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A Tea Daze

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  1. Thanks for making and uploading this. MLB2K12 Roster Editor is completely broken on my Windows 10 setup
    An excellent mod to modernize one of the only PC baseball games available with native 4K and modern controller support. It's easy to install and is very well-made Note: I found that it is impossible to edit anything using the recommended tool. The readme says to import the colors.txt file but Roster Editor fails to import any file and subsequently throws an error every time I click a button Use this tool to import your color.txt file instead:
    This uniform pack is perfect. The textures are high-quality and the details on the numbers are way better than the vanilla game. I have nothing negative to say about it I replaced the away jersey with the '90s-era rainbow jerseys on my game for a 1980-1988 style (and to add more variety)
  2. It's completely broken on Windows 10. I get this error with any color import for a .ROS file Try using REDitor II: Instead of using the [Import] button in MLB 2K Roster Editor use this: Install and run REDitor II Open your roster (Ex: Filename.ROS) Go to [File] > [Import from CSV...] Select your colors.txt Save Note: I haven't fully tested it but I have verified that my manual edits are working properly
    The game is literally unplayable without it unless you like manually changing the date every time you run it It's completely safe to use. The script does exactly what it says and nothing more. It needs admin rights to change the date as it's a system-level setting I would only change line 10 to improve compatibility. It uses the default installation directory for MLB2K12 so it will not work if you installed MLB2K12 to another directory Example: I changed it to this to get it working on my computer: Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Games\MLB 2K12\mlb2k12.exe" -Wait Alternately, you could change the file path string to .\mlb2k12.exe and explicitly require the script to be run from the MLB2K12 root folder An essential mod. Thanks for uploading it!
  3. Thanks, I appreciate it. I'd try myself but I have zero experience w/ modding MVP. I can't even get the uniform studio running on my PC (Windows 10 does not seem to like Visual Basic). Is there a way I can simply replace 1 jersey w/ MVP 2015 installed? I'd hate for you to go through the trouble of making it if I can't install it. I'm assuming I can install a single replacement w/ a batch file and tool like gfxpak? I just want to replace the Astros alternate jersey. Also, MVP 93 uses the same texture and the shoulder stripes look too narrow-- like they're 50% thinner than they should actually be. Example: That is an interesting mod, though. I'm going to keep a copy of an MVP 1993 installation so I can play it when I'm feeling nostalgic. I'd rather play with the current rosters and just find a way to improve the alternate/throwback jersey.
    This jersey is perfect. The "shoulder rainbow" jersey doesn't get enough love. I installed the grayer one to the "1975 Road" slot. It gives me a little more variety (seeing as the home/away jerseys are seemingly identical for the 1975 Astros. I could've sworn they used the "tequila sunrise" and "shoulder rainbow" jerseys for home/away at one point-- but the 90s were a long time ago.
  4. Can anyone make a decent looking 93-era Astros jersey? The shoulder stripes are way too narrow in MVP 2005. Something like this (but for MVP 05): Assuming anyone is willing to do this, will it be complicated to overwrite the corresponding uniform slot w/ MVP 2015 installed? I tried to replace some jersey slots but the MVP 05 tools are written in Visual Basic and do not work on Windows 10 for me.
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