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Posts posted by rroy0824

  1. Hmm, I'm pretty sure the MVP is an individual award. Somehow it's Trout's fault that the Angels rotation includes...

    Jerome Williams

    Joe Blanton

    Tommy Hanson

    And the fact that Pujols (hampered by injuries) and Hamilton have had their worst statistical seasons to date, should further hurt Trout's case at an MVP? Asinine.

    In my mind and in many others, MVP stands for Most Valuable Player and is not the player of the year trophy. As weird as it sounds, to me there is a difference. Is it Trout's fault the Angles are losing? Absolutely not. However, how your team finishes should play a factor. I will admit though that it should be a small one because like you said, it's not his fault and he is playing great.

    If the award in debate here was Most Valuable Hitter, Cabrera takes the cake. But it's not. Cabrera is statistically the worst defensive player at his position in the Major Leagues (according to UZR he has cost the Tigers 11.1 runs this year), with absolutely no range, and on the basepaths, one of the slowest. Basically, he hurts his team in a rather substantial way when he's not at the plate.

    Believe it or not, he is not an awful fielder. He is not great by any means, but he has an absolute cannon and makes most of the plays he gets to. His range sucks, but lets not forget he would be playing first on most teams. Saying that he hurts the Tigers by running the bases just isn't true at all.

    And rroy, whether you want to admit it or not your perspective is skewed because you are a Tigers fan. I can see why you would naturally want Miggy to win the award.

    I know you probably won't believe it, but I'm not being bias. In the past 25 years only 5 players have hit over .360. Cabrera had an MVP season last year and has only done better this year. Forget the triple crown completely, he's playing better than anyone. I also said Chris Davis has a pretty good case for winning it too.

    And as I'm typing this, home run off Mariano.

  2. If Miguel Cabrera wins the MVP award over Trout again this year I'm going to lose my mind.

    I know I haven't posted here in a long time, but I was curious to know why. The numbers don't lie.

    Mike Trout- BA-.328 HR-20 RBI-71 OBP-.423 SLG-.572 in 114 games for a third place team.

    Miguel Cabrera- BA-.363 HR-35 RBI-109 OBP-.455 SLG-.676 in 107 games for a team with the third best record overall.

    Trout is no doubt having a great year, but Cabrera has a legitimate chance at a second triple crown here. Trout may have him beat in stolen bases and fielding, but Cabrera is having too good of a year. For some reason, I don't think he gets the credit he deserves sometimes. Chris Davis has a pretty good argument for MVP as well, but his average is a little lower.

  3. I agree, his new gimmick was rather refreshing and Zeb is really talented on the mic, but the point is that Swagger is a fu**-up, and rumor has it that WWE has warned him before about his marijuana problem. He finally gets a good push, but shows that he has no sense of how to carry himself as a professional and a top-tier guy outside the ring, and ruins it like this. Good riddance. I like your Ziggler/Del Rio idea though, it will be interesting to see what Dolph does with the MITB before WM.

    Oh absolutely. If I was given a "main event" match at Wrestlemania I would so careful about what I did. I wouldn't drive anywhere and would stay in the hotel as much as possible. Risking your shot makes no sense to me.

    The worst part is I read that Dutch Mantel was involved so that he could raise money for his granddaughter who died in a car crash. If that is true then what Swagger did just sucks.

    But yeah, it will be interesting to see what they do. This might just be what Dolph needs to finally get his push.

  4. He's been pushed way too fast (once again) and in no way deserves the World Heavyweight Title (once again). Hopefully this means we won't see him vs. Del Rio at WM 29 (snooze match).

    I kind of liked his new gimmick. I was kind of interested in how far WWE was going to let him push his whole Zeb Colter/Tea Party thing, especially with him facing the Mexican Del Rio. Kind of bummed about that.

    Basically, here is what I think they could do now that Swagger will be suspended if not fired. On Raw have Swagger and Del Rio involved in a tag match or something, lights go out and the Shield destroys everyone and "injures" Swagger (justice because Swagger came back and was just given a shot) and attacks Del Rio. Ziggler comes out and cashes in MITB and wins the championship. Shield looks strong, writes out Swagger, and it sets up Ziggler vs. Del Rio at Mania.

  5. according to this article from mlb.com the orange will be the home,there is another alternate BP that hasnt been made official that has an Orange cap but different cap logo,i made it in the batting practice uni sets


    The orange hats and socks are for Saturday home games. At the actual unveiling the only thing they didn't show was the orange hats. Its also listed this way on SportsLogos.net, which is usually pretty good with these sorts of things.


    The uniforms look great though. I would for sure download these if I had 2k12. :good:

  6. Well I just watched this video and I did not understand one word this guy was saying, but I still stuck it out until the end. I did see the scene with the skeletons in the movie theater but I didn't understand why they were there or what it was supposed to mean and I do not think for one second that this should be associated with the movie theater incident in any way and if anyone tries doing that they are just grasping at straws.

    Police believe this James Holmes guy had this planned long in advance and he didn't get his idea from watching this.

    Thats why I said it happened at the 3:38 mark. That way you didn't have to watch the whole thing. And yeah, know one really knows whats going on in the video.

    I agree, I don't think this video had anything to do with the shooting. What I am trying to say is, people look way to much into things and come up with ridiculous conspiracies. People posting on Youtube or other places say it's Illuminati or whatever. People look way to much into things. The other things in the video was the smoke and a girl in a Batman looking mask. Those are at different parts in the video. I don't think that Lil Wayne knew about the shootings. To say that would be ridiculous, but it is a weird coincidence.

  7. Posting this here because I wouldn't know where else to put it. And before I go on, what happened in Aurora was one of the the worst things that could have happened. This is getting some news and I just wanted to see what people thought.

    For those who don't know, rapper Lil Wayne's new music video for this song, My Homies Still, came out three days before the shootings in Aurora. The video is very strange and has a buch of crazy parts that make no sense to anyone. At the end, around the 3:38 mark, there is scene with the group in a movie theater and 12 skeletons in the theater. The same number as the number killed in the shooting. It later shows more to about 24. The video came out before the shooting and is a horrible coincidence. Lil Wayne has yet to comment. The video is here (warning for language, the movie theater part is around 3:38):

    To me, this is just strange. There are a bunch of conspiracies, like Illuminati, that people are coming up with and blowing this story up. I think the video will be edited and changed in the next few days. What happened is terrible. Stuff like that should never happen. But I don't think a music video had to do with anything. I think people are looking too much into it. However, the video needs to be chnaged. They should understand, even though the video came out before the shootings.

  8. lol nobody have the year change i think, buy anyway doesnt matter, i will download the 2012 schedule mod is the only think i need, Thanks for the link and the info, i will play only season mode after all!

    You still need the year changer to make the schedule correct, otherwise it will still be 2005 and the season will start on the wrong day. I would uploaded it, but its not my file and I can't. Download the 1994 mod and get it from there.

  9. Im not searching for year change, what a im looking for is start a new season with the 2012 opponents!

    Okay!... Well then you either need the MVP 2012 TC Mod or just the 2012 schedule mod. But you will need the year changer for both of them. Otherwise, it will still be 2005 and the schedule will start on the wrong date and all games will be on the worng day.

    Owner mode is actually tricky with the year changer because when you advance the schedule ahead in years, you actually lose money for those years in which you essentially "skipped". Owner mode doesn't just skip those years, it tracks your money and you end up millions of dollars in debt.

    Make sense. That kind of stinks, but I don't like owner mode at all anyway. I like to play in the real stadium and not worry about the money. :p

  10. Don't have it, but I've tried it in season mode and even though it looks successful, the progression bar goes to the end and won't let me advance. That is, in the background I can see that the date has changed, my little animated email icon is dancing, but I can't get out of the progression bar. TC12 may not like the schedule updater or vice versa.

    We are talking about the tool that changes the year, right? Because if so, it works no problem for me in season mode in the 2012 mod. Didn't try owner mode, but I would guess it would work as well.

    As for the tool itself, the only place to find it is part of the MVP 1994 mod. It's not uploaded anywhere else.

  11. @rroy: I finally know a band that you featured! :)

    Haha :lol: Well yay! I'm proud of us! ;)

    A great song, with a awesome rhythm to it, The White Stripes-Seven Nation Army:

    Which gave us an awesome sports chant like this:

    And I know Michigan isn't the first team to do this, but its the biggest stadium so, yeah. :p

  12. When I open MVPEdit, I get an error message saying that a file is not found.

    If the error mentions the file MSCOMCTL.OCX, COMDLG32.OCX or TABCTL32.OCX, download this file. When it's downloaded, run it. When this has finished, run MVPEdit again and you should be able to use it without the error appearing again.

    So I got a new laptop the other day. It runs Windows 7 64-bit and when trying to run loclook or MVPEdit I get the missing COMDLG32.OCX message. I ran this installer and it did nothing for me, still get the message. Any ideas? Not sure where it went wrong.

  13. Anyone remember when Bret Michaels was a singer and not some guy on a bunch of reality shows? :p I like a lot of 80's hair bands and I'll probably post more in the near future. Poison happens to be one of bands I like and this is a great song.

    Poison-Nothin' But A Good Time:

  14. This is one of, if not my favorite song by Kanye West. It's a bit slower then most songs I like, but it is still a great song. It also has a pretty cool video. :p

    Kanye West-Heartless:

    And as a bonus, The Fray did a cover of it. In my opinion, I don't think it is better then the Kanye version, but it is still a good cover.

  15. @rroy0824 YES YES YES YES :p Afterlife is such a good song, blistering solo on top of that.

    Haha. YES! YES! YES! :lol: It is a great song and due to whatever, it is the first song in my iPod when in alphabetical order. Thats how I thought of this song today. :p They put out a bunch of great songs and I like them a lot. Great band!

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