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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Of course I was kidding. I remember a year or so ago in the shoutbox you were talking about this. You told me you were a big Beatles fan and knew a lot of songs by heart. I never saw the Beatles in their prime. I was only a few years old and knew nothing of them until long after they broke up. It's impressive that you can play two instruments. I hope you have a great time next month at this concert. My cousin has gone to a couple of them and she says the man does a fantastic show for the audience. Have fun!
  2. Get the hell out. YOU are a McCartney fan? This is the guy from the Beatles and Wings. You sure you got the right guy?
  3. Ah, photoshop. That takes a bit of learning and skill to use that program. Joe Rudi's work in photoshop was really impressive and I also like the way you do yours too.
  4. How do you go about making these presentations?
  5. Another thing you have to remember that one mod however popular it may be with some people is not a mod that you would download. For example we have a lot of uniform mod here. You may not care to get the throwbacks for a team that you don't care for. So while some old Red Sox uniforms were made I never grabbed them because I didn't want them. There are also mods on this site that new people have no clue about because they are buried. One of my favorite mods was the Custom Organ Mod which was made by a guy named The_Betz. A lot of people that were around then don't remember him because this is the only mod he made and he has not been here in years. People would pass that over because they don't know anything about it.
  6. Unfortunately you are not going to know what is a good mod or a not so good mod until you try it. Don't expect any comments in the reviews only because many people around here are too lazy and too in a hurry to review anything let alone say thank you. It takes two seconds to say thank you but the modders around here do not get even that. And you can not tell what is a good mod from what is most downloaded. Take Total Classics 1971 for example. A quick glance says that it has only been downloade3d 43 times. You would think that because of that it would not be worth downloading and if you thought that you would be wrong. The main reason for that is because this is a newer mod around here. Now take Mvp 06. 29,948 downloads. That's because that mod has been here for ten years. You got to try a mod that interests you and a lot of the great ones are buried in the download section. Good luck.
  7. Yeah, that's what Jim said in the third post of this thread. Whatever works, right?
  8. That's true. The new laptops I have seen at Best Buy for example are extremely thin and as Jim said, have no room for a CD drive. It just wouldn't fit. However there are still some reasons to use a CD or DVD. If you have an old movie for example and you want to watch it on your laptop. That's one reason. Or if you have stuff burned onto a DVD. Instead of just popping that into your new laptop you got to find one that has a CD drive and transfer what you need onto a flash drive. That's an extra step. Remember the older ones? They had the 3.5 and the 5.25 disk drives.
  9. I don't understand the reason for not including a CD drive.
  10. How do new laptops not have CD players? Also couldn't you install Mvp 05 to a flash drive and then transfer it onto your laptop?
  11. Let me see if I can help you out here. What mod are you trying to download? Send me the link to the mod you are trying to get.
  12. And what error message would that be?
  13. I understand what you are saying. I think it was crazy the way people got worked up over this. There are a lot of problems in the world and we also have our own individual issues we have to deal with but to be concerned about a commercial from China should not be something to worry about.
  14. You know what? You're right. Thank you. And I am glad you liked this latest edition.
  15. I like Snodgrass' variety of pictures.
  16. That makes me really happy to know that. I don't write this stuff in here to offend you at all and I am glad you see it in the way I intended it to be. I don't mind you saying to me what the hell are you talking about or are you serious ? Take that Jerry Remy comment today. It was a complete fabrication on my part when I called him Boston's Father of the year. If Boston ever had that kind of award he'd be the last guy to win it. I gave him that award because I was setting up the punch line at the very end. I try to make people laugh in here the best I can. I hope you both have a wonderful time and that the two of you kept yourself hydrated.
  17. You read the directions. And if you are not sure make ANOTHER thread about the same subject.
  18. Updated to 6-19 ...Today's a special Father's Day edition of Random Thoughts and I'd like to begin with a salute to all the fathers who are members of this website and all of your fathers too. Dads get the short end of the stick on their "days" compared to the mothers. Moms get flowers and jewelry and are taken to a fancy brunch or a dinner. Dads get a toolset or a new weed eater and if there's any food involved its a burger on the grill. So happy father's day to all of you. I'm not a father myself but I can appreciate how hard this job is. ...Today's also a special day for proud papa Jerry Remy, who was elected Boston's Father of the Year for the third year in a row. Remy's got one kid in Massachusetts state prison serving life without the possibility of parole for killing his girlfriend. His youngest son was arrested for indecent assault and battery after groping a woman at a South Boston sports bar. And not to be overshadowed by her brothers, Remy's daughter was arrested on a multitude of charges that included disorderly conduct, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, resisting arrest, wanton malicious defacement, and misdemeanor breaking and entering. Not bad for one night. It's no wonder why Remy and his Boston family values continues to win this award year after year. ...It's a good thing that Remy and his wife stopped after three kids. Who knows what the fourth one would have been capable of? ...Death by Selfie Dept: And I mean this literally. Not too long ago a fifteen-year-old boy from India got it into his head to take a selfie while holding his father's .32 caliber pistol. You can guess what happened next. Somehow the gun went off when he was trying to take the picture and he died soon after from the gunshot wound to his head. And I'm sure you thought all the stupid millennials were only here in the United States. I think at the age of fifteen you are supposed to know better and not handle guns for any reason but at the same time don't let that stop you. All that matters is life, liberty and the pursuit of your next selfie. Because of one lousy and fatal decision on his part his career of answering your tech support calls will never come to pass. ...If there is anything good about Twitter I have not been able to find it yet. It causes arguments, people have been fired over comments made on it and worst of all it gives a voice to people that really have nothing intelligent or constructive to say. Here's a perfect example. The promo billboards for the new movie X-Men: Apocalypse from 20th Century Fox has the villain of the movie (Apocalypse) strangling Jennifer Lawrence's character (Mystique.) Keep in mind that this scene was from the movie and not from real life and the police were not called as soon as the guy let loose of Lawrence's throat. But that didn't stop people from running to twitter to complain about violence towards women. Fox of course immediately removed the billboards and apologized for being so insensitive and also said that they would never condone violence against women. Unless of course they happened to be blue. It is nice to know that these people with no lives and common sense were so worried about the rights of a fictional character. And here is the billboard photo that got them all in a knot. Remember, this is not real life. Have any of you watched that old movie called Old Yeller ? At the very end of the movie the boy has to shoot the dog. He didn't want to but he had to. If twitter was around then they'd have wanted someone to arrest that kid. Now don't worry about poor Jennifer Lawrence. The millions they gave her made her neck feel better. ...Baseball, baseball and more baseball, Dept: The only enjoyment I get out of watching the Yankees this year is from highlight videos that I find on Youtube but as bad as this year's team has been they still are only 5 1/2 games out of first place. Something to consider...I look at Eduardo Nunez having a great year for the Twins (.318, 9 HR and 25 RBI) and I compare him to Chase Headley (.260, 3 HR and 14 RBI) and it reminds me of how impatient the Yankees are with their young players. If you don't play like an All-Star within the first couple of weeks they write you off. Nunez would've looked good at third...I watched that Jayson Werth interview that he gave on the field after he had that game-winning hit and I said to myself that this guy must not have shaved or got a haircut since President Obama was elected to office back in 2008....I'd love to have the chance to shake Rougned Odor's hand. I guarantee you quite a few pitchers would have loved to have the chance to punch out Jose Bautista too...The Cleveland Indians look like they are for real this year...Mark Teixeira says his knee is feeling much better and is aiming for a return to the Yankee lineup on June 24th. It's always nice to have a .180 hitter get back in there. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he doesn't make it through the month of July without getting hurt again...Why do these sportswriters want the Yankees to trade one of their three star relievers? We have some good people coming up from the minors and we are dumping some bloated contracts at the end of this year and next year. Patience is the key but that's something these people have none of...And I would not let Adrolis Chapman go for any reason. That is a golden left arm. ...Just for Gordo, Dept: Skip over this part if you don't want to read some obligatory Yankee ranting. This is a ball club that takes one step forward and three steps back and calls it progress. They are the worst hitting team I have seen since the 2013 Yankees and that's not saying much. A rally for that team was two walks sandwiched around a strikeout and a double play. While I like to blame it all on Mark Teixeira I know that it is not even close to the truth. You have to actually be out there playing to have any impact on the team and as I write this he's in the middle of another extended vacation away from the team with all expenses paid by the Yankees. They must love that. He's hitting .180 this year with three home runs and twelve runs batted in. Even David Eckstein put up better numbers than that and they didn't have to pay him twenty-three million a year like the Yankees are dishing out to Teixeira. There is a chance that he will have to have surgery on his knee and if that is the case it will end his season and his Yankee career. If there is any mercy for Yankee fans that is what will happen. It is frustrating seeing your favorite team playing like this but it's even worse knowing it is their fault. They have a lot of contracts that no teams would touch while they were sober. They are the ones who have put themselves in this position. It's tough watching baseball this year because the Yankees are playing like the Cubs used to and the Cubs are playing like the 1998 Yankees. If they finish above .500 this year it will be a miracle. ...This took place in Florida. Where else, right? A man shot his brother to death over an argument over a cheeseburger. Really. It wasn't over money or over a woman. It was over a cheeseburger. Ok, maybe it was a char-broiled one instead of a McDonald's one but it was still a cheeseburger. I can recall one time when I was a little kid my parents took my sister and I to a drive in and I had to use the restroom between movies. When I got back all my popcorn was gone, courtesy of my sister. I will be happy to inform you that she is still alive and walking around today. There has to be something seriously wrong with you when you can get mad enough to reach for a gun and shoot anyone over a burger. If this keeps up will require background checks for cheeseburger purchases. ...The disease known as being politically correct appears to have no borders because recently some of the easily offended individuals in our country expressed their outrage over a commercial in China. In it, a black man who appears to be an artist has paint all over him and he is approaching a beautiful young Chinese girl. She smiles at him and then sticks a laundry tablet in his mouth and shoves him into a washing machine. When she opens up the washer a young Chinese man comes out wearing a clean white shirt. That's where the cries of racism came in. I think we call all agreed that a commercial like that would never have been made in the United States. Can you imagine the makers of Tide doing this? Neither can I. So forgive me if I am not concerned at all about a commercial that was intended for Chinese consumers. I just don't get why people who live in this country have to involve themselves in this. What should they do, boycott Chinese laundry products? That'll teach 'em. If it were the other way around and we made a commercial that people in China found offensive we'd probably say too bad and mind your own business. Maybe that's exactly what we should be doing here. See for yourself right here. And the next time you go to China let them know what you think. I'm sure they'll listen. ...Last week really was a week to remember and all for the wrong reasons. And what would the odds have been that two separate gruesome events would take place in the same city? The first was an assault by a crazed Muslim on an Orlando, Florida night club and the second was an attack by an alligator on a two-year-old boy at Disney World. Could both incidents been avoided? Who knows? In one way you can compare Muslims to alligators because both are natural born killers. Last Tuesday night an alligator snatched a small child who was wading in the water about a foot from the shore. The boy's father jumped in the water and tried to pull the child from the gator but was not successful and rescue crews that included the Florida Fish and Wildlife spent the entire night searching the man-made lake that the gator was living in but were able to find nothing. I can not imagine the anguish that family is going through right now and especially the father. Today's father's day and instead of celebrating that this man now has to go through the rest of his life without his little boy. It got me wondering why aren't the people down in Florida given free reign to shoot these bastards on site? Make some luggage out of them instead of giving them the opportunity to do something like this again. Shoot them right between the eyes and call it a day. At one time alligators actually were listed as an endangered species under a 1967 law that preceded the 1973 Endangered Species Act. Not anymore. Conservation efforts have now allowed their numbers to increase and as a result the alligator was removed from the list in 1987. So this is our fault. By turning a blind eye to these reptiles their numbers have increased and now they are even more dangerous. I am not in favor of wiping out species of animals that are on the endangered list for no reason at all but I am in favor of killing off the ones who make a habit out of eating people all the time like the alligator and the crocodile. ...I don't think this is a rush to judgment on my part to reduce the population of these reptiles since there are an estimated 1.3 million alligators in Florida. The way I see it that is way too much. And I don't give a shit about their animal rights. They gave that up when they attack people and small toddlers. Put yourself in the shoes of those two parents who now have to go back home to Nebraska without their little boy. I don't even care to think about the nightmares those two will be having in the coming weeks, let alone years. They've got their own guilt they have to live with too. There are "No Swimming" signs at the lagoon where this took place and no one else was in water besides this little boy. This is what they are going to be living with from now on. ...This terrible tragedy was preceded by a few days by another one in Orlando when a crazed Muslim man opened fire on a gay nightclub and the result was the worst mass shooting in American history where almost fifty people were shot to death at the hands of another ISIS supporter living here in the United States. Oh I know what people are going to immediately tell me. The guy that did this was born here. Maybe so but his family is from Afghanistan so I am sure that more than once it was drilled into his head that America is an evil country. This was in all intents and purposes a suicide mission by this man and just to make sure that there was no confusion on anyone's part as to who was behind this he called 911 during the attack to pledge allegiance to ISIS. After the incident was over the Police Chief of Orlando said that it "appeared that he was organized and well-prepared." Of course he was. If there is one thing that ISIS does well is train their followers to be cold-blooded efficient killers and until and unless we come to grip that Islam is a violent and vicious religion, these tragedies will continue to happen. I am someone who believes that Muslims should not be permitted in our country and that they should not be allowed in for quite a long time, say for the next one or two hundred years. Muslims do NOT like the USA therefore there is NO reason for them to be coming here. The only reason why they want to come here is to apply for welfare. And these Muslims here in the U.S. that the FBI has currently on their "watch" list should not be watched any longer but rather be rounded up and sent back to Syria or Iraq or wherever their families are originally from. I can hear it now especially from the twenty-something college age kids who have been trained to look for and believe that everything in our country is racist. I don't hate Muslims and I don't want to harm them. Hell, I don't want to harm anyone. But I don't like them or trust them or want anything to do with them. That is because of what they have done for the past fifteen years or so to our country and other countries around the world. If you can't understand that then you are so blinded by political correctness that the simple act of thinking for yourself is something you have not done in a long time and the sad part is you don't even realize it. I was amazed -well no, not really- to still see support for Muslims after that night club attack. What worried me was when it was announced that it was the worst mass shooting in our history was that there was a Muslim out there somewhere planning something just to break that record. But still, let's remain politically correct here. For those of you in your twenties you probably have a good fifty or sixty years left to live. It concerns me to think about how much progress the Muslims will make here because you all are sitting back allowing it to happen. The only way some of you are going to wake up and realize what is going on is when some Muslim goes on a shooting fest in the town you live in while screaming out Allahu Akbar over and over again and he ends up seriously hurting someone you know. And I don't want that to happen to anyone in here. That is about as clear as I can make myself here. I know not all of them are bad. No one has to twist my arm to make me believe that. But consider this: About eight or nine days ago the person behind these killings was a free man in Orlando. You could have walked past him on the street down there and you would have never known you were close to an ISIS member. How many more do we have to be concerned about before these people are dealt with? ...Enjoy your father's day everyone. I hope it is a nice day weather-wise and be safe. Take care.
  19. Like I said, learn how to make cyberfaces and FIX IT YOURSELF.
  20. First damn post on this website and you got to bitch about something. If the way Kruk looks in this mod bugs you there are tutorials on how to create your own cyberface. That way you will make yourself happy. Oh,
  21. Well, it could be. I am just taking a guess here because sometimes this is a problem that others have. Keep in mind that this game was released back in 2004.
  22. Yeah it was a steal. There's a lot of mods for this game too so I hope you can finally get this to run. Maybe it could be your video card?
  23. Maybe this may help some users in here who are interested in images from the internet.
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