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Files posted by richoz30

  1. 573e8d551cebb_MVP2016roster5.16.16.rar

    Here are MLB focused rosters as of May 16th, 2016. Rosters are always changing but here is what I came up. Some minor league players may be on the right teams but by no means is this a full roster job. Big thanks to Gordo for his MVP 2016 Initial Rosters which is what I used to build these from, and another big thanks to rglass95 for the use of the MVPedit tool. Enjoy!


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  2. schedule.big

    Here is the 2016 schedule.big file that I've tested in my copy of MVP 2005 with the MVP 2015 Total Conversion Mod. I used DylanBradbury's MVP Baseball 2005 Schedule Generator and typed all 2430 games into the Excel spreadsheet. It took some time but it's worth it to play the current schedule.  I have checked all of the teams schedules and simulated a season all the way through to the World Series. Here is the only trick, it will show up as 2005 which isn't a big deal since the 2005 calendar exactly matches the 2016 calendar so the dates all match up. I have even put in all of the correct game times that were listed on each team's schedules.
    What I have done to get the year to show 2016 was to use the ScheduleUpdaterv2.00 from the MVP1993 Mod to adjust the year to 2016, then use it again to adjust the days up by 2. You have to use the ScheduleUpdater with the game open and the season started with the new schedule. Just minimize the game and run the updater, it's worked for me every time.
    Again, thanks to DylanBradbury for creating his spreadsheet and making it possible for me to use my time in a creative way!


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