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File Reviews posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Well, the logos look very good but I do have one question about how you say they should be used. It will overwrite two logos in a default install of Mvp baseball. Now usually when someone has a default install of Mvp they are going to use that to install a total classics mod or season mod. The default version of the game is very dated although if someone still wants to use that to play games in it's fine. That is why I was wondering why these two files were for that.


    Thank you for your work as always.

  2. This isn't the first time I have downloaded Gordo's PC vs. PC rosters and to be honest I did not know what to think when I grabbed them the first time but I was quickly turned into a fan of this and I love using these special rosters a lot. Look at it like this. It's like watching a game on TV with no commercials and in my case from all the YES network telecasts I watch, no Michael Kay also. I grab myself a drink and a sandwich and watch the two teams that I pick battle it out. It's great and I highly recommend this. Thank you Gordo.


       452    3


    And what in all that is holy is that? You need a better file description here and I will be happy to come back in here and jump up the review.

  3. I have said this before but we need an option to give ten stars to a mod because when Dennis James and Jim collaborate on a total classics mod you know you're in for a treat.

    Thank you so much, the both of you. I know you don't hear that a lot but I will always recognize the outstanding work the two of you do.

  4. Your WBC uniforms for 2017 are really good looking and the mod is fun to play too.

    Also I agree with what you said about the dark grey road uniforms. With all the uniform concepts out there you would have thought they could have come up with something better than this.


       72    0

    WHAT???? You posted a photo of a ballpark and that's a mod? And it's not even the Skydome!!!! It's Wrigley Field in Chicago. But you know, I can see how you would get the two mixed up.

    Honestly I am kind of lost as to what you are doing here.


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