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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. 2 out of 10, 187 seconds. There are only a few days left and I am falling apart.
  2. The Yankees have scored 13 runs combined in their past seven games. Now that is unbelievable.
  3. 5 out of 10, 403 seconds. My worst time ever. 😢
  4. Will you look at that? He picks the right answers with his eyes closed and I can't even get them right with mine open!!😲👍😀
  5. With these questions you got a perfect score? Wonderful! And I do hope you have a great day.
  6. 3 out of 10, 316 seconds. Can I have a do-over please?? 😥
  7. 6 out of 10, 197 seconds. I was lucky to get six.
  8. Here comes Jim on the home stretch!
  9. 10 out of 10, 76 seconds. 11 days left and we have a heck of a race going on.
  10. I have been keeping a close watch on the Yankees this season and even though I have not done a Mount Saint Helens impression on occasion that does not mean that I do not care about what goes on. I absolutely want them to win but at the same time I am smart enough not to believe what Yankee management has been telling us. Because if you believe them we still have a very good team that is going to make a playoff run. As the days go on and the season dwindles down game by game you can see how ridiculous that statement is. Some of us have lived through the last time the Yankees were a losing team and for four years in a row from 1989 to 1992 that is exactly what happened. They were terrible and it showed. It's been so long now that I almost and I said almost put it out of my mind and for those of you in here that were not born yet or were just small children back then and do not remember consider yourself very lucky. But for those of us who lived through it we have the experience and if they do end up in last place this year is not like we haven't seen it before. I survived those years very well although when they ended up in last place in 1990 I could not help thinking that they won the entire thing a dozen years before. That was the great 1978 come back. Naturally I was upset but I made it through those four years without one bout of laryngitis and not one broken bone. So here we are in 2023 and we are looking at another last-place New York Yankees team. I watched them a little bit until I cannot take it anymore but from what I have been observing they all have quit on the season and cannot wait to go home to their families. There is a difference between the losing Yankees of that era and the ones today and the main reason for that is I think it would be best for the team overall if this team ended up in last place this year. It goes against what I believe in after all these years but is there is one team that needs a wake-up call it is the Yankees. What did they do over the trade deadline except pick up two pitchers that nobody else in baseball wanted? No other moves were made. It's like they were telling everyone that the team that they have right now is good enough to win. Well you see how that's been working out haven't you? It is my hope that if they end up in last place that maybe they can get rid of Aaron Boone. Who knows? All I do know is this guy and Brian Cashman are doing a terrible job and is sooner than they are gone the better. No one could blame what has happened this year on the Astros and I am tired of having them lean on the excuse that they cheated. They did but it was also six years ago and it is a crutch that the Yankees are holding onto each and every time that they lose in the playoffs. This is a bad club and it starts right from the top. They need to find a way to get rid of it a lot of the players that they have right now. I don't know if they could move Stanton but if I were them I would move mountains giving it a shot. What does he make, 30 million a year? And yet the guy cannot hustle and they have a manager who does nothing but make excuses for everything that this team does. I will never forget what Boone said after that night that the Orioles struck out the Yankees eighteen times. Boone actually said that not counting those eighteen strikeouts the Yankees had pretty good at-bats. That old saying that you could have knocked me over with a feather could not have been more accurate. On YouTube there are many channels that cover the Yankees and there is this one guy who sits there for every game announcing to the people that stream along with him what happens with every pitch for every batter for all nine innings. I've heard of people purposely hurting themselves but this guy takes it to a whole new level. There is also this one guy who goes by the name of Frankie Baseball and frankly I and worried about this kid. You all thought that I got mad and yelled at them but on my worst days I have never been able to approach with this guy does when he goes off on the Yankees. He's not wrong and what he says a lot of people tend to agree with him but the poor kid is torturing himself over team that cannot wait for the season to end. Here is an example from his latest video last night. Just click right here. As you can see for yourself this kid is very excitable. He's got a reason to but if he and everybody stop supporting this organization that cares nothing about you and only about your wallet then maybe they will get the message. Tickets are already sold for the remainder of the year but starting next year down in Florida if they don't have sellouts for their spring games and opening day next year is not a sellout and people refuse to buy a subscription to Amazon prime and Apple TV and Peacock and stop buying hats and shirts and jerseys then maybe the team will realize how upset their loyal fan base really is because a lot of us have already started doing it, myself included.
  11. Sounds like what I do on a regular basis. 😀 Yes they were. I did a lot of guessing.
  12. 7 out of 10, 123 seconds. I won't complain about what I did today.
  13. Maybe, you could be right. But I think I also own the record for getting only 1 or 2 right in one game. 😄
  14. 10 out of 10, 49 seconds. I thought I was hot stuff today but then I looked at Jim's score. Great job!
  15. Sure. The thing is it is not on the site anymore. That's all. That is interesting.
  16. Can you check your private messages please?
  17. 2 out of 10, 262 seconds. Wait, where were the easy questions? Everyone is going to run by me today.
  18. 7 out of 10, 329 seconds. Slower than a snail today.
  19. Yes sir! Boy I had fun with this. 😄
  20. I would not mind trading scores with you today! I got one. I mean who could say that?
  21. Like Jim said this game plays best on Windows XP and I have an XP laptop that I still use just to play this game. I also have played this game on a Windows Vista system and Windows 7 with absolutely no problem.
  22. 1 out of 10, 198 seconds. Well, all I can say is that everyone will do better than me today.
  23. Give me time my friend! 😄 I think I have a nice variety so far. I'm loving this series of screen shots.
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