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    Lansing, MI

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  1. I just need to thank thank Jim and Dennis again for this, That is all.
  2. thanks much my friend, Hes to ugly to be using in game without any beard at all, so this is much better then nothing!
  3. 3 MONTHS THIS HAS BEEN OUT FOR THREE MONTHS AND NO ONE TOLD ME!!!! you all fail, repeat this grade next year. Jim, Thank you so much for this, when you told me you were working on this a couple years ago but to keep it under my hat, I was jittery with excitement. Right now, well, I'm emotionally erect. Dennis, Im certain with your hand in, this mod will be beyond definition. So happy to see your name on it. and as Y4K says, to all the modders here, thank you for keeping it alive.
  4. ty oscar
  5. oh how i could wax on about Ernie. Growing up in the Detroit Suburbs, i listened to the Tigers on the radio every game. Many a night with Harwell turned down low, whispering me the game till i fell asleep. Morgan and Miller, i do not like Morgan, but do like Miller. Bob Uecker is also a great radio voice, loved to listen to him do Brewers games on the internet before MLB cracked its broadcasts down tight. but i do have MLB radio now, so i should try and catch him again, if hes still doing them.
  6. yea love vrs two also, can still make out Trams face without the extra "mods" and white lines....verrry nice
  7. ive noticed people saying this about other mods, from time to time as well, and no one seems to have an answer yet. Id say its all very odd considering the mods have their own peculiar installer to get layed over the MVP05 files. you may need to go through everything MVP,EA, your Downloads and anywhere else the 13 mod might have been and make sure you delete everything you find. if you used separate folders during install, delete them. everything. (just witch hunting there) also, when you reinstall MVP05 from disc, you should get the option to install it somewhere other then its created EA folder. Id try doing just that, create a new place to install MVP05 off your discs and hopefully, that will do it.........
  8. i need to look up that program you mentioned Y4L lol
  9. too funny Dafly, how about something for the TC 88 mod and the best of 80s and 90s mod. would be cool if there was a DL with Icons to choose from for all the TC mods in one zip file......
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