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September Call-Up

September Call-Up (2/10)

  1. Just a question does anyone know how to change a team from one team to another.. im trying to replace the florida marlins name to miami marlins and curious where could i go to make that change in the ame if possible. any information would be apprectiated in doing this..
  2. question where was the most updated portrait pack that u have gotten? and where?

  3. i am having problems trying to find the updated cyberfaces for mlb2k11 and i was curious if there is a file that i can get on the disc or where can i find the most updated cyberfaces for the game of mlb2k11 being it seems mine or generic and i would like more realistic pic for the mlb2k11 please.. any help would be appreciated while i sit in a hospital doing test please.. please helpe please
  4. Question for everyone.. i have a folder with portraits in it and its shows pictures of players and it is portrait that collide with players so my question what is the folder for and can u update it at all or is that not able to do that> any help would be apprectiated being i cannot find a updated ty editor list of player ids...
  5. that would be great and if u do can i get a copy of it beng im working on the game now so i am needed a list of players that have numbers
  6. i am looking for the updated player id list if there is one like in spreadsheet form or any form just to see this list that they have and the correct numbers for those players if possible. Thanks for all your work for all stuff with this site. Thanks
  7. Thanks a lot for all that
  8. Thank you for your help.. i know i was needeing mlb2k stuff but that did help and i do thank u very much
  9. Thanks... question is it unlimted edits or does it have a limit which i was seeing
  10. I am looking for the mlb2k11 editor and i keep finding 1.1 version and i am curious if anyone knows where to download it or even email me the exe file so i can use the updated editor for mlb2k11 because im working on making a complete rosters for mlb2k11 for year 2016 and i needed the new editor so if it is possible someone could tell me where it is located being the old one is on the mvp mods page but its the version 1.1 and i am needing the updated one if possible .. thanks
  11. Just a General question can u delete players that are normal in the 2k series if so what editor do u need to use to be able to do this if u can. i am just curious about doing some baseball stuff and i am curious if u can delete players that have been retired to keep a game going? any comments or help would be appreciated
  12. ok but some prospecfs are not on there yet like the astros two prospects i see that are not showing up on any roster or updated pictures even though they were on the end of year rosters.
  13. I am looking to to fill rosters and have a real picture portrait of the current prospects on mvp 16 so any help on showing me where to get them would be apprectiated being i would love to have them if possible.
  14. I am attemping to place the corect face image to players in the game mlb2k11 and im wondering what computer program do i need to use to make sure it does done right. i a m new at this but want to learn and build on this so anyones help or even direct me towards a tutorital would be appreciated. i have a lot of free time being diagnosis with cancer so anyhelp would be needed..
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