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  1. Yes yes that would work however from the research I've done some image files on the Xbox are swizzled and cyberfaces are swizzled where on the pc they are unswizzled so I haven't found a way to swizzle an image. That is where I'm having problems.
  2. The tools you uploaded work on converting uniform and portrait files, so that helped tremendously. But I couldn't get it to convert cyber faces. It's not a big deal if I can't figure it out as I will just use default faces.
  3. Does anyone know how to convert pc cyber faces on mvp for use on Xbox? If anyone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. I almost have my roster completely updated and would love to make it a little more realistic but if it can't be done, no big deal. Thanks.
  4. Yeah from what I remember Madden 08 wasn't that bad, but I still prefer my 2k5 personally.
  5. I didn't know it was backwards compatible. I bet modded Madden wouldn't be bad.
  6. Wow man those are some crazy videos. I loved the Texans/Chiefs week 1 highlight video, this game still amazes me to this day. All the mechanics were so great, I can only imagine what it would be like today if they were still made.
  7. One of the reasons I picked up an original Xbox. NFL 2k is so much better than Madden.
    Thank you very much for these Gordo. These should help me out tremendously.
  8. Did you upload those in the tools section of the DL's? I did not see them anywhere, I apologize if I just overlooked them. Never mind I'm blind I just found them. Thanks again Gordo!
  9. Okay thank you. Yeah I'll just install it and try and figure it out.
  10. It is not possible to remove players altogether within the Xbox. It has to all be done through mvpedit, which is no problem. I have to test out a pc roster yet and change to generic faces to see if I can get it to work without crashing. I'm hoping to do that this weekend. I appreciate all your help and I have one more question for you if I may. Do you know if its possible to convert an .fsh pc file to an .xsh Xbox file? For example like a cyberface or portrait.
  11. Is it possible to remove players altogether?
  12. Okay awesome. Thanks alot for the help man!
  13. Even rosters made for mvp 15?
  14. Well I downloaded an user roster as well but it was in the same format. I was just hoping to be able to use a more updated roster as a base and edit from there but it looks like I'll just have to start from scratch.
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