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Posts posted by rroy0824

  1. did you ever see when booker told hogan im coming for you n*gga.... on live tv.... and sharmel just buries her face in her hands and starts laughing

    ​That is actually Sensational Sherri Martel in the background.  I've seen it like a million times and still laugh.

  2. Well, I don't know. Maybe I don't trust these players anymore because they mean less to me now then when I first started following the game. But I do know one thing. That is your opinion and that is worth just as much as anyone else here and that is good enough for me. :)

    Fair enough. Both of you are entitled to your opinions and I can respect that. For what it is worth, I have no problem with either of you. It is always good to talk baseball for a bit and it is something that this site could use more of. Good night to you both. :)

  3. No, I don't see the point. You get a picture of Jeter because he's a guy that has never been accused of cheating. You also could have grabbed a photo of Ortiz with Mariano Rivera, also a Yankee, a Hall of Famer and no one ever thought he was a cheater.

    As for Mantle, is he the only alcoholic to play in the majors? Look through the Hall of Fame members and you will see he has plenty of company.

    They are just examples. You are saying he is a steroid user because of his past problems and his alleged friendship with Ortiz. I am just trying to show you that neither one of these things makes a guy a steroid user.

    Pretend you are a fan of any other team and you will understand.

    We could have this discussion about any player that has never been linked to steroids and I would feel the same way. This whole thing is just coming off as people saying that guy is just too good and there is no way he can be doing it honestly. If he played before the steroid era, we would consider him one of the greatest of all time. Now I guess we are just so jaded that anyone that is good must be cheating. I choose to not believe this.

  4. What the &&&&? Why bring up Yankees when you are trying to make a point? Is there any reason you had to drag in Jeter, except that he's a Yankee? I just don't get it.

    And I am sure if I bothered to look hard enough I would find pictures of Ortiz hooting and hollering and carrying on with Justin Verlander or Scherzer. But I won't.

    You're missing the point. It doesn't have anything to do with them being Yankees. I used Jeter because he is a Hall of Famer that is not accused of being a steroid user and is clearly showing that he is friends with David Ortiz. I used Mantle because he was a known alcoholic that was never accused of steroid use. Both very relevant to the discussion. Plus, I am talking to a huge Yankee fan so their names were the first I thought of. I am sorry if that offended you, but we are accusing a Tiger of cheating for no reason. I know nothing of a friendship between the Cabrera and Ortiz except maybe a few pictures. I'm sure you can find pictures of Ortiz with every player. Doesn't make them steroid users.

    I have really yet to hear a legitimate reason as to why we are even talking about this. It is all just random speculation with no real facts to back up anything.

  5. I am questioning Cabrera because of his friendship with Ortiz. Birds of a feather, etc.

    Then why bring up the fact that he was in trouble? That has nothing to do with Ortiz. I know nothing about their personal lives and whether they are friends or not. No one really does except them. I will say though, that both are pretty friendly and respected among the league. So I'm sure they talk as much as any players. I mean we have pictures like this:


    We can't call all of Ortiz's "friends" steroid users.

  6. Who gives a sh** what Mantle did? It was a different era. He was the big man on the team so no one said anything when he drank and ran around on his wife. He didn't do steroids. Alcohol shortened his career. And why bring up Mantle in this?

    When I brought up Trout's jump in numbers, you said, "I'm not questioning Trout. The guy's never been in trouble so there is no reason to accuse him of something". Of course Mantle wasn't on steroids. No one would accuse him of being a steroid user just because he had a drinking problem. There is no direct link between the two. Outside of his incidents with alcohol, what trouble has Cabrera been in? Accusing him of steroids because of his past alcohol related issues just doesn't make sense to me.

  7. I'm not questioning Trout. The guy's never been in trouble so there is no reason to accuse him of something.

    Cabrera had a drinking problem and got into an altercation with his wife. The incident with his wife is inexcusable and shouldn't have happened. He screwed up big time, but that doesn't make him a cheater. The incident wasn't caused by roid rage, it was caused by a problem with alcohol. Plenty of people have a problem with alcohol and it doesn't make them a bad person or a person more likely to cheat at baseball. Mickey Mantle was known to have an alcohol problem among other things, but no one calls him a steroid user. Like I said, he has been working on his problem and hasn't had any issues since. This doesn't make him a bad person and I've never heard any player say a bad thing about the guy.

  8. You know what that is? Because it's harder for minor leaguers to get their order of steroids. A major leaguer has someone do it for him so when someone like David Ortiz says that "he never got involved with steroids" it's true. He had someone else get involved for him.

    Again, it probably has more to do with the fact that Cabrera was 17 years old and playing minor league baseball. Most 17 year old kids are still in high school. Why is it so hard to believe that a kid just developed? Mike Trout (a guy that gotribematt said he thought was not a steroid user) hit 30 HR in his rookie year. Do you know how many he hit in his last full year in the minors? 11. So can we just call him a steroid user too? This is how ridiculous this whole argument is. God forbid someone just be a better player than everyone else. Every generation has its standouts and guys like Cabrera and Trout are this generation's. It doesn't make them cheaters.

  9. don't you guys dare bring griffey into this conversation. :angry:

    I only did because he is seen as the ultimate clean guy from that era.

    This whole thing is pretty pointless though. He obviously wants to believe that Cabrera is steroid user and I'm not going to be able to convince him otherwise. I guess just believe what you want.

  10. Cabrera like all players are tested. The testing can be well there are ways around it. They have lots of masking things to get around baseballs test. I said before the Biogenis players didn't test positive they were caught by other means. I am a big fan of the Dan Patrick show he talked to someone close to the testing process that said "you have to be an idiot to be caught" when it comes to testing.

    Like I said before, the mistakes of others shouldn't be a knock against him. You shouldn't judge an entire race of people based on the actions of a few and you shouldn't judge all baseball players based on a select group of cheaters. The game is much different now than it was in the past. Until he fails a test, he should be considered clean. To me this point makes no sense.

    The thing about Cabrera that sticks out is he never hit more then 10 hrs in the minors batted .286 there all of a sudden hes a near .300 hitting Hr hitter. Ummmmm yeah I'm going to throw the BS flag. His first full big league season he more then tripled his highest minor league HR total. Thats a pretty big jump. Then he's winning the triple crown beating the guys who we no were cheating. Again BS flag. Lance Armstrong told us he was just good enough to beat the cheaters on his own to. We no Armstrong was lieing. I 100% believe Cabrera is to.

    What, when he was 17 years old? Players typically do not hit well right away. It takes time to develop and adjust to Major League pitching. That is the entire point of the Minor Leagues. Cabrera never hit 40 HR until his 9th year in the majors. Ken Griffey, Jr. never hit more than 14 HR in the minors. He hit 45 HR in his 5th year in the majors. He must be a steroid user too, right? This also doesn't work for me.

    But I'll never convince tiger fans of that just like they won't convince me otherwise. I have no real proof persay but I've heard this story before and each time it has ended up being the same way the guy was cheating. So I have no reason to think otherwise given the things Cabrera has done in his personal life he's not just to good of a guy to cheat. Sorry.

    You're right. You have no proof to show that he is a cheater. If he was an Indian, you would absolutely love the guy. The personal life stuff is just that, personal. Who are you or I to judge a guy who had an alcohol problem? He has admitted mistakes and have tried to better himself. This doesn't make him a bad person. Let's not forget that he has been nominated twice for the Roberto Clemente Award for his work with children.

  11. I wish I could give you an answer to this Dennis, but it is something that I never could figure out myself. To this day I still have this problem when trying to change the license screen. Sorry I can't be any help, but I hope you figure it out because it is something I would like to know too.

  12. LOL! I couldn't agree with you more. Almost all of these uniform updates are downgrades in my opinion (from the previous year). The Boston away uniforms are better, the Royals and A's are decent; but those Braves one's are horrendous. :bad:

    Boston looks great. The red is way better than the boring blue road. The old green A's jersey was better, but this one is nice too. The Giants and Royals look great, but I wish the Royals would wear those with white pants.

    The worst of them all is that the Dodgers feel it is necessary to have both of these jerseys in the rotation this year.



  13. Well Homer, switching the uniforms.big seemed to solve the problem. Thank you so much. I will definitely let you know about converting the uniforms. Dennis, thank you for your help as well. The uniform limit is something we will have to take into consideration and we may have to limit the amount of uniforms we put in. Thank you both. :good:

  14. you should always install on a fresh models.big. it sounds like your crashing issue has to do with the uniforms.big file.

    Which is what I was doing. I guess my question now becomes how far can I push the models.big file? If it's not filled with cyberfaces then that should save some room, right?

    And I just saw you said kraw's uniform.big and not models.big. My mistake.

  15. Hey brudda, so I got everything working with both slots (#81 & #118).

    I don't know if the way I do this is the fastest or easiest, but I know that it always works for me. So, what I do is use all of the Cleveland Indians uniforms, fonts, and uniform select components, I "rename" them and then plug them into whatever slot I want. What this will do is plug in all 14 Indians uniforms into the slot PLUS it effectively "opens up" these slots. From there you can simply add your uniforms and fill them up with your new uniforms and they work fine.

    All you would have to do is this:

    (1) Use BigGui and open up the data/frontend/uniforms.big file. Now find the slot you want to replace (we'll use #81 as an example).

    (2) Delete EVERY instance/.fsh files of "81". This means 081.fsh, 081a.fsh, 081b.fsh, et al.

    (3) Now open the data/models.big files with BigGui and we want to delete ALL font and uniform files related to slot #81. This means f081.fsh.....and the u081.fsh files......

    (4) Finally, just close BigGui and install the two ZIP files I have for you with TiT.

    *each of these ZIP files contain the "plug-in" of Indians uniforms for slots #81 & #118. Again, this means they will plug in the uniform select, fonts, and actual uniform files into these slots. Then you're free to install your new uniforms and everything lines up fine.

    I double-checked both these teams with their "new" Indians uniforms and tried many of the uniforms (throwbacks, modern, spring training) and they all work with no crashing.

    I hope this made sense and I'll be glad to answer further questions if you have any problems. :clapping:

    Thanks Dennis, I'll give this a try when I get home. Hopefully that will solve my problems. Thanks a lot.
  16. i would reiterate what DJ is saying. also, there's an inherent limit to how many uniforms you can install. at some point the models.big and the uniforms.big files can get overloaded. are you installing on a clean one? the only go around i've found in going past the limit on the uniforms.big file is to use the one from the 08 mod. kraw said he didn't do anything special to it, but for whatever reason it's the only one i've ever used where i could install uniforms in every slot without crashing, as long as you don't overload the models.big. i've already tested and confirmed that there are 15 uniform slots for every team at every level. if you're install 2x uniforms, the models.big file gets too big before you can fill the slots up though. 1x uniforms are a different story however.

    I've been installing them on a new models.big and creating them in 2x. I've only made 100 or so uniforms so I don't think I've reached it yet. Now if I use kraw's model will I still reach this limit eventually? I would hate to do this, but if I limit the teams to say 4 uniforms each, would I still be over the limit? That would be a little depressing, but if it's the only way...

    what format are each file in when you use Tit?

    I've taken the .fsh files for the u and f files and .bmp files for selection screens and packed them up into a .rar.

  17. Hey rroy,

    In addition to trying to add the actual uniform slots to M, N, and O...are you also adding them to the Uniform Select sections to? What I mean by that is the data/frontend/uniforms section. If those do not correspond properly, you'll get crashes.

    Can you tell me when do you get the crash? When you are picking uniforms or does the game actually attempt to start?

    Also, can you tell me which minor league uniform slot you are having problems with? I'm confident I can get this fixed for you. With a lot of my custom installs, I have added a whole bunch of uniform slots into many minor league slots.


    Yup, I've added uniforms, fonts and selection screens. I've done this before and had no problem, but for some reason I am now.

    It crashes as soon as I select the team and it goes to the uniform selection/preview screen. It crashes immediately without showing any of the uniforms.

    081 and 118. Like I said, I've done this before so I don't know why I'm having problems. Thanks for taking a look. I don't know if you have access to the Dropbox, but if not I can send my files over if you need them. Hopefully it's just something I've missed. Thanks a lot.

  18. While working on the NCAA Mod I found that if I add uniforms to minor league teams at slots M,N, and O the game crashes at the uniform selection screen. Is there a reason or work around for this? I've only tried it with two teams, but so far I'm 0 for 2. I would prefer to not have to delete uniforms if I don't have to. I've been installing with TiT and the slots I've tried were at 081 and 118.

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