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    Covington GA

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Major Leaguer

Major Leaguer (4/10)

  1. I'm sorry, but you will not find any support here for anything other than a retail version of the game. If you do not have a serial number, then you don't have an "Official Retail" copy of the game.
  2. Removed No, the latest version is complete. If you don’t have a 7zip option in your right-click context menu, then you don’t have 7zip installed properly.
  3. I hate to be reddundant and at the risk of being an annoyance, do you know of any way to modify the MLB2K12 catchers hockey helmets with the current "V" pattern team colors?  Or as they did in 2K11 put the team logos on there?

  4. Each stadium iff file contains its own ad images. Feel free to change them yourself, as creating stadium-specific advertising is more of an undertaking than I have the time to do.
  5. Yes just the one big archive.
  6. I just downloaded all 7 parts of the archive, tested the archive with 7-zip with no errors. Here's a link for the complete archive for you to try. Just click the download button in the upper right corner.
  7. I've tried and can't reproduce the errors you described. What version of Windows are you using? Is it possible that you have a janky internet connetion with some packet loss? I'll try posting a full archive (not split up) on Google drive and see if that helps.
  8. Delete all of the file parts you downloaded, and re-download them. Then right-click ONLY THE FIRST one and select 7-Zip context menu, then select Extract to "MLB2K19-v2.2.1\". 7-Zip will automatically extract ALL FILE PARTS into that directory. Then you can copy all of the files in that directory over to your game directory.
  9. Looks good, nice job.
  10. I’m not sure what you’re asking...?
  11. Please post a screenshot so I can see where and at what point you are in the game in order to try to replicate the problem. Thanks.
  12. Go ahead.
  13. If you’re going to use someone else’s hard work, my logo for example, you should ask for permission, or at the very least credit their work in your description.
  14. When I downloaded and activated the 2019 front end, I noticed the ad boards were all changed except 1.  Levi's Landing in AT&T park is still missing.  Any help please?


  15. The black jersey with Miami on the front is the batting practice jersey. They haven’t released the official BP jerseys yet so I had to take a little creative license. You’re right about the piping on the away jersey, thanks.
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