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  1. Posting here because the MLB 2k10 forums are pretty much dead and the project I'm working on is for MLB 2k12 I'm trying to track down an editor for MLB 2k10 rosters current links on this site are dead. I just want to grab info on the legends in the game so I can convert them over to MLB 2k12 I already have the cyber face and portait info, just need to figure out their build and swings and such and was hoping to just copy that info from the 2k10 roster. Thanks in advance for the help
  2. utrr

    Portrait Numbers

    Ok I figured it out myself. If anyone cares Greg Maddux portrait number is 0441
  3. utrr

    Portrait Numbers

    Ok I'm new to the baseball modding scene, but I have done this with other games. My questions is how do I figure out what portrait number points toward a player. Was trying to attach a Greg Maddux portrait, but not sure I have the right ID number. It shows up as 258 in mod program,but now sure how that translates to a number that MLB recognizes
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