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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. 7 out of 10, 241 seconds. Some tricky ones here.
  2. Hahahahaha. Yeah, two days and he's impressive. I think it is great someone else joined. 👍
  3. 3 out of 10, 101 seconds. I had no idea today. None at all. Good going Jim. Impressive!
  4. These were tough questions Jim. Sometimes they have an easy category and then they ask questions from other sports and that is what kills me. Above all, welcome and best of luck to you. I have been lucky so far. But even with that you got eight right. You're on a run!
  5. 5 out of 10, 262 seconds. A tough one.
  6. This is a highly inconsistent team bordering on being an embarrassment. Why should it matter if they went 3 - 3 against last place teams? I’m happy they won three. People might say “if only Judge was in there!” It didn’t matter last year. Inconsistency is what beats them and it has nothing to do with who they are playing. And by the way I am curious. What does wait ‘till next year mean here? Is next year going to be the magic cure for what ails this team? Will the injuries be under control in 2024? How about the hitters? Will they automatically start to hit next year? Wait ‘till next year was the old Brooklyn battle cry that was based on optimism. I am not optimistic that everything will be ok in the Bronx because the calendar reads 2024.
  7. 10 out of 10, 111 seconds. No challenge with today's questions.
  8. Ok the month of June is done and we have a new winner in laroquece! This may have been the closest one we've had yet. He had 85 points to beat Feibre by two points and me by four. Congratulations man! Starting July I had 7 out of 10, 259 seconds. Mediocre at best.
  9. 10 out of 10, 201 seconds. A good way to end the month.
  10. And they have also won many when they have not thrown any no-hitters. For example in that wonderful season of 1978.
  11. I never implied that. It was one game and it was something that German and the Yankee hitters really needed.
  12. Last night you did not have a chuckle. Thank God! Good going Domingo German!
  13. 4 out of 10, 179 seconds. Again I was lost on the non-baseball ones!
  14. Last night in Oakland. What the hell, right? I didn’t watch the game because it was on late and besides I had a very bad feeling about it even though the Athletics have the worst record in the game. The Yankees do not play well in Oakland to begin with and add the fact that they can not hit at all this spelled trouble. Last year I would have broken something. Once I broke a coin counter and had to buy a new one. Not today. This morning when I found out the score I yawned and got up and let the dogs out and then went back to bed. It does not make sense to expect anything different out of this team when nothing has changed except the players over the past few years. Lousy hitting. Lousy situational hitting. Too many strikeouts and too many excuses.
  15. 8 out of 10, 270 seconds. A big improvement!
  16. 2 out of 10, 152 seconds. The only ones I knew were the baseball ones.
  17. 6 out of 10, 253 seconds. Not good at all. I messed up two questions.
  18. 10 out of 10, 274 seconds. I don't know why I took so long.
  19. 8 out of 10, 257 seconds. Some tricky ones today.
  20. Look, I am going to try one more time. This team is not “championship caliber” despite how many times Cashman and Boone try to convince people. They have too many holes and the most obvious one is that they have hitters who do not hit. Years ago -and we are not talking that long ago- the Yankees were a team that other teams wanted to imitate. Their lineup took a lot of pitches and they got into the opposing teams bullpen very early. These days other teams still look at them but they say to themselves “watch the Yankees and do the opposite.” They have young players in the minors who can help the team but they insist on playing veterans like Donaldson even though he does nothing at the plate or on the field. His time is done and I even think he knows it. When we needed an outfielder (and we still do) why isn’t Estevan Florial called up? If Calhoun didn’t get injured he would still be out there. Same for Jake Bauers. It was last year around this time that the wheels started to fall off the Yankees season as they went into a tailspin that lasted into September. Do you recall that? But still they made it to the ALCS where reality hit them in the form of the Houston Astros. I think the worst thing that could have happened last year was making it to the ALCS because it covered up so many flaws. Those flaws are still here because the only thing they did was sign a pitcher who has not even played one game yet and that has become part of the excuse as to why they are not winning. They get hurt too much. That’s how it has been for years now. Stanton is to the disabled list as mustard is to a hot dog. They go together. And when he is not on it you almost wish he was. He’s useless and he is not the only one. This is not the Yankee organization that I have grown to love. They seem to be happy to say they were in the playoffs and that’s that. They need a reality check and if it means not making the playoffs then fine. Maybe and just maybe things will get done this off season instead of Cashman signing people no one else wants. My advise to you is to stop calling them Skankees and saying they are slip slidin’ away all the time. You are going to get yourself all upset over nothing. Trust me I know what I’m saying. I ranted and raved for years before you joined here and the only thing I accomplished was getting myself all upset and it changed nothing. I told you I found other things to occupy my time this season and while I do read the game stories every day it doesn’t affect me anymore. I involve myself in baseball history books and I tend to lose myself in them. I am a speed reader so it doesn’t take me long to move on to the next one. Try something like that. It’s relaxing.
  21. 9 out of 10, 239 seconds. I'm satisfied today with my result.
  22. 2 out of 10, 164 seconds. These were supposed to be easy questions?
  23. 3 out of 10, 247 seconds. Awful, just like yesterday.
  24. 3 out of 10, 267 seconds. I had some bad guesses today.
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