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Everything posted by Schordese

    Very nice , I hope there are more to come.
  1. Schordese

    FACE for 2018

    Great work
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Additional portraits to complement Gordo's EOS 2018 roster Some are new (Milb players) but most are existing portraits that have been tweaked by request. Backup your files in case you prefer to older portraits Install with TiT
  3. Version 1.0.0


    MVP Baseball portrait updates as per Gordo's end of season roster list. Install as a pack with TiT or individually with bigGUI. Portraits generated with Krawitham's portrait maker v1.5
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Updated American League portraits for MVP Baseball as per Gordo's list This concludes the current list Please PM me for any issues/errors encountered. Install with TiT or individually with bigGUI Special thanks to Krawhitham for his portrait maker v1.5
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Updated portraits for MVP Baseball as per Gordo's list ** National League ** Install with TiT as a pack or individually with bigGUI
  6. No problem, I think it's a good idea to keep these id slots for team logos. Thanks guys
  7. I think he meant "Reassign" rather than "resign" So you need to reassign those 30 players above to their new ID numbers so slots 4922-4951 are now vacant.
  8. Corbin Burnes' ID is 463 (MIL not KC) He is erroneously listed as Corbin Bunes (as you had previously requested). The name needs to be corrected on the main list.
    Great work!
  9. Es exclusivamente en espanol ?
  10. Hmm just like the poor to the rich !
    Hey, that ain't too shabby for a first crack at it. Keep it up B4.
  11. Is this exclusively in espanol ?
    Wow, these are awesome !
    Nice work BallFour , I'll definitely check that out! The only thing missing is a big "Labatt 50" dangling over the bleachers like the Coke bottle at AT&T Park. Although its popularity has decreased over the years due to demographics, I know for a fact that 50 is a dang good brew !
  12. Looks pretty good man, keep it up.
    Works well and looks great !
    Thanks B4
    As always
    Great stuff
    Yeah baby! Whoof.... you had me worried BF, thought you'd hung up your paintbrush for a little while.
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