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    When I tried to install this using TiT, I kept getting "Application Error, EWriteException error in fifafs.exe." This is how I got around it: 1) Temporarily rename the existing MVP Baseball 2005 folder, such as to MVP Baseball 2005 CURRENT. 2) Install a clean version of MVP Baseball 2005, add the EA patches, and put a copy of TiT in the new game folder. 3) Use TiT to install this audio patch into the clean game. It should install successfully. 4) Copy four updated audio files from the base game back into the renamed one (i.e. MVP Baseball 2005 CURRENT). The paths/files are: MVP Baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\spch_pa\pnamedat.big MVP Baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\spch_pbp\pnamedat.big MVP Baseball 2005\data\audio\spch_pa\pnamehdr.big MVP Baseball 2005\data\audio\spch_pbp\pnamehdr.big 5) Rename or delete the temporary/clean game folder. Change the MVP Baseball 2005 CURRENT folder back to MVP Baseball 2005 to make it active again. Upon doing this, the player names appear to have updated properly. I play with the Mets and immediately observed that Mark Vientos's name was corrected. Because this mod appears to do what it says, and it installs fine on a clean game, I'm giving it 5 stars. However, as this is likely to be used with new roster mods, etc., be aware that you may run into the same problem and need to apply the above workaround.
    Good tool but the readme is missing a lot of information, which is surprising given how long it has been around. This makes using the tool to its full capability impossible. For example, if I see a player has a mismatched face, I'm fine with using another one that is already in the game, either a player that looks similar or a generic one. But, there is no index, no list to know what the many face IDs are. The face ID numbers don't match up to the photo numbers, so it's totally random without some kind of guide. Some player attributes are also locked in the in-game player editor, so I can't even work around it that way,m and I don't see an option in MVPedit to unlock the attributes for the relevant players. And before you ask- YES I searched the forum. You know what I found? A bunch of topics where people ask the same questions, and the only response is "search the forum". Nothing with real, actual, answers, or even a link to the correct place. Lastly, for those of you missing MSCOMCTL.OCX, DO NOT go downloading those files randomly and placing them in your system folders. This is a great way to get incorrect versions, viruses, etc. Just install Microsoft Visual Basic Common Controls, that will add and properly register the needed files.
  1. I'll check it out, thanks!
  2. Is there a way to change minor and major league affiliations? i.e. The Syracuse Chiefs, who were part of the Nationals organization, should now be under the Mets.
    Works as described. Note: You still need to change the setting in the game options, and it only affects gameplay resolution, not the menus. Just pointing this out, as I almost mistakenly thought it didn't work.
    While I can appreciate the work that must have gone into this, there are some things that make this frustrating to play. -Stadium select screens are captioned only in Spanish when everything else is in English. And, it's in the graphics, so not easily adjusted. Why not at least make it bilingual with both English and Spanish? -As noted by another reviewer, "Soundtrack is terrible, and I could definitely do without the futbol celebration homerun call." (To get rid of the home run call, replace this file with the default version: (MVP Baseball 2005\data\audio\cd\hmrn_sfx\hsfxdat.big) -The songs have a lot of cursing, and lines about sucking on things (you get the idea). I occasionally play this game with my kid, so I will have to mod this. -Some stadium cameras are messed up, the replays have me staring at the back of the fans' heads or the walls. TLDR- Great in some areas, maddening in others, and not appropriate for smaller children.
  3. For anyone encountering the COMDLG32.OCX error, this is the fix: 1) Download the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6 Cumulative Update from the following link (don't install, just download). Use 7zip to extract the contents of VB60SP6-KB2708437-x86-ENU.msi to a folder. Locate comdlg32.ocx. 2) For Windows 64-bit systems, copy comdlg32.ocx file to: C:\Windows\SysWOW64 For Windows 32-bit systems, copy comdlg32.ocx file to: C:\Windows\System32 3) Run command prompt as administrator: -If you're using Windows 32-bit, type the following command and press ENTER: regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx -If you're using Windows 64-bit, type the following command and press ENTER: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\comdlg32.ocx Profit!
  4. Better yet, will the pitch meter update from the MVP 08 mod work in teh 2012 mod as well? I used the pitch meter fix indicated in the topic link below, but I don't know if that will create problems if I use it in this new mod. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=44586
  5. Is there a way to make the pitch meter target a little easier? It's almost impossible to throw a good pitch consistently now, even when i adjust the pitch meter difficulty in the gameplay options. For some reason that little green target is much smaller than it was before. I am not a modder but if the fix is relatively simple I'm not afraid to try and do it myself.
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