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Posts posted by rroy0824

  1. My music taste is a bit different then some of yours, but thats okay. It will make this thread more fun to have many styles and taste.


    I really like B.o.B Strange Clouds album. Some good songs on there like these.


    Warning: Language is kind of PG-13





  2. I'll start with this, if anyone is a fan of Childish Gambino the Royalty mixtape has good and bad parts. We Ain't Them (below) and other songs are great but some of the other stuff isn't good at all. I was a bit disapointed because I was looking forward to it.

    Warning: Language

    If you have never heard of him, he is worth listening to. His Camp album is great. He's also Troy from the show Community.

  3. Oh yeah, you are not kidding. You won't get an argument from me about this. The Yankees have bandwagon fans too and you can spot them a mile away.

    I agree that if you spot someone wearing a Babe Ruth T-shirt or jersey may only know the basics about him. Maybe all he knows about Ruth is that he's a player that he unlocked in a baseball video game.

    When your team has a bit of success you are suddenly going to see your favorite team on everyone. I saw it first hand with the Yankees. They won nothing in the 80's. In the early 90's they had a lousy team. In fact they ended up in last place in 1990. Then they started to improve. After the great run from 1996 to 2000 you couldn't count the Yankee hats and jerseys around you as compared to before when you only saw two or three. There's some Yankee fans today who don't know or care about anything before 1996 because they never heard of them before then.

    Right, same with the Tigers in 2006. I just don't think you can base fan knowlegde on a shirt. :)

  4. That's definitely a nice sentiment musty and it is appreciated...but instead of any Paypal donation...could you just arrange a date with this girl for me? Really...just one date/night would be just bueno! :good:


    You can't have her.... Shes mine. :)

    Great job with this guys! I don't come around that much anymore but when I saw this was really getting done this year it made me want to play the game again. Great job!

  5. I suppose the reason why I wrote what I did was when I am watching all the Yankee games that I do and every time they pan the crowd I see T-shirts with a lot of the old Yankee legends mixed in with the ones you would expect to see (like Jeter, A-Rod and Cano.) I always see Ruth, Gehrig, Mantle, Munson, etc all the time and that is why I wondered about these people and their knowledge of the Red Sox.

    Thats true, people do have those shirts for the Yankees. However, I don't think that just because you have a shirt of a player from the past that it means you know more about you're teams history. The 18 year old kid with the Babe Ruth shirt may or may not know anything about Babe Ruth other then he hit a ton of homeruns. These are people who are usually fake fans. Every team has them, not just the Red Sox. I can't count the number of people with Yankees hats on that couldn't name a player other then A-Rod or Jeter. I'm not saying you're 100% wrong though. The Red Sox are a team with a lot of bandwagon fans, but there are some real fans too. ;)

  6. I have to disagree with you about the shirts meaning they were only fans since 2004. Most people buy shirts with the current players on it. Even though some of the players are gone, you can see why they bought the shirt. If you go to a Tigers game, you see shirts with Cabrera, Verlander, and even still, Inge. You don't see too many Trammell or Morris shirts. I think saying they are only fans since 2004 is a bit of a stretch. But I wasn't there, maybe there was more to it.

  7. on a good note ,every year we have night of the legends bouts here in franklin Pa for iwc wrestling in which this year we had jerry the king lawler,rock n roll express and midnight express and many others.For those that watch wwe be on the look out for a guy named matt justice.Not sure if he will continue to use this name but he looks very promising and we saw his last match before he goes pro to the wwe

    Sounds like a good time. I read that Justice was signed by the WWE but i have never watched any of his matches. Its cool that you got to see that match. I have never been to a indy show but I would like to go some day.

  8. i usually post things towards him that would get a response from his marks or him lol. excited that chris harris is back, pissed that chyna showed up, and im not buying this "impact wrestling" bullshit, its going to be the same tna where theres 3/4 talking and 1/4 wrestling. and this whole angle they are doing with the xdivision and bischoff is REALLY pissing me off.

    Im thinking that this angle is being done to bring the X division back. Bischoff and Hogan saying the X division is worthless and then Foley saying wrestling matters, he gets Bischoff and Hogan out of power, and gives the X division guys a chance.

  9. Lots of things going on in wrestling right now. TNA becoming Impact! Wrestling, Chyna returning, Chris Harris back, Kong/Kharma in the WWE, and Christian finally winning the title and then losing it in a week. Also have any of you been watching the Zack Ryder youtube videos? Very funny and he usually gets more views the NXT, Superstars, or Smackdown gets on youtube. WWE should push him to a US title, although it looks like he is back with Hawkins, which is cool too if it means he gets on TV.


    "Zack Ryder can draw money" :rofl:

  10. Exactly, i was hoping he was going to say just kidding, or Del rios music was going to hit but i guess its 100% legit. Im glad hes retiring for his own well being knowing now that if he continues it could be permanent damage to his body. But WWE has certinatley lost their Edge, hall of famer for sure, and ive been an Edge fan my whole life....really sad to see somebody go out like this, its been real Edge.

    I'm hoping he at least stays around in some sort of Stone Cold role and shows up every now and then. Im not saying he will have another match but maybe he could even be a commentator? Jerry Lawlers got to be getting close to the end and I wouldn't mind Edge doing that. You never know.

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