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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I may not like this team but I wish you a lot of luck and I also hope you enjoy yourself this summer as your season progresses.
  2. Sure Jim, that's in Toronto. But how about doing these conditions in Chicago or Cleveland? I think I might try this.
  3. Thank you for this. It makes me wonder now how much more the game will let you do? Increasing the wind speed even more, dropping the temperature, etc.
  4. Maybe you don't know how to download anything because all accounts can download the mods here.
  5. You're shocked? So am I. Jim knows this game so well that if EA ever makes another one they'll go to him for help.
  6. Using the Mvp 16 mod from the Caribe site. Detroit (CPU) at New York (Y4L)
  7. I spent a few hours today on Youtube watching baseball videos and then I started watching baseball fights and I was not surprised to see that David Ortiz was in a lot of these. Even if he didn't get hit by a pitch he was crying about called strikes or anything else he felt like. There was even a film clip of him being ejected right after he hit a single. I'm sure the umpires will not miss this guy at all when he retires at the end of the year. After watching those videos I suddenly realized that I wanted to hit him too. And that's why I played this game tonight. It helps me forget how bad the Yankees are playing. Using the 2006 mod, Boston vs. Forum Fanatics, played at Petco Park, San Diego.
  8. Oh thank God. A question in here from someone that kind of relates to what this thread is about! I am glad you are liking the 1971 mod and if you are interested at all please try the others that are here.
  10. Oh, well I am sorry about that. Good work Dennis! That's ok Jim. This wasn't your creation to begin with. And I don't think there was any way that this would have been a quick one to two week fix. Like you said you both are perfectionists and there was just too much to repair and get in order. Now you could have done it two weeks had you both worked fourteen hour days but who needs that? And the top 100 label didn't affect the game play at all. By the middle of the game that I played I didn't even notice it anymore. I understand. Sometimes you got to make adjustments. Would this help? NBC logo history
  11. Four months ago the first edition of Total Classics 1971 was released by a member of this website. It was to put it as nicely and fairly as one could, incomplete and disorganized but at the same time full of potential because 1971 was one of the most interesting seasons in baseball history. Four twenty game winners came out of Baltimore. Sometimes when I tell that to people today they immediately think I am pulling their leg but as Casey Stengel so aptly put it, "You could look it up." Players such as Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Bob Gibson and Frank Robinson were still active and adding to their future Hall-of-Fame credentials. Younger players such as Reggie Jackson, Bobby Murcer and Vida Blue were making themselves household names too. Blue especially. All he did was win the Cy Young award and Most Valuable Player award in 1971. Not bad for someone only twenty-one years of age. So, 1971 was a good choice for a total conversion mod. It's just that the first version of this mod needed a lot of work and the guy who created this original mod (BRobby05) left the website soon after this was released back in February because he felt that he was being picked on because people were bringing up problems with the mod. One guy couldn't get the mod to play because the menus in the game were slow and it seemed to crash. The mod was almost unplayable for him. There were also other comments about the mod that were given constructively but he chose to look at them as a personal attack. Soon after this he requested his account deactivated and he left the website. The last word on him is that he has been devoting his time to the Westboro Baptist Church and is very happy. There were five parts to downloading the first '71 mod a few months back. Now it is in one part and you can download it right here. It is Jim's familiar installer and if you have installed the TC mods in the past then you will have no trouble getting the 1971 mod on your system without any problem. Just have a clean, unmodded version of Mvp 2005 so you can direct the installer where to place the files and that will be that. You know the drill. This mod was overhauled by the two masters Jim825 and DennisJames71. That's all you really need to know because if you see their names associated with a total conversion mod you know it's going to be good and that you'll be spending a lot of your free time in the mod playing exhibition games or a full season. These guys have a way of captivating you with their work. Dennis rolled up his sleeves and fixed the problems with the uniforms that were so glaring the first time around. Now all the uniforms look crisp and neat. Typical Dennis James. There is a list of things that Jim and Dennis did that you can see for yourself in the file description when you get this mod and believe me it is quite an extensive undertaking. One thing they did not have to do was get new photos. That is one thing the original modder did very well. The music on the other hand was an area of concern. There was so much country music contained in the first mod that even The Beverly Hillbillies wouldn't have been able to listen to it all at once. Jim took pity on everyone and gave all this music its outright release and then added artists such as The Rolling Stones, The Temptations, Tom Jones and Isaac Hayes to the jukebox. You can check out the full list when you get into the mod. There was one thing that I don't know if Jim or Dennis could have done anything about and it was the appearance of the loading screens. I know that they said they resized them but the look of those screens are as bad as the first mod. Get into the mod and decide for yourself. It looks as if these screens were created with the cheapest (free) paint program that guy was able to find. However, if Jim and Dennis decided to keep these screens as is as an example of how gaudy the 1970's were, then my hat's off to them because if there was one decade that had no sense of fashion it would be the 1970's. It's like someone got a couple of monkeys and gave them some paint and had them throw it against a canvas and whatever stuck they used those colors to design clothes. The overlay is the only thing I am seriously considering changing because I am one of those people who is a stickler for detail. BRobby used an NBC logo in the first mod (well, he actually stole it from the 1988 mod) but by using an NBC one he was right. NBC did the baseball broadcasting in 1971. ABC did televise baseball (from 1953 to 1965) and did not televise it again until 1976. Again as Ol' Case says, you could look it up. One other thing was how the original modder did not remove the "Top 100 Prospect" icon from some of the players. In the game I played Frank Howard (rookie year 1960) and Reggie Jackson (rookie year 1968) were top 100 prospects. I spent over an hour yesterday in this mod and I can't begin to tell you how impressed I was. I'll be back again and again. Thank you so much to Jim and Dennis for providing more historical baseball fun with Mvp 2005. The game I used for this write-up was the Oakland Athletics (CPU, first in the A.L. West in '71) against the Washington Senators (me, fifth in the A.L. East in 1971.) Screenshots. Welcome to Total Classics 1971...take two! The loading screens still look like they were created in MS Paint thanks to the original modder. Washington has an early lead in this game. In-game overlay for the 1971 mod. Say hi to Top 100 Prospect Reggie Jackson.
  12. So what? That means he's never been here before? You want to provide a link then fine. The guy found two other threads in here but not the Windows 10 thread. It's not the worst thing that's ever happened and that's why I told him that there already was a thread for this. You are still crying because you still think I gave your damn mods a one star rating even though I explained to you that I didn't do it. Like I mother *&(&ing would waste my time giving your mods ANY kind of attention. IT WAS ALREADY EXPLAINED TO YOU THAT I DID NOT DO THAT BUT YOU REFUSED TO ACCEPT IT. I didn't give the guy a hard time. Only you saw it that way and frankly you don't count at all.
  13. How was I not being polite? All I said that there was a Windows 10 thread already on this website. He's not brand new. The guy's been here almost three years now so he should know where the forums are. I didn't give him a hard time at all but you couldn't resist making me look like a bad guy again. You want to start something with me you just let me know.
  14. There's a Windows 10 thread already.
    I just finished downloading this and I have already given this mod five stars. It's too bad I had to only give it five because it deserves so much more than that. Jim and Dennis had to work overtime -and then some- to get this mod to be playable. While version 1.0 of this mod can not be downloaded any longer (be thankful for that) you can read my review of it right here to give you an idea of how much work Jim and Dennis had to do to bring us the much improved and much needed version of this mod.
  15. Why don't you show everyone how smart you are by going back and discretely reading the rules? Here are two points that should jump out at you. 1. Bumping threads with posts that simply say "bump". You may not always get an answer straight away, so please be patient before bumping a thread; a couple of hours may not be long enough for someone with the right knowledge to come along and answer your question. Bumping a thread that has not been posted in for some time may be tolerated so long as you are making a meaningful contribution to the discussion that is relevant to the original topic. Bumping old threads simply for the sake of posting however will not be tolerated. 2. Discussions and requests for illegal downloads (via admission or open discussion) or making them available to other posters is explicitly prohibited. This content includes (but is not limited to): CD Keys (MLB 2K or MVP Baseball or otherwise) & Serial Numbers No-CD cracks Warez Original Game Files READ. LEARN. UNDERSTAND.
  16. Do you want to put money on this stuff?
  17. You know, if you start getting accurate with these sims like you did last night you should put some money down. Now let me look at that box score for the Yankees and Blue Jays. Ellsbury and Gardner were a combined 0 for 14. So far this is believeable. Teixeira struck out three times but got two hits? Hmmm. The strikeouts, sure. But not two hits. This lazy good for nothing bum can't get two hits in batting practice. Beltran went 2 for 6. Again, believeable. He's been hot. Gregorius and Castro contributing is something they have been doing all year. Ackley in a rare start did well too. Even Headley got a hit too. He's been showing signs of breaking out of it. And McCann didn't surprise me at all by going 0 for 6. It's what he does. And the pitching was fine. Nova did well. Good work!
  18. Why are you responding to threads that have been dormant for almost a year?
  19. Where were you back in August when he really needed you?
  20. Maybe your best bet would be to invest in the PC version of this game. You won't have that problem there.
  21. Hey, I don't blame you. That guy comes in here crying about a roster for 2k12, like you can just pull one out of your hat and hand it to him. *&^^%ing people.
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