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Posts posted by rroy0824

  1. Ridiculously good. You should ask for a "donation" for this. Plus, one can easily turn their controller to simulate a "hit stick" as in MVP 06.

    Thanks, but i dont like all that "donation" stuff, i mod for fun not to get paid

  2. Hey rroy, I have some spare time on my hands and I'm feeling creative, if you need some help, could you send me the uni template, teams that need to be done and anything else that's neccesary.

    Thanks in advance.

    give me like 10 min and i'll send it over to you

    thanks a lot

  3. hey, I would like to help with this project, but i dont have any experience with uniform templates for mvp baseball. how many teams do you have completed so far?

    so far i have 14 teams done with a 119 uniforms. not as many as i would like, but i should be able to work on this more now that i have more time

    any help that you can give is appreciated, just tell me what you would like to try, thanks

  4. Whilst I agree they aren't too hard to do, the time you'll spend doing 3000 portraits could be spent on more neccesary parts on the mod (Such us Unis, Logos, Rosters and even cosmetic stadium mods). Also talking from experience, I only did around 650 on my mod personally, but my god was it soul crushing.

    yeah i dont know i'll have to figure that out some time down the road, right now im just going to keep working on the uniforms and when i get those done we'll see

  5. Cyberfaces should be completely ignored to be honest. Same with portraits. Guys don't hang around long enough in the NCAA to justify all the effort.

    i agree on the cyberfaces, portraits maybe because they arnt that hard to find and do so if someone wanted to do them, i may even do some when i get the uniforms done, but right now the protraits arnt really on the top of my to do list

  6. Wow, this looks great. I remember a project like this a few years back, never got off the ground. Good to see that this project is up and running again!

    thanks dudley

    Ok, tell me which team's uniforms you have done and I'll work on them - I am no good with cyber faces, so we may need help in that category!

    i sent you a list of the team ive done and still have to do

    thanks alot

  7. Looks great! Sorry I haven't been around much, a lot of stuff been happening haha - has anyone ever started the rosters? I have tons of free time at night now because of my situation and I can start doing those haha

    nope no one is doing rosters now so of want to do some of the teams then go ahead. Thanks alot for helping

  8. still going at it, heres some of the work i've been doing




    also if anyone has the templates for the pull over type uniforms and could send them to me then it would be greatly appreciated, for some reason i cant get to the download on the site

  9. Pretty stuff! With being able to impliment swing stick and possibly throw stick, it could emulate NCAA06/07 a bit.

    thanks alot :), when its done it should be kind of like mvp 06 just with different stadiums and more uniforms

  10. heres some new updates




    so thats were i stand right now, i've been kind of busy the last few days so i havn't gotten to do as much as i may have wanted to. if anyone is intrested in helping just say what you would like to try, i could use a bunch of help

  11. I attached a link to the above post. If anyone has MVP 06, maybe they can rip that sound for you. I have one more file I can try to get you from another site as well.

    The uniforms are looking good though. It'll be worth it in the end.

    thanks alot ill have to try to put it in later and see how it sounds

  12. Find a good video of a college game, with the "ping" and rip the audio from it. At least it's a start until you could find a better sound.

    yeah that's a good idea I'll have to look for something, right now Im not to worried about that as much as the uniforms. I think I have 3 out of 122 teams done so I have a long time before this is done

  13. Nice one!

    yeah this looks great!

    thanks alot guys, i still have alot more to do but its a start

    Wow..... impressive. Will it have the "ping"?

    thanks, if i can find a way to do it then i will, i know theres a few metal bat mods around here so maybe one of them have it, i'll just have to look around

  14. hey guys just a update, im still working on somethings, mainly uniforms now, so this isn't dead

    heres some of the things ive been doing, right now ive just have the espn overlay in there and the defult 05 rosters





  15. I suck at digging into the graphic files, but if you guys are interested in this cover/splash page design, I'd love to contribute. If not, I have thick skin :)

    3rd cover down: http://gwvisuals.yolasite.com/pagefour.php

    i like it dafly,it looks really good :)

  16. I'm just jumping in here if you guys don't mind because I really hope that something can be done with this mod. I think it was a great idea when it first was introduced but unfortunately the wrong person was behind it and then when he decided that he actually had to do some work he took off and has not been back on the site since.

    I have two suggestions for you all and if you have already done this, then all I did here was make a post that was not needed. First off, do you have someone that is in charge of this mod? That helps things run smoother when someone is willing to do that. Secondly, have any of you contacted mcoll86 about this? Because mcoll was involved with this before and he is a guy who is dependable and is a good uniform maker. If you have not, someone ought to send him a PM and let him know that there are now quality people working on the NCAA mod and see if he would like to participate.

    That's all I got. Good luck now.

    i've been meaning to talk to mcoll and i should send him a pm, i know he was working on some stuff

    Total Classics are great, it's kind of become this games bread and butter, but it's nice to see some other people working on full conversion mods. I mean, we have at least 3 people other than Jim working on something, and I think it's great.

    One things for sure, and man I outta know, there is a lot of work to putting something together like this. So far, I am loving every minute of mine, but man, some of this stuff can get pretty tedious...

    Here's hoping you guys keep this sucker going, and make it happen. Sounds like the makings of a great mod.

    thanks emath, i know its going to be a lot of work, but i hope we can get it done

  17. I was thinking Freshman can be ran as A, Soph as AA, Jrs as AAA and Seniors/5th Years can be ran as MLB in the calculators...not sure if that would be 'age biased' but it makes the most sense...the guys who have been playing the longest have more knowledge of the college game than the incoming freshman...

    to me the other way we were thinking about makes more sense, because insted of every team being the same and having the same types of players and every team kind of being the same, we get some teams that are beter then others and it makes the smaller schools not as good as the bigger schools.

  18. ok so i have been working on the logos the last few days and i have the 32 mlb teams done. for numbers 31 and 32 i used the heros and legends teams, and i put the teams in alphabetical order. anyway what do you guys want to do for the all star teams? I was thinking just an all american team with just some of the best players on the 2 teams but anyone else have an idea?

  19. or do the ratings based on the level of the conference (Eg. The Best Conferences using MLB, Weakest using A)?

    that may be the best way to do it,

    as for the freshman and not being able to find the stats, this may be more work, but we could just take the player stats add them out and average them out and get team stats and use that. it may be more work but it sounds like it could work

  20. Since no one else is doing rosters I guess I could help.

    However, do you have an aim? If so, I can pm you mine and we can discuss it.

    I probably already know how to do the roster stuff, but I would just like it if you maybe told me how you would like me to do it (on aim).

    I am sometimes busy, but I could do this in my spare time.

    yeah pm me your aim and ill try to help you out, not right now though but maybe tomorrow, but right now im not sure if we are going to do rosters andys way (team stats) or the other way (player stats)

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