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Everything posted by rroy0824

  1. Walk me through the process of what you did before the crash and maybe I can help you out.
  2. The lack of the old stadium modders doesn't concern me. While it is sill a lot of work, the list is not as daunting as it seams. What we are basically asking people to help out with is picking stadiums that are similar to the college stadium and replace textures to make the stadium look close. There is really no Oedit or Zmod or whatever involved. While the stadiums are not perfect, they usually look pretty great. Think of it more as modding stadiums in the 2K games. As for a beta, not to speak for bctrackboi11, but I don't think we need one right now. I really don't think a site wide beta would be the way to go, but maybe we could send one to a few trusted people a few weeks before release. I would rather release a complete mod that we are happy with instead of a half done one. That is part of the reason this is taking so long, but I think it will be well worth it. I actually would like to look at your global ranges, if you don't mind. I am sure there is some useful stuff in there that we could use. Thank you for offering that.
  3. Yeah, but this time its because they have been canceled for the second time in a year. ROH starts tonight on Destination America. If you have never seen it, it is worth watching.
  4. Well, I didn't see that coming... Edit: got me... That is what I get for half watching.
  5. Cena vs Owens was great. For all the flack that Cena gets, he puts on some great matches. Pretty cool that Owens got the clean win.
  6. WWEShop has 3 new shirts for Kevin Owens right now. Let it happen WWE...
  7. ​That is actually Sensational Sherri Martel in the background. I've seen it like a million times and still laugh.
  8. Fair enough. Both of you are entitled to your opinions and I can respect that. For what it is worth, I have no problem with either of you. It is always good to talk baseball for a bit and it is something that this site could use more of. Good night to you both.
  9. They are just examples. You are saying he is a steroid user because of his past problems and his alleged friendship with Ortiz. I am just trying to show you that neither one of these things makes a guy a steroid user. We could have this discussion about any player that has never been linked to steroids and I would feel the same way. This whole thing is just coming off as people saying that guy is just too good and there is no way he can be doing it honestly. If he played before the steroid era, we would consider him one of the greatest of all time. Now I guess we are just so jaded that anyone that is good must be cheating. I choose to not believe this.
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