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Everything posted by 13ounty

  1. is there away to fix a player that is a cf and show up as a ss in the allstar voting?
  2. thats what im talking about i like to have the cards still working when u chance the pro settings instead of it getting disabled
  3. ty i like to see in the editor awhere you can edit the slider and still have the cards ? if possable
  4. ty so if i put arron hill of the jays on the 15 day will the game crash how do u stop it from crashing????
  5. ty can u see if u can get the dl type working for me as i have the codes for all dl types plz tnak you?
  6. ty there is a problem in the editor under throwing acc it is stuck on 25 on the 24 version
  7. yes when i put them on the dl with your program then when the time is up on the dl the game wont take them off the dl and the game crashes
  8. ty did u figure what i mean about the injuries?
  9. ok ty when u put someone on the dl say 15 days when the 15 days is over it wont put them off the dl it crashes can u see if u can get the dl type opertional too i have the injurie codes
  10. ty there is a problem with the injurys when the injuries are up it crashes
  11. ty are u still doing a full roster editor or what?
  12. TY do i have to buy a new code if i bought one for 2k9?
  13. do i have to buy a new code if i bought one for the 2k9?

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  14. why can't i get my roster editor to work on windows 7 now????? get a error saying "unable to acquire Crypt provider" what the hell is this lol
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