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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 4-16 ...I really hate the way this season is starting for the Yankees. After losing two games in Minnesota that they should have won, they are under .500 again. ...Well, the wife comes back today. It was a quiet week. Just me and the dogs and the YES network and the computer. Now I'll find out when she gets home how much money she spent. :dead: ...One final thing about this Texas trip. The only way I'll go next year, and I am sure I mentioned this, is that if the Yankees are scheduled to be there when they go next year. The thing is, I don't like air travel. And I don't mean flying. I am talking about the crap you got to put up with at the airports. Take your shoes off, take your belt off, etc. Pretty soon you'll be required to just wear your shorts and then get dressed before you board. ...I love daytime baseball. ...Please Yankees, in 2007, don't have Bernie Williams on the roster. ...Anyone know what hot new movies are supposed to be coming out? Usually around Memorial Day some blockbuster gets released. ...You know what I think one of the biggest wastes of time is? The NFL MOCK draft. It's not an official one, it doesn't count or mean anything. It's a "let's pretend" draft. And people watch it. ...And have any of you ever watched the real NFL draft? Lot of non stop action there :bs: ...Do you know that Oprah Winfrey has her own magazine each month? Guess who's on the cover of it each time?
  2. Updated to 4-9 ...Today will be the first time I will see the Yankees on TV past the first inning. And from what I have not seen, I am missing nothing. I hate these west coast games. ...Who's the *&^%$##&^ that first thought of this "they can score 1,000 runs this year" crap? Doesn't anyone else think that they are trying too hard to do exactly that? ...The wife in in Texas the entire week with her family and sister that lives out there in Plano, Texas. Nice place, nice area and a nice state to visit. Why didn't I go again this year? I don't feel like going shopping every day. That's all they did last year. I didn't get a chance to see a Rangers game when I was there but I know where the purse stores are. :evil: And right there is your reason I am writing this today in New York State and not in Texas. ...Whatever happened to Axl Rose? ...I felt bad for Tribetime when I read this week that his I-Pod was stolen. There's just no reason to go around doing stuff like that and I hope that somehow he gets it back. Those things aren't exactly cheap. ...A lot of people around here are kind of concerned that the Buffalo Bills might leave the area. Not me. I'm not from Buffalo, I don't live there and I'm not a Bills fan. My team's 3,000 miles away in Oakland. But I still feel for them. It wasn't that long ago when that lying snake Art Modell screwed the loyal Browns fans and left Cleveland. ...Who's the best team in the NBA this year? I don't know. If I cared I'd pick up a paper and find out. My basketball season ends after the NCAA finals. ...Another guy who isn't funny that a lot of people seem to think he is: Will Ferrell. He's another one when I see on TV I change the channel. ...Oh good!! Now Anna decides she wants Kris back. She got the attention she wanted and now she's happy. I don't care how hot she looks or how hot people think she is, she isn't worth it. ...Back to the Yankees for a second because, well, these are my thoughts of the day. Giambi is hitting .125. I am confident he will start hitting soon. He's too good of a hitter to be like that. But Bernie Williams (.176) and Jorge Posada (.158) are not surprising me at all. I think the best way Bernie can help the Yankees is to get nice and injured for five months and then retire. ...Barry Bonds cried on his TV show on ESPN. I didn't see it because I had no plans of watching it. I just heard someone talking about it so if anyone can fill me on why he did this stunt, let me know. ...I think that Eudora Pro or Mozilla Thunderbird are the best mail clients out there. ...I am still up in the air about buying "Baseball Mogul 2007"
  3. Updated to 4-2 ...Finally, April is here! It's always been one of my favorite months because of baseball and that will never change. ...Not a good way to start the season if you are a Yankee fan. The Yanks start their game at 10 pm tomorrow out in Oakland. No way I can watch that. The only good thing about this is that they get one of their west coast trips out of the way. ...Can the Yankees score 1,000 runs? I don't care. Maybe they'll need it because some of those pitchers are still hurt and some I don't trust (Mussina). ...I got King Kong on DVD yesterday, but I still would rather see it on one of those big screen 3D theaters that are around. ...If Ben Stiller is in a movie, I just have a hard time watching it. I just don't think he's funny. ...So Anna Benson is divorcing her wimpy husband Kris? Not a good move on her part because now she's going to go back to being a nobody like she was before. Maybe she can get her stripper job back? I'm sure she can get some good references. ...David Ortiz, Alfonso Soriano and Javier the Choker Vazquez are 1-2-3 on my personal hate list. ...Anyone getting an X-box 360? Or are you going to wait for the PS3? All I know is that I can't afford either one. I'm still using my original X-box. ...Speaking of X-Box, I had a subscription to X-Box live that lasted one year. I got it in March of 2005 and it ended just a few days ago. I had to call them before the renewal date because if I didn't, I would have to pay another $49.99. I cancelled not because it was a bad thing, but because for months I never played anyone on it and it turned into a waste of money on my part. ...That cortisone shot in my elbow I had in my arm not too long ago seems to have worked wonders. I really feel a lot better. ...Turn your clocks ahead today!
  4. Updated to 3-26 ....We are so close to opening day now. In fact, the season starts next week! ...The first game the Yankees play in Oakland, at night. What the hell? I have off the next day but I can't watch the entire thing because they usually end around 1:30 in the morning. I'm not a night owl like a lot of you guys in here are. I just can't do it. ...I was happy to see the Japanese team win the World Baseball Classic. I sure as hell wasn't pulling for Cuba. The Japanese team played the game very well and worked together pretty good. They weren't unselfish. Which brings me too.... ....Alfonso Soriano. No one has ever accused him of being unselfish. Selfish, of course. In fact he is. But he's never been called unselfish. And there's a good reason for that. He's the perfect example of what is wrong with baseball today. He's the poster boy for the "Screw you, Me-First" kind of player. The only reason why he agreed to go to left field was not for the team. Are you kidding me? He did it for the money he was to be paid. He figured he gave Washington enough grief so now he'll take his little glove and go out to left and misplay fly balls from April to September like a good boy. If there's ever a guy who needs a fastball right at the head, it's this bum. ...I was on vacation this week and it was fun. I did nothing. Kicked back and enjoyed myself. Of course, the week was a blur. I could get used to this. ...I am kind of sorry I got into this league we have going. Sometimes you find things out about people that maybe you wouldn't have wanted to know in the first place. ...I like looking at people's avatars on here just to see what they have. I don't change mine a lot, but I do on occasion. Some of the avatars I can't figure out. I mean, go look at Tribetime's for example. That black guy sure does not look like an Indian. :lol:
  5. Updated to 3-19 ...Sorry for the late post in this, I was out of town for the weekend and I just returned. Sure it sucks being out of town, but it's over and that's that. ....Got to get a cortisone shot in my right elbow tomorrow morning. I hope it doesn't hurt as much as I think it is. ...Driving down to Binghamton, NY, I took route 390 which turns into route 17. I passed up Geneseo and I rolled down my window and waved to SwinginSoriano. ...Funny moment of the weekend: the in-laws gave me a black baseball hat with the confederate flag on it and above the flag it said "Git R Done" I said Ye-hoo when I put it on but was immediately corrected because I should have said "Yee-haw". ...I enjoy watching Jackie Chan movies. ...So the U.S. lost in the World Baseball Classic? Oh well. Somehow we will make it. ...I purchased "Baseball for Windows" and the disc does not work. It says device driver not found. So they sent me a new disc. I haven't tried it yet because I'm afraid to. Hahahhaha ...How do you guys in the NY area like the new Mets channel? I have not had a chance to watch it yet and honestly I won't once the season starts. ...I joined the first league on our website and I just hope I don't look too bad when I play against everyone else. Those guys are good.
  6. Updated to 3-12 ...I just love the Mozilla Firefox web browser. I think it is the best one I've ever used. I remember when we had to pay for these browsers about ten or eleven years ago. Netscape would charge thirty bucks for their new version and an additional ten dollars for the "gold" version. What a joke that was. ...I'm no Braves fan but I bet every fan of that team must have held their breath when Jeff Franceour tumbled over first base in the ninth inning of the US-Canada game. That's my only worry about this tournament. An injury to a player on your team. Other than that, I love that baseball is played all over the world. ...I used to enjoy reading Peter Gammon's column over at ESPN.com every Sunday. I thought it was pretty good. But since he got elected to the Hall of Fame, the ESPN people made his stuff Insider material only. Like ESPN needs the money to pull a stunt like this. Oh well, at least I can still read Mike Lupica at the Daily News. ...That new book about Barry Bonds and the lastest steroid allegations make me wonder how he is going to be able to deny it this time? It always brings me back to that picture of Lyle Alzado on the cover of Sports Illustrated. His warnings to other athletes didn't mean much I guess. ...From all the reports I have been reading, Carl Pavano looks pretty good down there in Florida. I just hope he bounces back this year. God knows we need it. ...Given the choice of going to two stores to get stuff, I would take Target over Walmart any day of the week. Walmart sucks. Target is cleaner and looks a lot better. ...Had to get the New York State inspection this week, it ended up costing $630 dollars. Son of a *&^%$. What can go wrong will go wrong. ...The wife's going to Texas in April. I am not going because of a few reasons. First of all I don't have that week off and second of all I won't go 1,500 miles again like I did last year to just go shopping. Next year, if the Rangers are in town when they go (her father goes for the Nascar race there) I might go just to see a game. When she is gone I told her I "had a lot of work to do around the house." Yeah, right. I'll empty the garbage and pick up the mail. That's it. ...Vacation next week for me. I'll be out of town the weekend and back on Sunday. My random thoughts for next week will be delayed for late Sunday so if anyone wants to jump in, go ahead.
  7. 1. I'm not a fan of that interview section on Fuzz's site. He interviewed two people on it that caused trouble on here (Moose and Deathnotronic) and it is obvious that they had axes to grind. 2. What if they are? Do you realize the work you have to do to keep this kind of hoax up? And why would you do that? Just to have two different accounts on here? 3. Your contest sounds like fun, I'll do my best.
  8. Updated to 3-5 ...I hate musicals. My wife bought this movie called Rent and I know she is going to try and trap me to watch it with her. I'd rather watch American Idol. ...Two more weeks to go and I am on vacation. With today's release of Total Classics Phase 5, this time off can not come faster. Thank you TeamFuzz. ...Kind of a sad day for me, today's the day John Belushi died in 1982. Belushi was always one of my favorites and he really shined in movies like Animal House and the Blues Brothers, but he played a serious role in a rarely seen movie called Continental Divide that earned a lot of praise when it came out in 1981. R.I.P. to an original Saturday Night Live cast member. ...The Yankees made a sign to apologize to the spring training fans for the team not having Damon and Jeter and the other three Yankees at the World Baseball Classic. And I don't blame them. I don't like this WBC and I just want it to end. ...Say, does anyone know what the blockbuster movies that are coming out this year? Some pretty good ones usually start coming out in May and in the summer there are a bunch of them worth seeing. ....I love dogs, but I hate cats. ...You know what I've been wanting to do for awhile now? Step into a batting cage and take some swings. But around here I don't know if there are any inside ones. I know of a outside one that I go to in the summer, but that's some time away. ...Anyone ever watch Cold Case on Sunday nights? That's one hell of a show. ...Think spring, think spring!!
  9. You lucky guy. I went to a catholic high school and it was tough.
  10. 1. Snepp is a he. 2. Why won't winter exist in 2015 and where did you hear something like that?
  11. Snepp's been gone since November of 2004. He just has not come back since that time. Olyrunner has been here recently. She sent me a note that she downloaded the beta version of MVP 06 and she likes it. She's been busy lately but probably will be coming back more during the season.
  12. Updated to 2-26 ...It sure is nice having Spring Training here. I just love to read the daily articles on the Yankees and what's going on down there in Florida. It just makes me that much more excited for the season because it's not that far off now. ...I didn't watch one second of the Winter Olympics. ...The WB Network is hard to figure. They got a great show like Smallville on, but the next new episode is not going to be shown until March 30th. I wonder why? ...R.I.P. Curt Gowdy (who was a great baseball announcer) and Don Knotts (if you don't know who played Barney Fife, that's the guy.) It was a tough week for some of the greats in their respective fields. :cry: ...I read somewhere that the PS3 is going to be delayed for about a year and it is going to cost Sony $900 to make one console. If that's really true, Microsoft's X-Box will have no more competition. Like I care. I don't have the money to buy the 360 anyways. ...One other thing about the X-Box. Sometimes you buy stupid things, right? Well, this is what I did last year. I purchased a 12 month subscription to X-Box live with the intent of playing people on this board and on another board online. I haven't played anyone nor have I played X-Box live in months. My subscription ends March 26th and I'm not giving them another $49.99. ...For me, it is relaxing to spend time and walk around in places like Circuit City, Best Buy and Comp-USA. I'd say the same thing about Fry's, but I only went into one when I was in Texas and we don't have them here. That's another nice place. ...Did I say Texas? My wife's going there in April. This time without me. I'm sure she'll have a better time since I'm not good company when I have to go shopping all the time and do nothing but that. But next year, if the Yankees are in town when they go, then I might go. This year, forget it. One purse is the same as the other for me. ...I am definately pulling against Jimmy Rollins. No way do I want him to break that record.
  13. Reposted Updated to 2-19 ...There's nothing like kicking back on a Sunday morning listening to Mp3's while surfing the web while it is freezing outside. ...I'm off tomorrow because of President's Day. Yeah, ok. Big deal. Just as long as I'm paid for it, have fun. While you are at it, have "First Ladies Day". ...So far, nothing but good news in the Yankee spring camp this year. I'm just holding my breath about this World Baseball stuff. ...I'm someone who burns data to CD right away. I never liked letting it build up on the hard drive. Thank God for me that CDR's are pretty cheap now. ...Sleeper game to get if you ever see it in a bargain bin: Australian Rules Football 2004. ...Chicago's Ozzie Smith should just shut up. But that won't happen. ...Who else feels that a major trade is going to be made before opening day? ...Man, I love this server move and the reasons behind why our man Trues decided to do this. Put it this way: our old server was as slow as Bengie Molina trying to leg out a triple.
  14. Updated to 2-12 ...This is the week everyone!! This week pitchers and catchers report to their respective clubs. ...No matter what the umpires do this year they can never be as bad as the NFL referees. In fact, no one is as bad as the NFL referees. ...Back to the opening of spring training for pitchers and catchers for a second... it just warms my heart to know that Kevin Brown will not be Florida with the Yankees. We've improved ourselves already. ...Misleading news header of the week, and I read it right here on our front page: "Soriano loses arbitration case" Well, I read those four words and I cheered. It's no secret that I hate that guy. But then I read the article and I see that he is only getting 10 million this year instead of 12 million. Please, let me lose like this, just once. Go buy a pair of scissors Alfonso and start cutting coupons from the paper. ...You know, one movie that I hope goes to the IMAX is King Kong. I'd love to see that in 3D. ...Valentine's Day sucks. ...For those of you that remember the old 2400 baud modem days, has the last few nights navigating on this site brought back memories? ...That "Firewall" movie with Harrison Ford in it looks good. ...Who watches the Pro Bowl? Come on, admit it. Hardly anyone. I tune in at the very beginning when the stadium is shown. I used to live about 3 or 4 miles away from that place. ...Before I forget, a big thank you to our modders once again. For Mvp 06, Total Classics, the uniforms, portraits, heck, you name it, you guys do it and make it great. ...One final thing. Has anyone ever thought of what EA must think of the work being done on MVP 2006 by these guys in here? What I mean is, that EA has to know about this site, right?? Don't you think it has to be killing them that they can't release MVP 06 and to see how good this is being done in here? Thanks for nothing 2K sports.
  15. Updated to 2-5 ...It's February and I love it. Pitchers and catchers report this month and next month we can see exhibition games on TV. :party1: ...I'll be pulling for Pittsburgh in today's Super Bowl. But if they don't win I won't lose sleep over it. I just wish the game would start earlier than 6 pm east coast time because it always ends late. Oh, who am I kidding? I won't watch it until the end anyway. ...Here's another good reason why baseball is so much better than football: a lot of people watch the Super Bowl just to see the new commercials. I have never heard that said about the World Series. People tune in for that (despite it being on FOX) for the game and not the ads. ...My wife is going to Texas this year with her family to see her sister that lives in Plano. She likes it there and I like the fact that I'm not going. I went last year and it sucked. Not Texas, but what I did when I was there (shopping) and I don't care to travel 1,500 miles again to see Dallas' finest stores. ...I'm having my taxes done on Tuesday. I like to get them over with early. If all goes like it has been, I'll get a federal return and owe a little to the State of New York. I've never understood why I owe NY State. I mean, they get enough out of me. ...I don't know about anyone else, but I am a fanatic about keeping my keyboard clean. Maybe because it was a special order one, but I clean it a lot. ...Does anyone notice that the White Sox fans have not been annoying this winter after they won the championship as compared to you-know-who? ...When Nomar dropped out of the World Baseball classic you didn't hear anyone complain. But when A-Rod was unsure of what to do that's all you heard about. One set of rules for one..... ...Come on Texas Rangers and sign Roger Clemens. Just so he doesn't make a return to the Yankees.
  16. Didn't you tell us once you were born in 1991? How can you be a fan since 1991? And how could you remember 1994 if you were only three years old?
  17. Nice posts BBHDan. I can relate to this one because I went to Catholic Schools for twelve years. I have no idea how they are today, but when I was there it was ok. And if your principal doesn't like what you wrote, too bad.
  18. Updated to January 29th ...Got done watching the 2005 World Series video last night because I have been missing baseball a lot. They showed that inning that El Duque pitched against Boston with the bases loaded and none out and the way he got out of it was unbelievable. A.J. Pierzynski called it "the inning of the year." I'd have to agree. Man, I miss watching this game. ...I don't know why, but I think a big trade will be made before spring training. I don't know who, I'm just guessing here. ...I could be in the minority here, but I think that Mike Piazza could have been a better choice as DH for the Yankees than Bernie Williams. ...Starting in March, the Mets are going to have their own version of the YES Network. Who says there's nothing funny on TV anymore? ...And no, there is no truth to the rumor that on Theo Epstein's first day back as GM in Boston that he turned water into wine and parted the Charles River. Where does this stuff come from? ...I've purchased MVP 2006, the NCAA game. I've played it a few times and it seems pretty good. But after about five games into this I thought to myself that if this game was on PC, what would these guys in here do to this game to improve it? So far the best part of playing this game is that Mike Krukow isn't in it. ...As far as the Super Bowl goes, I got to go for Pittsburgh. I don't pull for any team that comes out of the great Northwest because I hate every one of them. (Sorry Olyrunner, but I still love you though.) Read this right here and you will see how over confident they are. After reading that, I hope Pittsburgh wins on a last second touchdown. That'll teach 'em up there. ...I'm still a Raider fan though, don't forget it. In fact, I was on their website earlier today and I watched a video of their highlights from this past season. It was a quick 34 seconds!!!! ...After I watch Smallville they have an ad for a show called "Beauty and the Geek". What's next with this reality TV crap? ...Got to get some work done on my computer this week. The power supply to the computer is in need of replacement. Sure wish I could have a new one, but not now.
  19. Nice picture posted by you Franchise Player, but Podres already has been featured in this thread.
  20. Glenn Beckert The Cubs' regular second baseman for nine years, Beckert was a reliable contact hitter who hit second in the batting order for most of his career. He was the most difficult batter to strike out in the NL five times (in 1968 he whiffed only 20 times in 643 at-bats), and he walked only slightly more often, but nonetheless led the NL in runs scored with 98 in '68. Although never considered a power hitter, he had 20 or more doubles in six seasons. Beckert was a minor league shortstop, but switched to second base after Ken Hubbs died. He won the Cubs' second-base job in 1965 and adjusted quickly to his new position, leading the NL in assists while finishing second in double plays and total chances per game. For his entire Cub career, he played alongside shortstop Don Kessinger (who often led off in front of Beckert), giving the Cubs an outstanding defensive keystone combo. Throughout Beckert's career, he was overshadowed by two of the greatest second basemen in baseball history. When he first came up, Bill Mazeroski was regularly leading the league in most defensive categories; after Maz faded, Joe Morgan grabbed the second-base spotlight. Beckert was second in the NL in assists from 1966 to 1969, and in 1971 he won a Gold Glove. He received his nickname, Bruno (after the wrestler Bruno Sammartino), from teammate Paul Popovich in the minor leagues, because Beckert frequently knocked down other infielders in pursuit of pop-ups. Although he hit only .239 as a rookie, Beckert quickly improved and went on to hit .280 or better the next six seasons, peaking at .342 in 1971. On June 3, 1971, he drove in Ken Holtzman with the only run of the game in Holtzman's no-hitter against the Reds.
  21. Billy Williams Soft-spoken Billy Williams let his bat do the talking for 18 seasons. His picture-perfect swing produced 2,711 hits, a.290 career average and 426 home runs. The six-time all-star was the National League Rookie of the Year in 1961 and the “Sporting News†Player of the Year in 1972, when he led the league with a .333 batting average while also hitting 37 home runs and driving in 122 runs. He held the National League mark for consecutive games played (1,117) until surpassed by Steve Garvey. Sweet-swinging Billy Williams quietly carved out a Hall of Fame career. Often overshadowed by flashier players during his heyday, he was a dependable star for 14 full seasons as a Cub. From September 22, 1963 to September 2, 1970, he established a National League record of 1,117 consecutive games played that stood until Steve Garvey broke it in 1983. He also set NL marks for games played by an outfielder in one season (164 in 1965) and consecutive years with 600 or more at-bats (nine, from 1962 to '70, broken by Pete Rose). He tied major league records with five homers in two consecutive games (September 8 and 10, 1968), and four consecutive doubles in a game (April 9, 1969). Two of Williams's greatest games came in 1968; he hit for the cycle on July 17, and hit three homers on September 10. But he was stuck on a losing club, and overshadowed by the jovial Ernie Banks and the outspoken Ron Santo. The arrival of Leo Durocher, another flamboyant figure, brought winning back to the Cubs, with Williams leading the way. June 29, 1969 was designated Billy Williams Day at Wrigley Field; the man of honor broke Stan Musial's NL record of 896 consecutive games played, and went 5-for-9 as the Cubs took two from the Cardinals. Chicago seemed pennant-bound that year, but fell before the late-season charge of the "Amazing" Mets. While many of the Cubs slumped, Williams hit .304 in September.
  22. Ernie Banks Noted for his sunny disposition, excellent all-round play and his powerful home runs, Ernie Banks was always a favorite of the Chicago Cubs fans. Banks was chosen to play in the All-Star Game during 11 seasons, was twice voted the National League Most Valuable Player and knocked 512 home runs during his 19-year career with the Cubs. He twice led the National League in home runs and RBI and picked up one Gold Glove Award in 1960. Mr. Cub displayed his perpetual love for the game with his signature phrase, "Let's play two!" He will always be "Mr. Cub," the most popular player the Cubs ever had. His sunny personality is legend, as is his refrain on a sunny day: "Let's play two!" The first black player on the Cubs, Banks came up as a shortstop, where he won consecutive MVP awards, but actually played more games at first base. He is also one of a handful of Hall of Famers never to get into postseason play. From 1955 to 1960, Banks hit more homers than anyone in the majors, including Mantle, Mays, and Aaron. At the end of the 1959 season, he was so popular that the Cubs wanted to give him his own day. The modest Banks gratefully declined, saying that he hadn't been around long enough to be so honored. By 1964, Banks had relented, and the honorary day was held. At first, Banks's fielding was erratic. He posted error totals of 34, 22, and 25 early in his career, culminating in a league-leading 32 in 1958. He worked dilligently to cut his errors down to 12 in 1959, then a record for shortstops, and led NL shortstops in fielding in both 1960 (he won a Gold Glove) and 1961. Meanwhile, he kept hitting. In the first 1960 All-Star game he had a two-run homer in a 5-3 NL victory, and he ended the season leading the league in HR for the second time, with 41. Even though Banks had led the league in fielding the previous two seasons, injuries to his legs had cut down his range, so he accepted a move to first base in 1962. When Leo Durocher took over the team in 1966, he kept bringing up young phenoms to replace Banks, but none did. Banks won the fielding title at his new position in 1969, and led NL first basemen in assists five times. By 1970, his legs had begun to weaken from nagging injuries and arthritis. On May 12, 1970, he hit his 500th homer, the most avidly anticipated event in Wrigley Field history, with the possible exception of the first night game. After Banks's retirement in 1971, the Cubs hoisted a pinstriped pennant with his number 14 atop the left field foul pole at Wrigley Field. He was the first Cubs player to have his number retired.
  23. You guys do realize of course that the Yankees are in a load of trouble very soon with Posada? How much longer can he go? He already has shown he has a dead bat from his play last year.
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