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    Wichita, KS
  • Interests
    Baseball, College Basketball, College Football

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  1. Thanks, I'll try that out.
  2. End it tonight Cleveland!!
  3. The HD 7870 is dedicated card. (http://www.amazon.ca/Gigabyte-Mini-Displayport-PCI-Express-Graphic-GV-R787OC-2GD/dp/B007PJVB3Y) I'll try it out with just the base game with patch 3. THanks. EDIT: It does the same thing with just the base game and just the base game + patch 3.
  4. On my Windows 7 machine, (8 GB of ram, HD 7870, i3 4160) the ball seems to jump around and lag, there is a lot of stuttering and freezing, especially when the ball is put in play and etc. What I've noticed is the game only seems to be using 100-200 MB of RAM. This is the same with a copy of the game with MVP NCAA Baseball and the base game with a 1080p patch and the 4GB patch. Anyone know what's up?
  5. I'd love to try it. Any guides I can read up on, regarding how to do it?
  6. Wichita Wingnuts Uniforms They replace the Wranglers uniforms. I didn't replace anything in the uniform selection screen, fyi. Currently taking requests, just post to the thread if you want anything made.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    These are the home and away jerseys for the 2016 Wichita Wingnuts out of the American Association. They replace the AA Wichita Wranglers uniforms. Make sure to back up your files!! (Note that I did NOT replace anything in the uniform select screen.) Install using EAGraph.
  8. Updating this. Now that the Windows 10 free upgrade period is almost over, just going to say: It's 100% not worth your time/money to buy Windows 10 and attempt to run MVP 05 on it. It's a total hassle that results in a best case scenario of graphics problems and stuttering. At this point, just either stay on 7, or install XP alongside 10. I've chosen to go with the Windows 7 route, and I am enjoying it.
  9. So Microsoft has removed a key component required to play MVP Baseball 2005 on Windows 10. For many, the game won't launch or throws up an error when they attempt to launch. Never fear, there is a solution! (thanks to www.twcenter.net, which is where I found this guide.) A workaround is to copy secdrv.sys from a windows 8 / 8.1 machine, self sign the driver, and enter into testsigning boot mode. You can do this manually or use 3rd party programs to do it. First copy secdrv.sys from a windows 8 machine to c:\windows\system32\drivers. You can also download it at http://www.opendll.com/index.php?file-download=secdrv.sys&arch=64bit&version= . Same file as the one I got from a vanilla windows 8.1 install v md5 3ea8a16169c26afbeb544e0e48421186 Then self sign the driver. You can use a program Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider to do this: http://www.ngohq.com/?page=dseo Or read about doing it yourself here. You will also need to make the certificate. Then enable TESTSIGNING boot mode by opening an admin command prompt and typing: bcdedit -set testsigning on Now safedisc games should work. You will get an annoying watermark in testsigning mode. You can remove it using this program. Or read about removing it manually here. I tested secdrv.sys and the above programs in Windows 10 Pro x64 and confirms that it does work. This guide worked for me, and I hope it works for you too!
  10. I'm using it right now, it's pretty good. Had some difficulty getting MVP to work (works now), but everything else seems to be good.
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