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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. 10 out of 10, 53 seconds. A nice comeback from yesterday.
  2. 4 out of 10, 44 seconds. Just awful today.
  3. 10 out of 10, 51 seconds. Things just clicked for me today.
  4. 6 out of 10, 45 seconds. I got the first six in a row right and then blew it on the remaining four.
  5. 10 out of 10, 41 seconds. Easy ones today.
  6. 6 out of 10, 57 seconds. I thought I was doing ok but then I found out how wrong I was.
  7. 10 out of 10, 70 seconds. For some reason I was very slow today.
  8. 5 out of 10, 43 seconds. These guys will fly by me today.
  9. 7 out of 10, 78 seconds. All I can say is that I did a good job at guessing today. No, no. You earned this all by yourself. I would love to have more people play with us too.
  10. 7 out of 10, 47 seconds. Guessing blindly except for the baseball ones. Also, Fiebre was the top winner for the month of October as he had ninety points to lead everyone. Good going man!
  11. 4 out of 10, 80 seconds. This wasn't difficult - it was impossible!
  12. 10 out of 10, 55 seconds. Not a bad one to get yourself a high score!
  13. 7 out of 10, 83 seconds. Not an easy one today no matter how you look at it.
  14. 10 out of 10, 42 seconds. A really easy one today.
  15. This looks nice. Thank you.
  16. 6 out of 10, 38 seconds. When I have this quick of time I was just guessing blindly from question one to ten.
  17. Thank you. Feel free to come in here any time you want to. This is not a private thread by any means.
  18. 7 out of 10, 53 seconds. I surprised myself today.
  19. Yeah, that's right. They had a chance years ago to do what Tampa did with Franco and Seattle with Rodriguez with Judge. They could have packaged a deal for Jude that would have made this upcoming free agency a non issue. Bad contracts with little to show for it. Stanton and Donaldson come to mind. At least we get rid of Chapman's. Personally I won't spend five minutes on whether Judge comes back or not. Why should I? I won't be concerned when a millionaire mulls over the options of becoming a multi-millionaire. I have better things to do.
  20. Ok, it's time for Y4L's yearly maid service where I clean up the Yankee roster. These are players who either are useless to the team or for one reason or another need to go. Pitchers Goodbye, we won't miss you: Aroldis Chapman and Frankie Montas When we really needed you that's when you choked the most: Domingo German and Luis Severino We'll never miss you: Lucas Luetge and Miguel Castro What the hell happened to you? Deivi Garcia Hitters Thanks, but get lost and go away: Josh Donaldson, Aaron Hicks, Gleyber Torres, Marwin Gonzalez and DJ LeMahieu. We need to get younger: Matt Carpenter You're going for ten years? Let me put it in a way you may understand. Hell no.: Aaron Judge. This would be a great holiday gift: Giancarlo Stanton, Brian Cashman and Aaron Boone.
  21. 7 out of 10, 66 seconds. A challenging one today. I took a look again at question ten. It was sort of tricky.
  22. It's true, when they were on that run everything looked great but good Lord things fell apart in a hurry. ☹️ KC, I ask you and everyone else here. When does a ten-year contract work? How did Rodriguez or Pujols look near the end of theirs? They were shells of their former selves. I don't want to have the Yankee announcers in 2032 trying to sell a forty-year-old Aaron Judge when he walks up to the plate with his .140 average and six home runs with ninety-three strikeouts by saying "remember, he broke the Yankee record ten years ago!" If Judge leaves look for him to have a good year or two and then the wheels will start falling off the wagon. We need to develop players better like KC said but we also need to draft better and if it means getting scouts from other organizations then I am all for it. The Yankees under Brian Cashman have hit their ceiling? I think that sums everything up. Throw in a manager that was outclassed in the playoffs and players who quit on the team (Chapman) and no accountability towards the players when they do something wrong. I mean Boone making excuses for Donaldson for not hustling? We don't want Donaldson to get mad and pout do we? I think we saw the end of Judge in the Bronx. Sorry to see that but then again what the hell did we win with him there? The Yankees will do what they always do. Promise "change" and a further commitment to winning the World Series next year. Some minor moves will be made and in the spring the papers will hype them up but in the end basically the same team will take the field and they will try to convince us that this time it's going to be different. Insanity Is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This is what's happening here.
  23. First of all you don't know and secondly that Red Sox team was different than this Yankee team. Boston's team got on base and scored without always going for the home run. Well, that explains that! Meredith Marokovits never mentions this. 😄
  24. I agree with you here. Do you remember not so long ago when the Yankees were winning in the late nineties? They were praised for taking pitches and working the counts and getting on base. Does this team remotely resemble that? The way the Yankees are playing they play like they’re playing home run derby in Mvp ‘05. Just swing, swing, swing for the fences. And I do not want to hear after this series that the Yankees just can not beat Houston. When you strike out forty-one times in three games you will not beat a single-A club. One hit through eight inning yesterday. Walter Johnson or Lefty Grove wouldn’t have beat Houston with that kind of support. And no more about that crap about Houston being cheaters. That was in 2017 and they’re not doing it now but they are still getting the same results. It sure seems like it. They held on to those young guys longer than they should. Like Sanchez and Torres. I think that all these teams have used the Yankees as a base to build their ball clubs. They looked at what the Yankees have done and they went out and said “do the opposite.” KC, I believe that if Judge (who is thirty-years-old) insists on a ten-year contract the Yankees should let him go. Who the hell knows how good he’s going to be in 2032? Let’s not forget this is the first year he has not been hurt. Five or six years? Fine. I have not trusted the way the Yankees handle their young players for years. They know how to hype them up really well but when they are close to being ready to play in the Bronx they don’t promote them or if they do they screw them up. They had a fireballing righty in Joba Chamberlain but with their Joba Rules they messed him up. For awhile now they have touted Estevan Florial. We only see him for a game or two and then he’s back in Scranton. They are tooting the horn over that Jasson Dominguez guy but I am not falling for it until I see how he is in Yankee Stadium and not in Tampa in the spring. Even Michael Kay, a guy who thinks everything the Yankees do is wonderful, went off on Boone for taking out Cole yesterday. He could not understand it and neither could I. It would be a nice off-season present to find out that Boone gets the boot after what he did yesterday. Could not agree more. You said what I was thinking. Chicken buckets be damned? That part I didn’t get.
  25. 10 out of 10, 52 seconds. The last question had me stumped for a bit.
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