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Everything posted by Nacho1811

  1. Version 1.0.0


    The 2024 Round Rock Express uniforms, the AAA team of the Texas Rangers, contain 2 alternate uniforms, install them with EaGraph, the files are already compressed, enjoy them. Uniformes 2024 del Round Rock Express, equipo AAA de los Rangers de Texas, contiene 2 uniformes alternativos, instalarlos con EaGraph, los archivos ya estan comprimidos, que los disfruten.
    Friend, after such a good job and you don't place the players' lists, a waste
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Uniformes alternativos de Bowling Green Hot Rods filial clase A fuerte de Tampa Bay Rays Ya vienen comprimidos instalar con eagraph Disfruten - - - - - - - Bowling Green Hot Rods Alternate Uniforms Tampa Bay Rays Class A Strong Affiliate They are already compressed to install with eagraph Enjoy
    @leodan87 ese archivo lo abres en el programa MVP edit
    buenas tardes amigo @junior1617 da error al intentar descargar la parte 12 en media fire, gracias
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Hudson Valley Renegades Alternate Uniform, Class A affiliate of the New York Yankees files are zipped Uniforme Alternativo de Hudson Valley Renegades, filial clase A de los Yankees de New York los archivos esta comprimidos
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Oakland Athletics AAA Team Visitor Kit: Las Vegas Aviators
    Hey my friend i cant run the program, it say: Component mscomctl.ocx or one its dependencies not correctly registred: a file is missing o invalid, please help
  5. Can you help me on how to run mvp edit in windows 8.1, tells me that the file is not registered condlg32.ocx thanks in advance
  6. File Name: 2013 Logos Daytona Cubs (A) Eire Seawolves (AA) File Submitter: Nacho1811 File Submitted: 18 May 2013 File Category: Miscellaneous Version: 1.0 Sharing new team logos 2013 Daytona Cubs (A) and Erie Seawolves (AA) branches of the Chicago Cubs and Detroit Tigers respectively L071 = Erie Seawolves L111 = Daytona Cubs Install with TIT Instaler regards Click here to download this file
  7. Version 1.0


    Sharing new team logos 2013 Daytona Cubs (A) and Erie Seawolves (AA) branches of the Chicago Cubs and Detroit Tigers respectively L071 = Erie Seawolves L111 = Daytona Cubs Install with TIT Instaler regards
  8. File Name: 2013 Logos Buffalo (AAA) and Dunedin (A) File Submitter: Nacho1811 File Submitted: 14 May 2013 File Category: Miscellaneous Version: 1.0 Here I share the new logos of the Toronto branch of the AAA Buffalo and Toronto and Dunedin with his new logo. Install them with TIT Installer regards Click here to download this file
  9. Version 1.0


    Here I share the new logos of the Toronto branch of the AAA Buffalo and Toronto and Dunedin with his new logo. Install them with TIT Installer regards
  10. Saludos No necesitas instalarlos solo copialos en la carpeta de "Stadiums" de la carpeta data , en el directorio C/archivos de programa/easports/mvp2012, recuerda respaldar el archivo anterior que va a ser sustituido
  11. File Name: Portrits Paralela del Magallanes Vzla. File Submitter: Nacho1811 File Submitted: 27 Apr 2013 File Category: Portraits Version: 1.0 Portraits Magallanes Players Click here to download this file
  12. Version 1.0


    Portraits Magallanes Players
  13. Nacho1811


    Saludos Juniorabad: En las dos descargas no viene el archivo bdcstdat.big, por lo que istaklando solo que que llego se ve bastante incompleto. Agradezco me puedas ayudar. Cordial Saludo Nacho1811
  14. Thanks friend for the contribution, you could ask us to send the line to make the switch from AAA Buffaloes branches and Las Vegas, Mets and Toronto, grateful in advance
  15. Thank you all for the support, I'll wait for the next version rosters have all day, thanks for sharing, we are a great community
  16. Greetings, install this roster to open the season but the Astros are still in the National League, this change does not fit with the roster? grateful
  17. Epa amigos gracias por la dedicación a mi no me corre y no se donde debo locolar loas archivos: .sav y .mbe agradezco cualqueir ayuda.
  18. File Name: Pensacola Blue Wahoos Logo File Submitter: Nacho1811 File Submitted: 20 Aug 2012 File Category: Miscellaneous Version: 1.0 Logo of Pensacola Blue Wahoos, AA of Cincinnati Reds Click here to download this file
  19. Version 1.0


    Logo of Pensacola Blue Wahoos, AA of Cincinnati Reds
  20. epa esto si esta pidiendo contraseña, revisa por favor, gracias
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