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Everything posted by kjuggs

  1. FEonly.big and IGonly.big... the secrets lie within... Actually just let me know if you can't find anything on how to do this, but seriously, there is a ton of results, like daflyboys says. Just be sure to backup whatever .big files you mess with. It sucks forgetting to do that (although you learn what is causing the crashes pretty quickly).
  2. I don't think so. I'm glad you appreciate the one I did make though.
  3. Ahhhhh...love this uniform. The '64 Phillies have to be the most the interesting baseball team I've ever read about,from a rare great season to the infamous collapse. Thanks DonSPa
  4. Ty's editor. It'll work for that.
  5. Same with you Jogar- I appreciate your hard work as well. Let me know if you want something specific either.
  6. I was just tooling around with the cram32.fsh for Citizen's Bank Park and decided it was time to change the ads behind home plate. These are local based and look great for Philadelphia. The rar file has the bmps already resized; open your citiday and citinite.big files, extract the cram32 with nfsh tool, and replace all 4 images. Let me know what you think. Backstop Signs.rar
  7. Thank you Dennis-trust me, the feeling is more than mutual. If there's some kind of specific channel or overlay for MVP YOU want, just say the word. I just got MLB 2k12 and I have to say I was struggling to find the difference gameplay-wise between 12 and 11 (and 10, I suppose). It's nice to have the choice on my PC, but I'm still sticking with MVP. I just seem to enjoy it more. Good baseball game mechanics are not meant to be changed: MVP, Out of the Park, Strat-O-Matic, etc.
  8. I saw your request this morning and was going to hook you up this evening when I got a few minutes. I didn't get a chance to respond because I had work. Y4L is absolutely right- Don't be demanding stuff- you'll find people are lot more receptive around here.
  9. YES!!! I had to translate a Spanish page, but I found a fix for Oedit in Win7! Drop the dll into c:/windows/sys32 folder and pull the exe and dll to your desktop or wherever. I don't know if you have to install the program already, but mine was already installed anyway. It works just fine, except that my version doesn't have the action box with c/m, rotate, etc. I must have a different version. The one attached allows you to move and zoom, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet. Oedit win 7.rar
  10. About 95% of the mods for MVP can be installed by using Kraw's Total Installer Thingy (TiT) with one click. Find TiT, download it, and place that in your MVP folder. Open it up, navigate to your ZIPPED/RAR'ed mods, and click start. The only recent mods that need to be extracted have been Nani's great uniforms for 2012, and those have rar files inside that have to be placed outside the initial download.
  11. Simple enough question, I guess. I've searched the web for a solution, but have not been able to install properly with Windows 7/ x64 (it will install, but not start- I get the 'oedit has stopped working' window upon startup after 5 different installs to different locations. I definitely am not installing a separate 32-bit OS. I am going to have a bunch of free time this summer overseas and would love to be able to knock out CFs there. I tried creating a cyberface without using Oedit, and just using a simliar haedshape, and the face looked good in photoshop, but once I got in the game, his third eye was peeking out from under, if you know what I mean. Is there any other way to get around using OEDIT that I can slide the potential CF around on for positioning? A similar program? I don't think there is. Thanks 0000.BMP
  12. Check the MVP Downloads section. I don't know if you saw what I did with PHL17's but used it for MVP this season. Loooks awesome in game. Something can be done with MLB 2k12 also I'm sure.
  13. Incredible photos. I could care less about either team, but I admire your willingness to add great pics of the enemy's big day. They will make somebody's desktop or ipad. I sure would if I was a Sox fan. The nostalgia factor of the old ballparks is nice, but since having to drag a wife and 3 kids to Phillies games across the Midwest, I have just come the prefer the shiny newer park experience. I finally made it up to Chicago last summer for a game against the Cubbies and there is virtually nothing to do or see once you're inside the stadium other than order food. If I was going to the game by myself, I would've really enjoyed it I guess. I didn't realize it until I got to Chicago, but the sun at 1pm there is right behind the plate rolling towards CF. Never looked it up, but they must lead all time in errors with that sun and still playing day games. I've been to one AL stadium (Royals/Kaufmann) and for being 40 years old or so, that was probably the most beautiful park I've been to. I was raised on Veterans Stadium, a legendary dump once the 70's were over. Thanks for the viewing.
  14. I've been playing with this all night. Not messing with this anymore...lol. I'll stick to static graphics.
  15. I'm not getting jagged images. Not sure.
  16. Holy Smokes Homer...I thought about preset commands as as I was doing some but had no idea. I googled 'Actions' and figured it out- I think the process is down to this now: -download the original press photo jpg; -(for me) drag the photo from chrome to photoshop and hit play -save both files -done Using Actions takes 4-5 seconds in PS per portrait instead of the minute or so per. Thanks alot!
  17. open up in photoshop; hit ctrl+alt+i to resize each image to 128x128 That's how I do it- there may be siome stretching, but that's cause the MiLB resolution is 135x90 on the web site.
  18. Here is a pretty solid process that I use for portrait making: -use this link: http://www.milb.com/...ffiliations.jsp It lists all affiliations, so when Kyleb lists an organization's needed portraits, you will find updated pictures quickly -find each player's name on their team's roster, click on the player, and right-click and save target ensure you have mvpedit and load the .mbe file that came with the latest baseup rosters (2012 phase 1) check to see if the player is in the database; most single-a and half of the double-a players are not in there -open up in photoshop; hit ctrl+alt+i to resize each image to 128x128 -hit W and click on the image background -hit G and dump the bucket so the background is black -save as BMP file, 24 bit to make transparent Alpha: -hit shift+alt+i to select the inverse (only the player) -hit ctrl x and cut the player out (you should have a white background where the player was against a black background) -click Image---Mode----Grayscale Save as BMP, (it will default to 8 bit) and save with an 'A' on the end of the name (easiest) For players IN the .MBE database: -click on player's portrait in MVPedit -a new window will pop up and big buttons will allow you to replace both 24 and 8 bit alphas -click on another player on the roster, then click on the player you just edited; the pic should show up- if it didn't work, then the fsh is not updated -keep your mvpedit folder open- the open player's fsh file will be there -copy the fsh file into a folder that will store all your fsh files -if the player has no portrait, click on 'no photo available' and add them as above -if the portrait already loaded looks unusally big, then resize your 24 and 8 bit alpha to 256x256 or else it won't work For players that are not in database yet: -Now that you have both a 24 and 8 bit in the folder where you saved them, zip (I use winrar) both files and save as players name -place all zip files after completion into a single archive and send to kyleb This sounds like a long drawn out process, but the time for me from getting the originally photo to fsh or individual archive is only a minute/90 seconds per player. Use the photoshop key shortcuts! It saves time. Sorry if you know most of this (not insulting your intelligence) but not sure how much you've dealt with portraits before-probably not alot. Let me know if I missed anything Hope this helps
  19. I swear I hate doing portraits...so damn redundant... lol
  20. Oakland organization is Done; Needed portraits and updates for the Oakland organization: Sacremento River Cats 6974 - Joel Galaragga Not in Database Photo Done 7028 - Justin Souza Done 6923 - Carlos Hernandez Done 6930 - Travis Banwart Done 7836 - Bruce Billings Done 9424 - Brandon Hicks Done Midland RockHounds 8641 - Shane Peterson Done 9959 - Michael Spina Done 4351 - Anthony Aliotti Not in Database- Pics Done 6770 - Tyler Ladendorf Done 9792 - Leonardo Gil Not in Database Photo Done 9794 - Ryan Lipkin Not in Database Photo Done 2864 - Conner Crumbliss Not in Database Photo Done 9958 - Jeremy Barfield Done 9960 - Trey Barham Done 9951 - Paul Smyth Done 6837 - Jonathan Ortiz Done 9793 - A.J. Huttenlocker Not in Database Photo Done 9952 - Shawn Haviland Done 2142 - A.J. Griffin Not in Database Photo Done 8600 - Gary Daley Done 6990 - James Simmons Done 9953 - Murphy Smith Done 2739 - Daniel Straily Not in Database Photo Done 1995 - Dusty Coleman Not in Database Photo Done Stockton Ports 9798 - Miles Head Not in Database Photo Done 9799 - A.J. Kirby-Jones Not in Database Photo Done 8741 - Michael Gilmartin Not in Database Photo Done 9618 - Ryan Pineda Not in Database No Photo 9619 - Tony Thompson Not in Database Photo Done 6984 - Petey Paramore Done 1043 - Eliezer Mesa Not in Database Photo Done 6416 - Rashun Dixon Not in Database Photo Done 1246 - Jose Guzman Not in Database Photo Done 9613 - Ian Krol Not in Database Photo Done 9617 - Nate Long Not in Database Photo Done 9620 - Blake Treinen Not in Database Photo Done 9621 - T.J. Walz Not in Database Photo Done 6150 - Jacob Brown Not in Database Photo Done 9795 - Josh Bowman Not in Database Photo Done 9796 - A.J. Cole Not in Database Photo Done 9797 - Blake Hassebrock Not in Database Photo Done 9790 - Chris Bostick Not in Database No Photo
  21. Needed portraits and updates for the Oakland organization: Sacremento River Cats 6974 - Joel Galaragga Not in Database Photo Done 7028 - Justin Souza Done 6923 - Carlos Hernandez Done 6930 - Travis Banwart Done 7836 - Bruce Billings Done 9424 - Brandon Hicks Done Midland RockHounds 8641 - Shane Peterson Done 9959 - Michael Spina Done 4351 - Anthony Aliotti Not in Database- Pics Done 6770 - Tyler Ladendorf Done 9792 - Leonardo Gil Not in Database Photo Done 9794 - Ryan Lipkin Not in Database Photo Done 2864 - Conner Crumbliss Not in Database Photo Done 9958 - Jeremy Barfield Done 9960 - Trey Barham 9951 - Paul Smyth 6837 - Jonathan Ortiz 9793 - A.J. Huttenlocker 9952 - Shawn Haviland 2142 - A.J. Griffin 8600 - Gary Daley 6990 - James Simmons 9953 - Murphy Smith 2739 - Daniel Straily 1995 - Dusty Coleman Stockton Ports 9798 - Miles Head 9799 - A.J. Kirby-Jones 8741 - Michael Gilmartin 9618 - Ryan Pineda 9619 - Tony Thompson 6984 - Petey Paramore 1043 - Eliezer Mesa 6416 - Rashun Dixon 1246 - Jose Guzman 9613 - Ian Krol 9617 - Nate Long 9620 - Blake Treinen 9621 - T.J. Walz 6150 - Jacob Brown 9795 - Josh Bowman 9796 - A.J. Cole 9797 - Blake Hassebrock 9790 - Chris Bostick
  22. What teams do you guys want initially for portraits? I'd rather start with the teams that you guys love-that's what I always do...lol. I can do probably 3 or 4 organizations done by this weekend.
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