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  1. I've been playing this game again for a few months now, and I still find myself tweaking certain sliders every now and then, even after about 100 games played with pretty realistic stat totals overall. In my quest for the "perfect" slider setting (i.e. one that purely allows for a realistic MLB experience both statistically and aesthetically), my question to you guys is, what are your specific Slider settings? I'd especially like to pose this questions to the mods and modders of this game/site, as I've always been curious what settings you guys have been using after all these years. Obviously you guys play the game a whole lot more and have experienced every little nuance of it, which is my main reason for aiming this question toward the higher-ups. So, on to the debate, if anyone dares. We can also avoid droning on about power sliders and pitch speed, since they seem to be more about preference and user skill than anything else. Who's in?
  2. Thanks for replying. I did all of the above, but those players are still on the DL. Even I'm a little surprised it didn't work, since I recall being able to heal players this way as well. Does anyone else have an idea what might be up?
  3. Hey guys. I realize I may have set my injury slider too high at the beginning of my season, but at any rate there's been a huge spike in injuries around the league and I was wondering if there's any way to pull certain players off the DL using Ty's Roster Editor. I've noticed that setting a player to "no injury" only stops the specific injury from being listed, however their heal date and number of DL days left remains unaffected. Is there a trick I'm missing here? Thanks for reading.
  4. Hey guys. I'm currently using the 2K15 mod, and I've noticed that in Play Now mode there isn't any Inside Edge info for my hitters when batting, including Hot/Cold zones in the strikezone window. I usually set Inside Edge to First Pitch Only, but I've also tried switching it to All Pitches and still nothing. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm not sure whether maybe I'm missing a game file, or if Hot/Cold zones were omitted from the new mod. Since I usually play with a different team each time and I like to be selective and hunt for good pitches to hit, I never know if where I'm looking might be a cold zone and result in weak contact. Another thing I've notcied is, if I swing and miss at a pitch in a hot or cold zone, it will display the color but only AFTER the pitch is delivered. While that does help me remember where to look the second or third time through the order, it gives the opposing starter a fairly strong advantage because I'm rarely able to get any offense going until the 4th or 5th inning, causing his confidence and pitch values to be too high to overcome (especially if the opposing team knocks in a few runs early). Kind of frustrating when guys like Aaron Harang can throw five innings of no-hit ball each time he goes out...
  5. Hey guys. First time posting here, just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work on the 2K15 mod. Seriously, these updates breathe new life into the game and have made the presentation/overall feel even better. I do have one question about rosters, though. I'd like to start a realistic 2K15 season, but am not sure what to do with the included roster being so recent. Is there a mod that can take these same player ratings (they seem very accuarate) and simply rearrange the players back to their Opening Day slots? If there's a way to possibly include both the 2015 Opening Day roster along with the more recent post-season version, it might make sense for those of us looking to relive some of this past season -- one of the most exciting summers in recent years, if you ask me. I would say "go Mets!" here, but I'm still trying to fully process how that all went down... Edit: Sorry for the dumb post, I just realized that the BSU Franchise mod actually does include the proper Opening Day rosters. I guess this makes me 0-1 in here, but hey, baseball is a game of misses, right?
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