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  • Location
    Havana, Cuba
  • Interests
    Baseball and (almost) every sport

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    This 1.3 version is supposed to include all the players (at least 40-man rosters), with correct birth places, throwing/batting arm, age, height and pitcher tendencies????? Because there are A LOT of missing players (some with more than 5 years of experience) and some of the players have wrong bio (the first I noticed is Taylor Ward who is basically Bobby Abreu, including Venezuela as birth place). Please, did I downloaded the wrong file?
  1. Gracias por poner al Yuli en el frontpage..... tienes pensado hacer un overlay para el nuevo Mod? Saludos
    In the Ke'Bryan Hayes folder is other face, not the one for him...
    Hola bro, excelente trabajo, como siempre! podrías decirme que paquete de iconos de equipos tienes instalado? esos que te muestro en la imagen..... son tuyos personalizados o los descargaste del sitio?? Saludos y gracias por seguir contribuyendo a hacer este juego más ameno para los que lo jugamos
  2. there's an even better Arenado's face right here in the site, this is the link https://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/10190-christmas-2017-9-cyberfaces/
  3. Juliux

    Sandy Alcántara

    Brother estas últimas te estan quedando mucho mejores. Felicidades!!
    Excellent work... As usual Thank you so much for make this game a lot nicer. BTW.... I've been waiting for a while your updates for Braves and Indians, hope they're coming soon
    Hi Bro, been following your great work with uniforms for a while and want to try doing some of my own for a project we're starting at 2K Cuba... Is there any standard PSD templates I can use for that? Thank you in advance for any help
    Great job! As usual What software(s) you use for this?
    Great work dude!! Like ming I'm checking the site everyday for updates 😂👍
    Hi, PLEASE!! Someone help me! Umachines or somebody else, I'm having troubles extracting the files. I need some specific tool? I only have WINRAR.
    Awww ... wait for it.... SOME!!!!!
    Hola, yo tambien soy cubano y me gusta mucho este sitio. Te tengo una pregunta, hay algunos Overlays en los que el nombre del pitcher sale demasiado grande (el tamaño de la letra) para el espacio que dejan y no se ve bien. Es problema solo mio o te ha pasado tambien? Se puede arreglar de alguna forma? Por cierto, muy buen trabajo. El lunes trataré de hacer una nueva review y dejarte aqui el archivo .iff original que pides. Saludos
    Hi everyone, I just downloaded and I'm getting corrupted dl's too.... Any answers??? It's only a problem I'm (and ming) getting?
  4. Juliux


    Just a Masterpiece.... Thanks a lot
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