I can't do this "random thoughts" because I'll be out of town. I won't be able to do mine until late Sunday afternoon.
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