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Everything posted by Edtench

  1. Player progression is determined after spring training. Once you have completed spring training, the game automatically changes the player attributes and retires some players. Older players tend to see some of their attributes decline and younger, especially highly rated players will tend to see their attributes increase. There is some degree of randomness involved in the determination since you will get different results each time you have it determine player progression. My advice is to save your game, allow progression, view the results, and if you're not satisfied, perhaps because your favorite player took a hit to some key attributes or was retired, then go back and try it again until you're happy. Or, you can just go with what you get the first time.
  2. Daflyboys, Thanks- I'll try it out. Edtench
  3. Daflyboys, I have always enjoyed your rosters and appreciate the work you put into them. Having said that, I am having a strange issue with version 1.c of your roster for 2013. I have trades turned off but somehow teams are signing players. For example, the Cubs signed Derek Jeter and Jose Reyes. The Brewers singed Ryan Braun so now they have 2 Ryan Brauns on the team. The trades don't show up in the "team transactions" information in "around the league." What could be causing this?
  4. Those look very nice. I am looking forward to it. Some time ago I made a Marlins stadium out of the Mariner's ballpark.
  5. WBC 2013 is posted at MVPcaribe. I tried to download it but the download was taking forever, even using a download accelerator. I'll try again later.
  6. Thanks for your work on this. I was hoping someone would figure out how to schedule with Houston in the A.L. Nice job!
  7. Thanks for this schedule. I can't wait to try it out.
  8. If you have a saved dynasty that used the old roster, putting the new roster into the database folder will not change the roster in your saved game.
  9. Sounds good to me. I'd be happy to play it!
  10. I like the Los Rojos uniform and was just about to make one for myself.
  11. I have played about 30 games from this roster and everything is working well. I have injuries and trades turned on and have experienced no crashes or free agency issues or anything else. Thanks for the great work.
  12. I've played 12 games with trades and injuries turned on and so far everything looks good! Thanks for the time and effort you put into this roster. I'll report back after a dozen or so more games.
  13. Thanks for this roster. I am curious why Joey Votto is not on the MLB roster while Wilson Valdez is. LOL. Anyway, is this roster safe to use with injuries and trades turned on? Thanks.
  14. It's Dec. 2012 and I recently reverted back to this roster from April because of all the problems I was having with the MVP 2012 mod and the rosters made for that mod. So far, this roster, although a bit dated, seems to be working fine, even with injuries, suspensions, and trades turned on! Many thanks.
  15. Oldtimey, Good advice. These various rosters for 2012 seem particularly buggy. I can't fault the creators because they put in the hard work and I didn't. I guess I'll have to learn to like turning injuries, suspension, and trades off.
  16. Daflyboys, If I first sim the first season, will I be able to turn on injuries and suspensions for the second season without having crashes due to that?
  17. Thanks- your work is always appreciated.
  18. Hey, Homer, How's that Legends Mod coming? Nudge nudge.
  19. I appreciate all the work that went into making MVP 2012. I have played many games of MVP 2005 and modded version of MVP 08 and have rarely had problems with crashing. All of a sudden, using rosters for the 2012 season in the MVP 08 mod, I started having weird crashes. I switched over to the total conversion MVP 2012 mod and installed the patches for it and am having more crashing issues than ever before. As someone above mentioned, it may very well have to do with the rosters and with injuries. I haven't been able to figure it out. I finally decided to install MVP 07, copy the MVP 2012 models, portraits, audios, and uniforms into the MVP 07 game, and I haven't had a crash since- knock on wood.
  20. Dennis, Thanks for the fix. I didn't think about the datafile for the stadium. Good catch there.
  21. Thanks for this. There are some pretty cool looking unis in there.
  22. I have had issues with some of the modded stadiums. I have found the problems are usually down to a couple of things: 1. There are too many large images in the cram32.fsh file (my computer hates images larger than 1024 X 1024). I have seen some of these stadiums with 2048 X 2048 bitmaps. 2. The stadium.big file is not compressed properly. From what I recall, the only parts of stadium.big that are uncompressed are the ganim.dat, remap,ifo, and shadow.dat. This may not be the case with your set up, but my older computer seems fussy, especially with modded stadiums.
  23. Not that I know of. There are a few player progression mods posted that might have some information about how to mod the player progression file.
  24. Thanks for doing another great mod. I am intrigued by the rating system you discussed!
  25. I went back to an earlier save right after the all-star game and turned off trades. I was able to play through the end of July without any problems. Can't figure out what caused the problem but appears to be okay now. Keep up the good work. Your rosters have been great.
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