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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Snepp, can you PM it to me? When I click to download it, a new page opens up and then it times out on me. I don't know why.
  2. DAMN. I have no idea why I can not download this.
  3. I tried this wonderful utility last night and today. Before I go on, I would also like to thank tywiggins for this great mod. I think this is going to be another one of the "must have" mods for this game along with Fuzz's Studio, Hory's portraits and KC's uniforms. Please take a look at my boxscore. It said No Game Log: At least one at-bat was simmed or managed. Well, I never did anything like that. I wonder what happened?
  4. Updated to 5-28 ...My little dog got fixed the other day and she's doing fine now. When the operation was going on I was nervous. It's amazing that a little seven pound dog that I've only had since February already has me wrapped around her little paw. ...Sometimes the way people drive when they cut in front of you, tailgate you or do whatever the hell they want can literally drive me up a wall. No pun intended. I don't want to go into examples because I bet I can fill the next two or three pages with them. The worst thing they do is what I call the "phantom stop." I'm sure you've seen it. Some idiot gets to a stop sign, drives past it, stops for a millisecond and drives out in front of you. ...I want to go on record right now to say I don't want Dontrelle Willis in a Yankee uniform. I don't want the Yankees to trade their top prospect in Phillip Hughes for him, or really anybody. If Hughes is supposed to be that good, I want to see him win games for the Yankees and no one else. ...Al Leiter is the best new announcer I have heard in a long time. He just joined the YES Network team this year and he really has a lot to add. He's informative, he's funny, he knows the game and he understands the game and the players and explains things well. He's the opposite of Michael Kay. ...Tribetime made a thread here the other day and after I read it and watched the video it scared the hell out of me. Now my question is what can be done? ...I was informed the other day that there is still a big fight going on about US citizens being required to get a passport to go to Canada starting next year. From what I heard it is not official yet but I've been looking around for some information on this and I can't find any. I don't want to get a passport because it is going to cost me over 100 dollars. I'm no terrorist, I just want to see the Yankees and I promise not to beat up any Canadian if the Yankees lose when I am there. Promise! ...Back in March I cancelled my X-Box live account. I was given a confirmation number that I saved to prove that I cancelled the account before it got automatically removed. I was told everything was all set. Well, I got my bank statement the other day and exactly 37 days after I called and cancelled my account, Microsoft decided to bill me for another year of X-box live. After spending twenty minutes on the phone last night, I think it is all straightened out. I think. The moral of this story is don't trust Microsoft, but most people know that already. ...Forty dollars to fill my gas tank on Friday. Prices like that might limit summer holiday travel this year. I know one guy who drove to Florida last month from where I live (upstate New York) and he kept track of all the money he spent on gas. It came to a total of $521. 8O ...I think the kids in school today have it a lot tougher then I did when I was in school. ...Speaking about school, it's almost time to close those doors for another summer. I always loved this time of year. ...Happy Memorial Day for all the fallen vets.
  5. Updated to 5-21 ...Nothing is as monotonous as having to work week after week. Usually I can deal with it, but there are times when I wish I could just walk away for awhile. ...Hey, it's a brand new day! Who's the next Yankee to get injured? ...My little dog goes to get spayed this Thursday. She has to stay overnight at the vet and we pick her up on Friday. Hell yeah I am nervous. It will be the first day she'll be away from me and I am not looking forward to it at all. ...Was running errands yesterday after I got out of work and I saw a huge soccer tournament going on. Depressed the heck out of me seeing these young kids playing soccer instead of being on the ball field playing baseball. When I was a kid there were no organized soccer leagues. Hell, we never even played it. ...I really dislike interleague play. The Yankees always seem to get the harder schedule in this as compared to Boston. Why? The Yankees have to play the Mets six times. Boston only plays them three times and of course, all games at Fenway Park. ...We had one of those DVR recorders put in yesterday by DirecTV. That's where you can record shows when you are not there. Now I got to figure out how to use the darn thing. ...One thing I don't like is sour cream. I don't like having that poured on anything I plan on eating. ...You want a pretty good drink to grab for the upcoming summer? Try Propel. It's a great tasting, low sugar drink by the makers of Gatorade and it comes in various flavors. This commercial was brought to you by Propel. ...Wednesday is D-Day for me. Car inspection day. Oh, I hope it doesn't cost too much.
  6. Come to think of it, you are right. May I suggest Rice-a-Roni, the San Fransisco treat? Those people make some very nice rice.
  7. Well, since it's you, you can post on Monday. As far as Uncle Ben's rice goes, I usually have better results cooking it on the stove instead of the microwave. Stir it up every once in awhile, add a little water and it's fine.
  8. Updated to 5-14 ...Six hundred dollars for the 60 gig PS3!!! No kidding. 600 dollars. And the 20 gig one is only going to cost $499. What a bargain. Sony has just priced themselves out of the console game market. ...Went to see Poseidon last night and it was pretty good. If you guys want to enjoy a nice movie, I think you'd like it. This movie is a remake from the 1972 movie "The Poseidon Adventure" which was pretty good itself. All I kept on thinking is when that movie was going on is that I've never make it through if I were there. ...I have now gone to openly rooting against Bernie Williams each and every time he is at bat. His play in the field has become nothing but a liability. The sooner he is released the better. ...I still play on occasion All Star Baseball on the X-Box. Acclaim, which is no longer around, didn't make that bad of a baseball game. They even had rumors of a PC game years ago but they were having too much financial problems to do that. ...From my first looks at it, Baseball Mogul 2007 looks like the potential to be a very fun game. ...Hideki Matsui's injury was costly for the Yankees, but his fans in his home country of Japan are really upset about this. This has been front page news and headlining TV news there for the first few days after it happened. I just hope we don't go making a stupid trade. The players we havem like Melky Cabrera, can do just fine. We don't need to get people like Loafin' Soriano ( are you kidding me) or anyone else to fill in. ...I just hate mowing my lawn. But at the same time I would rather mow it then shovel it. ...I bought me a nice left handed pitching wedge last year at a flea market and after I did the lawn, I chipped around in the backyard with some golf balls. I didn't see that one of the dogs came outside and on my second swing, I came within two inches of the poor dog's head. Scared the hell out of me. I then put the club away. I'm not destined to play golf unless it is on Links 2003. ...Saluting the college kids in our forum for a second. Enjoy your summer off, you guys deserve it. ...And happy Mother's Day to all the mothers.
  9. Updated to 5-7 ...I like going to Staples to get my "office" supplies even though I don't have an office. I mean to say I go there to get pens and paper and stuff like that. Sometimes they have good deals, and sometimes they are behind the times. Example? They are still selling MVP Baseball 2005 for $29.99 ...Those guys that made the *1961 season did a great job. In fact, as soon as I get done doing this, I am going to play a 1961 Yankee game. And coming soon is the Negro League mod. I'll need a whole new computer just for these mods. ...Anyone ever go to a flea market? I've gone to a few. It's 90% junk that you would throw out to the curb and 10% not so bad stuff. The trouble is, it is hard to find the good things. I saw one guy have for sale last year at a flea market in Avon, New York rusted spoons. No kidding. ...Some guy paid $30,000 to play wiffle ball with David Ortiz. That I just can't believe. ...I went to a Catholic High School and the other day I found out that the tuition there was almost $5,000 a year. If that was like that when I was there, I'd of had to go to public schools. Even by today's standards they are overcharging. ...I missed Smallville this week so I downloaded the episode and then this morning I accidentally deleted it. I didn't realize I did that until a half hour went by. Oh well, I'll be sure to watch the season finale this Thursday. ...I hope KC comes in this thread today to give us and update on his phone and that it is good news. ...If any of you guys don't know, this website has a MVP 05 baseball league going. This is my shameless plug to promote it. A lot of people are in it, along with djeagles, who is a regular poster in this thread. I'm not in it because I just can't. But if anyone wants to be in for the next league, go sign up. ...The White Sox signed Jeff Nelson to a minor league contract the other day. He always was a favorite of mine. I wonder why the Yankees didn't keep him after he returned to New York in 2003? He would have helped a lot. ...Took a look at the X-Box 360 the other day. And it is a good as advertised graphic-wise. The guy who owns the X-Box has MLB 2k6 from 2k Sports and that game just doesn't look right. The online rosters are up to date as of March 22nd. For a company that has the corner market on baseball games, this is inexcuseable. ...I don't care for Philadelphia fans that much but they really gave it to Barry Bonds this past week, so that was ok. And when Bonds passes Ruth it will be a crime. ...The collective bargaining act ends this year. That is what I am paying attention to as much as the Yankee season.
  10. Both the Canadians and the Greeks sound like bad news to me. I hope they don't give you any trouble. Why would you laugh along with that? If there were witnesses to this, they would accuse you of being an accomplice to the crime. As you can see, this goes on every Sunday. These guys that come in here have some pretty good things to say. KC's thing this morning was upsetting because I don't want anyone to go through something like that. You are more than welcome to come back, but it's your choice.
  11. Well, I answered back because it's my right too. You do seem to make everything a joke and if you were not joking about this, then I was 100% wrong and I apologize. Now I see here that you backed up what you said earlier today. What makes them (the thugged out canadians) be that way? Are they a gang or what?
  12. You guys are amazing with this thread. I love to see what direction this will go each week because like the topic has it, they are random thoughts and we can just about cover anything in here. Thank you.
  13. I've always said where I lived, but it hardly comes up when things are talked about. The closest person that lives near me on this board is YankeexDev, who lives in the town next to Irondequoit. I've never met him.
  14. The waterfalls are in the city, and I never go there. That area sucks. I live north of that in Irondequoit.
  15. I'm 100% Sicilian. What do you think of that? Mob movies to me are just movies, simple as that. I won't go into anything else. Soriano wrote: Why do you say that? I bet you are thinking about Henrietta where the Marketplace mall is. I hate Henrietta.
  16. That's what I thought too. I don't know if he was serious about what he wrote or if it was just another insult at carter. Either way, I don't care what he says.
  17. Updated to 4-30 ....Keith Hernandez took a beating by the politically correct crowd this week after he said that women do not belong in the dugout after he saw a female member of the Padres staff in the dugout. Well, you know, he's right. I don't care if she has a job on the Padres, but she should be on the field before the game starts and not when it is going on. ....Anytime I watch a Yankee game on YES and Michael Kay is not announcing it, I am happy. ...I went for a MRI this week on my left knee. I need arthroscopic surgery. ...Mod of the week: The Custom Organ Mod that someone made. This thing is wonderful. To fully appreciate it, turn off Kuiper and Krukow and just listen. What a great mod. ....Well, the NFL draft is done. Now what will the football junkies do? ...Cince de Mayo is coming up. It marks the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Today, that celebration is about seeing how many Corona Extras you can empty. ...What would any random weekly thought be without thinking of those great Yanks? Big deal they scored 17 runs yesterday. I want them to be more consistent. And get rid of Bernie Williams while you are at it. ...The Yankees go to Fenway for a two game set starting tomorrow. Poor Johnny Damon. Nothing is as loud as a crying Red Sox fan and they won't like him wearing the best uniform in baseball. ...Man, those NHL playoffs last long. They won't be done until June. Same as the NBA, but I ignore them anyway. ...Nothing's as nice as coming home from work or anywhere else and having your dogs happy to see you.
  18. No, I don't consider you one at all. All that I took out of this post is that you are frustrated and upset that someone took your phone. From what you've told me about this phone, it costs a pretty good chunk of change and you got a right to be angry. The good thing is that you know who has it and you can go find him and ask for it back. Maybe he won't be as brave if he is all alone. I hope you get it back and have nothing to do with him again. Fuzzone wrote: I have no idea if you are playing around here or not since you have the habit of making everything out to be one big joke. Friedman wrote: I know what you mean here man, and I agree as well. You made an honest and truthful point here and there is no way anyone can dispute this. Now let me tell you what is going to happen. Someone in here is going to twist your words around and accuse you of being racist. It's going to be someone who doesn't know what the hell he is talking about and that's what will happen. This is the sorry state of this country today. You can not say anything about anyone without risk of being labeled as politically incorrect or racist. Never mind what you say is true, if they don't like what is said, they will attack the words being said and not the truth behind it.
  19. Say goodbye to wowthatisrandom. He's another one in the long line of duplicate accounts that have been caught. Right Bluesfan1? Oh well. You guys keep trying and this is what happens.
  20. I didn't see that movie because those kind of movie I avoid but my wife did and she said it reminded her of Saw. Maybe for me, but not for you. But I wish they would have a movie about this. It would be great. I do miss not being on that. I wonder if there is any way I could here that podcast? Sure seems so. I welcome them all, but not the ones who have become too demanding about things. Great, rub it in. All we had was rain.
  21. I got to ask, how did A-Rod get "bought out"? The Yankees bought A-Rod and I nor anyone else knew this except for you? And all this time I thought they got him via the trade route. Thank you for clearing this up. As a Royals fan you have no room to put down any player on any other team. And it shows how smart you are by dismissing Jeter like that. But you'd rather have Freddie Patek anyway, right? Baseball has spitballs and corked bats throughout the history of the game. You can't treat those things like you would steroids.
  22. Updated to April 23rd ..."April showers bring May flowers." Now who hasn't heard that? I'll also have you know that April showers bring April head colds. A-choo! ...You know who I am sick of seeing on TV? Tom Cruise. It's like no one's ever had a kid before and these Hollywood reporters are non-stop about this. ...The NBA playoffs have started? Already? Damn. And I missed another NBA season. Oh well, next year. ...Quantum Leap was one of my all time favorite TV shows. ...I kind of had a break from here last week because I had to work a lot of overtime. Sometimes I think I need it because some of these people in here, well, let me not get into it. ...XBox live sent me an e-mail saying that "they miss me." Isn't that nice of them? I haven't had my X-Box turned on in almost a month and those people just can't get along without me. Excuse me for a second while I delete this e-mail......ok, all done. ...I found out this week I need arthroscopic knee surgery on both knees. ...Who else thinks that Bernie Williams should be released? ...With all this steroid investigating going on I think it is going to make a lot of noise, some speeches will be made, a lot of interviews will be given and then in the end, nothing will be done. ...The umpires have been lousy so far this year, but still are in no way as bad the those NFL blind SOB's that they have ref the football games. ...When it rains the dogs don't like to go out and do what they got to do. So I got to go out and stand out there too and get soaked. Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose? :lol:
  23. You know something? I forgot to include that. Happy Easter to everybody and their families on MvpMods!
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