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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. That's right, but all I want to know is why he was watching the Red Sox?
  2. Adrolis Chapman vs. Randal Grichit Call strike three. Yankees 4, Toronto 2.
  3. Felipe Rivero pitching like Delin Betances here in Detroit. Meaning that he was wild and was walking everyone. Get lost, you're out of the game. Man it has to be cold in Detroit. Dixon Machado ties the game for the Tigers. 10 - 10 and we are going to the tenth inning.
  4. Hahahahaha You bet!
  5. You see you guys? I was nice and calm. Aaron Boone gets his first win as a manager as the Yankees win 6 - 1. Lazy Bradley, Jr grounds out to end the game. That team was winning 4 - 0 but the Rays scored six runs in the eighth to win 6 - 4!
  6. The first pitch of 2018. Jose Urena of the Miami Jeters pitches to the Cubs Ian Happ. Ian Happ homers on the first pitch. Jeter immediately fires an usher.
  7. Great idea and let's keep this going. The TIgers game in Detroit has already been cancelled. The first game on the slate today is the Cubs at Miami at 12:40 EST. Then the Mets soon after. I want to see if they play that one. MLB TV is ready for a season's-long love affair. Yankees in Toronto at 3:37 p.m. I am not saying a word until Gary Sanchez has his first passed ball. That should happen by the third inning. Then all bets are off. Got to leave right now, going to go and get a sandwich so I can be ready for the games. Ham, cheese, tomato, light mayo. You can't go wrong.
  8. Just when you think you've seen it all. Some guy hits a 250 MPH fastball.
  9. Game 3, 1961 World Series. Yankees at Reds. Nice shots of Crosley Field. The Gashouse Gang
  10. This week in this thread we draw attention to a modder that created mods for a very small minority of users in here and a modder who created a variety of mods for MLB2k12. And in a return to our behind the scenes modders we pay tribute to a guy who helped make editing your Mvp '05 simple and fast. kado456 I am confident in saying that most people who have been members here have not tried kado456's mods at any time for one simple reason.His mods were made for the original X-Box and to use them you needed to have a modified version of that console. He has made mods for Mvp Baseball 2005 and NCAA Baseball 2006 and if you are able to use his mods you'll discover he had a nice variety of choices for the X-Box gamer on Mvpmods. Stadiums, datafiles and team logos are some of the mods he has made. The X-Box games do not get a lot of attention here but the work kado456 did for it deserve as much recognition as its PC counterpart. Kado456's Minor League and Spring Training Stadiums v1 for the XBOX MVP Baseball 2005 MVPMods Xbox Overlay for MVP Baseball 2005 Pirate's Chase Field Conversion for the XBOX MVP Baseball 2005 Kado456's MVP 06 NCAA Baseball Datafile(s) Set v1.0 Kado456's Enhancement Pack for MVP 06 NCAA Baseball XBOX v1 DaSteelerz If you own MLB2k12 there is a very good chance you have some of DaSteelerz' mods installed in your game and if you have not you are missing out. He has created stadiums -many of which have had over 1,000 downloads- along with rosters, portrait packs and a series of graphic mods that have really brought out the beauty of the last PC game that 2k Sports made. Each mod looks professionally done and it is no wonder that his work is highly praised by 2k12 users consistently. DaSteelerz Lumina Graphics Mod (ENB+FXAA) 1.4 Petco Park 2k16 Marlins Park Tribute Edition 1.5 MLB 2K17 Roster 1.0.0 Fenway Park 2k17 2016 Wrigley Field Behind the Scenes rglass95 If you are a Mvp '05 game player you will have heard of Mvp Edit. It is,as the file description in the mod so aptly states, "THE definitive Roster Editor for MVP Baseball 2005." It certainly is. Consider this for a moment. This little utility has almost 30,000 downloads since rglass agreed to let Trues host it on this site back in 2008. Before then you could only download it from his website. To this day this mod has been practically a required tool for anyone who wished to tweak their rosters to their own choosing. Another thing that rglass did was when Mvp 2005 came out he made a profile that unlocked all the uniforms and stadiums that the game had. This was before the famous Katie Roy trick was discovered. But before that easter egg was brought to light this was how many users were able to access everything in the game right away, Rglass95 was a modder who did not make a lot of mods. He does have two sky modification mods he made for Mvp baseball 2004 but with Mvp Edit and the profile that I mentioned that helped others fully enjoy Mvp '05, his contributions to this game can never be discounted. Mvpedit 2006.2
  11. Updated to 3-25 ...Even though the calendar says it is the last week of March, baseball in their inexhaustible wisdom has decided to begin the 2018 season this Thursday with a full slate of games while completely ignoring the fact that five cities have a very good chance of playing in temperatures in the thirties or not at all. Kansas City, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Detroit and the New York Mets all must be wishing they can be opening up on the road instead of at home because of this. And considering that a few days ago New York City got hit by another bad snowstorm it's going to be a minor miracle that they get the Mets game played. It's kind of hard to play baseball when your playing field is the same color as the ball. If the fans approach these games as if they are going ice fishing in Minnesota and not drink too much coffee I don't see any reason why they can't sit through four innings of baseball with no problem. Five at the most. ...Good news for Marlins fans. Their team opens up at home and there are a lot of good seats available. All of them, actually. ...I did not watch one Yankee spring training game because it is too early for me to listen to Michael Kay's voice and with Ken Singleton retiring at the end of the season it is only going to get worse. ...The Red Sox could not resist making head shaking news over the off season because that's just how things are done with them. These are the kind of people that can screw up a free lunch by complaining that they didn't get enough bread before the meal. Now they want to rename Yawkey Way, the street in front of Fenway Park, back to its original name which was Jersey Street. The reason why they want to do this is because current Red Sox owner John Henry said he was “haunted” over the racial past of the team. The Red Sox were the last team to integrate in 1959 when they had their first black player. Oh, I get it now. Change the name of the street and by magic people will forget this. What John Henry really needs besides a slap in the head is an exhaustive history lesson of Tom Yawkey and how he saved the Red Sox. Yawkey bought the Red Sox in 1933 after the worst period in their history. From 1920 (the year after Babe Ruth was sold) to 1932 (the season before he bought the team) the Red Sox finished in fifth place twice, sixth place once and dead last nine times. Once Yawkey took over the Red Sox started to improve and in 1937 posted their first winning season in years and in 1938 finished in second place behind the Yankees. Yawkey's money and willingness to spend it (buying Jimmie Foxx and Lefty Grove for example) made the Red Sox fun to watch again. Nothing like that was mentioned in their petition to rename the street. But since he was unable to resist sounding like an idiot by bringing this up to begin with what he said next confirmed it, at least for me. Asked if the decision were only up to him, he would rename the street "David Ortiz Way" or "Big Papi Way" after David Ortiz. He sure would. And I bet he never heard of someone named Ted Williams. But to know that meant reading more history about the team he owns. ...For a long time now it was my opinion that today's high school and college kids were only concerned about their phones, the latest on Facebook and themselves - not necessarily in that order. But after watching what those kids down in Florida have been doing after the latest school shooting my opinion has changed about them because of their stand against guns. They made Marco Rubio and the mouthpiece of the NRA look stupid because they did not accept their unabashed attempts to avoid answering their well thought out questions about what should be done to keep assault weapons out of the hands of people that have no business having them. The way I see it the only people who should have access to these kind of weapons are the people in the military or the police. If you don't fall into those two categories then you don't get one. I am a private citizen and I have no need for one and neither should anyone else. What business do I have owning something like that? I think the NRA is underestimating these kids because I don't think they are going to go away and if that's the case all I can say is thank God. What happened when something like this occurred in the past? Tears were shed, people got angry at the politicians and the NRA, new gun laws were demanded and then the lawmakers bided their time and shuffled their feet until the public stopped talking about it. It happened with Columbine and Sandy Hook and especially with Sandy Hook I still can not believe that no laws were passed that made owning a gun harder to have after what happened there. And then before long you'll hear that tired, stock cliche when one of them says they are sending their "thoughts and prayers" to the surviving family members and students. These people have turned what on the surface is a nice gesture into a dismissive, empty and callous statement, something that was not lost on those Parkland students. One comment that stood out to me was from a politician who I believe was from Florida. He said that the students who were demanding changes with the gun laws were just kids and not registered voters. In other words their opinions didn't matter. It was my hope that every one of those kids heard that or read about it because while it is true that they may not be voting this year some of them who are high school seniors will be as soon as next year and more and more of them will be when the 2020's arrive. Time has a way of sneaking up on you and before we all know it that generation will be the ones in charge and I just hope the NRA is unable to buy off those politicians like they have been for all these years now. ...I don't know why but I get a kick out of these waitress stories that I read on the internet where they try to get people to feel sorry for them for something that happened while they were at work. The latest one is from Florida and involves a poor, abused young thing who complained that she did not receive a tip on a takeout order when a nearby church called to order $735 worth of food from the Outback Steakhouse where she worked. According to this waitress they “take the order over the phone, put the order together, take payment and then take order to the car.” Then I gather that once this is finished they all have to go in the employee break room to sit down for forty-five minutes before someone passes out from this amount of work to avoid a trip to the emergency room. Before they had a chance to pull out of the parking lot and return to the church with their dinners this waitress jumped on Facebook to complain that she didn't get a tip because she really could have broken a nail putting the orders in the car and then where would she be then? Her weekend would have been ruined. A friend of hers told her to delete the post but it was too late, it was already viewed. The church called the next day to apologize to the Outback because they had a volunteer pick up their order because Outback’s delivery service was delayed and the person didn’t realize that a tip is customary on takeout orders. When the waitress came into work the next day she learned two things. First, the church was given a full refund of their order because of the post she made and in addition her services were no longer required. She found out the hard way that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. I don't know why anyone thinks whining on Facebook is a good idea. The funny part is that the church called the following day to try and straighten things out and leave a tip and not to get the waitress in trouble. Little did they know she took care of that herself. ...Like most people I am interested in seeing how this Stormy Daniels story ends up but when the subject turns to Melania Trump and how she is dealing with this scandal I can't help but wondering this. How is this a surprise to her considering this guy cheated on his previous two wives and what made her think that it wouldn't happen to her? ...How to be popular, Dept: A fourteen-year-old Vancouver girl threw a house party last week that she somehow paid for by using her parents credit card without their permission. When the police responded to a call that reported an “uncontrolled party” at a neighborhood home they witnessed nearly two hundred teens running away once they arrived. It was if someone made an announcement that a store in the mall was giving away free laptops but only for the first few hundred people. That's how fast the house emptied. Left behind was evidence of the destruction they caused to the house - to walls, furniture, and artwork all of which the girl's parents will be held accountable for to a tune of $20,000. That is where I would have lost it. If there was a military school for girls somewhere I would have sent her there. I would have called the police and had her taken away for theft of my credit cards. No amount of crying would fix this. She may as well apply at Burger King or McDonalds when she becomes working age because her college fund just got spent on one party. I hope they have the money to cover this or else their refrigerator and pantry will be pretty scarce for the next ten years or so. ...Goodbye Toys-R-US. I'm going to miss you like I miss Christmas movies. The last time I was in one of their stores was when my niece was very little and I bought her a toy that she was asking for. I can still hear the screaming of the kids while I was trying to find the damned thing. I don't know how much it cost but I would have paid anything to get out of there. ...It's been slow in the airline industry lately. No one's been kicked off a plane in awhile and the TSA people haven't been harassing any old people. Like a noisy child who's been too quiet for too long, I can't help but thinking something is going to happen. ...What the hell, Dept: Singer Katy Perry playfully gave a contestant on American Idol his first-ever kiss after she found out he had never kissed a girl before and because of that is facing some backlash because the guy said he was "uncomfortable" because he was saving it for "someone special." Just when you think you heard it all you discover that you haven't. As far as first kisses go getting one from Katy Perry is not going to keep you up at night tossing and turning. I personally like her as a brunette with longer hair instead of the short blond look but that doesn't mean you'd hear me complain if she decided to kiss me. Instead of crying about it I'd kiss her back. Maybe the guy was hoping for Justin Bieber instead. Who knows? ...Did you read where Eagles defensive end Michael Bennett, who at 6'4'' and 274 pounds, someone who certainly is no pushover but did just that to a sixty-six-year-old paraplegic woman in a wheelchair during last year's Super Bowl all because he wanted to run on the field when the game ended to congratulate his brother Martellus Bennett, who was a member of the victorious New England Patriots team who defeated the Atlanta Falcons in last year's NFL Championship game? The woman ended up suffering a sprained shoulder as Bennett shoved her aside just so he could be close to his brother. Bennett stated that he saw that the old woman had an autograph book in her hand and he was worried that she would ask him to sign it so he got away from her as fast as he could and it was just a reflex reaction that he tackled her like he would a quarterback.
  12. I came across this very nice video today. Boston at New York on April 14, 1931. This short film has audio too and it's fascinating. April 14th was opening day for the Red Sox and Yankees. New York won the game 6 - 3. You can view the game information from Retrosheet right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNe9OM43EZs
  13. Stay tuned now. You've done some good work too. If someone would do me a favor and translate this for me I'd be grateful. What does ... mean? If it is a gentle reminder that I forgot this guy then that is all on me. I did and I will promise to fix that very soon.
  14. To answer the first part of your question, yes a guy who only makes rosters is considered a modder. Making rosters is a hard job to do and takes a lot of time. And the guy you are talking about is KGBaseball. He was a roster maker that originally had his mods hosted here but he then had all his work pulled from this site and he brought them over to Eamods, where they remained until they closed their doors. Don't get me wrong now, he made some very good rosters but none of his work is here anymore.
  15. Ok, I am not going to say this is it for this thread because there are always new modders that I can add in the future. So this is what I am going to ask you to do. If you want me to cover a modder in here that has not been written about already then tell me who you believe should be included. People who make icons like this goof right here or upload nothing but an mp3 file like this dimwit here will not be considered at all. So, if you have any ideas for someone that you believe need to be here on this list please let me know. The following is a complete list of modders that have been written about. Trues Jim825 DennisJames71 PaulW Krawitham Hory KCCityStar Pirate Dylan Bradbury Jogar84 Stecropper Homer Fizzjob Sandman SeanO DonSpa Mcoll86 Bodiball Moser316 Royal Blues Salva Otbjoel Compmaniac Kyleb Ksmlove000 Bctrackboi11 Fuzzone Thome25 Bigbully The Big O Daflyboys (Gordo) Dlcv Hyman Rolie Boricuapapi1885 Kumala Yankees763 Behind the Scenes Veesmack HardcoreLegend Tony3 Behind the Scenes HFLR Edtench AlexTony Behind the Scenes Garfield8 Grmrpr1313 Kst7584 Behind the Scenes Kerwal Hiheat32 Peterbernard Behind the Scenes Dagger147 Andy82 Baseballfans Behind the Scenes FightingBillini Scottybilly 69Yanks Behind the Scenes Tebjr CountryBumpkin Rokcp99 Behind the Scenes Totte SwinginSoriano TerminatorKorea (sinu) Behind the Scenes Ar_key Toleton Capa Behind the Scenes Philthepat Zach TheMadcap Behind the Scenes Umachines Big Shmooz Cornny Behind the Scenes Kjuggs Picklebrad Y2K Behind the Scenes 63impala DetroitStyle Kapnkirk13 Behind the Scenes MarlinsMS_35 Raidersbball20 Jscand Behind the Scenes Rossmac7 Thasainted40 Facetoface Behind the Scenes Thr33nil The_Jerk (khinske) Cankey Behind the Scenes RisingSun Jed Jeferomer BallFour Misopogon Aceshigh RRodkey kado456 DaSteelerz rglass95 Behind the Scenes RAM Rusmur deadballfan Behind the Scenes Carter The_Super Murph4thehall Themewin Alfre2jose Omarito2013 EDM Behind the Scenes Kamasutra Torement ChicagoCubs720 Behind the Scenes Ari EvilSelig TxDodger73 Behind the Scenes Spitoon Squeegeedeadly Crowe 1 Behind the Scenes IronForge Halofan Kriegz (Tribetime26) Behind the Scenes Total as of November 25th, 2023: 117 modders.
  16. He sure did. He's another guy that I wish would come back and look around the site.
  17. This week we look at a modder who has made some high quality sound mods for the 2k12 game and a guy who was well known for his datafile work in the early days of our website. Aceshigh Aceshigh's sound mods for MLB2k12 were very popular when you consider that most of them recieved over 1,000 downloads apiece. What he consistently did was make 2k12 sound a whole lot better than 2k had done and the results, again based on the number of times people downloaded his work proved without a doubt that his mods for 2k12 were not ones you wanted to do without if you wanted to enjoy that game at its fullest. MLB 2k17 Sound Mod - All in One 1.0.0 DaSteelerz's MLB2k Soundtrack 1.0 Realistic Home Run Sirens Updated 1.2 Enhanced Crowd Sounds 1.1 MLB 2k14 Sound Mod - YES Network 1.2 RRodkey Datafiles are a very complex part of the game. Each one is different from the next in that they change the look and presentation of the game and like other mods made for Mvp baseball it takes a lot of work and patience to get it right. RRodkey was a guy who made a series of datafiles for Mvp Baseball 2004 that were very much in demand for people who played Mvp '04. His datafiles made Mvp '04 look and play so much better that you almost had to wonder what EA was thinking when they originally released the game. Luckily for those of you who only have Mvp '05 and not '04 you can still try out one of his datafiles because his last one was for 2005 and you will see for yourself how talented this guy really was. RodData2005 (for Mvp 2005) RRodkey v5 w/Real Baseball Tune (for Mvp 2004) I have included the readme file for this mod because it is not displayed on the mod description page. These old mods on the website do not have these anymore and most of them do not have screenshots either. Real Baseball Tune, version 5.0 by jackcasper49 This tune was formerly used in conjunction with my roster set which has now gone to it's final version. Feel free to use this tune with any avaliable roster set as it should work just fine. This tune was created almost entirely by the work of RRodkey. This is based off of his version 5 datafile.txt. I have implemented the work of Trues for camera angles and removing the batter swing replays. I have utilized the work of Kccitystar in terms of RPM adjustments to pitches. I have used my own work in many other suttle areas to tweak the game ever so slightly. Much of my own work has been inspired by SerialMike and more recently JohnE66. It's worth reiterating that this original tune is almost entirely the work of RRodkey!!!! DataFile Tutorial (for Mvp 2004) Modified Data File for Mvp 2004 RodData4 & Kamastura Cams + No Swing Replay (for Mvp 2004) This file is designed with CPU vs. CPU play in mind. It is possible to play a "Manage Mode" this way - similar to what High Heat offers. While allowing the CPU to control all pitching, batting, and fielding you can take over at any time and make managerial moves. You can have mound visits, make pitching changes, put in pinch hitters, make de- fensive substitutions, etc.
  18. I did. I bet a couple of grand on it and I won big. My bookie was not happy at all.
  19. Richie Ashburn Because he played in an era that featured such stalwart center fielders as Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle and Duke Snider, Ashburn was sometimes overlooked by fans of the game. But during a 15-year big league career, the lefty swinging Ashburn twice won the National League batting title, finished second three times, and nine times batted over .300. A lifetime .308 hitter, his 1,198 walks and 2,574 hits helped him finish with a .397 on-base percentage. “Ashburn is the fastest man I’ve ever seen getting down to first base,” said Brooklyn Dodgers manager Leo Durocher in 1948. “He’s even faster than Pete Reiser in his prime. Anybody who’s faster than Ashburn isn’t running. He’s flying.” Short and slight, the 5-foot-10, 170 pound Ashburn excelled from 1948 to 1959 as the prototypical leadoff hitter and center fielder with the Phillies. In possession of an excellent eye at the plate, he led the league in walks on four separate occasions and his 1958 season marked the first time a leadoff hitter paced the league in both batting average and bases on balls. Defensively, Ashburn set outfield marks with nine years of 400 or more putouts and four years with 500 or more. After spending two seasons (1960-61) with the Chicago Cubs, Ashburn ended his playing career as a member of the expansion New York Mets for their inaugural 1962 season. Despite hitting .306 and being the lone All-Star representative for a team that lost a record 120 games, he become one of the few regulars to ever retire following a season in which they batted at least .300. Though he left the field of play, Ashburn soon began a second career when he returned to Philadelphia as a member of the media. He joined the Phillies’ television-radio broadcasting team in 1963, where he would combine perceptive commentary with a wry sense of humor for 35 years.
  20. Thank you. And after all these years it still holds up well. I miss 3DO.
  21. Clean install, no mods installed as of yet.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    File description. djredick's Stadium Logo mod Released August 24th, 2002 =========================== This is something I threw together because I got tired of looking at all the wire-framed versions of the stadiums, and wanted something more representative of the real things. So here they are. Installation ============ This is a self-extracting EXE file with the path C:\Program Files\HH2003\Art\Shell\StadiumLogos as the default. If you have not installed HH2003 into that path, simply change it to match yours. Although it will overwrite 3DO's files, if for any reason you want to revert back to them, simply copy them back from the program CD.
  23. Version 1.2.0


    This is the editor for High Heat Baseball 2002 that was made by DangerZ. All credit goes to him for making this fine utility. I am just making it available for people here who still play this fine game.
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