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Draft Pick (1/10)

    Excelent work bro, but fix the luis alexander basabe's face is the old man not the real faces. Thanks
  1. good job bro. thanks for it. i am looking for some rating and stats programs for edit my own roster if you can share yours. i´ll be thanks to you. sorry for my english i am from Cuba.
  2. ermisr


    i edit my own roster but i can not find the correct program for calculate the ratings players and i used de mvp2005 programs but is not the rigth. If you can give me the yours. i'll be grateful with you. i am from Cuba and i have not way to pay for it. Sorry for my english is to bad. Yo creo mi propio roster pero no encuentro la herramienta correcta para sacar el rating correcto de cada jugador por eso uso una del mvp2005 pero no es igual. si pudieras facilitarme la que usas tu te estare agradecido. yo soy de cuba y no tengo modo de pagarla por internet.
  3. ermisr


    good job brother, where can i find a rating players tool for the mlb2k12.
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