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Everything posted by kjuggs

  1. Check this page out... http://www.o2designz.com/cutgallery.php
  2. 167 downloads

    [imgurl url=http://i333.photobucket.com/albums/m394/kjuggs/picture011.jpg][/imgurl]
  3. I'm looking around for ways to move the overlays in game around...I've started on a CN8 Philly Overlay, but I want to move the stats line up to the top of the screen. Any suggestions would be nice. I'm including what I've done so far so you can get an idea of what I'm trying to move- I'm going to fix the pitch selection graphics later tonight. Thanks, Kevin
  4. 491 downloads

    This replaced all of the Ottawa Lynx logos for MVP08 and replaces them with the Phillies' new triple-A team, Lehigh Valley Ironpigs.
  5. Ron-thanks for the headsup... the funny thing is, as much as I don't like the Mets, the rivalry makes for great baseball, and when I went to a Phils-Mets game in Philly in April or May, it was an awesome atmosphere. A bunch of fights in the stands of course, but it makes for a more entertaining experience then watching the Phils play the Astros (I went to that one the day before). I can't lie either- I like Darling and Hernandez calling the color commentary better than Chris Wheeler and Garry Matthews (Sarge). We got yous beat at play by play with Harry Kalas, though. I am in Korea for the next year, serving Uncle Sam, so my posting times are about 13 hours different from everybody elses, so when I get off work, it's usually 4 in the morning in Philly. I like the practice of making sigs, plus people here have been so dedicated to helping others, how could I not try to give something back? I will get to work on the recent requests tonight (my time).
  6. I think I figured it out...let's give this a try- I was trying to send a BMP instead of a JPEG...
  7. Maddux31, I forgot how to upload it...lol. Anyway, I emailed the signature to wrigleyville and hopefully he'll get it pushed onto this board for you. I'm going to keep trying to figure it out and get it on here until you get it. Thanks, Kevin
  8. I made one for you...I actually enjoyed using the old Braves head logo. I'm relatively new at making them, so don't be too hard on me if you don't like it.
  9. What's in the background? I thought it was just clouds or something, but there's a bulleye or something similar next to Jake. I like the frontal image.
  10. I fixed it finally...thanks andrewdon for a quick reply
  11. Here's my first attempt at a sig using Photoshop...Any and all comments welcome. Brett's had a tough month, why not pile on some more with my work? One problem, though- I can not figure out how to get the pic to be my signature! All that shows up is the written URL. Any ideas on how to get it to show up in my messages? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks as usual... [img_l]C:UsersKevinDesktopMyers Signature.jpg[/img_l]
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