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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to January 22nd ...I don't mind watching women's tennis. Wait, that's not right. I don't mind watching women play tennis especially if they are Martina Hingis or Maria Sharapova. At the same time, I hate those loud mouth Williams sisters. ...Hey! Theo Epstien is back. This week the drama queen of Boston returned like we all knew he would. Well, we might as well not even play the 2006 season now. He can do no wrong, the Sox gotta win now because he's back. ...Kris Benson went to Baltimore yesterday in a trade. I wonder who the Mets were more glad to get rid of? Him or his wife? ...Smallville 100th episode this week. Something big is supposed to happen. And if you all watched it last week, my favorite on that show (Lex Luthor) will have Lana before this season is done. Just a prediction. ...I realize I did slam the Red Sox with that Theo Epstien comment before( ) so I'll give them equal time here. If anyone believes the Yankees are going to have a super-offensive lineup in 2006 just because Johnny Damon will be leading off, they're wrong. Damon will help, no doubt about that. But if you have Bernie Williams and Jorge Posada in there as every day players, who in their right mind is going to believe the talk of a modern day "Murderer's Row?" I still say the worst thing the Yankees did was bring back Williams. They brought him back for who he was, not for what he did the past two seasons, which was nothing. Hey, I hope I'm wrong. ...Anyone ever watch a show on the USA Network called "Monk"? Not a bad show. ...Dante Culpepper sucked in 2005, got hurt and will miss part of the next season. And he still asked for a raise? What's wrong here? ...Let's see. Pittsburgh at Denver, I got to pull for Pittsburgh. Carolina at Seattle, I got to pull for Carolina. Reasons? I don't like Denver because they are in Oakland's division. I don't like Seattle teams because of the Mariners. ...What a nice vacation this week. I did a whole lot of nothing, which is in fact, if you saw me at my work you would say I do there. :wink: I read, I played games, I slept, I watched movies. And the time flew. My next one is in two month. Already I can't wait.
  2. Here's a link. Boy, I hope I linked to the right type of fish. They don't seem to be a bad kind of fish at all.
  3. I didn't know this about the Devil Rays SwinginSoriano. Is this on their website? Oh, and we could do much worse than Jeff Nelson. :)
  4. Updated to January 15th: ...This month is half over. For someone who hates winter as much as I do, this makes me happy. ...What also makes me happy is that I am on vacation this week and I have nothing planned and nowhere to go and no one will be home with me, except for the dogs. This is so good, this week is going to fly by. :? ...You all know how I feel about the sports teams that reside in New England, but last night I was actually pulling for one of them to win. I wanted the Patriots to beat Denver because I don't like anyone from the AFC West except of course for Oakland. ...Go (Baltimore) Colts. <----- If any of you here remember when they were in Baltimore, you remember the underhanded way that team left town twenty-two years ago. ...You know, with Johnny Damon on the Yankees now, Jeter and A-Rod will almost be ignored when they go to Boston because the boo-birds will be zeroing on him. ....One more bit of Damon: I think it is hilarious to read some of the Sox fans posts about Damon "fading" now. If he had been resigned by Boston like he should have been, they never would have said this. ....Brooke Burke. Brooke Burke. Brooke Burke :hail: ...Rich Gossage should have made the Hall of Fame. ...Speaking of the Hall, I'm going there this summer again. If anyone ever has a chance to go there, I recommend it.
  5. You know, it is really the contributions from you other guys in this thread that make this thread great. I really like reading what you others are thinking too. Keep it up and thanks! Kind of like this: djeagles11 wrote: The way your pool is calling for you is the same way my central air is calling me. We got that in last year in early August and this year we'll have the whole summer to be cool. Nothing beats the summer for me, I just love it.
  6. BaseballHeadDan's new avatar is literally making me sick. hahahahahahh
  7. Updated to January 8th ....I'm sympathetic towards a lot of things but not towards people like Maurice Clarett (attempted armed robbery) and Marcus Vick (confirmed idiot). I mean, take Clarett for example. He screwed up his NFL career and cost himself millions of dollars. All I know is that if I were in a position to have a professional career, be it in the NFL or MLB, I wouldn't screw it up. ...I hate movies that are musicals. I have no patience for them. ...I don't like watching soccer on TV, but I don't mind playing it on the computer. I got Winning Eleven 8 International by Konami last night for $19.99. So far it plays very well. ....I think Denis Leary is a funny guy even though he follows the wrong teams. ...I think the Colts have the best chance to knock of the Patriots because you can't leave it up to the Steelers. ...I'm on vacation next week. That' s a wonderful thing to look forward too. ...I can't seem to stop drinking Gatorade. Every flavor they have I enjoy. Same goes for that Powerade stuff. Tastes similar to me. ...Tomorrow is my wife's birthday. I got her one of those 4 gig Ipods. ...Need a good book to read? Right now I am reading this book called "If I Never Get Back" by Darryl Brock. It's about time travel and the 1869 Cincinnati Reds.
  8. Updated to January 1st ...The first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning? That next month is February and that means pitchers and catchers report. ...The best part about the holidays is when they are over. ...Thank you Oakland Raiders for another season to be proud of. ...I can't wait until TC 5 by TeamFuzz. That's when the Forum Fanatics and Mod Squads will be featured in Total Classics and I'm planning on playing a series between the FF and MS teams. Starting game one for the Forum Fanatics, YankeeXDev! ...Oh, if any of you people are worried now that the Yankees have Johnny Damon and you think they'll have an even better lineup, don't worry so much. They plan on playing Bernie Williams every day along with Posada. Those two slugs will kill every rally the Yankees have. ...We had a nice New Year's here last night. It just goes to show when you get rid of the right people, things calm down. By the way, how you doing Moose? ...I saw King Kong last night and I loved it. I love movies like this and this will be a definite DVD purchase when it comes out. The funniest part for me was at the end of the movie when Kong died. When the credits came up, my wife was crying because of that. :hmph: ...Who saw D ick Clark on ABC's New Year's special when the ball dropped? Man, he sounds bad after his stroke. His words were really slurred. But he did come back a long way after that stroke he had last year and that's good. ...I'd like to start the New Year fresh by having an understanding with the New England area of the country. I still feel the same about you as before. :wave: Have a safe 2006 you folks in that heavy snow region. ...I don't like Walmart much at all, but when they are selling Sony CDR's 50 pack for $12.97, I had to get it. Ok, so I bought three. ...I see D ick Vermiel is retiring, again. Who gives a :soap: ? He did this same song and dance with the Eagles and Rams. Just leave already and take Parcells with you. ...Here's to another good year on this site!!!
  9. My wife went all out for me and I am grateful. I got this right here and if you are a Yankee fan, you will love it.
  10. Updated to 12-18 ...Yeah, I got to go see that King Kong movie, but not until after the Holidays. I just don't have time. ...So Nomar is a Dodger? Yawn. ...I don't know what a lot of you think about it, but I think this World Baseball Classic in March is going to be one big pain in the ***. ...One more full shopping week until Christmas and then next week it will be different, I promise! Next week we'll be at the malls returning the crap we got instead of the other way around. ...Who's got Total Classics Phase 4? That is one fantastic mod. Go get it and you won't be sorry. ...I hear the Red Sox dropped their lawsuit against Doug Menkielinkwhateverhisnameis. What does that tell you? It tells me that they realized that had no case and now they are going to try and appeal to Menkdinkdo's sense of fair play. This ought to be interesting. ...That tuck play that cost the Raiders that playoff game a few years ago still bugs the hell out of me. ...Speaking of the Raiders, I've never seen them be so bad for such a long period of time. It's depressing. ...Everyone have a good week. Because next week at this time you won't be logged on here to read this or anything else. It'll be Christmas and you'll be celebrating it in your own way. This thread will be updated in two weeks.
  11. Heck yeah, if you guys want to make a College Basketball thread, go right ahead. :)
  12. Updated to 12-11 ...Us Yankee fans dodged another bullet this week as the Chicago Cubs agreed to take Juan Pierre instead of having him dumped on us. Better them then us, that's all I gotta say. ...Major cudos to the Yankees for getting through the winter meetings without making a stupid move like trading for another 40 year old pitcher or signing a free agent that no one else wants. ...Speaking of 40 year old pitchers, stay away from the Yankees Roger Clemens. You got your hummer, now go to hell. ...I've been a big James Bond movie fan for years. I love the action in those movies and of course, the Bond girls too. My favorite has always been Claudine Auger. ...I hate the snow and cold weather. Anyone that loves this stuff either lives where it doesn't snow or they don't have a job that requires them to be outside. ...I think that kids today have it tougher in school then I ever did when I was in high school. ...Looking for a nice Christmas gift for someone? Try a remote car starter. Rain or shine those things work good. And they are not bad in price. I got one for my wife for $130 last year. ...Horror movies and myself do not get along. I don't watch them. 8O ...I hate it when I'm in a supermarket or a department store or whatever and some kid is running around like crazy and they run right into you. And instead of the mother telling the kid to stop running around, they look at you like you were the one that ran into the kid. ...While I'm on that subject, there is nothing that can make me get up and get away as fast as I can as when I hear a child screaming at the top of his lungs in a restaurant. ...I'm sick of hearing about Jessica Simpson's marriage ending and Britney Spears getting in an arguement with her hired boy toy/husband. I mean, who cares? ...My vacations are all set for 2006. Darn, I won't be going to Texas this time. Awww ...Two more weeks until Christmas. Let's go.
  13. Mystery Science Theater used to be on the comedy channel. That really was a great show. I miss it.
  14. Updated to 12-4 ...The current baseball contract with the players ends after the 2006 season. I wonder how close they will come to strike again? ...I can't wait until December 14th when that King Kong movie comes out. That looks like the best movie for this holiday season. ...One thing going on this week that I'll be paying attention to is the baseball meetings. Here's hoping the Yankees don't do anything stupid. ...Thank you Brian Giles for re-signing with San Diego. ...and also thanks to the Florida Marlins, who are demanding Robinson Cano from the Yankees along with Sean Henn and Scott Proctor for the immortal Juan Pierre. Is there anyone else you want too? ...Going back a bit for anyone on here older than 21, do you remember the Prodigy service? I wonder what happened to this? I used to have that when I had dial up before Windows 95. (Prodigy was a online service similar to AOL, but at the beginning did not have internet access. I had this for DOS) ...Here's hoping the Colts go undefeated this year. I still have a hard time saying "Indy" when I refer to them. In my mind they still are the Baltimore Colts. ...Something tells me that the Cleveland Browns next year will be as good as the Bengals are this year. ...New Smallville episode this week after a two week hiatus. Thank God. ...Three full shopping weeks left until Christmas. Let's get this over with.
  15. Heck yeah Filthy57, send it my way. Thank you.
  16. Filthy57, that is one good looking wallpaper. Man if I were a Bengals fan, I'd grab that one myself. It looks great.
  17. Updated to 11-20 ..Man I miss the days when Axl Rose and Guns n Roses were together. ..Beavis and Butthead cartoons still crack me up. ..Britain's Winston Churchill was a brilliant leader. I just finished listening to an audio book about him and this man was a great leader. ..I think MarkB's off season signature this year should say "Keep Brian Giles away from the New York Yankees." Maybe we'll have better luck with that Mark? ..I dread the cold weather every single year. Sometimes I wish I never should have left Oahu, but that's life. ..Again we are forced to watch the Dallas Cowboys on TV this Thanksgiving. As a Raider fan, I'm thrilled about this. :evil: ..I'll watch anything with Estella Warren in it. ..Lex Luthor is the greatest criminal mind of all time. ..I forgot, some of you don't watch Smallville. But some of you do so you know what I mean. ..I know it's early, but since I won't be here this weekend, everyone have a great Thanksgiving. No random thoughts next week because I won't be home to access my computer. This will resume two weeks from now.
  18. Well, I never heard of this guy so instead of pulling a NYM91 and asking someone to find out for me, I went to google and found out for myself. Here is a Guy Fawkes information site that tells you who he is and why the British people make bonfires and blow off fireworks in honor of the capture of this guy. The British, it would seem to me, have very long memories. Kind of like my ancestors in Sicily. This event with Fawkes happened in 1605.
  19. Why are people using fireworks there Mark? Is there a holiday today?
  20. Updated to 11-13 ..The more screens and videos I see of the XBox 360 the more I would like one. But I don't want to shell out $400 for the system. I hardly use my XBox now to justify getting one. ..And how good would a game like MVP Baseball 2006 have looked on that system if there could have been one? Damn 2K Sports. ..One of the best books I've ever read was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. If you've never read it, you don't know what you are missing. ..I'd sure like a new video card but I won't get one for Christmas. I got to get it myself. My wife doesn't know the difference between a video card and a sound card. ..Reading in the forums just in the past few days about all the ideas for a Mvp 2006 makes me happy. I think that EA could've made even a better game if they listened to some of the people in here. ..I hate politically correct people. Pipe down. Don't tell me what I should say or what I shouldn't say. ..I guess they'll be doing the League's MVP's very soon. Part of me cares about the AL MVP a lot because I don't want that *&$^ from Boston to win and part of me just doesn't give a damn because the Yankees didn't win a thing this year. What's the good in being happy about that award when the only one that counts is the World Series award? ..A lot of talk is made about bad women drivers are and young drivers too. And in a lot of cases, that is true. I've seen young girls driving and putting makeup on at the same time. But old people in my opinion are just as bad. They don't know how to look when they back out of someplace and they have their turn signal on ten minutes before they consider using it. ..Speaking of old people, never get in their way at the supermarket especially when they have a table set up in there where they are giving away free samples of food. They'll ram you down to get that last slice of cheese. Never mind if they hit your ankle in the process.
  21. Updated to 11-6 ...I just saw a recent picture of Hillary Duff yesterday. She looked like she went on the Nicole Ritchie diet. You know, the look that gives you the end result of looking like a walking skeleton? ..Now that baseball season is over I see there are more channels on my DirectTV subscription then the YES Network. ..This forum rules. I'm happy with all the positive comments we've been getting in our Forum Fanatics-Mod Squad thread. ..It's been another fast year, hasn't it? ..Speaking of which, on TV the other night was a Christmas movie called "Elf" with Will Ferrell. Yeah, I know that Christmas is next month, but this is just too early. Besides, the bits and pieces that I watched just confirmed my opinion that Will Ferrell sucks. That movie was terrible. ..One more thing about that big holiday next month. Last year a radio station around here started playing Christmas music non stop 24 hours a day starting November 11th. I hear they plan on doing it again. I like Christmas music, but not that early or that much. ..I wonder when the first free agent is going to be signed? ..I sure wouldn't complain if the Yankees gave Bubba Crosby a chance in center field next year. ..My God I hope this winter isn't bad. My knees are so bad that the colder it gets the more brittle they are. ..I'd like to wake up one day and find out that the FOX network is no longer involved with baseball telecasts. Never has anyone done it so bad. I feel bad for you guys in here that are young enough not to have seen NBC do these games. They were the best. That's it for now.
  22. Hey! I'm glad you like it. It really is a nice show. Every week it gets more and more interesting. :D
  23. Well thanks. But how can I keep it shorter? It would depend on what I was thinking of at that certain time. Maybe I'll add a few later on.
  24. ..This is the first Sunday without baseball since April and I miss it already. ..How can I love the NFL and hate it so much at the same time? ..Hey NBA? Go on strike. Who'd miss you? ..I want those Yankees to win so bad at times that it hurts. ..Want proof? The last time the Red Sox were in New York, Cano messed up an easy grounder and I pounded my hand on my couch and I had a bad bruise for about two weeks. I refuse to talk about the pain I had during the Angels series. ..I'm getting old. The other day I was in the video game store with my Oakland Raider hat on. The girl behind the counter saw it and said she was a Raider fan too. She said she liked them from their days in Los Angeles. Then she said "did you know the Raiders played in Oakland before they went to L.A.?" Ahh, yes I did. ..I love watching Smallville, I think it's the best show around. ..My knees are so bad, I dread the winter coming up. The colder it gets, the more brittle they are. There are times when I can't even turn over in bed without crying out in pain. I hope no one in here will ever have knee problems. ..Being married is ok but when your wife's family is living out of town, sometimes you got to go there and spend time there for holidays. This year we got to be in Binghamton, New York for the Thanksgiving holiday. What kind of town is this? They have five radio stations in town. Four of them play country music and the other one does the news. ..That rumor about the A.L. outfielder in the playoffs that got caught on steriods? I just don't want it to be a Yankee. That's all I'm saying. ..Props to the Sox. The White ones, not Red. They deserved it. They had the proper combination to win this year: pitching, hitting and defense with a little luck thrown in. ..I hate ESPN ..A-Rod's going to get no peace until he makes some team pay and pay big in the playoffs. There's no doubt that he's a great regular season hitter. I'm pulling for him. ..Bye bye Bernie Williams, Tom Gordon, Tino Martinez, Kevin Brown and Felix Rodriguez. We'll validate your parking. Now get out. And take Posada with you. ..I'd like to see Ted Lilly and B.J. Ryan wearing Yankee uniforms next year. ..Yeah, I hate the DH more every year. That's one reason why I play my TC3 games with no DH. ..I hate players like Manny Ramirez. And it has nothing to do with him being on that team. He's a hot dog. He has no respect for the game. He hits homers and poses and walks to first. He loafs to first on ground balls. ..And that brings me to Derek Jeter. The anti-Manny. When I was a kid I wanted to be a ballplayer. I wanted to pitch in Yankee Stadium. The closest I'll get now is to create myself in MVP 2005 and put me on the team. Maybe I will. I'll just release Jaret Wright. ..I really hate politics. ..I don't like college football at all but I like college basketball. That's more exciting then the NBA. ..This is still a great forum despite of some things that go on. That's it for now.
  25. Man, this is perfect. I think every new person on here should be required to read this. Even print it out if they want. This answers a lot of questions that are constantly asked in here. Thank you Mark.
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