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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

    Your WBC uniforms for 2017 are really good looking and the mod is fun to play too. Also I agree with what you said about the dark grey road uniforms. With all the uniform concepts out there you would have thought they could have come up with something better than this.
    WHAT???? You posted a photo of a ballpark and that's a mod? And it's not even the Skydome!!!! It's Wrigley Field in Chicago. But you know, I can see how you would get the two mixed up. Honestly I am kind of lost as to what you are doing here.
  1. What the heck do you mean by "cracks"?
    I think I have downloaded every icon you've made here Gordo. You have a knack of making them look good all the time. Thank you.
    Thank you again Gordo! These are the best rosters we've ever had. Great work!
  2. Updated to 2-12 ...Ok, let me get this one out of the way before I get on to the fun stuff. Last week's Super Bowl was probably the best one I've seen in years and that includes the one nine years ago when the New York Giants ruined the Patriots perfect season. If you look back on the fourth quarter of last week's game you could see it coming. Everything Atlanta did right in the first half they couldn't do then and visa versa. It did look like a comfortable lead when it was 28 - 3 but then all of a sudden I thought of the Bills - Oilers playoff game in 1993 when Houston had a 35 - 3 lead over Buffalo and they saw the Bills come roaring back as they lost the game in overtime to them. So, in the back of my mind I knew it was possible but at the same time did not want to see history repeating itself. But it did and New England earned it and their fourth quarter showed why they have been champions for so long. And that's where I end this. That will be the last time I praise or congratulate a New England team for the rest of the decade and probably the next one too. I feel so dirty. ...Thank you Tom Brady, Dept: While no motivation was needed for me to continue hating New England after my rare public praise of one of their teams, Tom Brady was kind enough to provide me with one anyway. Next month he is going to be at a autograph session and if you plan on going and want to get the John Hancock of the five-time Super Bowl winner you are going to have to have a lot of cash. In fact, you better dip into your savings. Here are the rock-bottom sale prices for each item: Footballs....$1,000 each. Autographed photo....$850. Patriots mini-helmet....$900 Brady "game day" style jersey....$1,200 (add another $400 and he will add "5X SB CHAMP" to the jersey. And (this gets even better) for another $500 he will add a twenty character personalization to it, bringing the total to $2,100.) The sad part is that people will pay and not think twice when they do it. The guy is a multi-millionaire and he's going to make his fans pay this much for this stuff? What about those little kids who think this guy walks on water? How are they going to pay for any of this? Thanks Tom. Thanks for getting me back on the right path back to hating everything your city is about. What a guy! ...Besides the Patriots the biggest winner in the Super Bowl was a company named GNC. GNC (General Nutrition Store) purchased air time to have one of their ads played during a break in the action at the big game. Four days after FOX approved their advertisement it was rejected by the NFL. The reason why was that a few of the products that GNC sells are banned by the league. That decision by the NFL was the best thing to happen to this company because instead of paying five million dollars (or more) for a Super Bowl ad they are now getting five million dollars worth of free advertising. While trying to suppress a smile the CEO of GNC expressed disappointment that the ad could not be aired but he said that it will still be aired on television and other platforms. I'm trying to understand this. The NFL won't let them air their ad because some of their players abused GNC's products? They come down hard on them for that but game after game and year after year it's ok to push beer onto their fans because everyone knows that beer is completely harmless. ...Welcome back baseball, we missed you, Dept: The last time we saw a baseball game was back in November when the Cubs somehow managed to win the entire thing. It's been over three months now and I still can't believe it. Well, we are going to find out if they are good enough to defend their title or sink down to fourth place where they belong because Spring Training opens this week with all teams reporting to their respective camps. Sixteen of the teams have their pitchers and catchers report tomorrow and one team, the American League Champion Indians, open up today in Goodyear, Arizona. They sure had one of those last year and Tribe fans are hoping for one more victory this year so they can really go nuts. I'll be cheering them on as soon as the Yankees eliminate themselves on Labor Day. ...I'm not defending the St. Louis Cardinals here and I even think they got off lucky by only losing a couple of draft choices and some money to the Astros but don't you think that if they hired a better hacker they would have got away with it? ...High-fives to the Baltimore Orioles, who refused to sign selfish and moody Jose Bautista over the off-season because their fans did not want that guy wearing an Oriole uniform. Even though they knew his right handed bat would have helped in their lineup their fans would have stayed away by the thousands in protest or would have used Bautista's head as target practice for anything they could find to throw at him. Let him stay in Toronto. He fits right in there so well it's like he was born there. ...I don't know how the spring is going to work out for the Yankees and I admit they have a lot of questions. Will Luis Severino bounce back? How about Greg Bird from his surgery? Who will strike out more, Aaron Judge or Chris Carter? How well will Gary Sanchez do for an entire year up in the majors? I can play the what-if game about this team until the sun comes up tomorrow because that's how many questions I think they have but there are at least five positive things I can come up with right now. 1. Mark Teixeira is gone and he is not coming back. Just looking at first base on opening day and not seeing him there will bring tears to my eyes. I'll miss his glove but not his strikeouts, pop ups and double play balls. I hope he doesn't show up for spring training because he might jinx someone. 2. Brian McCann is gone. He was another one of the superstar free agents that the Yankees seem to be always drawn. Even though they didn't need him he was there and what the hell, may as well get him. It's only money. They're like women who can not resist going into a shoe store when a sale is going on. Even though they may not need anything they got to go in and you know once they are in there they won't leave empty handed. Good riddance to this guy. 3. This is C.C. Sabathia's final year with the Yankees as his contract runs out as soon as the 2017 season is completed. I only have two words for him. Get out. 4. Welcome back Adrolis Chapman. Now I am going to sit back and wait until he drills Jackie Bradley, Jr. and Mookie Betts, Boston's two biggest hot dogs and show offs now that David Ortiz has retired and moved into a Dairy Queen in a Boston suburb. 5. The World Baseball Classic is this year. While indirectly this has nothing to do with the Yankees, I can't wait to see what country shows up these overpaid millionaires on the American team this year. There's been three already and the red, white and blue have not come close yet. ...Last week a rattlesnake slithered out of the toilet in a West Texas home and the family had to call a snake removal company to remove it. Luckily the snake was discovered before anyone sat down. When the company arrived they captured the bathroom intruder and after an inspection of the house the guy found thirteen adult rattlesnakes inside the cellar and ten underneath the house. That's enough to supply you with a few years worth of nightmares. I'll tell you one thing, if I lived there and had to go to the bathroom I'd go to the nearest gas station before I sat on that toilet. ...Just an observation here but if the new administration would worry about the country as much as they care about what happens on Saturday Night Live we may start to make some progress. Never mind. I'm talking nonsense. I need to lay down. ...I am not in full agreement with a lot of things coming out of Washington these days and that includes the people surrounding the President. This Sean Spicer guy has a pretty bad attitude along with a face that looks like it is there waiting to be punched. And where the hell did Trump dig up this Kellyanne Conway woman? I'm trying to figure out how many face lifts she's had. I'm going with five. But what I am in agreement with is the travel ban on those seven Muslim countries. It is amazing how much these people are treated like victims here. It seems to me that for some people what happened on that September day sixteen years ago is forgiven and forgotten and there's no hard feelings. These people are the worst of the worst and if you don't believe me go ask France. At the same time I know there have been a lot of good people being screwed by this travel ban. People who have lived here for years can not get back into the country and some who have not left the United States at all are being deported. These are the same people who are being hurt by this more than anybody else and who have no say when they see their families torn apart. So, I understand the frustration here and it all can be traced back to 2001 and what these people have been doing since then. They have been killing people all over the world in unspeakable ways all in the name of their religion and people are getting tired of it. Life was a lot better and much easier before these people took out the towers, part of the Pentagon and crashed another plane in Pennsylvania. Why isn't this drilled into the public's heads? I'm kind of curious as to how schools teach what went on back in 2001. In this politically correct world I am sure that the kids are taught that only a small number of Muslims did this. That's true. There would have been more but some of them didn't have money for the plane ticket so they had to do their cheering on the ground. But not all Muslims are bad!!! Oh, do I hear that a lot. And believe it or not I have to agree with this and I am not saying it reluctantly. I am sure that there are a lot of good people that want to come here that are tired of what's going on there and there are already good people here right now that are no threat to anyone. But how do we know which ones coming in are just playing possum until they are let loose in society? We still have a lot of tall buildings here and everyone knows how much those people like blowing up things. The problem with this ban or at least when the ban is put back into place is that we don't know which refugee wants to come here and live and which ones want to come here and die. ...Major League Baseball has come up with another ingenious way to screw up the National Pastime and all I can say is I wonder what they are going to come up with next? Starting in the low minor leagues this year a runner will be placed on second base at the start of extra innings. If you think this is a lousy idea just imagine what the pitcher must be thinking when he walks out to the mound in the tenth inning and before he throws one pitch he's already given up a double. The purpose of this rule is to increase the action in the game once extra innings begin. I think it is a horrible idea but Joe Torre, the former Yankee manager who is now MLB’s Chief Baseball Officer thinks it is a good idea and is a strong proponent of the new rule. Of course he is. Baseball picked the right guy for this job because he goes along with whatever they say without objection. I am an old-fashioned baseball traditionalist and these new rules designed to speed up the game or tinker with it are getting worse and worse. If they really want to speed up the game they'll tell FOX not to air so many commercials between innings because a quarter of them are promoting shows on their network. That will speed it up right there. But this?? A bunt and a fly ball can win the game and when that happens I bet the losing manager will be fit to be tied. You know what? I got an idea. If you don't want to sit through extra innings then just leave. Or change your channel.
  3. DAMN!!!!!!! This guy is something else!
  4. Yes sir! And it's a pleasure to see you around.
  5. This guy is probably long gone by now but tonight I was looking at an old DVD and damned if I didn't find what he wanted.
  6. This guy's "retirement" didn't even last a day.
  7. I want to apologize to Kyleb for the lateness of my review for his Total Classics 1995 mod. I have been under the weather lately and I really only have been healthy enough at times to make another contribution to my random thoughts thread and I was only doing that between random sneezing. I downloaded the 1995 mod the first day it was released but I only had a chance to play it today and it was so good that I had to review it when I played my second game this afternoon. It is hard to imagine that twenty-two years have past since this season played out and looking back on it, it really was a classic season. As Kyleb touched upon in his description for this mod the '95 season began late and it also began with a lot of hard feelings towards the owners and players because the fans saw them both at fault for the cancellation of the 1994 season in August of that year and also the World Series in October. And truth be told both of them were no better than the other. It is hard for anyone who was not around back then to imagine an October without a World Series but that's what happened. But the worst part that the players and owners found out was that the baseball fans survived. They were angry, but they came through this stronger than anyone expected. People found other things to do. What baseball needed was someone who could get the crowds cheering again instead of booing and they found one in Baltimore Orioles shortstop Cal Ripken, who, on September 6th in a game against the California Angels, played in his 2, 131st straight game as he broke a record by Yankee first baseman Lou Gehrig that many thought never would be broken. It took until the final month of the 1995 season but baseball finally made it back. This is the backdrop that made the 1995 season classic. Installation for this mod is made easy for you thanks to Jim825's installer. Just have a clean (unmodded) copy of Mvp '05 and then direct the installer where to go and that as the saying goes, is that. If I am making it sound super-easy it's because it is. As soon as I got into the game I was hit by music I have never heard of and that was kind of surprising since 1995 is not a distant memory for me. Don't get me wrong, the choice of songs here are very good. It just that I never heard of Better than Ezra or Oasis before. I was still playing 80's rock back then. Twenty-two years later thanks to Kyleb and Mvp baseball I got introduced to 90's music. There are a couple of things I want to point out in this mod because I think they need to be included in this review. First, the uniforms in the game. We have a new uniform maker here on the website and his name is BallFour. You may have seen his two threads on the main page. Along with resident uniforms Gods KcCityStar and Dennis James, his assistance on this mod was impressive. Any time you can get someone new to contribute to this great game it is always good for Mvp. I don't know which uniforms are his but if they are any like his minor league creations I am sure they look great. Rising Sun is responsible for the overlay in this mod and this is one of the best overlays I have seen come through here in a long, long time. I provided a screen shot of it for everyone to see. The portraits in this mod are fun to look at. They are not the standard MLB pressbox photos that we are used to seeing in other mods where the player is seated and we get a photo of his face. Not in the '95 mod. Bret Boone for example has his hat on backwards while sitting down, presumably in the dugout. it is a subtle touch but I think it makes this mod stand out. I want to thank Kyleb and all the people who assisted him on this mod. You should be proud of your work. This one is a real keeper! Thank you. Screenshots Welcome to Total Classics 1995! Here is a look at the superb overlay on TC 1995.
  8. There is a Windows 8 help thread here for Mvp '05.
  9. Updated to 1-29 ...Donald Trump's inauguration has come and gone and if you'll look around you'll see the world did not come to an end even though some people were certain that that was going to happen. And just like the inauguration ceremonies for Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton I did not watch any of it. I wanted to be fair. Besides, there was a movie on that I wanted to see. I did read that evening that over two hundred people were arrested in Washington because they protested Trump becoming president. I'd like to know how many of the people who were arrested actually voted back in November. I'll say it again. If people felt so strong about not having Trump in office they should have showed up at the polls. It's like they were depending on others to do their voting for them. I'll admit I am not his biggest fan but he is keeping his word on the Muslim situation. ...They can always try Mexico, Dept Donald Trump signed an executive order barring citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for the next ninety days and at the same time suspended the admission of all refugees for one hundred twenty days. The only complaint I have about this is that the ban should have been even longer. People from all over the world are upset about this new U.S. policy mainly because while this ban is in place they can't use America as a dumping ground to send these Muslims to. I'm aware that a lot of these refugees are good people who just want to get away from what is going on in their homeland but at the same time we can't risk having some terrorist sneak in so he can plan something in our borders. When Iran found out that they were one of the countries whose citizens were banned they called it an "insult" and in turn they banned U.S. citizens from their country. I'm sure a lot of tears are going to be shed from that decision. Coming from someone who does not like Muslims dating back to what they did to the World Trade Center sixteen years ago I don't mind this at all. The door is temporarily shut on them now. Now we need to lock it. ...One thing I got to ask. This guy's got a lot of money, right? So why is it that he is always wearing the same dark suit, white shirt and red tie? ...Well, one more. Stay the hell off of Twitter. You are the president now. Stop fighting with Hollywood people and anyone else that doesn't agree with you. The office of the presidency should not leave you time to insult Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin or Madonna. Discretion is the better part of valor and if he doesn't know what that means he can look it up. ...I wouldn't mind one bit if Ivanka Trump gets photographed a lot more because her father is president now. She's a hell of a lot nicer to look at than Chelsea Clinton, whose teeth jut out so much she puts a beaver to shame. ...When Trump's first day in office came and went a realization hit me that made me laugh out loud. Suddenly millions of people did not have Obama to blame for everything anymore and it made me wonder who their scapegoat was going to be next. Certainly not Trump. He's building a wall. ...Super Bowl 51 is next week down in Houston and I am going to be forced to end this season as an Atlanta Falcons fan because there is no way in all that is holy that I will be rooting for a Boston team. If the Patriots end up winning this game I am not going to be bummed about it. It's just that when a Boston team wins their fans have to remind you of it over and over again. These people are the worst fans in the country. Philadelphia gets a lot of press for this but they don't compare to Boston. Have you ever gone to a wedding where someone ends up having too much to drink and makes a total jackass of himself? Now multiply that by a stadium full of Patriots fans or Red Sox fans and there you have it. ...Lady Gaga will be performing at the half time show. That's when millions of TV sets around the country will change the channel and check out what is happening at the Puppy Bowl. ....Show me the proof, Dept: People think I hate the city of Boston because of the Red Sox. Nonsense! That's only part of it. Mostly it's because of the people. The night before the AFC Championship game a Patriots fan sneaked into the Logan Airport Hilton where the Steelers were staying and pulled the fire alarm in the middle of the night. He did it because he said he was dared to by his friends and when he was reluctant to go through with it they triple-dog dared him and as everyone knows when that is said to you there is no way you can back out. So he then walked into the hotel, stumbled to the first fire alarm he saw and pulled it. His friends were waiting for him in the car and they took off but did not get far when they were caught by the Massachusetts state police. According to the arrest report this loyal Patriots fan told police “I’m drunk, I’m stupid, I’m a Pats fan.” No kidding? What Patriots fan isn't? The fan was charged with disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and setting off a false fire alarm and the Patriots announced the next day that they will be paying all legal fees for him because he showed the "true spirit of a New England Patriots booster." The Red Sox got involved too as they gave this guy season tickets for the upcoming 2017 season. There's even talk of him throwing out the first pitch. Stupidity pays in Boston. They always claim to be a well-bred and educated city that boasts such prestigious schools like Harvard and M.I.T. But the reality is that Boston is full of blue collar trash. ...Did you see where McDonald's now has three versions of the Big Mac? There is a small Big Mac called the "Mac Jr" and it's a a smaller, single-patty cheeseburger with all the ingredients of the regular Big Mac. And the "Grand Mac" is an even larger version of the Big Mac, with 61% more beef and it weighs 1/3rd of a pound. They're really pushing these new items and they really want the bigger one to be a hit because it compares to Burger King's Whopper. McDonald's is making sure to let everyone know that the same ingredients are included in both of them but they have not mentioned how much more fat and calories this big one is going to bring to the table. It's like they don't want you to even think about it until you put ten pounds on without thinking about it. ...And Yankee fans? Forget any hope for C.C. Sabathia for reporting next month in any kind of shape. He'll be knocking off so many Grand Macs that they'll have to hire more people at the McDonald's he goes to. ...And any hope for the Red Sox that David Ortiz changes his mind and comes back one more year is gone now too. That guy knows how to put 'em away too. ...Despite their roster cleaning that they did last year and their focus on youth, the Yankees could not resist in signing thirty-seven-year-old Matt Holliday last month to a one year contract worth thirteen million dollars. Like an alcoholic who sneaks a drink they just couldn't help themselves when they saw him out on the market minding his own business. After three sub-par seasons the Cardinals said goodbye and see you later and the Yankees won the bidding war against themselves to put him into pinstripes for this upcoming season. “I think I have a lot left,” Holliday said last week at Yankee Stadium. I don't know if he was trying to convince himself or the Yankees. Well, at least it was a one year deal. Cashman learned his lesson with Beltran. ...Johnny Manziel said last week that he wants to get back into football again and admitted that he did not like the person that he was last year because he was "lost in the sauce." He wasn't just lost he was swimming in it. This guy made a lot of mistakes and he played himself off the roster of the Cleveland Browns and he really made himself look bad but at the same time there has been a lot of players who have been suspended or released who have returned to the league and continued playing. Manziel was his own worst enemy and he probably had a bunch of people sponging off of him and telling him he was doing nothing wrong. He needed some real friends to straighten him out but you know how it is when someone listens to you and it goes in one ear and out the other. Manziel ignored them until it was too late. If someone like Adrian Peterson can return to the Vikings after child abuse charges then Manziel has a chance. But he has to show it. He just can't say it. ...ESPN has dropped commentator Doug Adler after he compared Venus Williams to a "gorilla" at the recent Australian Open even though he has repeatedly said the word he used was "guerrilla". Even though Adler has apologized for the misunderstanding and despite the admission by ESPN when they said that the two words are pronounced similarly and therefore it was impossible to say for certain which word Adler spoke, they still removed him from his remaining assignments. Is this how bad things are now? Well, we don't know if you did anything wrong and we really can't prove anything but social media says you are guilty so that means you are. Just once I'd like to see a company stand up to these idiots on Facebook and Twitter and just ignore the hell out of them. These people need to realize that not everything that happens and everything that is said is not a major incident to be made a big deal out of. I never heard of this guy until now and I didn't watch the Australian Open but the two words do sound alike and if he says it was a misunderstanding then just take him at his word and stop acting all shocked and offended. ...Not too long ago I got a letter in the mail inviting me to join a neighborhood community that is on a website called nextdoor.com. Nextdoor is a private network for your neighborhood and it helps you connect with your neighbors about the things going on around you. You can post something that you want to give away or you can welcome someone to the area, etc. There's also a lost and found section too. Before I joined this website the neighbors across the street from me lost their cat and were spending a few days walking up and down the street looking for it. They knocked on my door asking me if I saw it but I hadn't. The lady told me that the cat was an indoor cat and they had the door open and that's when he ran out. I'd have to say the cat was gone for almost a week and when he was gone that long I thought he'd never be found but then I read on the site that they found him in a neighbor's garage and they brought home. I was pretty happy about that because this all happened a few weeks ago and at the beginning of this month it was pretty cold and I imagine it had to be worse for an animal that is used to being inside all the time. Well, after I learned that the cat was home safe and warm I sent them a message telling them how happy I was because this woman was a wreck about not having her cat with her and then I asked them what steps could be taken for it to not happen again because losing a pet once is more than enough. Any cat owner will tell you that these animals are extremely fast and eventually you are going to have to open up your door again to go out. I went on to say that the winter has a long way to go and I didn't want anything to happen to their cat. They said I brought up a good question and they thanked me for my concern because they know I was looking for the cat every time I went outside. Imagine my surprise the next day when I received an e-mail from the website informing me that someone read my comment and that anonymous person deemed it "offensive and inappropriate." It's been a few weeks now and I still can not understand it. I was told by some people who have been there for awhile that there are some people who do nothing but complain on that site and once I found that out I wanted nothing else to do with it. I got a lot of support for my comment that 99.9% of the people saw as no problem at all but one person decided they didn't like it and an issue had to be made of it. Nothing was done about it and to this day I don't know who complained or why but it made me happy that I am not a well-known person because if certain people read these random thoughts (Bostonians, people from Florida, Philadelphia and Detroit, politically correct people and Muslims) they'd be going ballistic and making my life a living hell. ...Recently a judge in Illinois sentenced a woman to forty-three years in jail for the murder of her eleven-year-old daughter. This little girl had a very short and hard life because she was kept locked up in a closet that only had a sink in it and was fed a bowl of cereal a day by her mother. She died in September of 2014 when her mother punched her in the stomach so hard that she developed an infection that ended up killing her. At the time of her death she weighed only sixty-seven pounds. When you think you can not be shocked anymore you suddenly find out you still can. The problem I have with this long prison sentence is that the woman is only thirty-five. She can still serve all her time and be released when she is in her late seventies, provided nobody kills her first. And since she is ineligible for early release, Illinois tax payers will be footing the bill for her for over forty years since there is no death penalty there. When she goes to prison she should be treated exactly like she treated her daughter. They should put her in a closet with just a sink and give her only one bowl of cereal per day to see how she can handle it. But that won't happen. The sad part is she will be fed better in prison than she fed her own child. ..Checking in with Florida, Dept: A twenty-three year old man was arrested in Pensacola, Florida on charges that he has been having sex with the family pit bull for years. No one would have ever been the wiser about it until one of his own family members notified the authorities after she saw the man take the pit bull to his room and engage in sexual contact with her. The woman, who happened to be the man's sister, told police that the dog has been sodomized more than one hundred times in the past few years and she was getting very tired of her brother choosing to have sex with the dog instead of her. If it were anyone else the first time this would have happened the police would have been called and the dog taken away. But with these redneck white trash they let it go on until someone got jealous. ...And I bet that every time this guy got done giving the business to the dog he never once thanked her, said he loved her or sent her flowers. ...What the hell is it with people broadcasting their suicides on Facebook now? A month ago a little twelve-year-old girl hung herself and last week a fourteen-year-old Florida girl hung herself in her bathroom. Also, a thirty-three-year-old actor named Jay Bowdy told his followers that were watching via live-stream that he was going to do himself in and true to his word he did just that. It is not my intent to try and inject some humor in this because I don't see anything funny here. This is not an isolated incident with these three people too. Obviously they were all very troubled and depressed and had different reasons for ending their lives. But what I don't get is broadcasting it live so people can watch it happen. Whoever saw this as it was going on has an image in their mind that they will never get rid of for the rest of their lives. Social media. It gets worse every day. ...Right now little is known about the circumstances surrounding Yordano Ventura's and Andy Marte's fatal crashes in the Dominican Republic one week ago. Toxicology reports won’t be completed for weeks and in Ventura's case, mountainous terrain and foggy conditions may have been contributing elements. What is known is that they were both driving at a high rate of speed and with the poor condition of the roads in that country you had to wonder what was going through their heads at the time. I'm sure that there has been some talk about alcohol being a contributing factor but before the official cause of death is released to the public I am not going to assume that. But drunk or not they were still speeding and they would have had better luck driving blindfolded at night on the hills of Tennessee than on those roads in the Dominican. We only hear about this when someone from the sports world dies down there because I am sure this happens quite a lot to someone who does not hit or throw fastballs for a living. R.I.P. to both of them. ...And before I sign off I want to give my condolences to Mary Tyler Moore, who passed away last week at the age of eighty. I first saw her on the Mary Tyler Moore show back in the 1970's and I could not get enough of her and the rest of that talented cast. Youtube has full episodes posted on there and if you've never seen it I am sure you'll like it, especially Ted Knight's Ted Baxter character who stole just about every scene he was in. Rest in peace Ma'am.
  10. Kind of an ambiguous name for a mod. It needs a better description.
  11. You should make anything you are interested in. Also, we have NPB uniforms already but they are buried in the download section. They were made some time ago.
  12. Well, maybe you are right. Maybe Girardi was told to play Jeter no matter what and if that is what happened it cost the Yankees a playoff spot in 2014. There's no way he should have been hitting second the entire season. He hit .256 that year and only had 149 hits and of those 149 hits he only had 24 extra-base hits. So he really wasn't much of a threat. But the only thing people will remember is that he got the game-winning hit in his final game at Yankee Stadium. The guy went out on a high note and that one hit covered up his entire season of basically being a designated out. Girardi let Jeter have his farewell tour for the entire season and he enabled him every step of the way. I think the Yankees wanted to keep Jeter happy for the 2014 season because they didn't want him to get mad at them in case he decided to write a book in the future or refuse to attend special events at the stadium when they invite him. That would make them look bad. So they let him bat second day after day when he should have been lower in the order or on the bench when he wasn't hitting. I bet they couldn't wait until that season was done and he left.
  13. Updated to 1-15 ...I am still having a hard time deciding what the biggest upset and surprise was for 2016. Donald Trump winning the seat in the White House or the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series. Got to admit though if you are a Republican and a Cubs fan you had a hell of a year. ...What I am pretty sure of is that Major League Baseball was thrilled with the Cubs victory for breaking their 108 year World Series draught because that meant that Cubs fans would flock to MLB Shop and buy all the over priced gear related to their favorite team finally winning it all. You want a men's home jersey? $134.99 please. Oh, you want an authentic one? You should have said so. That will be $261.99. Thank you so much. How about a Cubs World Series hat? You got to have that with the jersey. Only $22.39. Can I interest you in a World Series Champions T-shirt so you can wear it with pride when summer rolls around? Just $27.99. That's a steal! And before you wear your T-shirt you are going to need a hoodie for Opening day because you never know how the weather's going to be in early April at Wrigley. Here's a World Series champion hoodie for only $59.99. Thank you for coming! ...I do not pretend to understand people's views about politics and that has helped me throughout the years because I've never been involved in a political argument. Every time someone talks to me about politics in an attempt to convince me that their views on things make the most sense I always say 'maybe you're right' and that ends it right there. But between you and I and anyone else reading this today I would like to ask why they think things are going to change so much when Trump takes office later this month? Politics is the art of making nothing happen while looking busy at the same time. ...One final thing. If you or someone that you know is upset that Trump is president and Hillary Clinton is not then consider this. The voter turnout for this election was at a twenty year low. What the hell does that tell you? I suppose you can interpret it any way you want but I think a lot of people just didn't give a sh**. How would it have looked had five percent more of registered voters turned out to vote? It could have been different but now I'm just speculating. What I do know for certain is that if you or anyone else did not vote and were not happy with the final tally then you have no reason to be agitated. A week or so after the election I saw on the local news that a lot of people were so upset with the election results that they were having panic attacks and were beginning therapy. Really? What the hell do they expect Trump to do, add another day to the week so people will have to work more? As ridiculous as that sounds I am confident I could have convinced some of these people that he was considering this. There's a saying that I am sure everyone has heard many times and it goes like this. The more things change the more things remain the same. In other words relax. ...Even though a lot of time has passed, I am still upset at how the Yankees shoved Alex Rodriguez out the door back in August while at the same time allowing an equally unproductive Mark Teixeira (A-Rod hit .200 and Teixeira hit .204) to finish out the year. You can love the guy or not. That's not the issue here. The point is that he deserved a lot more respect than he got from the New York Yankees. The Yanks showed more respect to David Ortiz in September on his last trip to the Stadium when he retired than to Rodriguez a month before. I laughed when Joe Girardi said “My job description does not entail a farewell tour.” Either the guy has a bad memory or he is lying through his teeth. I'll leave that to you to decide because just two years prior he did just that when Captain Wonderful said goodbye to the game. While managing to lead the Yankees to miss the playoffs that year he made sure Jeter was nice and comfortable for the entire season as he refused to drop him in the order because he wasn't hitting at all and the only time he really helped the team was when he wasn't playing. “We’re trying to win,’’ Girardi said. Thanks for the insight Joe. Good thing there isn't any farewell tours for awhile now. Who knows how he would have screwed the next one up. ...I don't know about any of you but probably the best day for me of the entire holiday season has to be Christmas itself because you know when you are walking down the stairs on Christmas morning everything related to sales and buying and buying some more is put away for another year. There ought to be a song for that. ...Hope Solo is going about it in the wrong way if she wants to return to the U.S. women's national team. The team's players are negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement with U.S. Soccer and Solo wants them to "hold their ground" to get more pay during the negotiations. It's not exactly the attitude to get back in the good graces of the people who run the women's soccer team but it just goes to show how clear Solo's thinking is. She's probably had one too many soccer balls bounce off her head. If she was a boxer they would say she is punch drunk. If you recall U.S. Soccer suspended her for six months and terminated her contract because she called the Swedish national team “cowards” following a quarterfinal loss at the Rio Olympics. Naturally she had people defending her and were implying that she was fired because she was a woman. The fact that most people turned a blind eye to the fact that she was arrested for assaulting her sister and nephew, stealing a team van with her husband and drove it while intoxicated and has been a terrible role model for sportsmanship on many occasions even before the Olympics.The team terminated her not for her comments but the culmination of all of the above actions. We do the same thing at our homes each and every time we take out the trash. ...MVP Baseball wasn't even invented yet the last time the Oakland Raiders made the playoffs. That was in 2002. That should give you an idea how long ago that was. Since the Super Bowl blowout the Buccaneers gave the Silver and Black that year there really has not been much to cheer about in Oakland. This year, finally, it was different. The Raiders were winning games. Twelve in all. And a lot of them reminded you of the comeback wins this team used to get all the time back in the 70's. But when Derek Carr went down with a broken leg against the Colts you just knew that the Raiders season ended on that play too. The players and the coaches all said the right things before the Denver and Texas playoff game. Maybe they were trying to convince each other because no one else outside the Raider locker room believed it. I don't blame Matt McGloin or Connor Cook. They just didn't play enough to get into a rhythm. I have confidence in this team because I think they finally got the players that want to win and their draft choices have proved to be a lot more intelligent. No more Jamarcus Russell draft picks. Next year it should be time for the Raiders to win that division, something that they should have done this year. ...And if there was any justice in the world someone like Colin Kaepernick would have broken his leg instead of Derek Carr. ...When I was stationed in San Diego for six months I saw with my own eyes how much the people in that city loved their football team. Don Coryell was the coach of the Chargers at that time and he also owned a sporting goods store in the city. I happened to discover it by accident one day and when I went in there were a few people there buying some Charger and Padres gear. I wasn't there for either one of those teams and about the only thing I saw for the Yankees were as few hats but I did find me a black t-shirt with the Raider shield on it. That's when the hooting and hollering started. They told me I had the wrong shirt and asked me where I was from and if I was on parole from a nearby prison. When I told them I was here because I was in the service they somehow got it into their minds that I didn't know any better because if I did I'd be wearing Charger Blue. Don Coryell actually came into this store every so often but I never saw him. The people there loved him and San Diego loved the Chargers. They were all over the place when I was there. Radio, TV, papers, you name it. Those people were loyal to that team then and it hasn't changed after all these years. That's why it was so hard for me to see pictures of those fans burning their Charger jerseys and hats. They did not deserve to lose their football team and I am really afraid that the same thing can happen to the Raiders. When is this going to stop? These NFL owners are blackmailing their cities to get what they want and if they don't get their way they'll leave. The Spanos family who owns the Chargers is worth over two billion dollars. They couldn't use some of their money to build a new stadium? What other teams are next? Jacksonville? Tennessee? Buffalo? Someone else? Trust me, this isn't over. It's just starting. Look, I know this is just a rant of mine but this just isn't right. These owners could care less about the people who buy their tickets and keep them in business and you won't understand unless it happens to your team or your city. ...I miss baseball as soon as the World Series news trickles down but I have to say the best part of the off season is not seeing or hearing or thinking about Michael Kay. How the Yankees managed to get the worst TV play-by-play guy in baseball is embarrassing for a team that is so rich in tradition as they are. The guy spends just as much time praising the other teams as he does the Yankees. The next time he says "see ya!" is when the Yankees are throwing him out the door. ...What the hell is it with Brett Gardner that the Yankees can not get rid of him? ...When Carrie Fisher died a few weeks back Steve Martin made what appeared to be a very nice and respectful twitter post on her passing. He called her beautiful, witty and bright and what should have been just a simple message of respect from one entertainer to another turned out to be another reason for a bunch of people to complain about what Martin wrote. They complained so much that Martin was forced to delete his post despite the fact that he had a lot of supporters who saw what he wrote and had no problem with it. This is what happens when you put an iPad in the hands of ugly, fat women who have never been called pretty or beautiful in their entire life. If they can't be called those things then neither will anyone else. ...My niece watches a TV show on the CW called Supernatural and if you've never seen that show it's something else. Scary as hell. I tried to watch one with her but I never made it. I think she's seen just about all the shows of the series and I got to give her credit because she's not afraid of anything. One time she asked me who I thought was one of the scariest characters I've seen on TV or the movies and my answer had her running to Youtube to see what I meant. I told her that when I was a little kid I used to watch reruns with her mother of Gomer Pyle and every time Sgt. Carter ran into a room you could see how angry he was and he was always yelling. Throughout the years that character has always stayed with me and even when I was in the service and I was getting chewed out for something I could not help of thinking of the late Frank Sutton, who played that character to perfection.
  14. Something's wrong (obviously.) This should not have happened. What operating system by the way?
  15. Yount19, this is an expensive game - especially for one that is twelve years old. $70 may be a little steep for it but I have seen this game go for much higher than the price you paid. I have all the season mods installed and when I installed TC '88 I never once had the problem you are having. Maybe I was lucky.
  16. Just curious, where did you get the game?
  17. Why make two threads about the same thing? Touche'!
  18. You installed it incorrectly. It's as simple as that.
    Fantastic! After all these years a nice update to Total Classics 1994. I think Hory would have liked what you did here. Thank you for uploading this.
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