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Everything posted by TorontoBJays

  1. Ok, thx hopefully someone makes one.
  2. Will this roster work super mega baseball 4?
  3. The roster I am working on is almost complete, 15 more teams to go, after that I have to create alot of players, but that doesn't take long. New players will not have portraits and all there attributes set to 50. Hopefully will be playable within a week.
  4. The roster I am working on, is almost complete with all minor league teams updated. However the portraits for the new players are not. Trying to make it so the updated headtrip portraits work. Pretty close to the master list, but not quite as there are alot of new minor league players. Hopefully will be complete and playable within 2 weeks.
  5. I am also working on it again, gonna take awhile longer cause all minor teams will have correct players, and not filled in with retired ones.
  6. I have a partial 2023 roster was working on, if you want it. It will say 2k22 but it 23. Had to take a break. Most teams are complete except for the minors. Should be partially compatible with headtrip 47 portraits, I've created alot of players without portraits.Pbroster2k22.ROS
  7. Awesome work as always. Sure makes the game look better. Anyone know if there is a Gausman cyber yet?
  8. c:/users/(WHATEVER YOUR FOLDER IS CALLED)/appdata/roaming/2ksports/Major League Baseball/saves However users/your folder name/appdata is hidden, so you have to unhide it in view.
    Got them installed finally, absolutely amazing work.
  9. As far as I know, it is hard to match the exact tone, so I try to get as possible, 11 is supposed to be the darkest, but it also depends on the cyber. Still trying to learn all this so can make better.
  10. I believe it would be the original with cyberface i downloaded and changed. As of portaits, I am trying to add as i find them and also update the numbers.
  11. That is my name Peter middle and last.
  12. Version 1.0.1


    Updated roster to 2022 season. **ALL** teams done including minors. Newly created players do not have portraits, as I do not know how to make them. Will be updating mlb portraits as others put them out. I hope you all enjoy it, credits go to everyone. Thx, any issues let me know so I may attempt a fix.
  13. Will be placing a newer roster in bout a week, should be no problems after that. Will place degrom on proper team, if notice more let me know as I am working on a new roster.
  14. I am still working out loose ends. I will test it and see what happens, what team were you using in my player mode?
  15. I believe so, if anything is missing than will add, just not sure about portaits though.
  16. There is still lots to do, I am trying to learn how to make portraits for this roster, but don't know how, I have the programs and pics to do it. Also the new players will most likely have wrong audio, that I would love to change, so if anyone knows how, let's make this a great roster.
  17. I know what your talking about rosters, I did the best I could. I have done all the rosters, there maybe some players that have been sent down, but all the players are there, minors also. There is bout 7 in free agent that have first names freea to free as I need to complete. No retired players that I know of are there except for the national league al grears
  18. I find reditor ii is great, but not sure how to create a player, I removed all the non playing players, but now the id's are gone. Anyone know how to add a new player? All minor and major teams are done, but missing all the new player that I still have to create. Thx for any help on this matter.
  19. Will add, thanks for the info, if anything else will try to fix, will attempt the minor league soon, just not sure where to get all the info
  20. Yes, I am still very new at even creating a roster, not sure where to get the info for all the new players and such. Any info you may have I am sure would help out anyone making a roster. THx
  21. Version Final B


    This is a newly updated version of 2k21 roster. MLB teams might need some player shifts, will be updating shortly. Also some player's that are playing that are not on team due to 12 hitter 13 pitcher rule are in the 2k sports roster.
  22. Yeah had to change a few yet, but still unsure on how to remove the player, still very new to this aspect of the game.
  23. Version 1.0.0


    No change from last, except for created Yamaguchi and placed on Toronto, not accurate as could not find stats, but bio is correct, and his pitches. Did not do any of the minor leagues, as not sure where to get the info.
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