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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Andrew Heaney yesterday vs. the Reds: 6 innings pitched, 1 hit, 3 walks and 11 strikeouts. And this is the same guy who did nothing last year in the Bronx. I really am convinced that the coaching on this team contributes to the lack of success because time and time again when pitchers who struggle with the Yankees suddenly do better when they are on another ball club.
  2. I am just frustrated now. Every year it's the same thing. The only offense is from the home run. Teams like Tampa kill these guys because they know what's coming. All the Yankees will do is go for the long ball and will do nothing else. Tampa plays the game right and they outclass and outplay them.
  3. YEP!!!! And do you know what? I was only able to last ten games this year and now I AM DONE!!!!!! WHY???? A few reasons. They continue to strike out (10 times today!!!) and they don't hit. Worthless Judge struck out two times himself. He should be playing his way out the door hopefully. Whatever happened to this team taking pitches and having deep counts just so they can knock out the opposing starter? Not anymore!!! Now it's swing for the fences and hope for a good launch angle and exit velocity. To hell with these players. THESE SON OF A &^%#%@! WILL NOT GIVE ME AN ULCER THIS YEAR. I REFUSE TO LET THAT HAPPEN. EAT S*** JUDGE, YOU MONEY-GRUBBING SOB! You can not even enjoy watching a game anymore. So, I am not going to. I won't watch this team this year because they are an extension of 2021 and 2020. They will have a good game here and there but mostly they will leave fourteen men on base and strike out twelve or more times. Start by getting rid of selfish Judge and Aaron Boone. If not, keep losing. Sorry, but after today it has been too much. I just can't take it anymore. The way this team plays the game, their approach to it and everything they do and do not do has just got to be too much.
  4. Jim, you crack me up! And before I post this, a quote from Aaron Boone on the subject of Joey Gallo: “He’s been a little bit unlucky. The quality of contact has been good. He’s not all the way there yet.” In other words he's doing well in batting practice.
  5. 10 out of 10, 53 seconds. I just can not seem to go faster.
  6. It doesn't matter if it is 2022. These are the same lackadaisical players as before and they could care less about anything. Already they are losing tonight 2 - 0 to Baltimore in the fifth inning. That's more than enough for the Orioles to beat these quitters again.
  7. I know I am or at least I was. I don't care anymore. He is just another example of grabbing the money and then not giving 100% any longer.
  8. Hell yeah they look like last year's team and that team was awful. It really hurts to write this but they are done for the year. Their season is done. Trade that loser Gallo for a dinner at Red Lobster. Offer Judge to someone stupid enough to take him. Rebuild.
  9. That is the score I get when there are soccer questions! Today, 7 out of 10, 60 seconds. I'm mad about this.
  10. 10 out of 10, 49 seconds. Baseball questions are the best.
  11. Oh no!!! Is everyone going to be ok? 😲
  12. Look at this crap here. The Golden Boy gives up a grand slam home run to Jonah Heim and he still gets top billing on the MLB main page.
  13. 6 out of 10, 56 seconds. The hell with these rugby questions.
  14. You're kidding, right? You need a copy of Mvp 2005 and you can usually get it on eBay or Amazon. Then you install it and you can play many multiple season mods on it.
  15. Gallo is hitting .188. How the hell did Cashman think this was a good pick up? No one hits. No one pitches. But Boone sees "encouraging" signs. I see fourth place. Nothing....NOTHING has changed from last year.
  16. 8 out of 10, 69 seconds. It could have and should have been better.
  17. 3 out of 10, 37 seconds. Beat that! 😁
  18. They're done. Nine more strikeouts tonight including two by overrated Judge. Not hitting again. I am not falling for it this year.
  19. Hey, I'm on your side and I am on Jim's side too but damn man there's always something that this guy does to lose a game. It would make me very happy if I am wrong about him
  20. Here is a very good article about the Yankees season preview and quite honestly it makes a lot of sense. Thoughts about last night's game: When I found out that Jordan Montgomery was pitching I knew we were in trouble. The guy's a choker and he only went 3 1/3 innings. Great job!....They struck out nine times last night and for the series they struck out twenty-nine times. Nothing changes. This is still a terrible team and they keep on letting Gallo (.100 average) hit fifth they are in trouble. The hell with them.
  21. 6 out of 10, 81 seconds. Not an easy one today.
  22. 10 out of 10, 42 seconds. A good day for these questions!
  23. Jim, they did great. Now I just want to see that offense score without the use of a home run.
  24. I could not agree more Jim and I also can not help but think that someone like his agent perhaps or maybe someone else got into his ear and convinced him not to take this very fair offer. A ten-year contract for him would be suicide for the Yankees because they learned something from the Alex Rodriguez extension. He is prone to injuries as you said and this guy just based on his history is more prone than ever. And the no good bum is disappointed in the Yankees that they went public to let everyone know he turned down all that money. He's upset that now everyone knows how selfish and self-centered he is and he is just a typical modern day ballplayer who if offered thirty million dollars a year would cry and say they wanted thirty-one. If the Yankees trade him before the trade deadline I won't mind. Nothing wrong with getting something decent back. Other teams have done it so the Yankees could too. Screw Judge and he can go to hell.
  25. 8 out of 10, 55 seconds. The fight song for the Astros was a hard one.
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